Making the ULTIMATE SURVIVAL BUNKER in Minecraft!

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you know what the other day I was thinking to myself it has been ages since we have built some form of Bunker I personally absolutely love building bunkers they're one of my favorite things to build in Minecraft and it's convenient timing because clearly everything has gone slightly wrong we're in a bit of a doomsday situation here so I think doomsday bunker it is I want you to completely ignore the fact that I have a flint and steel in my hand right now and the doomsday situation only seems to be around about a twenty five block radius okay it was just an example so first things first I want to create the little entrance into this thing now normally it's some form of hidden entrance but actually we're going to be doing something slightly different today in that I want this to be a just a well sealed entrance in fact I've actually wonder it I wonder if we would be able to add some form of automatic washing system so it kind of cleans us off before we get dropped down into the base that would be amazing and this this kind of works I mean it's super super simple we just take an observer output from the iron door and that runs into a dispenser and when the door closes the water gets removed and then we can actually just drop down through yeah I mean that's that's a very elegant solution so I think that's everything for the top section and now let's start work on some of the redstone that's going to be going on inside and as I just mentioned the drop down system it's something I really want I want the impression that we're kind of slowly being pulled down into this bunker here so I'm thinking some form of slime block elevator I mean that seems like the smartest way to do this all right how well does this work then pretty well doesn't go down that far but that's okay if I replace this and then update that thing goes back up to the top I mean it that it does function now where I'll be truly very impressed is if I've managed to actually hook it up properly with my little button system so the water goes and wow that actually functions nice okay right let's build up this area so it's a little bit better looking so I've liked to have the desired floor level now I'm actually going to start taking out blocks and we want to create a 15 by 15 area so we're going from the center that means that we need it to be seven block out that's two four five six seven and that's going to be in all directions around like this so it's going to be quite a big space and I just recently worked out how to make use of the fill replace command and it's it's incredibly satisfying leaving the veins of things just behind so now you can do one that is scale will really quite like which is alright alright gets taken out and then we can do grand nights this is the best thing ever so here we have the beginnings of our bunker now the keen-eyed ones of you will notice that we have actually got ourselves a little spawner down on the bottom there which I'm actually using it as my movable object to stop my flying machine which I personally think is hilarious but this thing right here is going to be what the entire base centers around so against Korea and an XP farm kind of in the center here because of course this is a doomsday bunker we need to have everything available to us in one place so we're going to have the XP farm and then we're also going to have farms surrounding it like this and they're all going to feed into one central storage system and everything that we could possibly need is going to be up in this area here I'm I'm really excited for this this is this is exactly my soar build now the first thing I want to do is place in the melon and pumpkin farms and also some sugarcane farms but I did those in the previous redstone videos let's quickly skip that now I decided to ops for a very simple shoot game farm but I might have overlooked a slight thing it might be a bit and in the end I came up with something like this incredibly simple just consisting of a bunch of Pistons and then out the back here we have got ourselves a redstone clock which just uses a long comparator pulse extender to give us a nice delay and that is doing the whole thing I mean this is it it is now fully functioning and as you can see sugarcane is being pushed into the middle but there is one other farm that I want to work on in this kind of central area and that is a kelp farm so that we can power all of our furnaces using kelp because let's face it coal is boring now I was trying to work out a way to make a design that would actually fit inside this space and I think I've done a pretty decent job so if the kelp grows you can see that all of the pistons kick off and then the kelp lands in the water stream and it ends up well currently on this side but it's all actually going to go into the center that's the plan there's going to be a plunge hole where everything falls skeletons all of the chute cane the melons the pumpkins everything is going to be going into one space but if we take a look out the back you can see that redstone wise super super simple or we've got is observers detecting the growth of the kelp then powers this line of redstone which then powell is this line of pistons and it instantly breaks the kelp as it grows so now it's time to build it three more times I've got to say there's something quite satisfying about watching these things well into the middle so you've got sugar cane coming in we've got everything kind of flowing into the center does this Whirlpool effect which I really like now the only slight issue is our melon and pumpkin farm won't work in the dark so you're gonna have to make a choice between having this thing activated and gathering up skeletons or having this thing activated and gathering up melons and pumpkins and we're going to do that by using just a big ol ring of redstone lamps and lights on much better it looks like we've already got ourselves a pumpkin down there a couple of them anyway next stump on the project list is to create the actual item transportation system and as you can see it's working well so we've got a little hold down at the bottom there where all of the items are falling through and then they're being shot up but through an item elevator out the back here which is then taking them up into this hopper but this is also going to be transporting all of the skeletons from our spawner as well this one's gonna be a big change yep matt has definitely been a big change okay then we need to replace all of the dirt and everything if you couldn't already tell we're going for a super clean doomsday bunker here now originally what I plan to do is have a storage system for all the different types of items so you can see we had melons pumpkins kelp chute cane we had bones and all that sort of thing but ya don't have a whole lot of room so I think I'm going to rethink things a little bit and instead I'm going to go for a shocker box sorting system or I should probably rephrase that not necessarily a sorting system but he's going to store all of the items till we get from all the farms in schalke boxes and they're going to be stored in bulk in this chest right here so I guess we can make that actually too wide because we want it to be a double chest so we have plenty of storage and that also makes things symmetrical and then we have a little elevator which is sending the items from down here up into this is tiny and then that's going to fly across and that's going to go into the Shocker box that is going to be satellite here now when this thing fills up we're then going to break it using this piston and store it in this chest and that all seems to be working exactly as I described so if we just take a look down here there should be some items flowing into the sink hole yeah there we go so there is some kelp flies in there and then it shoots right the way up to the top very nice and quickly ends up in the hopper and then straight in here and if this was to fill up breakage average reader spends huge storage next up on my long list of things that you absolutely require in a doomsday bunker it's of course a furnace smelter array no one at the end of the world once we working with just one furnace okay it is horribly slow its I I actually had to sit and wait for one furnace to smelt things the other day I forgot how slow it is okay so we're doing away with that and we're getting something decent and this super simple and very space efficient design is what I've gone for I mean if we take a look at this yeah that is that's it there's nothing why just do it is just hoping minecarts powered rails and hoppers and they're just going to go back and forth evenly distributing out the items between the furnaces at least that's that's what should happen all I have to do is create a little redstone clock out the back here which is going to make sure that these hover minecarts right here get loaded with enough items to actually distribute them evenly between the hoppers because obviously if it's just going back and forth quickly and that's not gonna do the job I just realized that my fill command I was wondering why there was no melons and pumpkins in the storage system my vil command swaps out on my death blogs for cos blocks anyway back over at the super smelter now I've just booted it into gear and I gotta say I'm super impressed I mean look at this so all of them have got the same number of items on the inside it's all evenly distributed perfectly and I mean it's all its melting really quite quickly as much it's much much faster than a can or just single furnace that's for sure look at this I mean you could expand this to massive scales you really could go crazy with it heading back down to the bottom now I need to pay some attention to this area down here because I've just kicked into gear the skeleton spawner and this is just not cutting the mustard so the skeletons kind of land here and they don't really care about moving forwards into the water stream so we're gonna have to force them so if we just gradually make our way down here and then land down here you can see that we get pushed across by the piston aren't put into the superfast hole stand water stream and we get sent up to the top now I wonder if we just switch off the lights real quick okay straight away we got some skeletons spawning so that's that's done the trick now we wait and see do they actually come up through the system I like the idea that we're using our item stream and also a skeleton stream all in one spot but there we go there's the first skeleton the next one but you could be being quite resilient oh oh there they are nice so I think it's safe to say that that works really quite well and of course to kill them all we need is a sword a little bit like this and that will deal with them quite quickly so we've got ourselves a pretty sweet XP farm right there that is also dropping off obviously all of the drops into this lovely sugar box so what else could we possibly have inside our bunker here we've already got quite a lot I guess some form of general item storage would probably be pretty handy at this point in time because of course you know we've got the farm item storage but to have a natural storage system would be cool and I imagine that in this sort of tight space you'd probably be using some form of shocker box storage system and for some reason I imagine it would probably look something like this so we have kind of Pistons revealing this storage system and then we're going to have yeah we'll have stairs up there in fact that makes sense that like that so we need to make sure that everything is looking perfect and pristine so we walk up to our chests it will be revealed like that lovely so that's that job done then all that looking rather cool now the next thing that I thought I'd work on is the living quarters because of course you know this is this is great but I definitely wouldn't want to sleep here and this just doesn't seem like a good place to be so I've built up this little section off over here and I think for the piston door to get us in I really like the idea of it kind of pulling back like this and then sliding across to this side I think that would look absolutely fantastic and it's entirely doable with a little bit of redstone engineering well that works fluidly straight away look how easy that is there's not even any complicated redstone going on here and it is fantastic to watch yeah I absolutely love this thing I'm so glad that we added that in that is so space-age ok so this space right here I mean I have I don't really know I'm going to do with that I'm going to try my best to decorate it nicely it's not going to be too much redstone in this space is purely just going to be for living books you know coffee tables rugs you know the drill now I'll be totally honest I have definitely seen home Lia looking sleeping arrangements but TV cactus you know it's it seems pretty nice I I'm a big fan of this place that we're creating here this is a cool little base I'll be happy if I had this in my survival world I really would be now one thing that I can't help but notice is that ok so we've got a lot of bones we've got access to tons of bones because of course we've got ourselves a skeleton farm so that's brilliant and we have got absolutely no source of food so it only makes sense though crew we create some form of bread maker or some form of automatic bone meal based farm and I think I've come up with a design that is gonna be fairly smart this is remotely close to working I'll be both very surprised and also very impressed now in theory washing happen is these bone meal dispensers should kick in and these blocks should go back and forth no good no one but nobody panic because I think I've actually come up with a smarter way to do this which should reduce the amount of things that are going on and hopefully should work perfectly okay this in this area has ended up looking a little bit strange maybe we should leave that open so that you can see things going back and forth now I mean that should be working ah ok no no we didn't put that we didn't put the redstone in place here we go now it's working and I can see that that should actually function so do you see it going bright and dark that's what we need if I grab myself some carrots and throw them in here oh yes that is the ticket so this is working absolutely flawlessly if I pop through into game mode survival so as you can see I have got nearly two stacks of carrots I just have to hold down the right click button and that is absolutely flying up through the roof they seem to be stacking up in odd places in my inventory but there we go now we can see how fast this thing is and is great this is all you need in a bunker and you know what I actually think this is one of the coolest looking bread makers in the game I love the look of that glowstone going back and forth this thing's fantastic another thing that I really want on the hermitcraft stuffer anyway I think to round things up but in the bunker I realized that we we did not have any form of crafting bench in here so I built in this tall thing and that fills in the last gap in this space and I've got to say I think we've done a great job filling it this is definitely the coolest bunker I've made I mean it is stacked to the brim with all sorts of awesome things also there's different farms we've got super smelters we've got food supplies we've got shocker box storage systems we've got a little area in here with an awesome piston door I mean there's just there's all sorts going on I'm really really happy with this so I really do hope that you enjoyed this video if you did please lots of that like ban and if you really loved it then making sure to subscribe but thanks for watching guys this is bimbo and I'm out home silly [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,983,708
Rating: 4.9503183 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: UI5AtQ2T5ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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