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so today's video is going to be another solved true crime kiss another small town murder from the uk but before we get into this one i just want to thank our sponsors for making this video possible magellan tv if you haven't heard of magellan tv before where have you been it's a documentary streaming service with thousands of titles on there in a range of different genres including history earth space and of course true crime during the most recent lockdown i absolutely rinsed the true crime section on magellan tv i love the range of topics that they have they have all like the big serial killer documentaries and then they also have ones on like different execution methods and life in prison they also have a lot of conspiracy theory documentaries because i know a lot of you would like those they have stuff on like alien abductions bigfoot yetis a personal recommendation from me on magellan tv would be a monster among us i watched this the other night and i haven't stopped thinking about it since the documentary follows a police captain in south africa in a village called tolini following the story of a serial killer known as the monster of tellini antolini actually became known as the village of death a wild axeman is killing the defenseless people of the village mothers grandmothers children sneaking into their homes in the dead of night over a period of three years over 20 people from this rural village were murdered in the documentary there's first-hand accounts and interviews with survivors of this serial killer known as the monster of tollini i really recommend it because it's nothing like any other documentary i've ever watched like they went to this little rural village in south africa and it's all filmed there and based there it's brilliant there's new programs added weekly to magellan tv there's no ads either and you can watch on pretty much any device that you have so what are you waiting for use the link down below in the description of this video to start your subscription with magellan tv and get a whole month for free you're welcome and by the way magellan tv have a super cool holiday deal going right now where if you buy one gift card you get a second one completely free which you know could be good christmas presents if you know any true crime lovers but yeah thanks again to magellan tv for sponsoring this video now let's get into it but before we do i just want to give my usual disclaimer that i mean absolutely no disrespect to anyone that i talk about in this video this video is just for educational purposes and everything that i'm about to say is just information that i have found on the internet and i'm compiling into one video so today's case takes place in derby in england the segi family were a small family living in derby comprising of 59 year old father jeff sege and his 31 year old son daniel sege jeff sege had recently divorced his wife which was daniel's mother and you know the two of them ended on pretty good terms they actually stayed good friends following the split they would meet up for catch-ups she actually still took care of jeff's finances for him they'd stay in touch via text it was all very mature you know they both just kind of agreed that the marriage wasn't working and maybe they should move on with their lives separately anyway after this split it left just jeff and their son daniel now danielle despite having a full-time job and a long-term girlfriend he didn't feel ready to leave home just yet and so he had to make the decision on whether he stayed with his mother or his father and he chose his father so jeff and daniel moved out together in 2014 they moved on to a quiet little house in a state named mackworth in derbyshire which is in the east midlands of england and mackworth was the typical tight-knit safe community that you hear about in all of these true crime stories and that's that's what makes them all the more shocking is that you wouldn't expect something so horrific to happen in such a nice place it was a nice place to raise children in the uk and you know it wasn't one of the richest or prettiest places in the whole of england but it had spirit it had a good atmosphere the community was very strong there you know it's it's a decent place to live 59 year old jeff sege worked at an available car sales room with his other son so he actually had two sons daniel and another son i couldn't find his name but he worked with that other son and jeff's family described him as a hero he was such a great dad such an amazing grandfather as well his other son had children and he was just jeff was just such a fun grandad and his son 31 year old daniel sege was just your average guy he was very into football he supported derby county and he actually worked full-time at a care home and everyone loved him in this care home he was such a such a kind sensitive person he had a long-term girlfriend named zoe spence who actually had two children of her own from a previous relationship however daniel really got on with these two children really bonded with them he wasn't like a second father to them by any means i don't think he was quite ready for that however he did take them out on days out he bought them presents you know he was he was there he was their mum's boyfriend not their stepdad you know what i mean so that is the segi family it was jeff and daniel living in a home together in mackworth just a normal family on december 1st 2016 daniel and zoe were planning to go into town to go and do some shopping it was getting colder of course it was getting into winter and zoey needed to get some cuts and winter boots and things like that for her children some winter clothes they'd been planning this day out since the night before danielle had been texting zoey saying be ready for 10 a.m you know make sure you're ready because i don't want to wait around he was going to come and pick her up and they were going to go to town together so that morning zoe woke up early she did her makeup got ready everything she was ready for ten o'clock but daniel didn't show up he had text her around half nine in the morning saying that he was on his way but she hadn't heard from him since and he was lit now he was never normally late so zoe texted him again saying hey where are you but she got no response so she waited and waited and by now it's been a considerable amount of time since he sent that text saying that he was on his way so now she's getting a little bit worried thinking you know maybe he's been called back into work or something he often was called back into work working at a care home you know if they're ever short staffed or they have an emergency and they need more people there he's got to go in so zoe just sent him another text saying you know if you're busy or if you've been called back into work just let me know like there's no rush to go shopping she just texted him saying get in contact with me when you can she understood that you know if he can't be on his phone he can't be on his phone and she just knew that he would text her when he got a minute but then as it got into the afternoon and then into the evening and zoe still hadn't received a text or a call or anything from daniel she started to get a little bit worried this was not like daniel segui at all he wasn't the type to make plans you know and and especially be so persistent about the time like make sure you're ready for 10 because i want to go at 10 and then just ghost on those plans he wasn't like that and it was then that zoe looked at her phone and realized that her texts hadn't even been sending anymore they just said delivered so his phone hadn't even been receiving them maybe his phone was dead or switched off again very unlike him very worrying and so zoe decided to go and get in her car and go look for him go to his house see if he's there or if he's just ignoring her or what so around 8 p.m on the 1st of december zoe gets in her car and heads to the home that daniel shared with his father jeff however when zoe arrived she was met with a cord and off crime scene there was tape up there were police cars and ambulance police standing around at the tip walking in and out of the house so she quickly parked her car and rushed over to see what was going on this was her boyfriend's house it was all taped up there were police everywhere he wasn't answering his phone she ran around asking every single police officer that she could get hold of at that scene asking them what had happened inside what was going on but none of them could tell her at this point of course zoe kept trying to get any information from any of them she was asking every single one until finally one of them told her that a body had been found inside that house so she keeps trying to get more information out of them however zoe wasn't a member of daniel or jeff's family and she also wasn't married to either of them and that proposes a lot of issues you know police can't give out that kind of information unofficially just standing at a crime scene they can't just tell a member of the public unless they can be proven to be family or married and so police couldn't tell zoe anything else all she knew was that her boyfriend hadn't been answering his phone all day and now a body had been found in his house and you can only imagine what she's thinking police told her that they would get in contact with her when they were allowed to give her some information there was no point in her staying at the crime scene she should just go home and rest until they contact her so zoe gets back in her car and goes to her parents house and she said that none of it felt real it all felt like a dream she had no answers and just so many thoughts racing through her head by the following morning police had set up a forensics tent in the front garden of the house and people were going in the house with like full hazmat suits on and it was clear to the whole estate that something very very serious had happened in there and rumors were going round as you would expect people saying that there'd been a fight and someone had died people saying it was a robbery gone wrong but all neighbors knew was that a body had been found in that house it was clearly suspicious circumstances because there was a forensics tent there there were police everywhere but police were still saying nothing no one knew anything for sure daniel's girlfriend zoe tried to get in touch with daniel's mother at this point jeff's ex-wife just hoping that maybe she had heard anything because she is immediate family maybe police had told her something but she said that she didn't know anything yet however she did tell zoe that she was actually the one that had called the police she'd actually called them for a welfare check on the house because like i said jeff worked with his other son that wasn't daniel and every single morning the two of them would go to work together and then in the evening they would come home together and every single morning around 7am they would have a phone call a daily phone call just to see how they were that day if they were going to work you know however for the last two days jeff hadn't made that phone call and hadn't shown up at work which was very very unlike him jeff was one of those people that no matter how he was feeling if he was feeling deathly ill he would still go to work he was one of those people that just powered through it and so this was immediately odd and immediately something that worried both his ex-wife and his other son that he wasn't answering his phone and that he wasn't going to work and sir his ex-wife actually called the police and asked for them to perform a welfare check on the seggy home just to make sure that he and daniel were okay when police first got to the house to perform the welfare check they knocked on the door but no one came and so they were knocking on the windows they were shouting in like look it's the police let us in but no one was in no one was coming to the door now with these welfare checks police actually aren't allowed to leave until they see and speak to the person that they are there to check on and make sure that they're safe and well either that or if they're sure that the person isn't there at the house then police are of course allowed to leave so they had to make their way inside to make sure that either jeff was there and they could speak to him or that jeff wasn't there and that they had to check somewhere else they are not allowed to leave until they've confirmed that that person is either okay or not at the premises and so they tried the door themselves they just tried the door handle to see if they could let themselves in however the door was locked and sir despite the house being locked they were there for a welfare check and so they had to get in so they decided to knock the door down and let themselves in they got into the downstairs area and there was no sign of anyone they were shouting for daniel they were shouting for jeff but no one was answering no one was coming downstairs no one no one said anything the house was silent and so that was when the police team decided to go upstairs to the bedrooms and there they discovered a horrific scene 59 year old jeff seggy was laying naked on his bed covered in blood and with a visible huge range of different injuries all over his body there was blood all over the room all over the bed detectives noted that there was there was absolutely no attempt made to either dispose of the body or even hide the body in any way whoever had done this had simply just done the attack and left they hadn't so much as covered jeff's body with anything which already said a lot immediately because this man was naked it seemed as though he had been caught while he was getting changed because his old clothes were on the floor his pajamas were on the bed it looked as though he was just about to get changed and whoever had killed him like this hadn't cared to give him that last piece of dignity to kind of cover his body or anything his autopsy showed that jeff seggy had been stabbed over 60 times with a knife in the kind of chest neck some even on his face but that wasn't even the extent of it he had a further 20 some injuries on top of that that seemed to have been inflicted with a hammer so not only was he stabbed to death he was then after that his killer picked up a hammer and carried on beating him pathologists were able to tell from jeff seggy's body based on the rate of rigamartis and things like that that he had actually been laid dead in that bed for three days at this point so in the first upstairs bedroom police come across this horrific scene of jeff seggy murdered in his own house but he wasn't the only person that police were there to check on where was daniel segi so police went to check daniel's bedroom fearing that they would come across a very similar scene however when they walked in no one was there daniel wasn't there his room was perfectly intact he didn't seem to be in the house at all so what could have happened to him where could daniel be now as well as a murder inquiry into jeff seggy's death immediately when the seggy family found out that daniel was missing they all feared that he was abducted by the same people that had done this to his father maybe they'd taken him because they felt that they could get money out of him or you know demand a ransom or something like that or worse maybe daniel had already met the same fate that his father had and all of these thoughts of racing through zoe's head she never once thought that daniel could be responsible for his father's death it was always in her mind that he had to be innocent because he was such a good guy she loved him this was the man that she loved and she never expected him to do anything like that and so to her that was the only explanation that daniel was also endangered that he was also at risk of dying the same way that his father had at the hands of the same people that had done that to his father however immediately to police they have a man that's been brutally murdered and the person that he lives with his son is nowhere to be found and jeff seggy's car was actually nowhere to be found either so it seemed as though maybe daniel had done this and then taken off in his father's car stolen his father's car and now he was on the run so police now decided to speak with different members of the segi family different friends different you know colleagues anyone that could give them a bit of insight into these two men's relationship and also just those two men in general and the family and you know police just needed a greater idea of the picture that they were looking at first person that was interviewed as part of this investigation was actually daniel's mother jeff's ex-wife who was in regular contact with birth the men and one of the first things she said to police was that she believed that her son daniel had been impersonating jeff for the last few days on the first day that she realized that this was going on it was actually because her son so jeff's other son that he worked with received a text from his father saying that he was ill and that he wasn't gonna go to work he was just gonna go back to bed which like i said immediate red flag because jeff never had a sick day from work ever he didn't believe in sick days he was the type to turn up no matter how he was feeling so immediately that was odd first of all that he'd even called in sick but second of all that he hadn't called his son to say that the fact that he sent it through a text was also unusual jeff was much more of a talking on the phone kind of guy than a texting kind of guy i mean the circumstances surrounding it were pretty odd but his family just kind of accepted that he was ill maybe he didn't want to talk on the phone because he was so ill and so they just left him to it however it was even more suspicious the following day because like i said he would have a regular phone call with his other son at 7 00 am every single morning now 7am rolls around the following day his son gets a call but it doesn't sound like jeff on the phone it sounded like daniel pretending to be jeff and the other son thought this was so weird he couldn't understand why daniel would do that you know this wasn't in a in a jerky way it wasn't you know he was genuinely pretending to be his father but they didn't have the same voice it was so obvious that it wasn't jeff so obviously the other son and jeff's ex-wife had been talking about this and talking about how weird this was and then jeff's ex-wife remembered a text that she'd received from jeff a couple of days prior asking for a hundred pounds to be moved between his accounts because like i said she she helped him take care of her his finances and she thought that that was kind of odd as well and then she realized that jeff hadn't been sounding like himself for the past few days it was just a very odd circumstance they asked daniel if they could speak to jeff and he just kind of avoided it he made excuses whatever and so jeff's ex-wife finally decided that this was all just too weird this was odd she didn't understand why jeff wasn't getting in contact and that is why she called for the welfare check i don't think they ever expected to find what they found i don't think they expected to find out that jeff had been murdered and daniel was now missing but i think they could sense that something was wrong and they did the right thing calling for a welfare check however as soon as police heard this information that daniel had been impersonating his murdered father for the last few days that certainly sounds another level of suspicious had daniel murdered his own father and then tried to impersonate him for a few days and then once he realized that he couldn't get away with it and people were suspicious of him had he then stolen his father's car and fled because if that was the case he could be anywhere by now it had been a few days so the homicide team decided to split up into a few different teams so that they could tackle this case from all angles some of them were trying to track daniel's credit card information to see like where his different bank transactions had been over the past few days another team was looking for cctv videos from around the area around the time of the murder to see if he'd been up to anything and another team decided to focus on tracking down that stolen car and they did this using license plate tracking recognition things in like the speed cameras and stuff like that they can track every single license plate that's gone through them and with that they can track where that car has been in the country they were able to track jeff seggy's stolen honda civic being driven from derby down through staffordshire and then to cardiff where it was eventually abandoned in a car park and out of that car gets daniel he gets out the car closes the door and just walks off and doesn't return that car was still in that car park when police received this case so it was clear that daniel had just abandoned it and his plan was to move on with a different mode of transport and around this time that he abandoned the car he also switched off his mobile phone so they couldn't get any signal any you know they couldn't track him using that either it's clear that he didn't want to be traced leaving the car in a car park switching his phone off it's clear that he is now on the run and this pretty much confirmed to police that they had the right guy and they were on the right track so all police known now is that daniel sege got out of the carrying in cardiff somewhere but now he could be anywhere right now he's traveling on foot with no kind of tracking information or anything to trace on him so it was gonna be pretty hard to follow where he went after he got out of the car in cardiff but teams were working on it however in the meantime of course the seggy home was being searched forensic searchers normal police searchers trying to find any different pieces of evidence maybe in daniel's room maybe in the living room and that was when they found in daniel's bedroom the brand new packaging of a knife that had been cut open and hidden under his bed between the bed and the wall it was clear that daniel didn't want anyone to find this brand new packaging which also borderline confirmed to the police that daniel sege had purchased a brand new knife with the intention of murdering his father this hadn't been a spur of the moment pick up a knife from the kitchen and kill his father thought had gone into this he'd bought a brand new sharp knife and right now police didn't know if that was the only weapon that daniel sege had he could have multiple more weapons on his person and now he's on the run police have no idea where he is he is a potential danger to so many other people so police decided to go and speak with his girlfriend zoe spence who they felt would be a big help in this case zoe knew daniel the best she knew the kind of places that he might go you know she knew if he had any specific ties to any different locations in the uk they just felt like she was going to be the biggest help in this case so they asked her if over the past few days daniel had said anything or done anything that was that was kind of odd to her and she said that he had a few days prior to him going missing zoe said that she'd received a message from him saying that he'd been to a e to receive stitches for a cut on his hand daniel told her that he'd got this cut at work he'd put it on a knife or something making sandwiches and he had to be rushed to hospital for stitches for an injection for painkillers and he sent her a text this is a paraphrased version of that text but it read just got home from bloody a e sliced my finger open i've got five stitches lol i haven't moaned once i've been a brave little soldier lol and like i said based on jeff's autopsy they were able to predict that he was murdered three days prior to when they found him and guess when this message was sent around that exact same time if daniel was the killer which police believe that he was could he have injured himself in the process you hear this a lot with true crime cases where you know someone's using a blade they're stabbing someone so many times that blood is going everywhere it's getting all over their hand their hand gets slippery and they grab the blade their hand slips from the handle to the blade and they grab it and it causes a cut on their own hand and what an eerie way for daniel seggy to to explain this to his girlfriend to explain this injury that he'd sustained saying that he was a brave little soldier saying lol so many times when he knew that he'd got that injury from murdering his father so police knew that the best bet of being able to track down daniel sege at this moment now that he'd turned his phone off now that he ditched the car was to gain his trust and get him to give himself up or give over his location and they knew that the best way to do that was through his girlfriend zoe of course zoe was apprehensive about this whole thing however police explained to her that you know she needed to do this she needed to bring her boyfriend into police's custody and get him off the streets because he could be a danger to so many people out there right now he could have been armed he could have had however many weapons on him and they don't know what mental state he's in right now he's just committed his first murder and who knows he could be you know in that mental state where he's just gonna keep going and keep going and keep going until he's caught maybe this was a race against time just until he commits his second murder and then his third or even if he wasn't planning on committing another murder what was his plan was he gonna just live off the grid and never get a job again and never you know live in society again how is he gonna get money that way through more criminal activity through armed robberies through burglaries police just explained to her that not only would she be keeping the whole of society safe from daniel but she would also be keeping daniel safe from whatever life he was heading for after this incident and there was also the fear you'll see later on in this video that daniel was going to take his own life as part of this maybe that was where this case was ending up and zoe knew that and so she agreed with police that she was gonna try and get him to give himself in she knew it was breaking that trust that daniel had in her but she knew that it was the right thing both for the rest of the uk and potentially the rest of the world and for daniel himself and so they got to work and zoe spence was holed up in the police station for hours every single day talking to daniel sege on social media it seemed that he was like signing in probably through like hey as you go computers in like cafes or hotels or anything like that like he was still managing to use social media although he wasn't on his phone or maybe he'd gotten a new phone like a pay-as-you-go fun something somehow he was managing to use the internet and the ultimate end goal was either to get daniel to give himself in at a police station or to give zoe his location so the police knew where to go and arrest him at however police knew that they weren't about to get this information so easily as this operation was underway back at the police station other police teams were trolling through hours of cctv footage from cardiff town center cardiff city center they were looking at all the kind of major places there to see where daniel could have gone after he got out of that car so they were looking at nearby streets they were looking at big supermarkets tesco's things like that because he might have needed food they were looking at train stations in case he tried to go somewhere else and they were literally just hoping for the best there was absolutely no guaranteeing that they would see daniel zeggy on any of this footage they were just kind of hoping that he was still somewhere in cardiff and that they would they would see him and then be able to track him from there and finally against all the odds they actually spot him on this cctv footage buying a train ticket with cash in cardiff train station which is good news and also bad news good news that you know they've found him they can trace him they can see what trainee got on and see where he got off but also bad news he could be anywhere in the uk right now so the next step was to figure out what train ticket he'd bought what train he'd boarded and where he'd gotten all of that train like which stop he'd gotten off on the way but one thing that my favorite psychologist emma kenny pointed out about this footage was that daniel seggy has no belongings on him he's not carrying anything he doesn't have a bag or like you know anything he doesn't even have a jacket or a coat bear in mind this is like the 1st of december the 2nd of december this is the middle of winter and this suggests that maybe he doesn't have a plan to keep living maybe his intention was that he was going to end his own life if your plan is that you're gonna run away and you're gonna start a new life somewhere surely you would take something from her a spare change of clothes you know maybe a wash bag toothbrush anything but he didn't take anything with him this man just has nothing it's just him and his wallet but before police could even make any more advancements before they could even find out which train he'd gotten on and where he'd gotten off they actually made contact with daniel sege himself through his girlfriend zoe on december the 5th around 7 pm in the evening so this was around 6 days after the murder he sent zoe a message saying the following and this is quite long i'm sorry i honestly don't know what's happening my heart is broken but also my mind i've no idea what has happened this past week it's like i've been asleep for a week and woken up in a nightmare i'm so confused and scared i honestly don't know what to do all i want to do is hug you i love you and the boys her kids forever never forget that you're not just my girlfriend you're my best friend and i love you so with police's help zoe responded to this message something that would gain his trust but also you know try and get try and get his location out of him because while they didn't want to jump straight in and be like where are you where can we find ya this was a race against time they didn't want to push him away but they couldn't dawdle they couldn't you know waste time they needed that location fast so zoe and the police responded to that message saying i'm really worried about you dan please don't be scared the boys and i want to see you where are you now 24 hours later daniel responded i really want to see you too but i can't i'm so far away and i can't remember how i got here i have no money to get home my wallet is gone and i'm all alone i wish i was with you i'm so sorry now there's a lot of messages so i'm gonna start paraphrasing from here on i don't want to be reading out the same stuff over and over again because he repeats himself a lot as well i'll tell you certain significant quotes as they come up but his next message was essentially just everything he's already said that he's alone and that he's confused and scared just all of that just reworded he mentions that he's somewhere really high up north and ends the message with i don't want you to worry i will be okay and i love you so zoe replied something like it doesn't sound like you're okay we all miss you i'm losing sleep over this like hurry up and come home i won't be okay until i know that you're okay so daniel said i'm sorry i wish i could come home and give you all a hug but i can't and he ended that message with i am safe i think but i need to work out what to do now this could have gone on for hours this conversation because all he was saying was that he loved her and that he's confused and he's alone and he's tired and you know all he wants to do is hug her this could have gone backwards and forwards for a long time so police decided to switch things up and they decided to come at it from the angle that zoe was gonna come and pick him up she said you know if you want a hug from me i will come and pick you up so give me a location and this was police using what they thought was his soft spot it was zoe it was zoe and the kids he wanted to be back with them that was his comfort and he needed a comfort right now he keeps saying that he's confused he's alone he's tired and he's worried and what he needs is his support his comfort and so if they think if they can offer him zoey he will give her his location so that she can come pick him up and give him that hub that he so desperately needs finally after much back and forth daniel reveals to zoey that he had traveled all the way up to glasgow in scotland literally pretty much the highest north that you can get so police were on it the derby police contacted glasgow police and just informed them of this whole situation this whole case and told them to not only be on the lookout but be ready to go and arrest him as soon as they receive any kind of location by now the derby police force had gathered as much as they possibly could you know cctv bank transaction details everything like that to try and piece together a timeline of daniel segey's life the last few days since he murdered his father so this is exactly what the derby police told the glasgow police had happened over the last few days the autopsy into jeff seggy's death placed his murder at around 10 or 11 p.m that night this was as he was going to bed it explains why his body was found naked because like i said his clothes were found on the floor his pajamas were close by so it was as if he was getting changed for bed he was attacked at a very vulnerable moment which also makes it seem like it was daniel sege not that we need any more evidence against him at this point but it's unlikely that a robbery gone wrong is gonna wait for the perfect time that someone is at their most vulnerable however if you live in that house with the person and you're planning on killing them that night you're gonna just hang around for a bit and wait for them in their most vulnerable state when they're getting changed so yeah jeff seggy was murdered around 10 or 11 p.m that night and as we can see from daniel's bank statement information he actually left the house pretty much straight after that went into town and bought a chinese takeaway he then brought that food back to the home where he just murdered his own father sat down stairs and ate it while his father's dead body is just above him around 2 a.m so this is about three or four hours after the murder daniel sege goes to a e and messages zoe about how he's getting five stitches in his finger it seems as though you know obviously he got this during the attack but maybe he just hoped that it had stopped bleeding by itself and then maybe two three hours later he's realizing it's not gonna stop bleeding by itself and maybe he does need medical attention he was avoiding going to hospital at all costs there because then there's explanations you know then it's on record that he's got an injury on his hand you know he didn't want to have to go to hospital and maybe that's why he put it off for so long it gets to the three four hour mark he realizes he needs stitches so he goes to any he sent his girlfriend zoe a picture of his finger saying that he was a brave little soldier and then he returned home and went to bed and slept a few rooms away from his father's decomposing body the following morning daniel woke up knowing that his father had a daily call with his brother like i said 7 a.m every single morning jeff would call his other son and daniel knew you know the other son is gonna start calling soon and he needed to come up with something fast a reason as to why his father wouldn't be on the phone that morning so he texted his brother off his father's phone posing as jeff saying that he was ill and that he wasn't gonna go to work that day and he was just gonna go back to bed so that was an excuse not to have this call and you know so that his brother didn't turn up at the house to pick his father up for work and it was at this point that his family started getting a little bit suspicious because this was very unlike jeff to ever miss a day of work and also to communicate through text he was more of a phone call kind of guy daniel then texted his own mother off jeff's phone so his ex-wife because like i said his ex-wife still took care of all of his finances and he asked as jeff if his ex-wife could move a hundred pounds from his savings account to his current account because he needed some extra money this month and she said that she would she didn't think much of it because you know she took care of his finances this wasn't weird however later that day just a few hours later daniel sege had his father's bank card and he was withdrawing this 100 pounds in cash from an atm in town after that daniel sege then goes to his closest mcdonald's gets himself some dinner before returning to the home that he shared with his father while his father's body was still decomposing in his bedroom still not one attempt has been made to disperse or at least cover this body psychologists have pointed out that at this stage this has been almost a full 24 hours now since the murder for daniel to not feel an overwhelming urge to dispose of the body that shows that on some level he is at peace with what he's done he's not disgusted or ashamed in his actions if he was he wouldn't want to know that he's living in the same house as the dead body of his father but he doesn't seem to care at all he's absolutely fine living in the same house sleeping a few doors down from his father's dead body and that shows a true disconnect with what he's done daniel segui is potentially such a dangerous person because he doesn't have that remorse or that empathy or you know he doesn't realize that what he's done is the absolute worst thing a human can do you know he's absolutely fine living with what he's done here once again daniel goes to sleep in his bedroom a couple of doors away from where his father's body lay in the bed he wakes up the following morning and daniel now begins to make the preparations for when he would flee the first thing he did that morning was drive to the bank and draw out 300 pounds in cash from his own account this time and he's talking with the cashier he's laughing he's jerking which is so odd that this man is a murderer an uncaught murderer and this woman has no idea she's joking with him she's laughing with them he then gets back in the car when he goes back home that is when he has this phone call with his brother pretending to be his father and i think he came away from that phone call knowing that that was it that he just messed up horrifically and now his family are on to him so as soon as he finishes that phone call he goes and gets in his father's car his father's honda civic and drives and just drives and drives and drives until he gets to cardiff where he abandons the car he then purchased a train ticket in cardiff train station to glasgow and within seven hours he was in scotland we don't know for what reason he decided to go to scotland he was probably just looking at the board in the train station thinking well where's the furthest away from here that i can get to the full top of the uk once he arrived at glasgow station he then bought another train ticket for another place in scotland and this was a town called firsa which is on the very tip top course of scotland literally the highest north pretty much that you can get he's physically trying to get as far away from what he's done as he possibly can whether that's because he is now starting to feel some kind of remorse some kind of feeling towards it or whether that's just because he thinks that's his best chance at you know not being caught so he buys this train ticket to thirsa however because this is you know just a random town at the top of scotland they don't have trains that run there every single day and this train that he bought a ticket for wasn't gonna leave for another two days so he had another two days in glasgow so daniel went and found a hotel called the jury's inn in glasgow and he camps out there for two days and it's when he gets to this hotel that he begins making contact with zoe maybe they had computers in the lobby that you could kind of pay as you go and that's how he began speaking to her in between these facebook messages with zoe daniel was also searching up some very interesting things you know previous murder investigations that the uk has had how police dealt with those murder investigations he's trying to figure out what the police's next steps will be in terms of trying to find him so that he can be one step ahead of them he wanted to know how the police went about this and how he could avoid them so by now police had got daniel sege in a place where he trusted zoe he felt as though zoe was genuine she wasn't in contact with the police and that she was genuinely just gonna come up to glasgow give him this hug that he wanted and potentially bring him back down to derby he'd already told her that he was in glasgow and now they just needed that final piece of information where was he in glasgow and they finally received that around 3am that he was in the jury's inn hotel in glasgow and that was the last interaction that he would ever have with his girlfriend zoe because as soon as he'd sent that message derby police had let glasgow police know his exact location and they went straight there and arrested him on that day daniel sege was transported from glasgow down to derby once again for his questioning however all the way through his initial interview he didn't say anything he gave nothing up all he was saying was no comment but you know even though this questioning was relatively unsuccessful they were hoping they were just gonna get a confession they didn't really need it anywhere you know he'd fled for however many days there was the evidence of the knife packaging in his bedroom there was there was just so much evidence here and so police wasted no time in charging daniel sege for his father's murder and a trial date was set so the way that trials go is that there's kind of a pre-trial court appearance where the defendant will go and they will either plead guilty or not guilty if they plead not guilty then it has to go to a trial where a jury is brought in and then they decide if they're guilty or not guilty however if the defendant just chooses to plead guilty at this pre-trial court hearing then it doesn't need to go to trial because they've already said they're guilty just send him to prison a lot of killers specifically serial killers daniel seghi wasn't a serial killer but a lot of criminals that are proud of their work will choose to plead not guilty even though they know they're guilty they'll plead not guilty because they want a trial they want the attention they want to prolong this for as long as they possibly can but not daniel segi at this first pre-trial court appearance he decided to plead guilty to the murder of his own father in may of 2017 31 year old daniel sege was sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 20 years but the question that police and his family and his loved ones were left with was why why did daniel do this what was his motive to murder his own father in such a brutal way with so much overkill as well 60 stab wounds and a further 20 wounds given to him with this hammer like what is the reason for this this was the man that gave him life that gave him a roof over his head food on the table for 31 years and this is how his son repairs him this was such a shocking case because even to his friends and family they never saw daniel like this they never at all expected this you would have thought that because this seemed to come out of nowhere there had to have been some kind of underlying reason you know maybe some abuse in the household whether it had been daniel to his father or his father to daniel it didn't even seem like this was an argument that had gotten out of hand because it seemed as though daniel sege had bought a new knife for that exact reason to murder his father with so what what had come over daniel sege i'm not aware of any mental illnesses that daniel might have had maybe i just couldn't find that in my research but i can see that he didn't get any time reduced from his sentence for any level of mental illness so maybe that's not the case some people do just snap one day you know maybe something drives them to a point where they're just angry and they do this daniel segui claims that he has no recollection of the murder and he himself can't explain how or why it happened he doesn't remember doing it and so he can't explain why he did it either daniel sege's girlfriend zoe spence has actually since said that she will always stick by him she will always defend him and she will remember the good times that they had and try to block out the memory of this incident which i think is a very odd note to end this on but anyway that is all i have on this case thank you so so much for watching thanks again to magellantv for sponsoring this video if you click the link down below in my description michelle and tv are offering you guys a month free when you sign up using my link so enjoy that and like i said they're doing buy one get one free on the gift cards at the moment so christmas presents 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Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,400,435
Rating: 4.9433894 out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale true crime, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, killer, murder, serial killer, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, netflix, storytime, 2020, dateline, creepypasta, horror, daniel seggie, geoff seggie, seggie, dan, daniel, girlfriend, uk true crime, england, uk, britain, what the killer did next, the chinese takeaway killer, chinese, takeaway, family, son, father, manhunt, police, chase, hunt, takeout, mukbang
Id: bu5-Eha0wzc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 14sec (2774 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 08 2020
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