Harvesting Corn

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[Music] I'm coming out of the breather tube just here yeah drips there we got everything going on right away this morning we got the neighbor full of beans and he's out of here we got the FBN seed beans in here that we're going to load into a truck Jim's out here ready to start killing in the ninety five sixty peed on the cement pad but the fun part is that we get to start back on corn today loaded starting busy forgot my coffee over here time to hook up the header trailer head out to the neighbor's field where the combines sitting blow the chaff off the header set it on the trailer stick it in the shed we are done with this one fired up one last time here run some of this stuff through the head I think the Draper belts are slipping that's as fast as they wanted to go we get that on tape tape VHS tape Zach forgot to unhook the wires for the wind system good save by Nate hopefully that's the last morning that we have to get ourselves covered in itchy soybean dust that dust is no fun to have going down the back of your neck all day long and speaking of that prairie wind system that we put on there guys I'm sold yeah they worked with me on a partnership deal but get that thing's awesome our our soybean headers will probably always have a win system on them from now on the first few mornings I questioned it a little bit so I actually unhooked the drive shaft for it and ran without it for a few acres and then I wasn't questioning it anymore it makes a huge difference in certain conditions you get it set just right and you can almost run without the reel at all it's just it's crazy it we won't go without one anymore we're sold on it just another dark and gloomy morning hopefully the Sun comes out it has the last few days dinosaur bones or if someone else pointed out in the comments it's actually a more dinosaur muscle who knew I did not fact check that at all so no follow-up questions please [Music] [Applause] [Music] straighten it out more straighten it harder keep coming in another foot time to switch the 98 70 over to harvest corn with it that's definitely one thing I'm going to miss about the 780 because that one took Oh close to an entire minute to switch it over from soybeans to corn this one's gonna take me at least half hour still not bad but I could use that extra 29 minutes to harvest something plus I'm a millennial so working for a half an hour straight feeder host drum height up to make it easier on the corn using a lever just like this one on each side chopping knives out cob deflector in the corn position set the chopper belt back to the turtle mode Todd yeah why don't we let's go ahead and do that 40 units of the 92 day and then can I just get a few units of the 91 and a few of the 99 as well yeah I'll finance it with you yep I'll go on there Thanks got my FB on corn seat ordered for next year and the final thing to change out here is the accelerator speed basically we just pull this belt over and set it to turtle and as long as I've got a bunch of shields off we're gonna hit the grease zerks here's one for you guys are they grease fittings grease zerks or grease nipples let me know down below and don't forget to smash that like button morning dizzy where's on that this morning where you been hey there you are come here come here what are you doing did you find someone to eat yeah that does it for the outside now it's time to change a few things in here Kahn caves wider we're gonna start there SIVs wider we're gonna start there chaffeur slightly wider next once we got a fire up for threshing speed way way down I might have to shift that see if we can even get that low but I'm gonna have to shift yeah that one's gonna take a while so I'm gonna come over here and crank the fan up and I just remembered I may as well dunk dump the rock trap as long as I'm down here try it again there we go we decided since we're still a little bit short on help here this morning for going to corn because corn takes a lot more labour because the amount of bushels and the volume that you're running so you got to have truckers we're gonna take an hour here and switch the feet our house sprockets slow it down some to be easier on this really high moisture corn that we've got and also put some spacers in the threshing gates around the rotor to open them up a little bit to do with the same thing just to be easier on this high moisture corn because high moisture corn likes to grind up into cereal and then you get docked at the elevator and it doesn't keep good in the grain bins and you can run into all kinds of problems so this is about as good a morning as any to do that so we're going to make the modifications because we know we've got wet corn yeah it sure would be nice if ad given me enough room to get an impact in here all I did here was drop these spacers down into these grates to move these grates farther away from the rotor so that it's not so aggressive on the high moisture corn all switched let's do this and that one still sits there maybe I need to call them let them know they're gigantic tractor is still here there we go sometimes it seems to take about as much time to change the computers over as it does to do anything else okay for real this time here we go some twisted up stuff here not as bad as the fields we were in before at least in this area but still a little bit broke over where I like that moisture compared to what we've had we'll see if that maintains looks pretty good back there so far the machine is seeing I've got an average of 22 percent I haven't gone far I don't know if I believe it or not all day holy cow I believe it check the job that it's doing because we actually have not had this machine on corn yet this year we did everything with the 780 before oh I got a little coming out the back I'm gonna have to make some adjustments there's some on the ground in the middle for sure it's yes an average of 22 and a half right now so far just in this little stretch what the crab does here in it and it's I gret I reached in the tank and it's rattling it's dry we've got just a little bit on the ground it isn't too bad so I think I'll open the sibs up a number or two maybe slow the fan down just a hair but it's really clean in the tank so I don't want to mess it up too much and it the ground isn't too bad it's just a few kernels right down the middle that right there is the combine that we were preparing for this harvest until it quit raining look at the yield man almost 2,600 bushels to the acre average we're gonna have to build more bins unfortunately with the downed corn this is what we end up with a lot the corn starts getting piled up in there and then it pushes it over instead of harvesting it like this and can't really do anything with it from in there if someone has a good solution for that help me out here cause I think we could be dealing with that most of the year well the moisture is better but it fell down a lot worse this will be the fourth time I've had to get out and do this in 1.6 acres Randy how much you say that corn headed real cost I'm guessing all these acres here are gonna have to be harvested going one direction we're gonna have to pick up and drive to the south and combine I'm only heading north at least it dried down a bunch that wasn't me you're the only one to ever do that I was just giving him a hard time that happens on an average two to three times a year and this is a small pile I caught it pretty quickly we went ahead and dumped the hopper and we tipped these snow --tz-- these fronts notes down a little bit more there's a pin right underneath them that you can pull and drop those notes down a couple inches hopefully that'll help me to be able to pick up some of this corn and get it to slide up thus note rather than going underneath because I don't have the hydraulically adjustable forward and aft control on the feeder house like the 780 hat if my thinking is correct I'll be able to run the head a little bit higher now - which will help put my stock Stoppers where I want them because they were running pretty hard against the ground and we don't want them real hard we just want them to kind of bounce along the ground but they're doing a good job so far unfortunately in this area the corn is so bad that we're gonna have to stand and dump because I can't even stay on the road a lot of this you know what I'm just gonna have to talk to you guys later did you bring me lunch did you bring me lunch you don't want to talk thank you for lunch I get to switch jobs for a bit here dad wanted to run the machine out there and I had no problem letting him do that it's a little bit stressful trying to pick up that down corn you can see he's picking up and driving to the south and only harvesting to the north which unfortunately is what I figured we'd end up doing let's take a look at what kind of job this is doing it's kind of a nightmare to be honest with you guys but man thankfully the corn is drier you can see we're not getting it all picked up though some of those ears are going underneath the header and just getting chalked chopped up by the blades it's doing ok but you can see clearly there's areas where it doesn't get it picked up and then what happens a lot is it gets pulled under and the chopping blades hit it and it shatters and it ends up looking like harvest loss when it's actually coming from underneath the header the way insurance on this is going to work is that our private wind and hail insurance policy is going to come out and take a look at this and they're going to assess how much they believe we were not able to pick up and then we've got a 5% policy on that so if it's 5% or under there's no coverage on anything if it's between 5 and 30 percent will get coverage on what the average yield at an insurance determined price would be but that's a private insurance that is not a federal crop insurance so it's not there's no subsidy involved at all that's a private insurance that we buy every year and we pay a lot of money for it to protect ourselves in case the situations like this no different than paying your homeowners insurance or your vehicle insurance hello okay so it's 2% Witter we switched varieties he's in a different corn hybrid right now it's standing a little bit better but apparently it's a little bit wetter so give and take I guess yeah I wasn't getting a reading there either and I tried calibrating them and open that it would come up and it never did oh wow and Rose opening fields never works the dump on the go down corn you name it well according to Jim this thing will float right through this look at that what a miss do you guys think this is standing any better than the other stuff so it's every bit as dry its yielding 50 bushels more and this is how it's standing same company different hybrid unbelievable five before if you want I'd be willing to take over for you in the combine again 22 and a half to 24 most into 23 really not bad especially considering its standing so much better and yielding better yeah unbelievable difference in you you think it's just the hybrid or you think it's planting date hi yeah I think cleansing days and missions we look good because 194 wasn't very good back there either and then the 201 wasn't it the 201 on the 80 was standing much better than anything else and yielding quite a bit better this whole the old hey ground and this whole 55 here is all 201 it was stuff I planted really early that's what everybody thought I was crazy yeah there's been a lot of years like that when people go early and they think they're crazy and ends up being the best thing earlier this spring when we were cold and wet and the ground was really cold and nobody had started planting yet but we had a few acres that I felt like where they were ready to go but the soil was cold people told me I was crazy and I was in too big of a hurry and I shouldn't look at planting date or the calendar date I should just wait and tell the soils warming up this is the stuff I planted then so far it is by far our best yielding corn and it looks great on the flip side of things brandi is 40 to 60 miles west of this field his soil responds completely differently if he puts his seed in the cold wet dirt he doesn't get anything to germinate any replants in that stuff every year what it is I don't know we talked about it all the time but their dirt won't do it this dirt does I don't think it'll be an issue not a problem what God I'm a little fuller than I wanted to buy Alan no it's very uncomfortable backing up on a Township road and you can't see anything that's why this egg-cam is so darn handy we think we're gonna bring the trucks in the field it's gonna be the softest down there but they'll sit on this hill nice I don't think it'll be a problem here comes the Johnson Farms convoy and all of a sudden it got awfully dark out and I'm getting rainy I spell Adid type of things on the windshield well I'm going for it anyway apparently it's raining a little more than I can tell out there from this angle because the corn I can see it's wet and it's really getting wet on the snow tier I'm guessing we're about done it's no one back there but Lauren is still going we gotta go we gotta go we don't we can't quit we can't quit it's not raining enough or snowing enough yet he's still going neighbors going gotta go yep now it's raining and snowing Wow look at the pretty white fluffy snowflakes I am so excited for 2020 you can't make this stuff up I can't get the camera to focus but trust me guys I can see about as much as the camera can sure it's done snowing now [Music] the corn has tipped over out here just enough and there's places they're just muddy enough oh you can see that real well but the coordinates laid in the mud when he gets picked up slaps one on my window so annoying keep cleaning my dang window ah perfect starting to rain he's getting worried I was getting a little dry out here
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 982,127
Rating: 4.9506731 out of 5
Keywords: farming simulator, farm life, john deere, tractor videos, millennial farmer, john deere tractors, john deere green, farming simulator 19, farming simulator 20, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer podcast, mn millennial farmer podcast, mn millennial farmer harvest, millennial farmer harvest, mn millennial farmer, FARMER, millenial farmer, farming, tractor stuck in the mud, millennial farmer equipment, harvest, john deere s780 combine, harvesting corn, corn harvest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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