The Never Ending Field!!!! Kelderman Corn Reel In Use.

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well it's Monday morning we're gonna go try to finish corn harvest today and it's gonna be the test run with this here corn real so we'll see how this works hopefully better than the last time I was in that field er that's gonna make it a long day so let's see how she goes so we were out here I don't know a week ago took the head lands off cut through the field this is a half a mile from right here down to the next fence line and it took me 45 minutes to get from right here to the other end because every fifty to a hundred feet up get out and unplug the whole head so we're about to see how this thing works here in about one minute so this is standing really nice here we're approaching where we would definitely be plugged previously some big maths going around it seems to be all going in though really laden up over there I don't like that big quad goodnight you don't unplug that yeah she's pretty wound on that pipe there famine Africa helpful he's not up oh yeah can't get out of a seat without that being beeping [Applause] yeah ha gonna have shut down for a bit no this is not cool I would I wouldn't have made it 10 feet we've made it needed a quarter-mile it's one-stop saw your stop cops up here and that's gonna work awesome what a mess it better it now the corn is really dewy right now so it's don't judge it yet because I know I am my wadded-up Lord good night there's the spinning so it got so wound up Agnes lovely piece of equipment it started jumping the on the chain and since they don't have a decent way of tightening this down you gotta loosen up these bolts which it just pulls it when it gets bound up and once start jumping cuz this was tight so I get a loosen these up slide it back so there's nothing to hold it back so it'll just keep sliding all day you know and they're enjoying life unplugging the reel yeah [Music] nice and if an answer [Music] [Music] now one of the bosses right and went outside watching it up to two miles an hour now so what we're gonna do now is we're going to take the ear savers off so what an ear saver is is that this here rubber piece goes in between each snoot it's to keep the corn ears from falling back out of the head we're gonna remove those to try to improve feeding we did raise the corn real about three inches which seems to have helped a lot also so we'll see how this works [Music] you know you're in my way I believe you're in my way you're tightening that again huh I am I got bigger inches this test jeepers hammer it well working a lot better now that we've raised the head about four inches so we're now about six to eight inches I would say above the gathering chains and stripper plates we took the ear savers off which helped massive gotta take those off and yeah it's working a little better don't have it spinning very fast real real slow yes so that if you start having a problem it starts grabbing anyways that's what we have felt seen in our last couple of rounds my header height control arm or sensor Springs have broke or flew apart or something so they're trying to fix on that so I'm just having lunch while they fix on that because I can't eat and drive it's so stressful in here we're really ripping now he actually can go that fast so there was a spot back behind me where he was actually coming to a complete stop and waiting for me to catch up because the tractor wouldn't drive slow enough Oh puke all over this job Oh make and just again so my review on this thing is it actually does work for what we're having issues with but the auger keeps slugging but that's not the reels problem that's just that our slip punches are ruined so I am feeling better about it than I did both two and a half hours ago [Music] knows better this is far from it well got none with this side of the field we got this side to do which bit is bigger than this side and now the truck is stuck up there if you can see it oh and it was just raining it's just conditions are great and we're not going to get done today no way not happening now with conditions like these yep he's stuck that's for sure [Music] we're people hips Oh now she's a big snake [Music] the bigger box just another day at Larssen farms that plugged up that clean that all up and we're back like 2:30 cold little bugger back to the flat car and gosh I can't wait look it I'll bet that one tine is right there right there that time it's supposed to be in line with all the rest of these [Music] I already get a pardon yeah that's been [Music] look at how bent that thing is oh my gosh now we got two of them bent like this one here is really bent dang it this is the profit don't you pick up all your corn stocks that you're not done no I mean either only when I stop go unload it's kind of sinking in overnight that's why they got bent the first place so let's go let the misery begin it looks like it's standing so good but it is so not good okay so my gathering chain down there decided to pop off for some weird reason don't see any other issues so service service trucks done for right now we're gonna Park it on the headlands make sure nothing bad happens again we're gonna go try to give her again you'll probably get stuck out here is what is it what as it is massively wet well that's it I called it quits at 6:30 you only been out here for a couple hours but it don't work I told them that they can come down tomorrow when the flex head because this does not work at all so I'm sending two trucks home empty because other patients have it can I can take a lot but I can't take this this is ridiculous can't make it 10 feet without the head plugging because the slip clutches are shot so is so disheartening with this whole deal I don't know well we're heading back out day 330 acres of platform they said no to the flax hat I get into a struggle again we gots wind we're starting earlier it's like 10 o'clock in the morning we're trying let the dude dry off a little bit [Music] Liat beads better [Music] we're heading out oh here we are again I really hope this is the last day if this ain't the last day I don't know what I'm gonna do is anyone else traveling with so much gear so it's extremely windy out today which is a good thing to help dry the plants off but of course I need government juice filled f on now in the wind not looking forward to that it's pretty cool though here we go oh yeah stupid you're stupid you're out of the seat you can't get out with the separator ready [Applause] so this here is a huge part of the problem when there's mud on these things where's the ad on this plastic that's supposed to be nice and slippery it just wants to push the cornstalks against this you can't get under them because these get to be the size of a basketball on the end here because the horn leaves get hooked on it everything so it's important to keep these clean which is really annoying because you got to get in and out of the combine almost every other round should do it every tap around but your patience level just can't take that so you get to software for a little bit yeah pretty cold and that's the air in the back trying to mentally prepare for this again here we go again that's the biggest amount of 30 acres I've ever seen supposably is only 30 acres left no gear but so you get encouraged here you know you're going along it's going great and then you come to pancake Ville because the green card driver calls it and it's just flat and no man is that discouraging so let's talk about some settings I got going on with this combine right now I've got the header running at full speed to try to grab the stocks and rip them down instead of come into the head I've got the reels running a little faster than I'm traveling and that seems to work better than to slow Kelderman corn real company said there have it running just a little slower than you travel but I found that don't work very good at all so I've actually got that spinning pretty good but the got my there's my settings for the combine which the combine is automatically adjusting it due to conditions and everything that works pretty good comes a green card driver so here comes some pancake bill so this is what you approach so now I'm lowering the head to get underneath it slow way down so that it don't plug your auger the green card driver really has to slow down so this is when you need a good grain cart driver because he's got to pay attention to when you're literally coming through almost to stop something down to one point one miles an hour now and barely crawling so you got to go this slow otherwise big wats come in and it plugs this auger that's moving right there so yeah that's what we got going on here hopefully it works better than it did last night because I was very discouraging this is channel we normally plant almost all channel corn and we've never had this problem before why this variety so what we had to do is we returned our later day variety of channel corn back the channel they brought us this variety in an earlier date because we were planting so late whatever is wrong with this variety it was the only we planted some other varieties in June and never had this problem a variety issue no doubt about it never be planting this variety again I will make sure of that that is not so those are the major reasons what caused that to go flat is the wind it was sixty mile an hour gusts about one day back I think it was October 20th any weakness stock that was out there that's where we're at that's why this is happening with this since our last field twenty-five acres now it's working better now that son is kind of out working a lot better let's hope everything can hold on and we can get done today look at that look 12 rows 40:19 here we go you don't let me down now to get out I hear the son [Applause] decent temperatures and the last 12 rows in it we're so pumped [Music] so come yeah I got this is it last twelve rows the bunny rabbit catch that bunny rabbit that's the season right there looking at you look at him filming the bunny rabbit there you have it last 20:19 card being dumped off come everybody is overjoyed with this success while we're on the way home now and just to show you the last 12 rows is great but the even sadder part is I cleaned the feederhouse off right here brushed it all off into the head my augers are so shot that when I fired it up for the last time the slip clutches on the augers hit jammed it jammed it literally jammed on what was sitting on the feederhouse if you want to talk about a battle it's got a fight to the very very end anyway these guys I hope you enjoyed this video and it was a struggle I'm glad we got a corn reel it helped a lot my cakes on this corn real is it got the job done it should have hydraulics on it should have a pensioner on that chain to help hold it back I would think that'd be pretty easy should have four and a half and it should be adjustable up and down so the manufacturers watching that's my suggestions if you want to sell this one that's fine but you should have another option of hydraulic for a higher price because it would definitely be worth it back to the drawing board boys if you like this video check us out on Instagram Facebook snapchat a lot of awesome content on there photos of our farm and equipment you're into AG go check it out it is pretty sweet and don't forget to subscribe hit the button subscribe right now do it yeah video is ending hit it before it's over
Channel: Larson Farms
Views: 945,630
Rating: 4.849937 out of 5
Id: sh4FDtv-Rko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 04 2019
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