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I'm gonna have to have a talk with ila about putting her equipment in the shed at the end of the day [Music] item number one this morning is to transfer some of our carryover soybeans from last year into a different bin because we'd like to transfer them so they don't sit too long without moving and then we'll have dry beans on the bottom of that bin and then we're going to put these trucks and a grain cart that's full down at the field into that bin and we're going to start filling that as our soybean bin but first I want to restart that but first I want to relay all the controls for the leg down at the bottom of the leg because they changed some stuff up top so things are labeled wrong which could be a potentially very large problem those are last year's beans on the bottom there we made sure all the stumps are clean and free and clear which they are then we had an issue up top with the overhead conveyor I'll try to show you that if Fiat if the auger at the top of the bins that crust is right there that auger had an issue up here with a broken bolt so I had to climb up there with a pipe wrench get that opened up to get the gate opened up so that we can get our beans in the bin that we want them in there's always a lot of shuffling in the mornings during harvest but particularly when you're getting started and everything's just getting going there's a lot of back and forth up and down in and out kind of stuff that you want to make sure everything's right because half this stuff has not run in about 11 months here's a good teachable moment for soybeans for people that don't have soybean experience you can see how wet this grass is gets my boots wet at night when the wind goes down and the Sun is gone we get a really really heavy dew it collects on the soybean plants the same as it does on the grass and then you can't thresh them out because those plants actually soak that moisture up moist your people people are commenting about how often I say Moisture I get some of the soybean farmer I'm used to using that word but anyway they will soak that water up and then you can't thresh them out and it doesn't do a good job so we have to wait until the Sun burns that dew off and dries the plants out again which is why it's not all bad to have some stuff to do in the mornings anyway we always kind of save these odd jobs for the mornings because we know we're going to have to deal with this kind of stuff so deal with it when the plants are wet did I say that correctly I think you follow so this truck is full of dry beans from harvesting last night we're going to run them right into the fence and dump them into the bin that we've got ready up there now we've got wet beans in there from when we started yesterday that are at that 16 to 18 maybe even 19 percent on some of them which we're going to run through the grain dryer but when I switched meals they started coming out a lot drier so these ones are going straight into the bin and we'll put air on them 13 and without temperature like something's grabbing but the really like the less I know do the same thing after 3-4 times a bit goal close it again right now see if it doesn't again it's like it didn't even close all the way there I mean we got it moving now do you think it's close all the way Jim seems like it works now to the field we go oil check I need both hands for that five to seven you good to go [Music] was that red equipment and a real remember that problem we had with the header yesterday in my last video where we couldn't get it working right and all we had to do is calibrate it we've got all kinds of issues now and it's not gonna let me calibrate it and we know it's in the electrical pin connection down here I just want to combine soybeans Center height sensor is out of range I better find it bring it in range I guess I can get it going and I can cut beans with it but there's no control of anything it actually gave me six different warnings when I turn it on this time but I can move the header up and down I've just got manually here take a few beans and see if something wakes up if not I'll Drive unplugging and plugging it back in again but I'm frustrated here is where we believe the issue is this is the electrical connection point for everything that controls this header and where it plugs into this side of the combine apparently there's some pins in here that may have been damaged and now we're not communicating properly I can see now that I have multiple different codes seven of them total great this is definitely a non speedy unfortunate start to our harvest here's the plan now I'm gonna cut some beans while those guys run and get that other header I may as well keep moving since I can it's just gonna be beeping at me in an annoying way and it's not right if there are several things it doesn't have control of but I can run it manually and hopefully keep it out of the mud and at least we're moving while they go get that other header the decision to go around with this tremendously with it's a little shiny in there which is a good indication of the scariest spots here we go with us pretty decent so far I have never seen water stands before I wanted to stop here on the end and kind of get a better look at our challenge here this is obviously a wetter area but I've never seen water stand in here this time of year not only is it standing it's actually flowing from all the way down all of this side hill there's running water coming down the side hill you can see my tracks where I came through there luckily two days from now we've got two inches of rain forecasted to come on that day alone once we get to that point today is beautiful out but once we get to that point we get two more inches of rain out here and then highs in the 30s we're going to have problems there probably won't be a lot of tillage done there probably won't be much fertilizer put on this fall we may have to wait until the ground freezes before we even get back to soybeans it could get tougher I'm staying optimistic about it but it could be a longer fall than I was even anticipating at this point at least once we get out of the lower areas we've got some pretty solid beans in a lot of spots here in this field I've got Midwest machinery waiting for me behind the grain cart up here which was surprisingly quick and then then I've got this guy over here taking photos of me must be the paparazzi or something paparazzi makes me one pizza these boys are on it here's the update Midwest machinery was out we unhooked the connection again took the actual electric bin back off the feederhouse of the machine off the combine everything looked good hold the cover back wires all look good everything looks good put it back together and ran it and now it works we're pretty sure again that all this time that it's actually on the common side it's not in the header side so I'm running our header the same header our new header on the same machine without changing anything it's one of those problems that isn't really broke so you don't know what to fix we just not unhook it for a while we got a lot of acres we can do here okay the neighbors pasture typically has hardly any water in it just another random fun fact from the Millennial farmer are you getting the hint that our soil is saturated and it's wet here in central Minnesota we are like that I was I'm gonna get stocked that's just too bad for you guys you don't get to see me get stuck right now you don't get to see me get stuck right now well sweaty now we're struggling to find spots to dump on the go because we can never go long enough to get the tank empty back here without running into mud spots you don't want to be side by side when the mud spots come and you can't steer because this thing will interact with that thing caused a lot of problems see this I need more gogo juice there's my diesel my diesel tank oh you're not getting two words sitting down there are you seven that we had to refine it first he's got a pretty decent load on the cart there and we just went through a soft spot that the combines struggled in a bit honestly I think that grain cart loaded up is going to have less issues than what this combine is with any mud stuck we got an empty semi stuck it's hard to find good help point and just for his own protection it wasn't Jim this time it wasn't Jim it wasn't me so it's definitely too wet to run any decent tillage out here so since we got the semis stuck dad is gonna take the pole truck home and grab the 95/60 unhook the deep Bandar chisel plow rig and we're gonna have the 95/60 out here with the big rope on it just for pulling things out cuz there's a chance that we might continue getting more equipment stuck get her full in a squishy spot I don't see your sinking he left some streaks but he didn't have any issues sweet extra sloppy out here and we really need checks for the green cards well mouse he planted her pretty good kindzi down [Applause] come on baby all right it's just uh just a normal day for us around here back to work dad has had some other issues back at the yard so he doesn't have that other tractor over here yet but these things are starting to shell out really easily I'm getting some shattering at the head these things are drying out it's a warm day Suns been beating on him hard for a couple days now and we've got enough of a breeze so they're getting dry drying out a lot but the plants have really gotten brittle so I've slowed the Machine down and open it up some to make it fresh a little bit easier and not be so aggressive on it on the beans that is so I'm going to check the job I'm doing there dry check the job that I'm doing back here make sure I'm not leaving any on the ground with my new changes oh don't worry about that little guy we look okay however it is definitely sloppy I know how use kids like them sloppy you really planning on pulling that thing out by yourself I haven't been over there to see it it's done three four inches clanging I think we got a little one in the rock trap again this dear must have just eaten it up and spit it out that's kind of what they do they just handle their own problems you know there it is it's not a rock it's was wood that's a lot better than than a rock his teeth too remained of wood well it sounds like dad got to have all the fun and pull that truck out on his own he's not here she's getting there almost almost got pull that time no room left seven that is easily as full as we've had that cart yet he doesn't care and I wasn't in it over 70,000 and you're not her power or dealing with the but to that dope [Music] the throttle around because you want the boat a little bit more water crammed through before it gets too dark I'm gonna try to knock these beans out here and fight the mud while we have daylight and for that I figure I'll mount the cannon camera out here so you guys can watch the tires wasn't as bad as I thought and I didn't get stuck which is good for me probably disappointing for you guys I wish the window wasn't so dirty but man do I'd love this time tonight you can see the neighbors going off in the distance there they got funny red machinery but hey hey they're people too for my other farmers the second that Sun Goes Down it gets instantly freezing cold in here and I gotta actually turn the heat on which is rare for me but the temperature changed inside the cab when the Sun quits coming through the windows feels like about 40 degrees who else anybody else experienced that see these burnt up beans this is where that Prairie air real comes in handy now we're back into better beans now anyway but that air realism here not not real but wind system air system is really helping to push the short ones back into the header right back in there coochie-coochie-coo sorry I'm I'm bored this is millennial farmer cooked me supper let's see what she's got what do you guys have is it terrifying why would that be terrifying coming at you hopefully not eat my lunch what do you have isla san kinetic sand pretty colorful sand are you gonna oh you have to wait till you get home that's a good idea are you gonna mix them all together and make brown oh it's beautiful thanks for the home-cooked meal anyone else notice that I've got a Hardee's bag and a Taco Bell cup we are a bunch of health nuts around here I have a camera I'm watching the pipes those guys are watching plates oh don't mind me guys you drove to distract pushing together listening to the optimist podcast with the Millennial farmer thing is he made it and this is my apartment and master player Andy Jeff that connection make sure check it out the link in the description sure so we know what pitstop gotta be a breath there we go well I couldn't find the sink but figure I'll walk back here and see what kind of job we're doing it's good to get out check every once in a while stretch the legs Onix did you get any deer no dear tonight but you saw something yes pretty awesome Harvest Moon out there tonight here is the final carts of the evening I ended up hit the back way more fall than I needed to but that's alright [Music] so if you made it to the end of this video let me know and then also let me know if you're a farmer or not a farmer because I haven't asked that question for quite a while I'm curious to see where those comments go who's a farmer who's not a farmer if you're not a farmer why did you start watching the channel about farming if you are a farmer and you're watching a channel of all farming you're just crazy but I get it you know we're all a little crazy in our own ways and it is now 1:30 in the morning I'm gonna go to bed
Channel: undefined
Views: 672,673
Rating: 4.9636784 out of 5
Keywords: EVERYTHING is getting STUCK!, mn millennial farmer, millennial farmer, millenial farmer, grain cart stuck, combine stuck, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer equipment, mn millennial farmer podcast, millennial farmer podcast, farming, mn millennial farmer harvest, off the husk podcast, tractor stuck in the mud, kinze grain cart stuck, millennial farmer harvest, semi truck stuck, kenworth stuck, john deere
Id: uFzOQ0bdGs0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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