The Absolute BEST Star Wars Moments On The Graham Norton Show

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mark hamilton you had the granddaddy you had i mean one of the biggest secrets of cinema history right uh the darth vader [Laughter] kids are just at episode two what so how long did you have to keep that secret well the contrast was when we did star wars nobody cared you know i read it and i i gave it to my friend to read i said that this is the goofiest thing i've ever read and then he called he said you're right it is goofy uh can i give it to meredith i said sure i passed it all around nobody cared by the second film that's when their scrutiny became more intense and there was a wonderful substitute revelation in that scene and the way we filmed it vader said you don't know the truth obi-wan killed your father and the idea of alec guinness being the real villain i thought wow what a spectacular twist and it's just as you see in the film no search your feelings you know it's true wallop the hand goes off but so vividly the director irvine kirschner uh took me aside he came to my dressing room actually and he said i'm going to tell you something i know it george lucas knows it and when i tell you you'll know it but if it leaks we'll know it was you so i said what what and he handed me the piece of paper that said i am your father. i was shocked i said is that is that true he said well you search your feelings and we're going to play it like that so oh my gosh dad vader and then i was paranoid because i thought you know it was way before social media and all of that but i had to keep the secret for about a year and a half i didn't tell carrie i didn't tell well you know telephone telegraph tell it carrie she had no vault whatsoever in fact harris and i would test her if you really wanted to get something out fast you ask carrie to keep it in your confidence so at the screening when that happened harrison turned to me and said hey kid he didn't tell me that i apologize for the f-bomb i only used it for historical accuracy yeah i mean i was so thrilled because i mean i don't like having the the burden of that i talk in my sleep you know it could be really dangerous does harrison like your impression on him no actually he once said to me hey i don't sound anything like that it's very accurate is shrouded in in secrecy the whole thing we're not allowed to know anything so daisy how long did you have to keep the secret of actually being in it that you've got the part three months no three months you have to tell someone in three months did you not know that oh i told them when i got cast i told the taxi driver you didn't tell anyone i i released it the other day i did tell the taxi driver i can't lie to you i did your family didn't know no my family didn't know the taxi driver did i got in the taxi and i was just like mate i've just been cast in star wars he was just like all right mate so who did you tell first daisy i told my sister and my mum when i came in and then i told my dad and then he was kind of sleeping he went jesus christ and then and then the next day he was like i think your mum told me something and i was like no no i told you that and then you went oh i was always more of a trek fan that's a bad father he's great he's back today yeah how was your family when you heard of john um they had no clue what star wars was but they were great that i got a job and carrie the secrecy thing how have you managed to keep i mean did they give you a script did they give you a script they gave me a script for about three hours and waited on you know out by the gate and uh so it was a lot of pressure to i just looked for my bits no idea what context it was in nothing and i still don't know so uh you know i uh i i don't know it was awful but i told him no no i i and i kept the secret so she's so rubbish she told me because i knew i'd do the show one day and it would help me yes have you seen the film yes but before that a year ago she told me yeah everything everything oh my gosh [Laughter] i can't believe it i love all the people to trust with the secret i'm not the one i thought you were luke yeah i know i was very sure you developed you as a person no but here's the thing so he doesn't just wonder is he happy to stay there overexposed and he's tired okay so he'll be fine should we ignore him absolutely act like nothing happened he's having a whale of a time his back hurts a little bit he needs him he is doing yoga i don't believe his schedule well listen there's an awful lot of people in the audience who love you and so all right calm down so i'm just going to give an opportunity for some of them to say i love you so uh so who where oh look at her blue hand right up there oh yeah you already did it can you uh okay what's your name anna anna and stand up where are you from anna uh sorry sorry i love harrison that's the point now wait a minute we get into that okay so there he is he's he's he's not going any nearer but okay look him in the eyes and tell him oh wait for the wait for the music for the movie look at the eyes i love you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i know [Applause] can someone else have a go do you mind yeah sure yeah you're there you're there what's that what's your name yoka what yoka from belgium yoker yokan yoko yo yo leave her alone so you're fr do you live here now no i don't so you're just here from belgium on holiday i came for this yes to see mr ford yes okay so here we go here we go so i love you thank you your mother loves you because you're her daughter yeah but she is actually a sort of a fan as well you know it's not she's not quite that it's um she is oh goodness right so my uh uh one day my mom came to set on the star wars set uh and i was getting this thing called cyber scand which is where you stand in this kind of loads of cameras and they kind of take your form and put you into a computer and make a toy or a some sort of merchandise or your face on a cushion yeah um and so i go off and do this and i come back and mum's like i've made a great friend and i'm like brilliant it's lovely excellent and she's like the merchandise you know director of all of star wars or something and i'm like wow very impressive and then before i know it what comes in the post is loads of cushions my face on it so my own mum i guess she gets to see it a fair amount you know but apparently it's not enough so i was kind of blown away how much merchandise there is yes and it's just the beginning it was like the pre-merchandise not even the real stuff is out yet and my mom has all of it and doesn't know about the doll yet so this is so weird i don't know is this in your flat or her house goodness okay so basically she'll be really funny if i came home and it was everywhere in my room okay so this is this is this is amelia's actual bedroom [Applause] oh and then oh my goodness we found the photo but it's not like that now there is another reason why i'm saying the first date back to that yeah come on in [Laughter] this little thing once i don't have a cv i just have a bedroom daisy you get to use your lovely english voice i do throughout i do john not so much no i have an american accent in there do it he's so good no it's incredible your accent is so good oh thank you i mean i tried it in the british but it didn't work out i'm a stone trooper i'm gonna have a say yeah did you do it on on stream uh yes yes um and jj was just like uh john i i don't think it's right it's not so let's go with american but what if you hadn't been able to do america then i would have been pissed [Laughter] because carrie way back in the beginning 19 was it 76 76 76 when you're on set your first day on set you had a similar thing with an accent but mine was an accident accent i had been it's viral i've been going to school here it's the central school of speech and drama oh yes and we've been taught to sort of say what did you do to try to take it a minute or two to two thing distinctly hard to say but a harder thing to do and so uh well all right isn't it beautiful and you can see it in all my work all the levels and the layers so um i went in it was like governor talking i thought i recognized your foul stench when i arrived on board now i did it conversationally and george came to me the only time i really got direction from george was the first day he said you are really upset you're just about to have your planet blown up and you know such like and when i get upset i become british you're better at conflict than we are clearly and so i just so try to governor talking i thought i recognized your foul stench when i arrived on board and where there are nerd fans there are nerd tattoos and i believe you've had your first nerd tattoo yes yes i came across um a uh a a a a male um don't say it listen who has had the character of jinn tattooed onto his um it's you he's had you tattooed well yes i guess me and me as jen tattooed onto his calf oh i'm really worried for a second [Laughter] here you are here you are on a cough oh my goodness oh man oh it's he's there's his ankles so they're amazing it's actually kind of an oddly good lightness for a tattoo yeah i'm just worried about what happens when the hair grows back i'm going to be a bearded lady it's planet of the apes now [Laughter] one of the things we saw in in the clip there effin and captain phasma you get into it you have a big a big fight and you've been saying how i guess it's ying and yang you're in the the outfit yeah which must make it harder yes not ideal not ideal to even move really in the outfit let alone fight john but if if you see what she was doing and and the training it was she was ferocious i was like can she actually see every time i was swinging at her i was just doing there was a there's a moment of contact and the power with which john uh met me with i will never forget that was like me like trying to save my own life now i would say and i don't know if i was a betting man in that fight i would put money on gwendolyn because you do have the advantage well we kind of talked about this i've got a higher center of gravity so that's not an advantage i've got a contract on my side [Applause] so this is the start of the match sorry about it no it only works if you stand you've got you don't know what i'm just warming up my knees because don't do tippy toes again [Laughter] okay here we go here we go [Applause] but your boys went to see uh the premiere yeah they did they were there last night yeah they loved it they they um my oldest obviously is 16 so he was allowed out that late but romeo normally he's uh not um so last night he went with his big brother and he had the the honor and the thrill of watching it and um i mean they both came back and was raving about it and said it was really incredible so he had a good time you know what would make your kids really jealous what's that is if you just pose with a lightsaber with finn that would actually make him very gentle do it do it i got one i got one in manchester united red where is it no i really do i really do where's the blue one again okay there's the blue one and actually now here's the thing because you're in is it you're in the new king arthur film i am just a small part yeah have you done some sword training i have done something yeah well we're looking for some oh look at him look at this okay you get that to work i'm moving well yeah yeah can we not kill can we not kill kylie that's all i ask now there's a so basically to turn this on you push you push that thing that one up okay that there we go you've got david beckham you've gone off you have met your match i just wanted to meet you mate so this week you had the big london premiere yes and you were all there yeah and you all got to meet royalty yeah i said after you know your royal highness and doing all that i said can you settle this for me my mother was queen amidala my father was lord vader my sister is princess leia doesn't that make me royalty i was hoping you know that they would agree william said well absolutely i think that should make you i think i need more information but here's the thing so so they're in the movie uh are you are you allowed to tell us which stormtroopers they are you kind of have to compare with body type and try and figure it out i mean i only had one question for harry when i met him was whether he was going to have nigerian catering at the wedding i hadn't met them before and i also hadn't realized my dress was slightly sheer so i was almost naked when i met rob were they very good with eyes they really kept the gaze up and the party was in their house kids need to palace yeah yeah is that their house i don't know i don't know if that's the way they live exactly though because they talk about the cottage i'm like is it a cottage you know that but we know it's not true yeah so is there a function room how does it work well you did walk sort of past like a mess where people it's like a canteen and i thought oh is that where we're going but they had a lovely thing upstairs it was like a red throne thing throne room place with the with the right i wanted to pose the photographs on there and was dragged away by yeah yeah yeah i was trying yeah i had to resist the urge to nick an ashtray as a souvenir yeah i think they leave things out for people to steal yeah and now so it's a big premiere and the boyega clan were out in force absolutely uh you bagged extra tickets oh now so this is your nephew yes little jj no he's not called tragedy after jj abrams no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i just thought it might have been a naughty name yeah he's named after jar jar [Applause] [Music] did you bring everyone to kensington palace or was that was that oh yeah no everyone everyone came down to the palaces yeah but as soon as 30 minutes saying my dad was like where is the proper food [Laughter] even if you weren't in these films you would be at that premiere you are like a proper star wars i have been a star wars fan since i was six years old yeah and i've really done my best to keep away from you mark not to bother and harass you and how amazing that you then you were in the star wars thing but also game of thrones so like i need to have like when those people at premiere see you gaming toads and stores they must have like a nerdgasm i think that's what it's called yeah and only occasionally there's an omission but you did rock up to work i mean that that you that is you yeah yeah they they spent a lot of money removing me from the film but yeah i was in a green suit underneath it all and it was half a practical suit in half there you were yeah there i am so you are sort of there i mean it was over there yes yes yes yes i mean no one had a clue who i was at the wrap party because i was like hey guys oh and that what is the story that at the at the audition you weren't a star wars aficionado no no i haven't uh thanks for bringing this up uh so you hadn't seen any of them and yet you rock up for the audition and rock up the audition and could you put that on the thing because my course safety first the story time so i uh yeah so i was i was going to the audition and i thought i'm just gonna this character was amazing she's a revolutionary she's really cool and the dialogue was amazing and but it kind of said just in one of the in the stage directions droid and so i was like droid freud what's the droid and then i googled droid and then nothing much really came up with it just pictures there wasn't explicitly it was a robot yeah it wasn't a taxi on the ladies audition i was like really shouldn't know what a droid is and i was asking my taxi driver he was like i don't know what a droid is and he called his family like who wants to drive and the more i didn't know the more panicky i got and then i got to the audition and i was like i'm just going to play it like a human because the chances are it's a human because most of the times when you audition it's for humans so i went in as a human and i did the audition they were like the guys were like oh that's really great thank you could you um try it a bit more droidy what sort of drawing kind of vibe do you want and luckily one of the directors went like this honestly i saw his hand he was like a bit more like robots i know what they were they decided they didn't need it to be droidy at all in the end i think it might have worked in my favor that way are you a good study the last time you were you did me and you were very good you did my laugh very well that wasn't good yeah it's do you do lots of people are you one of those actors no yes a few yeah but i mean i think i think i think a lot of us yeah don't we i mean it's either music or it's or it's it's it's voices or tones of voices i mean you know i used to muck around with dictaphones at school for ages and just you know do interpretations on impersonations of people and create characters and it's just sort of having an ear it's part of what we do i guess i mean even if it's not a real person just to imitate or have empathy with a state or a human being of any general you were doing chewbacca during the clip was i in time with the chewbacca thing just natural nature that's one of my favorites see back at moments it's just that i mean can i take you back you look shocked to be back is the thing about your your lightsaber being a different color is that story true that you the purple lightsaber yeah uh yeah um you know when i first got that job i didn't know what i was gonna do when i said i wanted to be in star wars george invited me over the ranch i got over and told him look i just want to be in the movie i'll be a storm trooper you can put me in one of those white suits let me run across the screen nobody needs to know that but me and i'll be happy he's like no we'll figure out something so i got over here and he made me a jedi um you know um and i was pleased i did some seeds with yoda and i did some scenes and liam and everything was great and then i came back the next year last week okay he didn't kill me off and there's this big we had this big arena fight scene with all these jedi in there fighting whatever and i was like well i want to be able to find myself in this big old scene so i said to george you think maybe i can get a purple lightsaber lightsabers are green or lightsabers are red yeah but i want a purple one you know i'm like the second baddest jedi in the universe [Music] let me think about it and when i came back to do reshoot she said i'm gonna show you something it's already causing a storm online and he had the purple lightsaber and i was like yeah so um i could find myself in that big fight scene in the middle of that you know there's like 300 light sabers in there there i am right there a lot of these little tops like they're real things they don't need they may be the purple one now oh yeah that's dope yeah they make this one that's the expensive one no there's nothing to do with it it just what well there's a couple things you can do with it and one of them would be give it to me that's probably in the office would be you know can i just say someone in the office [Applause] yeah look at that if my son had that i would be decapitating he does no oh i have the real one at home that has bad right here [Applause] [Laughter] this is amazing this gives you power yeah you look good with it i feel good don't touch that part oh you don't touch that no whoa [Applause] it just went off in your hands [Applause] [Music] is it true or not that you you kept a lightsaber i officially don't own a lightsaber props guy gave me one no i didn't you have to know what you're doing with these you see you do though is that the which one would you like which one looks like yours um the one in the middle is i think uh the the one i use that's that's alec guinness one oh they're the chores yeah yeah oh my god this these are really nice it's amazing how do you turn them can you bang them against each other will they break oh no they won't but you make the sound effects yourself do you want to do you want one not at all come on there you go there go go go you get a good sword oh look at that what that's fantastic but can you make the noises oh can i is it true that you did this thing i'm sure you could ask this a thousand times yeah like in rocket they did this at rocky as well where they had to you would make the sound effect yourselves so they had to go back and like sound was a nightmare because it was a bunch of people going no it wasn't to begin with it was quite difficult not to make the sound yeah and also when it goes away because it makes that nice noise when it goes down oh yes have you heard that in rocky the partly like the in the first film particularly it's just loads of sound effects of sylvester still all good okay let's look at the light let's have the lights down let some lights down because you have to you have to start them up oh okay so off off how would you do that yeah much down there okay so when you put it on it has to make this turn a noise you're so good at it i did it i spent months doing it mine keeps going off though when i twirl it i could ow [Applause] how much at the cost 150 quid each [Applause] if i are you going to kick it if i show you something can you get over do it over here hang on i'll throw this here wait who's who you just there you go actually i should be can you collect can you throw a ball chris i can't be like that i can't throw it on no you go you go you go you go okay okay here we go all right we're good let's baseball it baseball it's [Applause] what are you going to do with them you can have them if you want to well we could sign them and give them to this chat you take yours [Applause] sit here like this or the rest of the interview like a snicker player
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 1,903,808
Rating: 4.9388571 out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show new, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, carrie fisher, harrison ford, daisy ridley, john boyega, emilia clarke, mark hamill, ewan mcgregor, samuel l jackson, gwendoline christie, star wars, star wars may fourth, star wars films, star wars graham norton
Id: DsKyvzitr7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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