2020 Equipment ROLLOUT!

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this is it boys and girls the time is here spring planting 2020 on a early start all things are good [Music] less than three days ago I had this thing stuck in the field right out here now we're dry sunny it's still it's like 30 degrees right now but it's gonna get into the 60s here today and tomorrow and we're going to go to town I've gotten a lot of questions about our different types of tillage and why I was out in the field with that thing the other day it's fairly dry here and the ground had frozen on top and what we wanted to do was level out the ruts in this field out here that we created during harvest last year that ripper is our deepest tillage that's typically our fall tillage it goes in eight inches deep roughly and really throws the stalks and buries the residue buries the heavy corner residue so that's what we use that Ripper right there when we really want to bury corn residue which is generally the way it's done around here because burying that residue helps keep the fields blacker and a little bit lumpier which means they will dry out in the spring a lot faster is it the right thing to do that's debatable you can debate it until you're blue in the face but that's how we do it around here because we're trying to grow a good corn and get in the field as early as possible in the spring we've got cold soils we've got heavy clay soils that's how we do it we try and bury that residue get those fields to dry out the reason I unhooked the ripper is because we should be done with it now typically that's not a piece of equipment we use in the spring it can definitely create some compaction underneath and without the freeze-thaw cycle to help break that up we usually don't want to use it in the spring unless we have to in a situation like we had the other day now this rig right here is generally our spring tillage machine we call this the digger other people know it as a field cultivator or a spring tooth the idea behind this one is we're only digging two to maybe four inches deep at the most a lot of times we'll use this to prepare the seed bed before we plant in the spring this leaves a much more level smooth surface to come by with the planter so that the row units on the planter are hopefully not bouncing leaves the field really soft and really level obviously when you're only going roughly three inches deep versus eight inches deep this thing also pulls a lot easier which is why this thing is fifty two and a half feet wide compared to the ripper which is only eighteen and a half feet wide so what is the 8360 going to do this spring then if you don't have it on the planter and you don't have it on the we'll get to that but first I'm gonna do a little bit of scraping on the yard over where this bad frost boil is and then I'm gonna stick the rock maker back on this track here [Applause] we've got a hose on the hitch control here this hitch goes back and forth for transporting down the road to tuck the the rock picker in so it's not sticking out from the tractor this hose is a bit tight when you turn the other direction so we're going to take that brace off and hopefully have a little more play in the hose the rock picker is ready to go dad's gonna jump in that go do some odd job stuff with the bucket and the rock picker and do some cleaning up I'm gonna jump in the digger that I was talking about earlier and head to a field about five miles south of us here in a five-mile drive down here I saw three different people putting on anhydrous which means people are putting nitrogen on planning on putting some corn in the ground I would assume this week this field here we got all of our fertilizer on last fall we did use anhydrous last fall for the people way down south I know that sounds funny that's what a lot of people do up here because we put it on late in the year like our own Thanksgiving right before the ground freezes up so we really don't lose nitrogen by doing a late application like that we got a wet spot here that's normally pretty wet but I went around it just to be safe and it's definitely not wet at the moment that's good this is a generally drier field that's the reason we chose this one first so we're going to get in here work this one because it's the driest one and it's got fertilizer on it we'll put a late hybrid on it a late maturity corn hybrid tomorrow and get it off to an early start I've got the true set going here so it's maintaining a depth right now of two and a half inches and for whatever reason the basket pressure doesn't like to maintain what I have it set to I'm gonna have to look into that a little bit I know I remember having some issues with that last year but it was never a big deal it it always did a nice job now it's higher than I haven't set to and it was lower a minute ago I'm gonna jump out take a look over here just make sure my depth seems like what it's supposed to be and everything looks good just the right amount of moisture here this is beautiful plenty deep it's going plenty deep there's no need to go any deeper than what you need to we're gonna plant the corn right at about two inches deep so there's no need really to go any deeper than that otherwise you're just pulling hard or burning more fuel and maybe being harder on the ground but we keep running it here and see I check it again alright let's go check this out again I just went through here one of our wetter spots but it does have a drain tile in it so that helps a lot you can see the tires are picking up a little bit of mud because of the shank stirring up the dirt in front of them that's pretty common for us this is a little more than I'd like to see but but I did just go through a wetter spot it's definitely not too dry out here but with this Sun this wind is gonna dry a lot really fast so it's go time notice these tires up front here they went to a different type of tire and wheel setup instead of a castering tire here when they change the hitch on these things we ended up breaking one last year and I can see that something something isn't right over there so these are no longer the big heavy-duty cast her frame setup that they had before they had this floating hitch these are not really designed to carry a ton of weight they're really just there as a balance mechanism so you can see here there's not a lot of pressure on it but something's going on here the pin is fine the hardware all looks fine the u-bolts are C bolts whatever you want to call them are tight everything looks ok I'm wondering if this cast shaft is actually bent the good ones here got plenty of wiggle just like that one does but why is that one lean the way it is there's nothing that to the eye looks physically wrong with it it's almost got to be that this cast shaft twisted a little bit there's nothing to fix at this point I'm just gonna have to keep an eye on it it's doing its job it's just not sitting correctly maybe it was maybe it was like that from last fall or last spring I don't know that is why we own a rock picker we don't have a lot of small rocks people ask about puttin rock buckets on the front of our trackers we laugh with that because the ones you can pick by hand we don't bother with we pick 200 rocks like that per year the ones you can't lift by hand and that is why we owned the rock paper that we do and know that rock is not what wrecked that caster wheel that caster wheel was doing it before that rock we took out an old fence line here so we've been cleaning stuff up here it's just a property line we now farm on both sides of it so we wipe that out but I found this which I really don't want to send through anything so I'm going to go put it by the property stake in the ditch up here and we'll grab this later because I definitely don't want it in the field and as long as I'm out here I may as well just take a peek at everything make sure everything looks good there's one we don't lose many of these but I don't know a half dozen a year that we lose probably just break when you roll out a rock [Music] [Music] I've got relief coming in he's gonna relieve me of my tillage duties for the moment all right I am going to go grab something with this 8360 but first I've been told that onyx needs my help with a gopher situation oh yeah you guys got a gopher he's down there say hello did we bring him in the house and put him in an aquarium no something like that got him all right Isla you coming with me to Glenwood [Music] [Applause] this is what we call a Medeco storm this is a 27 foot wide vertical tillage tool meaning basically I'm going really really shallow I'm going to drive really fast and chew up just the top inch to three inches of soil and try to break up some of the the residue of the corn residue that didn't get ripped last fall I didn't get killed under so we don't want to burn those stalks we don't want to bail them we want them in the field because there's a lot of fertilizer value there are a lot of nutrients the more we can leave in the field the better so what we're hopefully going to do is to up the top to get it to dry out we'll do that with the first pass and then come back with a second light pass and make a really nice seed bed hopefully this thing does the job for us I can adjust the angle from 0 up to 14 degrees so this thing's got a ton of adjustments it's got the rolling baskets on the back that are on hydraulics so I can lift those up if I want as well this is a demo for this spring this comes right from Mandic oh this is not from Midwest machinery Midwest machinery is the service and facilitating dealer because they are the ones that we work with that is our dealer that we've worked with forever they arm and a co dealers Medeco contacted me directly about this situation months ago this is straight from Mandi CO and if we like it maybe they'll stick around the farm let's do a little testing here to make sure I got things soaked up and I have an idea what's going on a couple of the hydraulics are working just fine but I want to check and make sure the baskets up which it is so one of the hydraulics has a an electrical connection that I've got to put on it so that I can do different functions with it so I can't fully run this right now but I see the wiring and stuff is taped to the hitch there so I'll deal with that when I get home well I fiddled with it a little bit more to try and get the rear baskets up high or I turn the hydraulic pressure up which should be fine and then we made a mess well we weren't planning on using this machine today anyway so I'll tuck it home and we'll pull the hose off today tomorrow whenever we got to get that field ready to plant so that is item number one but we'll fix that hose when we get to it look out did that hose really is no big deal it's a it's a moderate annoyance we're just gonna have to buzz all the clamps off and get it off of there bring it in cuz we'll have to take it to somebody who has a hose crimper we don't have one so we'll probably just bring it back to Midwest have them crimp the end back on it just came right off the end up here so it's no big deal just put a new end on and crimp it it happens honestly we've had new equipment that it's happened to before we had a skid steer attachment once we had to replace every single end to the first day we used it because it kept blowing them off just one of those things you're going back up to the house you're leaving me ok have fun ok let's check our iPads because I need these in the planters that one's been updated that one's been updated now do some other updating those are gonna sit there for a bit and do a cloud sync and I got something else that I'm gonna work on now because that hose on that Monday go is kind of a low priority right now we want everything ready so that we can plant tomorrow morning with that this is a brand new John Deere 8 RX 410 horsepower model with a brand new John Deere exact emerged planter behind it both of these units are also demos for this spring they didn't give me this tractor or give me this planter these are demo units for this spring that came directly from John Deere Midwest machinery will be doing the servicing of it because Midwest machinery is our dealer the dealer that we worked with for years however this came right from John Deere this is something that we've been working on for months between these two machines it is a 16 row planter which we are used to the 24 row planter we were not able to get a 24 row exact emerge in the time frame we were working with so we've got a 16 row out here this is the 10 mile an hour high speed planter we should be able to cover as much ground with this 40-foot planter as what we do with our 60-foot planter had 5 to 6 miles per hour John Deere is not paying me to have these machines out here these are demo units this is simply a really really cool unique opportunity to be able to showcase these machines to you guys and let you know honestly what I think what do I like maybe what do I not like about these machines these will be going back to John Deere when I'm done with them this is just something that I'm really really fortunate to be a part of and to be able to have this opportunity this is because of you guys ok this is because of my viewers this is because so many of you come to this channel and watch what we do over here to see what's happening on our farm and I I could not appreciate that more this tractor this planter that mundane Co that we just picked up that is all here because you guys come to this channel and watch what we do and and I appreciate it so much so I don't even honestly don't even know what to say here I just want to say thank you and reiterate how thankful I am for the people out there who watch this channel and and who love what we're doing here this thing does have the new cab it's got the folding buddy seat I don't know what's down there a little extra extra storage the seats is all electric just like in a fancy pickup I've got a refrigerator back here you can put in there whatever you might need to keep cold the important stuff got all the seat controls here this thing's got a ton of swivel room to it I've got a 4600 monitor here and a 4640 down here this thing's got literally everything check out that radio and of course the good folks at John Deere put in a couple camera deals here I don't know if these sliding rails are stock or if they did that for the Millennial farmer I don't know but they got a couple of RAM bones here I think I got some stuff that will fit that I'm gonna have to make sure I throw that in here but what I want to do here is just go through the computers make sure I understand what I'm doing here what I'm operating because I believe I hope deer is going to be out here tomorrow helping me set this thing up that'll be in the next video and we'll get this plan to roll and start throwing some cord in the ground I'm learning new things here new things about stuff that I don't own luckily enough of it is still you know somewhat similar to ours it is the same style of frame it's an NT frame so I kind of get the gist of how this is supposed to work uh-huh there we go we're unfolded man it's been a few years since I've looked at a 40-foot planter behind the tractor I know we've got some stops in the wheels here we'll pull out set it down and see what it looks like got the wheel stops out may as well put some spring tension on the closing wheels I'm just going to set them to where we normally run them with ours when we're planting corn that should do and looking at the distance between the gauge wheel here in the opener I'm thinking that looks awfully deep so I'm just going to adjust it to go a little shallower because because I'm pretty confident that's duty everything looks pretty good here I've never run a 4600 monitor planting the only time I've run a 4600 is in that 780 we had last fall which is going to be totally different operation than what I'm doing here so the only other thing I've got left really I think is to load this thing and then deer will come out tomorrow and help me go through this and really understand what's going on I don't want to wreck anything before they get here I'd rather wreck it as they watch me do it all right let's hope I can pull this thing back up piece of cake let's throw some diesel in this thing man what a spring day this is awesome fuel is in I've got it unfolded again now we just need to throw a seed in it dad's uh just about done tilling down south so he's going to come up and help me get some seed in it I'll get everything ready here now I'm going to show you guys another item you guys have seen this already but this is the new JM LC 390 speed tender it's very similar to the 290 we had last year but this one is a triple axel it'll hold about 100 more bushels in it so it just holds a lot more again this is a demo for this spring it will be going back to JM when we are done with it again this is another opportunity that came about because you guys watch this channel and I hope you enjoy seeing stuff like this come here I thank you so much for watching and I hope this makes the channel more fun for you when stuff like this shows up does it tell me does this make it more fun for you or do you not like it how do you by the way several people pointed this out to me the other day and I'm disappointed that I hadn't thought of it yet thunder storm yeah I ran across the yard to do that it's interesting anyway will this work right here ila I think we'll make it work Kent how do I open the tarp on this thing again now he's opening electric tarp it's a beautiful thing when you know how to operate it all right we should be about in position the final thing here is the talc box this has an automatic talc dispenser we use the talc as a dry internal lubricant for the planter so it's just going to coil through here that moves and essentially feeds it exactly like a cattle or a hog feeder if anybody's seen those all right it looks like it maybe holds a full bucket but since we've never used this machine I'm just gonna put some in here that was enough it's baby powder 80 percent baby powder with 20% graphite in it just an internal dry lubricant I love that dog looks really mad doesn't she now there's a chart here that roughly calculates how much tell q1 in and we're gonna want to go a little heavy with a brand new planter first C to 2020 here we go [Music] are you helping me you're pretty tough swiveling this thing back into place hon you got it maybe you should just do this she left us she's taking her dog and she left her motorcycle in the way two feet one foot no feet I think I've got it set now to put 900 in each side automatic tail commencing and it will open and close the door on its own okay okay go down make sure that's going on sure here we go automatic tail automatic opening down there this works alright we're loading the second side now it's loading itself way faster than we loaded it so I had to turn the talc up a little bit but it's all good he's gonna head out with the rock picker I'm gonna meet him down there with that buggy change of plans once again I unfolded and folded it twice earlier and now I can't get it to do it it's communicating with the cylinders but it's not moving I don't know if it's a I don't know if it's the machine or the idiot behind the steering wheel but I can't move it I guess I'll pull a hydraulic hose off of ammon day go that was my impact now you can bring these things in the shop and they'll drip for a year so I'm just gonna hang this thing right here till we get it to town no sense in making more of a mess than what we have I'm ready to run down and grab dad but onyx says there's a gopher in the backyard first so we got to set another gopher trap to take care of that we'll let Dad grab a couple more rocks and then I'll zip down there you ready to go pan trap right at the why that's a deep one perfection well that's just about a long enough day for a Sunday so let's run down grab dad he's probably got enough rocks picked out for us to start there tomorrow morning oh boy am I getting excited [Music] well that's gonna do it for me that's been a long enough Sunday for me I'm pretty excited tomorrow morning about 8:00 a.m. I'm gonna meet a couple of people here from John Deere right in the yard and we are gonna go through that tractor and plant or get that up and moving and tomorrow's a big day so I am pumped but I want to say a couple of things here when I look at my channel right now I am at four hundred and sixty-two thousand subscribers which is unbelievable thank you to you guys I thank you earlier in the video and I genuinely mean that I want to do something really cool when I hit five hundred thousand so I want to say right now if we can get this channel and I know this is a big goal but if we can get this channel to five hundred thousand subscribers by May 5th I will write a check for $5,000 to the farm rescue organization farm rescue organization is an organization out of the Dakotas I believe North Dakota and I will redo their mission here it says the mission of Farm Rescue is to help family farms and ranches bridge crises crack crisis's crisis Isis so they have an opportunity to continue viable operations farm rescue provides planting hanging harvesting and livestock feeding assistance to farm and ranch families that have experienced a major injury illness or natural disaster farm rescue gives families a chance to continue their livelihood by providing the necessary equipment and manpower free of charge to get the job done for those of you who don't know about the farm rescue organization they're an amazing organization they've helped out over I believe 700 different families very credible organization doing some great things so I would love to write them a check for $5,000 if we can hit 500,000 subscribers by May 5th I know it's lofty so share away share this channel subscribe let your grandpa who watches all the time know that subscribing is free it doesn't cost him anything and I won't bog him down with a bunch of emails nothing like that just all you need is a YouTube account hit the subscribe button that's it and of course it helps if you leave a comment it helps if you throw a thumbs up there I don't make any more money if you do those things but it does help the analytics of the channel that's it do that for all the farming channels you know it's so important that farming gets the word out in every way possible and farming is diverse I can't ever pretend that I can show everything about farming on my channel so to everybody out there who does this subscribe to them all support them all but let's get this channel to $500,000 so that I can write that check let's make that happen please make that happen let's do it by May 5th
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 1,730,791
Rating: 4.959362 out of 5
Keywords: 2020 Equipment ROLLOUT!, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennium farmer, New Farm Equipment, #peoplegottaeat, Millennial Farmer, mn millennial farmer, millenial farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, farmer, mn farmer, farming, off the husk
Id: wpAw4DE0m7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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