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just great looks like it got scratched yep yep definitely scratched [Music] obviously it snowed just a little bit not too bad I think it'll melt pretty quickly and we'll get going later today but right now we've got a flat tire on the Ripper so I'm headed to Deere up in Glenwood to grab that tire and Jim and I are gonna head out to the field see if we can get that thrown on there and I've got a massive headache from grinding my teeth while I sleep does anybody else do that ooh that looks heavy it doesn't look any lighter even when it's in the back of the truck ah seems a lot slower to kick in than I was hoping Mariana hey didge what's going on see ya holy smokes thank God everybody's okay man I thought I had a headache whoa that would get a guy's attention nobody's out here I would guess they're gonna come back for their machine that's a joke I know they're coming back for their machine how did he get out of here oh there we go just uh some gymnastics moves hey are you okay you okay come on stupid traction control there we go yep just as I suspected as he said stuck the coop is going to take our 64 10 up right now to pull their pickup out I'm gonna keep looking for a better rope and chain to help them pull that pickup out because I know I've got one around here somewhere but when we moved houses a few months ago I can't figure out where I put that thing got it perfect for a one-ton pickup stuck in the mud you know whatever meanwhile dad and Jim are 5 miles south handling that tire how you doing we got we get the hubs gotta go down like 10 inches motion yeah yeah you can just stay there let's get me hooked on the rim now holds the up close we are let's see if we can twist it just a hair we could get one of those top ones I could spin that we're right there now filling go up go up with the hub up with up where it went better than I would have expected - yes we're on it's hanging on the hob on all every stutter through yeah I knew that I wouldn't be a problem it was pretty simple for him no kiddin it's getting pretty slimy out cuz the snow is starting to melt a little bit we're gonna set the gym over onto some corn stalks and we're you're going to decide because of how greasy it is and what it is we're gonna run without those front disc blades so I'm gonna set another preset on our true set here I'm going to create a preset three so that these settings are exactly the same but without the disc blades in the ground so I want eight and a half and one and I'm going to go to negative on the disc so this will be a negative five eight point five one point zero there we go there's one there's two there's three what is that so now he's got his preset one which is standard we got preset two which is a lot more shallow with the blades up for the soybean ground and we got preset three which I've set for muddy or corn stock ground to keep the discs all the way up out of the ground the rippers a little bit shallower and the idea is that the implement will maintain the constant depth without him having to worry about it there's the aftermath of tire and rim number one are you okay you guys okay okay see ya for traction control off mud now some of you are maybe wondering if I did any speeding from there to here and my answer is no that's illegal well we got a whole crew and an awful lot of commotion going on back here now take note that must be all of 15 feet in the air and it's got mud on it it hit the ground it's like they're gonna criss cross the cables here pull with two rigs and anchor to the dozer I'll just narrate it and act like I know what I'm talking about just great looks like it got scratched yep yep definitely scratched just got too slimy on you yeah will you remember last year when you got that tractor stuck these guys did a much worse job than you did Pollan just don't catch it with your head now you wrecked the roof that wasn't very eventful no kind of boring and they did a real good job of setting that down nice and easy another one stuck he's getting there he's getting there what a nice little Saturday huh you might get out of there I don't think he's going far if he does move harvest 19 maybe I'll just pull them all the way home there we go you still can't stay on top don't flip it the plan now is to hook hook the 64 10 to it and try to pull it straight down this hill so it's a little more comfortable to work on and it's sitting a little bit easier they didn't like my little chain I don't really think it's the size that matters but you brought us a better one should be able to weld this mirror back together well they're cutting we may as well pick up some of this mess for those concerned about the spill here what that is is phosphorus and potassium a little bit of mess or mess if you're a farmer you know what I'm talking about but a little bit of sulfur a little bit of zing basically it's plant food that's all it is it's there's no there's very little nitrogen in here it's really difficult to run a bucket drive a tractor and control a camera at the same time phosphorus and potassium will actually bind with the soil so it's not it's not a huge deal we're going to pick it up and throw it in there spreader back here and it'll get spread onto the field and work into the soil now the record guy has torched the boom back in this end he wants those booms out of the way for when they tow it down the highway and he can't get it to break off so he wants me to destroy it I would think this green tractor should break that one pretty easily maybe not as easily as I had hoped came apart I got will here will came all the way back in this muddy field to come watch this John Deere tractor ripped apart this red machine what do you think will cool cool are you excited to be here yeah your car mine looks like it's in pretty good shape that's a pretty good shape but you know what isn't that red machine over there yeah yeah that one's a little rough you like watching the movies the videos yeah yeah you like farming you like John Deere what about case you like them all the tractor is a tractor attaboy but it's still fun to make fun to make go to the red ones right there goes another load of red scrap iron leaving the field the way they normally do just kidding guys I believe the plan is to drag it all the way to the road with that thing which is one mile over the river and through the woods get the fertilizer wagon out of the way Oh Oh only another mile to go what we're gonna do with a little bit of leftover fertilizer here is actually get a manure spreader out here and we're gonna have to scoop some dirt and get all this cleared out of here and into a manure spreader and then we'll spread it out more evenly across the acres just to make sure we don't have a concentrated spot here but that's for later I was afraid of that I'm gonna stay up here but I'm pretty sure that truck is stuck he's not really stuck but he can't really get up the hill so they're gonna run the dozer up to the north end of that field and drop off the floater get it on the roll back then the dozer is gonna make its way down here hook up to him and I don't know if he'll use a winch or hook a chain on but there's nothing I can do he's just gonna have to camp out there for an hour it'll go anywhere here's what I was really hoping to do today was run some tillage and harvest some corn but Jim was out running tillage and it got too slimy so he had to quit so we can't run tillage because the snow that was here has all melted down and now it's just so greasy and the problem with harvesting the corn is going to be this right here this stuff is just barely melting and it's really sticky and it'll get with this stuff and plug the sibs up in the back of the combine and throw all the corn out the back and then we'll freeze up the sibs and we'll have all kinds of problems and it's 3:30 in the afternoon and I am NOT gonna be able to harvest today I wonder if Tony fast from fast Egmont Anna's in the area I'll call him and find out Tony fast are you in the area you know as luck would have it Tony Montana happened to be in the area so I may as well show him what a green farm looks like who's a good puppy who's a good puppy which one of you agree I am I'll call Randy [Music] girls and onyx are you ready to go get some burgers Rhiannon you look terrifying
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,501,846
Rating: 4.8863635 out of 5
Keywords: Implement Rollover, FARMER, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer podcast, mn millennial farmer podcast, mn millennial farmer harvest, farming, tractor rollover, case floater roll over, millennial farmer equipment, farm accidents, harvesting corn, millennial farmer harvest, corn harvest, farming simulator, john deere, tractor videos, harvest, fertiliizer spreader roll over, terragator spreader, case, kids
Id: bYXFz77U67E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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