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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime case today we're going to be covering one of the most insane cases i think i've ever seen in this job and the crime itself is insane enough but what really stood out to me about this case that made me actually want to cover it in a video were the post-sentencing jailhouse interviews that this murderer gave to the media i have never seen a killer act the way that this killer acted it's so eerie and so the energy in the videos is so weird i've just i've never seen anything like it so let's get into this case but before we do i just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible small town murders small town murders is a super cool match 3 game from the makers of angry birds with over 2 million players right now which is saying something and the best part about it is that it's free to download and right now they're offering you guys five free in-game boosters when you download the game through the link in my description down below you can put your detective skills to the test investigating crime scenes collecting evidence cracking clues interrogating suspects and solving as many puzzles as you possibly can with every puzzle that you complete you get that bit further into solving the murder mystery unlocking a part of the story every single time you do so why not get the whole family involved this christmas see who can solve the murder mystery the quickest you can download small town murders right now using the link down below in my description remember it is free to download and they are very kindly offering you guys five free in-game boosters to set you off on your journey so what are you waiting for go start your small town murders adventure and click the link down below in the description to download the game thanks again to small town murders for sponsoring this video now i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video so today's case takes place in phoenix in arizona on the 5th of august 2009 around 5 a.m police received a phone call from a local church the church had discovered that out in their parking lot there was a garbage can on fire and so they were calling for firefighters to come and put it out because it could potentially be dangerous although they had no idea just how dangerous this was just yet so firefighters came down to the church and they began putting out this fire in this garbage container and as the flames were dying down they could see what was inside and what was on fire and that was when they realized that this was the charred remains of a human body so police were immediately called to come down to the church and remove this body from the garbage can and investigate what had gone on here and when the body was removed police discovered that not only was this body burned it was also dismembered partially dismembered this was like half a body so the legs were gone but i believe either one or both of the arms were still there and it was so badly burnt that it was gonna be really hard to identify this person they also had a lot of their teeth missing so it's not like they could identify the body through dental records literally all they could tell right now from the body that they had at this point in time was that this was a male body based on just the anatomy and that is all they could tell because the body was burnt beyond recognition beyond identification so news began to spread around the local towns and even around the city that this was in news was traveling fast of course right now police and the public had no idea what the circumstances were surrounding the discovery of this body they had no idea what had happened to it or even who this person was all they knew was that of course this was some serious foul play at hand here they hadn't done this to themselves someone seriously dangerous must have done this to them and for what reason and everyone was terrified the pastor of the church where the body was found in the car park actually released some statements to the media saying that they were willing to accept anyone that wanted to come to the church for some comfort and a bit of community right now of course everyone in that town and in the surrounding towns was in the same boat that they were really worried they were really upset they were really scared for themselves like their own safety and so the church wanted everyone to feel you know comforted by each other and that even though this was a place where such a horrific discovery had been made it was still a place of god and it was still a place of family and comfort so in the autopsy of this body they're still trying to identify it at this point in time and they notice that a lot of the fingerprints are burnt off and so again they can't really identify it through fingerprints but they noticed that a couple of them are partially there and so through tests of all these different fingerprint fragments of each fingertip they were able to make a full fingerprint and from that they were able to identify this body the remains belonged to a 46 year old man named terry neely his autopsy showed that terry had sustained multiple blunt force wounds to the head all over his remaining body he also seemed to have somewhere in the region of 50 different stab wounds although none of this had actually been his cause of death his cause of death was discovered to have been strangulation from what seemed to be like a wire it seemed as though terry had been tortured or beaten multiple times before he was actually killed because a lot of the wounds on his body his blunt force head traumas or different cuts and stab wounds and scratches on his body had actually started healing they were in the very very early stages of healing showing that they'd been made a few days before he was killed because his body was trying to heal itself terry had his throat cut although not to the point of death not to lose so much blood that he would die some of his teeth were missing like i said so they couldn't do a dental identification on him a lot of his teeth seemed to have been very messily pulled out like not professionally pulled out and there was actually a three inch nail stuck in his brain and his skull it had intentionally been hammered into his head but unbelievably terry had actually survived that survived having a nail driven into his brain because like i said they found that the cause of death was actually the strangulation 46 year old terry neely was disabled and confined to a wheelchair he could walk i don't know exactly the circumstances surrounding it maybe it was too painful to be walking all the time or maybe he didn't walk very well and so he got about in a wheelchair most of the time a motorized wheelchair i think he also had some kind of mental disability as well although again i couldn't ultimately find much information he seemed to have been described as slur a few times in my research which of course i don't like using that word and i'm not going to use that terminology but that's all i could find and due to these things his disability and stuff like that he lived in a care facility in phoenix in arizona so police went down to that care home to go and speak with his carers his friends in the care home to get an idea of who terry neely was and you know what his life was like who his friends were who might want to do something like this to him workers at the care home said they had no idea who could possibly want to do something like this to him because he was a nice person they had no idea who could have done this to him because they weren't aware of any enemies or any feuds or disagreements that terry was having in his life everyone else in the care home was also accounted for so it couldn't have been anyone else in the care home and they didn't really know about his life outside of the care home so they didn't know if he had friends or whatever the only information that the care home could really give police was that they hadn't seen terry for three days so he left the care home three days prior and then his body was found so what had happened in that three-day gap police managed to get hold of cctv footage from outside of the care home which showed terry neely leaving around 8pm on august 2nd unfortunately they couldn't follow him on this cctv footage because it kind of cuts off and then they lose him so they don't know where he went they don't know who he was with as you can see in this case police had very little to go off right now it wasn't like terry knew a bunch of people he was in bad circles or whatever like all police knew about him was his care hermit i don't think he had much family or close family so they really didn't know where to go with this investigation they had no leads as of yet although one thing was that they didn't know where his wheelchair was and they knew that that was going to be a huge part of this investigation as soon as they could look at his wheelchair that would probably give them a big following lead like another place to go but whoever had done this to him hadn't discarded his wheelchair anywhere near him the whole area around the church was searched for this wheelchair the car park local garbage containers people's gardens you know just in case the person that done this to terry had just ditched the wheelchair but it wasn't found but then the next day seemingly out of nowhere police announced that they'd made an arrest in connection to terry neely's murder on a completely unrelated charge police had just arrested two people a man named cracker of course cracker is not his real name his real name was edward mcfarland and a woman named angela simpson and the two of these cracker and angela simpson had just committed an armed robbery so as part of this armed robbery investigation police had gone and spoken with a lot of local people and asked them about cracker and about angela simpson and a lot of people had concerns relating to angela simpson in connection with this case not just the armed robbery police actually discovered that angela simpson was a friend of deceased terry neely's now they hadn't met any of his friends other than his care home friends which of course were accounted for they all had alibis police didn't know of any of terry's other friends so this was a fresh lead so they went to speak with angela simpson who was already in police custody at this point and they were just hoping that maybe she could shed some light on on this case in general maybe she knew something angela simpson was 36 years of age and she was very notably skittish and like a bit erratic in her interviews and she was very eager to tell police that she was in fact terry neely's murderer she confirmed with police that she was friends with terry however she decided very recently that he had to die because she learned that he was working with law enforcement and she believed that he was a snitch he told her multiple times that he'd snitched on criminals that were now serving time in prison and you know they were serving time because he snitched on them and angela simpson was the type of person to respect and live by streetcard so her snitches were one of the worst people in the world you were the scum of the earth if you're a snitch she's been quoted saying that snitches and pedophiles all deserve to die like there's no second chances for snitches or pedophiles terry and angela had been friends for quite some time they were never friends friends she says that they were more like acquaintances but they hung out a few times they had quite a bit in common with each other they both did drugs they both served quite a lot of time in prison so they had that experience in common they'd both committed several crimes in their past angela was still doing it in the present although i think terry kind of gave up that life i read that angela was also a sex worker and terry would often solicit her for her sex work and so that was another way that they would keep in touch i don't think they were friends friends i think you know it was just an acquaintance and angela told police that terry had openly bragged to her that he'd snitched on a lot of a lot of high up people a lot of you know respected people and got them put in prison and a lot of people think that terry was doing this because he thought that it was impressive he thought that it this would impress angela that he'd managed to get these people put in prison but it had the complete opposite effect on angela and as soon as terry started this bragging angela's opinion of him changed drastically she began hating terry although because she was a sex worker she continued to take his work but she despised this man and she thought that he had to die she decided that he had to be punished for being a snitch and she was willing to take that responsibility into her own hands and she says that is why she murdered him and tortured him for three whole days but could police trust this account of angela's she didn't seem very mentally sound when she was in this interview like i said she was very skittish very erratic very on edge so police didn't quite know at this point if she was telling the truth of course they had a confession but not all confessions are authentic so police decided to look into angela simpson's criminal history to see if she was the kind of person to do this they also looked into her mental health history and they found a lot of interesting information they found that angela had been in and out of prison her whole adult life she'd barely had a couple of years out of prison at a time she'd been in there for like fights and stuff trespassing general violence aggravated assault carjacking and many more but was she capable of murder as well maybe and it was at this point that one of the officers recalled seeing something interesting when he went to arrest angela for the armed robbery that she committed with her friend cracker outside of angela's apartment building there was this grass bit and on this grass bit they'd seen a motorized wheelchair just abandoned on the side and they didn't think much of it at the time because this was quite far away from where terry neely's body was found so they didn't expect this to be connected but now that this woman was confessing to terry's murder perhaps that was terry's wheelchair they went down to angela's apartment once again and found this wheelchair outside and confirmed it to be terry neely's so her story was correct on a search of angela's actual apartment they found that this this wasn't really an apartment they don't believe that she was living here because all that was inside was a few pieces of furniture like chairs a floor-length mirror and all of the carpets were ripped up from the floor half the carpets were fitted there were just scraps everywhere and on the side on the countertop in the kitchen there was a large bottle of bleach and that was all that was in this house maybe she had tried to clean up her crime afterwards getting rid of certain pieces of furniture or blood stains on the carpet and bleaching all the countertops angela m simpson was born on november 29th 1975 and her life was never easy from around the age of 10 angela was in and out of different mental institutions different psychiatric hospitals she had a few diagnoses but i don't actually know what they were a lot of the information around angela's childhood and her actual personal life is very vague but it's clear that she didn't have a very good childhood of course being inside psychiatric hospitals as you're trying to develop and grow as a child it's not going to be good for anyone eventually as she got older and left these hospitals she got out into the world and you know started her adult life but she never had a normal life she never had a job she never had a real chance at life as soon as she got out of the hospital she started taking drugs and that was where all of her money would go so she wouldn't actually really have any money she would commit crimes to get money to spend on drugs immediately she was in this vicious cycle of course like i said she fell into sex work to be able to pay for drugs and you know everything else food rent bills she never managed to live a normal life the way that you know we do she would commit crimes and then get into jail as soon as she's out of jail again she's committing crimes again just to get put right back into jail she never really got the chance to form you know any relationships on the outside although one thing about angela simpson was that she actually had four children now i don't know the circumstances surrounding these children i don't believe that they actually lived with angela so either they live with their father or fathers again i don't know the situation i don't know if they were all to the same person or to different people but what i actually believe to be the case and this was implied in a lot of the sources although it wasn't stated clearly so i will say that is that i think the children were put into care of course their mother was on drugs she couldn't she didn't have a lot of money she was in and out of prison i don't think these children were living with angela but anyway skip to 2009 angela simpson is now in the police station she was arrested for an armed robbery but now she is confessing to the brutal murder and torture of terry neely but how did she do it what did she do to terry neely so on the night of august 2nd she lured terry neely out of his care home around 8 pm on the promise of sex and drugs back at her apartment she knew that these were two things that terry wanted he was one of her regular clients so if she's gonna offer him sex for free of course he's gonna take it and terry often took drugs either with her or by himself and so she knew that if she offered him those two things she was gonna get him back to her apartment alone so terry voluntarily left his care home and went to meet up with angela and she took him to an apartment that she had access to her and this was located in the sunny slope neighborhood of north phoenix the reason i don't believe that this was angela's actual apartment is of course because of the lack of furniture but also because she never says my apartment she never says that that's where she lived she says the apartment with the amount of criminal activity that this woman was involved in i wouldn't be surprised if this was just you know a place that was rented to commit crimes in like i said she was a sex worker so there's the potential for her to have had a pimp maybe that's what cracker was maybe that's where she would go to do these kind of things and i know she had a lot of criminal friends as well so maybe this was that kind of place she told police that as soon as she got terry neely back to this apartment and they were alone her whole persona dropped she was no longer his friend and she made it very clear to him that she was his enemy she wasted absolutely no time and she grabbed a very heavy tire iron that she'd hidden in the apartment prior to this and she began beating him over the head with it just in the middle of this room while terry was screaming out in pain she did this until he was bleeding but not until he was unconscious she wanted terry to be awake and struggling through this attack she didn't want him to have the easy way out and this was only the beginning for the next three whole days angela simpson kept terry neely locked in this apartment and continually brutally tortured him to near death she beat him at regular intervals every single day both with her hands with a tire iron with a hammer she stabbed him all over his body multiple times a day she would burn him she pulled his teeth out with pliers like i said she got that three inch nail and hammered it straight through his skull and straight into his brain i think right in the middle of his forehead she sliced his throat again not deep enough to kill him but just deep enough for it to be very painful and him to lose a lot of blood and get very weak she also set up a full-length mirror in front of terry because she wanted him to be forced to watch all of this happen to him she wanted him to see his injuries she wanted him to see what he deserved bear in mind this man was disabled he was wheelchair-bound and so it was going to be incredibly hard for him to try to flee or fight back which is hard enough for an able-bodied victim she's also not allowing him any food or water she is not letting him go to the toilet so he's soiling himself repeatedly in this wheelchair and over the course of the next three days terry got weaker and weaker to the point where it was no longer fun for angela and sir she wanted to finish him off she tied a piece of electrical wire around terry neely's neck and tightened it until he stopped breathing and she was sure that he was dead angela then took a knife to his lifeless body and began hacking at his legs and trying to cut them off this proved to be a very hard job i believe she was intending to dismember him completely and chop him into little pieces but just the legs enough were hard for her and so she decided to do half a job after she decided that she was done angela went and borrowed a car from a friend who i believe was cracker she then loaded terry's body into the back of this car drove out to the church found a dumpster put his remains in this dumpster and set it on fire and drove away leaving his corpse to burn in a car park over the following days angela confided in her friend cracker about what she'd done to terry neely now this part of the story isn't confirmed because you'll see later there's a bunch of conspiracy theories surrounding cracker but this is just what angela has told the police so she confided in cracker and at some point cracker tells his apartment complex manager and threatens the apartment complex manager if he tells police or if he snitches then he's going to end up like terry neely i'm not entirely sure why cracker decided to do that i'm sure there's more to the story than what i could find in my research if that is true but like i said you'll see the conspiracy theory a bit later some people believe that maybe cracker had a part in this murder because you know why else would he be bragging about it or talking about it why would you talk about a crime that your friend committed of course angela simpson being the crusader of respecting the street code she's not going to have ratted her friend in like that so we wouldn't know if cracker had any part in this case police never found any evidence to say that he was involved this is all just a theory because at the end of the day we only have angela simpson's story and the physical evidence of terry neely's body to go off of here but the fact that cracker and angela simpson committed armed robberies together it makes me think that maybe they were a criminal duer a lot of people believe that he is involved but of course with no real evidence they only have enough to charge one person and that one person is angela simpson she was charged with first-degree murder kidnapping an abandonment or concealment of a human body and she pled guilty to all of those charges in trial for all of these charges angela simpson was sentenced to the rest of her natural life in prison plus an extra 14 years which i found to be quite an interesting sentence i think that's the thing in arizona is the rest of your natural life i think that's life imprisonment i think that's just how they say it and then the 14 years were other things that she was found guilty of and now we get to her jailhouse interviews which normally i don't play clips in my videos because they get copyrighted quite a bit but i'm willing to take the hit for this one because from paraphrasing or reading a transcript or reading quotes i couldn't convey the weird energy that's in these clips like you have to see what she has to say what did you do that you would consider torture ripped his teeth out that's my favorite how'd you do that was needle nose pliers kind of rip you know so it was your pleasure when you committed this murder see that's kind of oh i'm thinking i don't know what my lawyer would say if i answered that straight out hold on yes i guess it was but uh yeah it's pretty rewarding work it's great for soul he thought it was funny that the people he had snitched on would never get out of prison so i wanted him to know how funny it was that they didn't need to do that about any of that stuff guilt yes i'm overrun with you're remorse right you can't put murderers in a category with duck people that doesn't make any sense you murdered this man yes you tortured him of course i took him to my house walked him down the street i don't know why the media acts like the [ __ ] couldn't walk he walked very well walked him upstairs kicked his ass and killed him i have four children you have four children i do have four children where are they tell mirage what is uh how they doing and how is it for you to be separated from that i don't want to talk about my children i can't do that you're sort of an interesting character because you know first of all women generally don't commit crimes this heinous right uh you know this is usually the domain of men that's unfortunate do you think more women oh yeah equal opportunity definitely would you if you had that moment to live over again i'd have kept him alive a week but you would have still tortured him and killed him oh i had to torture him for a week yeah instead of three days definitely okay let's we're done are you done yeah all right thank you good [ __ ] dude that's gonna be crazy isn't it that's going to be wicked make it look good please oh you're going to put this on too well don't put the ending on thank you now at the end of those clips you see angela simpson completely drop this character that she was playing in that interview and a lot of people have a lot of different theories about this so of course we know that she's struggled with mental illness through her whole life now we don't know exactly what mental illnesses those are so we can't say that this is characteristic of her mental illness because who knows what she has but that's a potential theory depending on what she suffers with although the main theory that a lot of people tend to cling to is that this is just for attention purposes of course she wanted the interview to look good she wanted to look like a cold-hearted psychotic killer and that's exactly what she was giving them that's exactly the character that she was playing in the interview but that's not angela simpson a lot of people believe that was her plan right from the beginning before she'd even murdered terry neely they think that she was just looking for someone to murder and a reason to kill and maybe when she found out that terry neely was a snitch even though that is a very small reason to want to do something so drastic like this maybe that's all she was looking for maybe she saw that and maybe that's all it took and she decided that was enough to kill i really don't think she cared about streetcard and snitches as much as she kind of put across in the interview i believe that she didn't like snitches i believe that she did live by street code but not so much as to kill someone because she said in the interviews that she'd come across snitches before in her life but she'd never killed before i think at this point in her life she just decided that she wanted to commit murder for whatever reason in her head she decided she wanted to commit murder and now she was looking for any reason to do so no matter how small that reason was one conspiracy theory that i've seen flirting around on the internet is a money motive potentially maybe she is trying to make herself look so interesting and so depraved like such a terrifying killer that maybe networks would want to pick it up and do tv shows and movies and write books about her and then she would get the money from these things of course she would have to be paid a degree if there's a film based on her and a lot of people say well she wouldn't need the money she's in prison however at one point in the interview she talks about her children and this is the only slight time in the interview that you see a glimmer of emotion in this woman it seemed like the mention of her children kind of struck a card in angela simpson she wasn't letting it through her exterior she just said let's move on but she didn't want to talk about her children maybe she wanted that money from the films from the books from the tv shows to you know go to her children but is that really enough of a reason to become a depraved killer is so that books get written about you and then your children get a small amount of royalties from that i personally believe that this act was either for attention or for notoriety or you know perhaps her mental illness made her say certain things because she'll actually notice that her story slightly changes a bit over the years in the immediate interviews like a year after the crimes she said that she'd killed many snitches before she'd killed so many other people for doing the exact same thing that terry neely had done she told the interviewer that she wouldn't give any more information about those crimes so were they really true we tend to see in these videos that if a killer won't give information about one crime but they will about another that tends to mean that the one that they won't give information on is a lie because what's the difference we saw this with the acid bath murderer he would tell police in detail what he'd done to for people and then he'd be like oh no but i killed more but i'm not going to tell you about those ones like no you didn't and then years later in another interview when she was asked you know if she'd killed other people for the same reason she said that she hadn't so you know your story's changing she can't keep her story consistent because she can't remember what she said all those years ago whether that be because it was just a passing comment because she wanted attention or whether that was because her mental illness made her say that at the time and now you know she didn't kill anyone so now she's decided not to say it angela simpson despite her mental illness said that she doesn't see herself as the crazy one now i hate i hate to say that but that's what's been said in like interviews and stuff but she sees the world the rest of the world as the crazy ones and she's the only one that's saying and that's because the rest of the world doesn't think the way that she does she believes that there are two groups of people on this earth that deserve to be killed and anyone should be able to kill them anyone should be able to you know seek justice and that is snitches and pedophiles she believes that if you ever see a pedophile or a snitch you should be able to just kill them because that's what they deserve to her i definitely think that angela simpson is much safer behind bars whatever the reason for her killing was because she's shown very little remorse and she seems to think that this whole thing is like a game and this character that she plays in interviews it's one of the creepiest things i've ever seen in a true crown video but that is all i have for this case thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure you leave a thumbs up down below thanks so much again to small town murders for sponsoring this video if you want to download the game make sure you're going through my link in the description down below they're very kindly offering you guys a welcome bonus of five free in-game boosters so what are you waiting for go start your adventure today huge thank you to all of my channel members for helping me decide the cases that i cover especially my tier 2 members whose names are all on screen right now if you want to become a channel member you can just click the join button on a desktop or there'll be a link in the description of this video but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you want to subscribe to my channel there'll be a link right here to do so if you want to subscribe to my brand new sega channel there'll be a link right here to subscribe to that one and if you want to watch another video of mine there'll be a playlist on screen right now bye
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,639,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, forensic files, 2020, crime watch daily, dateline, interview, news, creepypasta, horror, angela simpson, terry nealy, 3 days of hell, lured, tricked, kidnapped, abducted, usa, america, american, arizona
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 14sec (1934 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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