Awkward Moment on The Farm

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warning dogs [Music] we had another short day and a half rain delay but we're going to get going again here I actually planted 50 acres of beans last night on some really dry ground there's a pretty good sized rock there that I got to go grab we'll grab it with this and then I'll come back get the land roller around the mandate goal and roller and then later on I'll move over to the planter so it's going to be a big day busy day we're gonna be shuffling around a lot we're gonna have some road time better check the oil on this beast there she is [Music] it wasn't a real big one but it was sticking up it wasn't a real big one but it was sticking up just in the right way to damage a really really expensive soybean header or a Monday coal and roller this is what we have a lot of around here this rock is literally the size of a Volkswagen Beetle there's actually several of those in this field and this thing is not gonna dig it out I know because I've tried there's two more right up here in the same spot I've tried to dig them out a couple of times for this and I can't even budge them they've we actually need an excavator to come out and dig them out but they're just gonna kind of hibernate there for the time being you'll notice the rest of the field really doesn't have rocks in it there's really no rocks in here that a person would pick by hand we just have those dozen rocks or so in each field that are so big you can't pick them by hand but you need them off the field people ask me where they come from how did how do these rocks just suddenly appear there under the soil and the freeze-thaw effect so when our when our ground freezes and then thaws that slowly pushes them upward through throughout time and eventually our tilling took some and rolls them out that's why we have to pick them every year that's how these rocks suddenly appear they don't actually fall from the sky as somebody pointed out he thought was happening so well this style of rock Baker does seem like a really slow waste of time to a lot of farmers around the world it is in fact quite essential around this part these these parts this area around here yonder a back ditch what do you think you're not scared of the camera this morning got that field clear of rocks that are sticking up at least the ones I can grab anyway so now it's on to the land roller I get a lot of questions about why we run the roller what is the advantage of it what's the purpose of it the main purpose is because it makes for a better harvest it actually it will push down the root balls and the residue and the rows that the planter pushes up and level the field off really nicely that way when you come by in the fall with the soybean header or the combine your cutting right at the ground because a lot of times soybean pots will be right down to the ground and obviously you want to catch as many of those pots as you possibly can this makes it easier to do that to run the soybean header right on the ground without the risk of picking up rocks and stuff like that because as we all know getting rocks into a soybean header can be awfully expensive which means that this does the obvious and also pushes down the small rocks if there are any out there which there are that 50 acres is done time to head over to the 8rx and the planter get some real work done what's up time to get some real work done with this thing throw some more beans in the ground we're down to about 600 acres of beans left so it shouldn't take us too long Hey what are you doing wandering out onto the farm in your pajamas what'd you find oh cool Iowa's decided she's gonna come with me Hana are you gonna come with no all right I'll get the store open for you school lunches here honor are you gonna what you're already leaving me it's school lunch I mean you're gonna eat it okay you actually want what you want to you you want me to give you a ride up to the house okay seems efficient I did not know this but I'm told that this should start the tractor just to cycle the key and hey look at that that's cool huh I love look at that good puppy down there she won't leave you she's trained to keep you safe and she will not leave your side she wants to be in here with us okay either you're here alright you have a good day okay I was handed a student I guess we got to do some home school on-the-go in this mobile classroom [Music] [Music] there are a lot of rocks in this little 40 acre corner of this field for some reason way more than normal but that [Music] that's not a rock oh I see the problem it's got a hole in it right here right there oh hey are you aware that we're missing a tire on that VT tool a tire yeah the sidewall blew out on the 40 over here and it's laying in the field no that's a tire from the urban last fall oh really yeah okay well that that makes it easier that explains some things well that was an easy fix all right onyx moms here I got to go home with her and load a truck and get the seed tender we got almost 80 acres down on the day and I'm running short off off somebody else beat you to that Mound dot gonna wonder Lord thanks mrs. M effort bye-bye Oh can I not thanks Becky toodles Onix bye well the trucks are being loaded out a lot faster than we expected which is a good thing now I need some seat check this out guys just when you thought this JM conveyor had it all little did you know it's got a Millenial jack that really saves on my dainty arms keeps my hands from getting calloused it's nice the tapes are pretty even now so I'm just going to go ahead and set up the autodefense here even auto dispensed one field down a police officers interpretation of that this millennial farmer that sure looks like a beautiful sunset perfect murder interests you're not on the phone arguing with Onix the internet service everything's just wonderful you gotta go yeah all right well it's a good time to take an Instagram sunset picture anyway so can you direct me yeah it's around the right side men's rooms over here ladies room is over here hope that my favorite Express don't need to know number all right make sure you knock first because there was somebody in this one earlier in the ladies no no advance repel good I never checked the ladies why would I try and get in there I'm willing to bet my great-grandpa did this the same way would he had different worse what was it I'm gonna get started garbage you heard her John here stop looking at a swans it's about time to light this candle there we go and we got our we got our options on the screen here so we can individualize individual red sky at night Instagram farmers delight that's how that old saying goes right but I don't I don't know any sailor 9 o'clock at night they filled up the seed tender for me and it departed backwards who does that to a guy I'm starting to wish that I had a coat along with me you know when we started talking about this thing we discussed having a pizza oven and a beer fridge on it but it doesn't have either one now does it Kent a beer fridge could come in awfully handy right about now man this thing I the camera doesn't do it justice the lighting on this thing is insane if you're over there you definitely think this is a spaceship I think we'll park this thing by the diesel barrel because it's gonna be 10 o'clock already by the time I get home we'll come out and do something tomorrow here [Music]
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 947,945
Rating: 4.9437099 out of 5
Keywords: Awkward Moment on The Farm, mn millennial farmer, millennium farmer, mn farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer, millennial farmer funny, farming, #peoplegottaeat, farmer, tractors, john deere, farm equipment, john deere machinery, farm machinery, farming simulator, John Deere 8RX, 8rx john deere, john deere planter, off the husk, ExactEmerge Planter, EXACT EMERGE PLANTER, Farming simulator 19
Id: 6WP1i1ShExQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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