Graham Norton Joins The Suicide Squad!

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comic book heroes and action films we kind of assume they appeal to kind of nerdy boys essentially yeah and you kind of forget there are lots of nerdy women out there who like these films yeah yeah everyone's got their inner nerd yeah well you are a proper nerd aren't you uh i mean when it comes to harry potter i'm a massive massive nerd well we know that because you posted this picture is this your 12th or you're about 12 or 13 here this is margot robbie look how uncool do you know what's particularly pathetic about this picture a couple things really um number one i'll let you point them out number one it's my birthday that's how i chose to spend my birthday oh yay what was in the cup uh number two i'm drinking tea uh number three i'm wearing glasses even though i don't need glasses i lied to the optometrist because i wanted to have glasses like that now daniel i think you were where are you at harry potter fan and i love harry potter i just to get round to reading the last one okay so i just i was are you kidding me so you've read one to six and you haven't read the seven yeah i don't know are you actually kidding couldn't bear for twins i'm like not going to be able to sleep tonight worrying about you life is a game you mean so i just like you it's just you keep it on the edge i mean this is insane to me do you know another fun fact my husband is your thing this is fascinating i can go on about this forever i'm so sorry i brought this up i have no one else to blame oh no margo tell us i'll stop hijacking the show after this because i'm not here to publicize harry potter um my husband is in the harry potter movies i know i was like had you told me sooner we would have been married very quickly but he was um an extra he was like when he was a little kid he's like one of the slaughtering extras you know when draco like pushes some kids out of the way to to see buckbeak in the third book yeah he pushes my husband out of the way i know cause john i know you certainly were a big fan of pizza was it is it called zepe zepe zeppie's zeppe's please keep me alive man yeah i mean real for real it kept me alive because what you were working in a bar i was i was doing any job i could to make any money i could and i was bouncing at a bar next door uh this is a strip of stores on a beach in southern california and i was trying to just get by because the cost of living out there is atrocious and the place next door was a deep dish pizza place called zeppies and they ran a promotion if you could eat a 12-slice deep-dish pizza in one city you get it free and you get a coupon for another pizza after week i put them sons of out of business they stopped the promotion halfway through the week and literally closed down shortly there yeah for about a week and a half i was the zeppy's pizza eating champion thank you [Applause] yeah my next match is december 26th madison square garden oh my god wow yeah for the holidays i'm gonna see bumble bee like 200 times just like everybody here yeah and then right after that i'm i'm going to wwe wow but i've seen you do a thing and i like you're on a suit but can you do it the the deadlift thing [Applause] wow [Applause] thank you thank you i'm an elderly gentleman and a good sport and a very good sport but let me tell you something december 26th of the master square garden won't be so [Applause] [Music] so there is a big grudge match at the end and it's phenomenal the boxing at the end and there's incredible shots where for both of you i don't know how is there a way to do them you know when you you've been punched and you come around and it's like looks like your face is hanging off yeah yeah yeah is there a technique to that there's two ways to do it one is to get punched and that works well it really is true we did the slow motion it's not worth it and then there's one where bob clips me and you you put whatever you want in your mouth like a little blood whatever and you cough at the same time you're being hit like ah and that creates the effect without it looking like because people try to spit so you can hit no it doesn't work so you cough it out you cough it out you literally go and it creates this because what we did was discuss this mural of pain well we got the the software and put it in that camera there nice yeah so it's like a high speed so that you can slow it down i i'm just talking words are coming out of my mouth apparently it can do this thing so if we demonstrate if you i'm not going to ask you to hit me but if you could pretend to hit me right yeah yeah yeah really pretend everything's on the pete yeah okay and that was the last show in the graveyard we dedicated a big black box around the whole show so if you can demonstrate so and i think oh you have a glove sorry excuse my is that the right one uh yeah yeah yeah okay okay but you are pretending it's like being home again yeah you look way too happy you look delighted i really liked your movie i can't tell you how much best film i've ever seen you're all invited i'll buy you all tickets okay so if well stand up yeah okay and so i'm gonna i'm gonna put a little water in my mouth so i cough the water yes okay now i'm going to come across this way boom [Music] it'll come to like your ear but then you just turn and it looks like i nailed you ready ready on three one two three okay now let's do it okay okay now now we get to watch that back uh and this is i i guess this is what they do in the movie so here it is [Music] that's great [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] absolutely you're like a photographer behind me am i still going yeah god that's important i've got a face like a windsock it was i uh uh i won an oscar for directing a short film i didn't know you could win oscars for short films but there you are that happened very exciting went to hollywood marvelous wonderful uh and i sold a script uh to a company called uh miramax who were very famous and they let me uh i i came back home to britain and i worked on the script and they were paying me and it was lovely i mean i bought up i bought my house and all that stuff uh and we did it over the fullness of that and they said okay we're gonna we're gonna make this movie so i uh they booked me on a flight to new york and i was going to fly over and start uh discussions about it i got on the flight got to the hotel uh a big dream car outside got into the car uh and the driver was a lovely guy i called me he's called ralph and he said to me what are you what are you doing here and i said well i'm just going down to begin work of my movie we're going to start talking about casting probably and pre-production he said great and he said i have to take you down to the office i said yeah and he said they'd have to wait for you and i said no so you probably don't have to wait because we're probably going to go for a meal and have some champagne and stuff he said no i've been told to wait all right okay so uh but i still think i'm a big shop by this time so i gave him a big tip i said you have that ralph thanks very much you can wait if you like but we're going to be a while probably and i go into the offices uh and and meet the guy who's in charge bob who basically says we ain't going to do this it's over and that was it that was we weren't going to do anything else we weren't going to talk about production we weren't going to uh talk about other projects it was just over there was the door but your driver's waiting and i got into the car and i was i was sort of in shock i didn't know what to what to do it was my whole i had no money i spent all my money i had no career as an actor because that was over because i decided to be a director and i was laughing i said it's over ralph was saying what's happened to you i said he was i was going to make a movie and i know i'm not going to make a movie and i'm going no i've got no money i've got no career i've got nothing and we got out of the car and he gave me my tip back and actually interesting we've got a picture of you here you are yes in the white house i met the man oh look that was great sharing laughs do you remember what you were laughing about yeah no exactly what was it about david cameron to me [Laughter] no one is talking to him president obama at the time was telling me that i was his second favorite character in the wire oh yeah omar number one yeah omar was his favorite so i laughed out loud as you can see like come on man oh it's funny about why that is because i love the hyena i love that hyena and i again it was one of those crazy ideas that the writer christina and i hadn't you know early development because in the comic books turns out it's really expensive so i had to make one um maybe if we had another one it will be the second hyena but uh yeah it wasn't until we were in pre-production that everyone was like huh how do we shoot with a hyena because they're actually very dangerous animals um it turns out and there's one hyena in california just one somewhere i show this hyena who's appeared in a few things apparently um so we all went out there to to go visit this hyena and um realize that it would be impossible to shoot with him they're like well and and the whole reason he's in a bathtub in this scene is because he likes to sit in a bathtub like when we went to go meet him he sat in his bathtub and we're like i love this that he just you know um whatever so we put that in the movie but uh yeah they were like well anything he touches is his and um you can't take it back and i was like oh well on a film set but we're gonna need like the couch back for example and the set back and like my arm if you've got you know so we quickly realized that wasn't going to be possible and we didn't want to do you know a guy in a green suit covered in dots because that was going to be weird and um so we found a happy medium we had a really really big dog and then they cgi'd his fur and you know body to look like a hater that was a dog so that was a big dog yeah so when you're eating that thing is there a dog yeah the big dog and me doing lady and the oh yeah so cute i could sort of tell it was a real talk i could tell i could tell daniel's not impressed no i am not doing that i have a pitbull at home though so i was like i have a few dogs i love dogs i know when did you do the dj and chris was that was that before stand up i gave before i was a stand-up i did i mean i was you know i'm from new york and that's what we did back then and we were disciples of grand master flash and theodore and all these guys we'd go and watch djs and all my friends got together and we pooled our money and we got dj equipment and we played block parties and stuff and guys would rap before there were rap records because it sounds so cool it sounds so cool and then someone showed us a picture of you djing you look like a ball boy at wimbledon it doesn't suggest cool you're a great looking kid oh man look at that now dj dries i just did your sailboat now just yeah oh never dj drifters it was dj he's a real dj yes yes yeah yeah but i just dressed the sound you know i do dress for like when i'm when i'm spitting bars you know rapping and that but you know idris alba mainly okay now you were were you you were a gary jemzy is this right well i mean you know everyone was a garage mc at one point everyone was like cheating about it you know i loved a bit of that kate what was your dj name um winsley baby knickers i definitely was not sadly i i've never had a dj name and i've never heard you dj i'd love to he's really good i would love it thank you chris yeah thanks that's you have to invite me now no i will i don't know why i'd be surprised because you're margot robbie living in london so of course you did but you did mix in some highfalutin circles yes oh yes this picture i don't know where this picture came from oh okay well that's obviously you is that is that sienna miller yeah i think so and that's a princess is it a beatrice one or a eugenie one i can't tell by the picture everyone kind of looks weird you're picking everyone better than i can uh i think it's one of them and then i said tell us who this is you know i know but delicious it's prince harry i don't normally go to a party where these kind of people are there that was a one-off that doesn't normally happen my my friends aren't royals but anyway uh there of course is carol vino you know is a good friend of mine yeah and you were a suicide squad together yeah yeah she's she's awesome you know in uh the suicide squad you tattooed your cast members is this right yes because you're you're kind of you're trained so these are the tattoos you do yeah we call them tomojis okay and did you do them all the cast no weirdly enough no one else wanted them um so just the two of us got the toe emojis but everyone else got squad written on them and other people just would come by the trailer and get anything and yeah so did all sorts of things and you can still have two people yeah i reckon i've done yeah probably like getting close to 100 now little ones little ones and honestly i'm probably getting worse as i go along because we have a tattoo gun here oh boy so if anything i noticed someone came in from if any of you are down by my toes conveniently if any of your graduates want a tattoo to commemorate this lovely evening you pierced your ear uh yeah not myself um oh it'd be so funny please bless you unless you're thinking it might but i i i'm seeing you actually are prepared oh yes you have this stuff there yeah no no she can touch you this isn't actually my gun but i could i can make do with it for sure are you genuinely thinking about this no no okay i didn't think you were not all that's acting ryan ryan didn't look so shocked because you've already tattooed yourself haven't you yeah how did that go for you not great what did you do uh it was uh you know it was supposed to be a you know like the clap like a monster hand dropping a bloody heart but it it looks more like a like a chicken you know making love with a cactus or something i don't know what happened friend had one at his house i liked a doodle it's a bad combination do you have a tattoo oh god i know you're gonna ask oh no do you do you yeah i do okay yeah where is it i went to college in the 90s look at me you just leave it there is it a stamp no god no thank god it a dolphin no no no no is it uh no i don't know what we're doing the thing is the thing is there is someone who works on our team and uh they are a big margot robbie fan and uh they i would i say they're willing to do this i mean they're very keen uh he's washed his feet talked them so would is it i mean is it difficult to do this tomoji thing no it'll be fine yeah so adam your moment is here this is happening okay okay so sit down beside uh while you're there hey i i i don't need to criticize my own production team but you could have taken your shoes and socks off first it would have saved a little time you knew this moment was coming i wanna do some more real okay okay here we go here we go you don't have to do this if you don't want it no honestly i kept saying that he wants to do this he does okay are you sure yeah okay oh my god is this oh i know there's something i have to say now this is legally uh don't try this at home really don't i'll sit on this side of you okay perfect okay here we go okay okay in your own time that will it's not that easy to do no okay here we go i actually haven't done one for a while i'm sorry i'm probably more nervous than you are to be honest sorry that's not comforting i'm not gonna say that that wasn't very professional i'm so scared i'm gonna say my hands are shaking but you don't hear that okay sorry does it hurt it's a little little funny yes don't worry about your finest work you do seem happy in your work i really do i'm not particularly good but i like doing it who's poker face adam very good oh sorry is that alright i can neaten it up like when we're off backstage [Music]
Channel: The Graham Norton Show
Views: 793,030
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Graham Norton, Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show, The Graham Norton Show official, The Graham Norton Show 2020, The Graham Norton Show new, Graham Norton Show Best Moments, Graham Norton Show funniest moments, Graham Norton Show new series, the suicide squad, the suicide squad 2021, suicide squad 2021, suicide squad, Margot Robbie, Idris Elba, John Cena, Sylvester Stallone, Peter Capaldi, Margot Robbie suicide squad
Id: xccygZJyaeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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