Our last 100 acres of Corn! Or so I thought.....

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[Music] we are down to one final field of corn that we want to get planted it's only 115 acres right now we are waiting on fertilizer from the coop that's going to be a couple hours yet then we'll run the digger over it come back and plant it and I hope I'm going to be running the storm today we had a couple of small pieces that we wanted to hit with the river so I had to take them in Daco off this 8360 we put the Ripper on it just for a couple days so now we got to make the old swapper Oh again good [Music] all right I've got Dwight from Mandi Co themselves following me out to the field we're just gonna go up the road a mile here and unfold this thing and see what it does he's going to make sure I've got everything figured out and make sure got a waiver the girls they're standing out there beautiful day for them to be out running around it's a turkey the amount of times you see one individual turkey running around in our fields around here is rare the people down south probably laugh at that guys I know you guys got turkey all over the place but we don't see him that often around here they're around but when I was young there were zero when we were in high school they started to show up when I was in high school we're gonna hop out here take a look at the job it's doing this tractor it doesn't have extra power for pulling it at least at the depth that we've got it this is a 27 foot wide model so we're gonna see how deep we're going here and see what we want to do three inches or four plenty of moisture out here yet isn't there yeah this is fairly moist I'm looking at the ruts coming out do you think I think we should go an inch shallower half inch to an inch shallower see if we can get more speed out of it we were running about seven and a half so if we can shallow it up a bit and speed up maybe that will maybe that'll be the ticket these baskets back here are designed just to break up the lumps a little bit we've got them in float so they're just riding along to level it off nice the other thing we can adjust here if we want would be the gang angle so those actually adjust separately for the front to the rear so you can set it from zero to fourteen degrees and you can set them independently right now we're running seven degrees on both of them so we kind of split the difference we can play with that some and see what happens oh yeah that's a little sticky there you can see the difference where the residue wasn't laying if I had known that this wouldn't get tilled last fall what I probably would have done is shut the gear boxes off on our chopping corn header and then we wouldn't have this mat of residue lay in there that the Sun can't get through and the field could dry up a lot better cuz this is definitely holding a good amount of moisture in there that's fairly sticky but it's supposed to rain at about five o'clock in the morning tomorrow we got 140 acres here so we really want it done now we can get it done now and then get a rain on it that'll help this stuff rot away a little bit we can come back and hit it again with this machine right before we plant that's our ideal hopes well now we've got our 9 miles per hour out of it like we wanted and I think speeds kind of the ticket with these things isn't it yep give it a check again now that we've adjusted things and we're traveling a little bit faster it goes at 9 mile an hour set like this on the flatland but if you get a hill it's still struggling a bit about right you think right around three inches he says yeah it's definitely doing a nice job of chopping this stuff Dwight I think I'm gonna take a little gang angle out of it and see what it does drop it down to four or five and just see what it does here there's a lot of moisture here so I don't want to be forcing too much compaction or anything if we could just fly through it fluff the top so that it dries faster after the rain so we've got a control box mounted up here this is just an electrical control box that controls my number two or three hydraulic that way I can adjust those angles individually there's a lot more angle let's see I'm gonna go that should be zero yeah that about four there's about six about six okay there we're looking at the white markers here they got little placards on them to show the settings oh you can feel the horsepower now we're going downhill but it'll fake difference yeah it's white I'm already seeing a problem if I'm own a GoPro hanging underneath the frame there I think it's gonna knock it off what a GoPro camera Oh it's a significant problem for a farmer like me right all right I'm gonna run out there and see what this thing did with less angle to it as I mentioned we can go from 0 to 14 we just dropped it down from about 7 down to 3 to 4 ish still chopping good and opening the tops up it's not really burying the residue which I'd like to keep a little residue on top but this might be more than I want we adjusted it up a little bit higher so it's not going quite as deep and we're also going to adjust now the angle of the Harrow back here or the drag whatever you want to call it so that hopefully the corn stalks will bunch a little bit less it might not leave it as smooth but we're gonna hit this at a straight angle when we come back and plant anyway so I'm not too worried about leaving it smooth right now I just want to be able to chop things up and just open that top inch or two so that hopefully dries out quicker after the rain coming and that just adjusts right here you pull the pin we're gonna go there is that to where you set the other ones in the fourth hole okay thanks Dwight Foreman Decco Machinery beat was a number of reasons but one fact ease of local boy for me 30 miles southwest what is that somebody caught themselves a fox in some type of a foot snare trap on our property and didn't come back for their trap or their Fox that's a new one [Applause] everything seems pretty dialed in here there's a lot of adjustments on this thing but I kind of seem to have it where I like it I wish I could get a little more speed out of it unfortunately we need that other tractor to be on the digger or the field cultivator this afternoon for a field that we need it on so this is our only option right now but I'm doing between 8:00 and 9:00 most of the time but I got a dialed in it's probably a good time for a montage hello I'm still getting used to going 10 miles an hour with everything doodles [Applause] well so far dad even likes it so that's a good sign he's gonna head back sounds like they're spreading fertilizer on that last cornfield right now he's gonna head back get the digger going and then Jim's gonna come take over for him and hopefully pretty soon I will head out take the planter over so I can chase the digger dad will probably move up and finish this field take over for me and then we'll just work as long into the night as we have to it sounds like rains coming about 5 6 a.m. we should be done with everything we really want to be by then if not we'll go tell 5 or 6 a.m. sometimes the job gets stolen and you get the hard seat to sit on I'm a big guy I don't like to see and for I'm gonna finish just a couple a couple skip passes here and fill those in and then I'll at home well you can do whichever one you choose you're the pilot in command you're right there by right you're there right I'm always right see what I did there there ye speed back hey Owen Hill happy 16th birthday I heard the DMV is shut down that's a bunch of bull business dolfe she uses different seat settings than I do it's like sheep she's lighter and prettier and smarter certainly smells a lot better as long as I've got it folded up I'm going to look over things make sure everything looks like it's working well we're 3/4 of the way done with this field I'm going to head a mile down the road and actually do the end rows with this thing and then get the planter going Jim's running the digger there they got fertilizer on it the day is moving along uh-huh I like how it looks here I did notice the mud that doesn't build up in the baskets is built up a bit here because it's got the bearings inside here instead of out on the ends which isn't a bad deal especially considering that's the same bearing as what they run on the actual disc blades up there so that's kind of handy I mean it's not falling apart yet five I'm coming down the road now and you want me to do all the ends and nice he'll be turning on him with the digger afterwards yeah either way I guess it wouldn't take that long just go around the whole thing a couple of times [Music] it's definitely a little dustier thrown these here parts and a lot busier obviously right here we've got a spot where it's always too muddy we don't get a lot of crop here I'm really surprised this thing's still leaving ruts but it's just wet there but I'm surprised at how well it does in the mud that's the big reason why districts are never used around here our soil is just so stinky you can't get it to quit from plugging because that this the disc gangs are the discs themselves just plug up with mud it took some angle out of this thing and I'm trying to drive a lot faster but this tractor is kind of where if I take it out of there I know it's having a shift fit there I learned something new I switched the transmission out of full auto and into manual because trying to drive at 10 miles an hour with an underpowered tractor it continuously shift back and forth this works a lot nicer much easier on the tracker I think I'm going to play with that in the 8rx some tonight see if I can get it to ship smoother because that's a little bit jumpy sometimes but it's power too I found it here both of you drove right over the top of it that is why it's important to not eat the flags with the combine this is a tile inlet here to help drain an area of the field that doesn't make good crops and there used to be a flag there marking it but I shoot it up with the combine last fall it looks fine the cage on it was crushed already so we just need another flag and put a new cage on it anyway eating up tile flags with the combine it's hard to find good help well I'm home you okay are you working on this puzzle ila what are you working on Oh play-doh that looks fun suppertime ila I'm gonna eat this in the tracker rhiannon what are you busy doing watching tick tock you got a phone and an iPad going Onix are you in the middle of a heavy part in that game geez how you doing blue - it kicked in right away it's nice to be in a shiny tractor like this that isn't so wrinkly like that last one lots of people are asking with a 16 year old planter now what are we gonna do with the 12 rolled corn header we're gonna get a 16 roll cornet and ain't know what's gonna happen now we're gonna keep the 12 roll cornet as far as I know but it's just it's just gonna be a little bit difficult because we will have some gaps and some narrows that's part of the reason why there's an additional satellite receiver on the back of the planter there I've got one on the tractor one on the planter they are communicating to each other so the planter is basically listening to the tractor and I say that writer on the tractor is listening to the one on the planter and the planter is controlling what the tractor does and then between the two they are compensating for the planter drift that way hopefully our 30 inch spacing ends up correct over there every time so we're going to keep the same 12 roll header and I'm sure there will be some some moments this fall where I'm upset with myself for getting off between the rows but it is what it is ideally we would have had a 24 row planter here a 60 foot wide planter like we own but you know we couldn't get that in time we had to go with the 40-footer because by the time deer and I decided we were going to do this this is what was available and so I didn't want to pass up the opportunity to to showcase this tractor in this planter to you guys and to have the opportunity to run it for myself so this is what we ended up with and you know what I'm not going to complain about it that's for sure so my good buddy Neil and his wife own a firearm company called red X arms I'm having them build me a little toy and I just got this from them isn't it beautiful I went with the Creedmoor around 20 inch barrel three and a half pound two-stage trigger Magpul bud snug but I think right now we got 10 days yet it'll still be in really good shape to plant it we won't be able to get the plants ready for beans if it rains but it's not that big a deal you might try to have enough for field yeah well I got a couple tiny rounds here in the corner that I may as well finish off and keep an eye on it but I just it's not it's not good out here yeah I believe it all right well I don't know what I do I'm gonna shut this thing down and go outside and show you guys what the problem is here this field was corn last year and it didn't get tilled last fall so it's at with that thick heavy mat of residue on it exactly like the field I was in earlier running that Monday Co VT tool the difference here is that we burned this field yesterday because yesterday it was dry it was hot it was windy burning conditions were good we wanted corn on this we're not planting beans here so we wanted to get that that residue off because corn loves the heat right now and we needed this field to be dry so we burned it yesterday and the reason we didn't work it right away yesterday was because I think you watch was because we couldn't get fertilizer until today and once we got fertilizer we wanted to till the soil to incorporate that into the soil to get the fertilizer underneath the soil where it's safe down down inside the dirt the problem we ended up with is we couldn't get the coop out here quickly enough to get fertilizer on it as you saw just a little bit ago they were out here putting fertilizer on not long ago Jim just finished digging this field as I was pulling into it so the top of this hasn't had a chance to dry this is by far the wettest field we've had all spring and it's because of that thick heavy matter residue that didn't get tilled under last fall it didn't get tilled it didn't get a chance to dry out it wasn't open it couldn't get the air in the sunshine to dry out I know a lot of farms depend heavily on irrigation and they always wish they had more water not us up here we typically have too much water and not enough to get rid of it we don't irrigate anything we have too much water and we have beautiful beautiful heavy black soil that is extremely sticky and the problem with that is that it sticks to these wheels very badly and then it sticks to these wheels and then the problem we get is we can't close our seed trenches we can't close the seed trenches we can't get a consistent depth to the seed it's inconsistent it picks up the mud it's just not it's not right it's not good for the soil it's not good for the seed not good for anything this is our last hundred acres of corn and it is going to rain tonight pretty much for sure so it's very disappointed to not be able to finish corn today but we have had a phenomenal spring so far everything's gone so well I'm gonna park this thing and we're gonna let it rain and we will come back when this field dries up then maybe we'll switch to beans do some of that first I don't know we'll decide that later but I'm gonna have to pull the plug on this for tonight it's unfortunate I'm bummed out I was gonna sit in that thing until 1:00 in the morning and finish this up right around one o'clock but it is what it is remember if you guys can get me to 500,000 subscribers by May 5th I will donate $5,000 to the farm rescue organization that helps out farm families during the times of crisis not only will I donate 5 grand but so will John Deere John Deere works closely with farm rescue all the time they do a lot together this is another $5,000 from them and five for me that we can throw on top of that organization that does great things so far the traction that I've gained in subscribers from that is phenomenal so again thank you guys let's get to 500,000 and even if we don't you know it's all in good fun so thank you guys so much for watching millennial farmer Oh [Music] one last thing I know a bunch of you are gonna go while he planted the whole Andros and then he figured out that the field was too wet and too muddy the end rows got ripped they got tilled a couple of weeks ago when we got that top into frost and I had the Ripper out when I got that arty stuck that's how much difference it made those end rows were dry they were fluffy they dried out they planted beautifully as soon as I got to the rows where it hadn't been tilled until today it was too sticky to money just is what it is
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 893,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our last 100 acres of Corn! Or so I thought, millennium farmer, off the husk, #peoplegottaeat, mn millennial farmer, minnesota millennial farmer, Millennial Farmer, millenial farmer, farmer, mn farmer, mn millennial farmer equipment, John Deere 8RX, 8rx john deere, john deere planter, millennial farmer funny, john deere, farming, tractors, ExactEmerge Planter, EXACT EMERGE PLANTER, farming simulator 19, vertical tillage equipment, Vertical tillage vs conventional tillage
Id: c8yWgrXJk4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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