World's LARGEST Tractor Gets World's LARGEST Ag Tires! - BIG BUD 747

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hey everyone you're in for a real treat today something big is about to go down so we just arrived here and just in time too because they've got something something very big and massive current like a kitten it might be a detroit there's something very very incredible about what's inside of that building lots and lots of really neat you got unique iron but not only that the 747 big bud and they're pulling it out right now let's go watch isn't that something this is the world's biggest farm tractor ever produced in 1976 they started producing it 1977 they finished it that's an old tractor and it's at i think about 11 or about 1100 horsepower is what it's rated at right now that's awesome that is just awesome that's american muscle right there if you ask me so this is scott here he's a buddy of mine we're two scots but i have a better nickname than he does but anyways what do we got going on right here so this is the 14 30 46 elsa that's the largest ag tire in the world right there on the big bug and that's something they're putting they're taking these old suckers off which are rotted and just you can't save them there's nothing you can do about it and they're putting some new shoes on it what is this like nike or is this adidas or yeah i like to think more of a maybe sketchers under armour oh under armour before we built steps on our tractors we kind of modified ours just a little bit ours used to have three steps to get up this has seven steps these tires are over 18 or eight feet tall when i stand next to it you can tell right now i'm a short little guy let's take a walk up the stairs wow this is just amazing the opportunity right now i'm just like okay do you ever feel like a little skitty like a school girl that's really giddy that's me right now i can't even talk i'm stuttering and this cab here is actually the same kind of tab as we have on ours it looks so tiny compared to this whole entire tractor let's step inside it's amazing to me i look around in this cab and it looks just like our tractors everything about this feels just like ours except for one thing when i look outside the cab and i start looking around this thing's massive it's huge i mean i'm just sitting in inside this massive tank people outside look smaller because well i'm not used to sitting so high i look around and the wheelbase on this thing and just how i don't know how to describe it it's just it's a one of a kind which is truly the truth it's absolutely phenomenal to see that there is history here that has a story to tell and the story is that you know if there's a will there's a way and if there's a need we'll try to make it happen and they made it happen they realized that there was a need for a big tractor like this they built one and it left it at that but still to this day like i said before this thing is still the world's largest agriculture tractor you guys don't know this is the world's largest track of the big bud 747 this tractor is the world's largest ag tractor and it's been the world's largest for over 40 years and it is getting the world's largest ag tires from tight tires these are the lsw 1400s getting eight of them eight of them it's happening today we're here in iowa and uh the process started so uh enjoy the fun let's get these tires on this girl and guess what we gotta drive it when it's done let's go where has that crane been all our lives man that would make life a little easier but we have leg arms so we'll save the money just keep beating him you guys can think of a way for me to get distracted from the williams brothers please let me know leave in a comment below i don't know think of something we got to find a way there's a way gotta be these tires could be anywhere from five to six thousand pounds roughly so they're going to use this massive front end loader here to pull off those tires so if you look inside here they've got these braces going down the tube that way as it flexes it can't actually warp or twist and because you don't really want well there's a lot of mass on that tractor they really beep this up this is probably a one inch plate and i'm guessing probably quarter inch thick side walls and then they've got about a half inch plates strips going down in here they're pretty stout are you serious right now they let him drive the forklift you know what the sun's in my eyes the brakes are really touchy and the throttle is way too touchy too so and these levers they just there's too much slop so i'm doing a good job we get asked all the time on welker farms do we own the world's biggest tractor do we own the 747 no we don't i'll tell you who does those two gentlemen in the white over there do that's uh robert and randy williams those guys have owned this tractor for a number of years they've been a part of the big bud scene since the beginning they're good friends with a lot of the big bud team and uh they're awesome you guys don't know them i recommend checking them out shaking their hand they done some cool stuff really neat guys and uh they're gonna take good care of this tractor and they're bringing it back to montana so and they're about an hour and a half from where i live so i suppose i need to make a trip to their farm one of these days but yeah robert ryan it's been a pleasure hanging out with them good people and uh they represent montana and america well and that track is a good fit the whole thing so as you can see they're getting interviewed they should they need a little publicity this is their baby not mine they have these duels to take off they already got these off and if we want to look at this final drive or the planetaries they're incredibly big if you take the diameter from the outside to outside you're guessing probably without a tape measure uh two and a half maybe three feet from outside outside just to give you an idea that's a big one okay mr scott slowing he is the guy that made this all happen from titan tires and uh he's one of the masterminds behind the lsw 1400s and he took the helm he didn't like leg arms making him look bad so he's going to jump in and run the forklift he'll be fine guys awesome the sun's in my ass on your eyes again my eyes oh it's a your arms are too big you just don't really fit in this cab leg arm excuses wait are you are you saying even with the sun and the bad breaks the the bad breaks i don't even have a hat on first of all first the sun's even worse and you got it on the first try and actually i had one arm behind my back and one eye closed when i did that so what now i am ashamed of myself and i can't believe i oh i need to be fired that shirt should not be on you i'm not taking it off last set of duels going on seven tires man that's a lot of rubber and they just about have all the old tires on the trailer they got one duel to put on other than that strapped up they're gonna take that back to montana but you guys are doing a good job there's rain coming this afternoon too so they're kind of hurrying up to get it done so uh i'm gonna drive it awesome so i've got a question here for these young guys what do you think about the big bud 747 and the new shoes it's cool yeah it is pretty cool if you give a thumbs up or like thumbs up yeah double thumbs up we have the last tire we put on and then it's done right come on come on he's making it i don't have any kibbles and bits for him though man those things are just massive tires just love how big of a footprint those things are okay she's done all eight tires are on this monster and they look awesome hey hey what are you guys all doing over here oh look at this oh my god come on over here this guy you guys huh well we are guys we were trying to figure out how we get this out of here without you seeing it but all right import it later yeah so we have the williams brothers yeah yes that's us and these guys have been threatening us the entire time we've been here saying that we need to get out of here you've just been trying now we know you're our neighbors you know and the thing the big thing is is w yeah our names are with w and you guys can adopt us if you want that's fine all right you you can be williams is it yeah that's right how long have you guys had this tractor well i guess since uh 97 97 yep so what 12 14 years you know but you were there when it was built we were there yeah yep we actually on the floor and we've got pictures so this is the second set of tires you've seen put on this thing yeah right absolutely very first one wow that's pretty good for 40 years yeah are these going to make it 40 years well i'm sure they will make it for you because i doubt if yeah so i think where the plan is now i think someone gets to turn the key is that you or you turns the key i'm the navigator you're right he's the driver i'm in the middle oh you right the checks he turns the keys the brains behind the whole thing is that guy oh no no no no the bronze yeah that's right so i got up i got watched for guy wires and pedestal cars and pedestrians and we decided that if anyone gets killed crushed it's going to be titan's fault and can't they're it's got a high speed gear too so if you need to get away you can get out right we can kick your clear up to 12 mile an hour there's hardly any compassion a half mile an hour we'll keep a low profile while we're going down three quarters yeah it's a little profile find a steep hill and the poor old wagner's over there goodbye to it is that that's not your guys yeah oh that's yours too we just brought it here oh we sold it oh this is nothing let's go to the oh it came on the truck all right let's start yeah your honest opinion what do you guys think awesome i don't think it could turn down any better than it did this is an exciting day because this tractor has not really taken a good well jog in a long time and it's doing it finally this is just awesome now let's find out how much this sucker weighs with all those uh well the tires off and the weight the wheels on so i'm excited to find out this is absolutely incredible standing on the outside of the thing it has such a beautiful purr with that v16 detroit and it just it just sounds great and not only does it sound great but this ride was just incredible of course we're only going like seven miles an hour but still i mean come on it was incredible but that thing just wow that is a massive tractor you don't realize how massive it is until you get onto a street and then you realize it takes up the whole entire road absolutely incredible guys oh that's a pretty sweet ending of the day old glory shining over american-made iron american-made rubber american-made engine transmission different generations but it all started here it's cool to see happen these guys worked their tail off putting those on and man it looks good and uh i don't know if i'm gonna get a chance to drive it today they promised me i'll hold it to him but this thing's coming to montana and uh guess who else lives in montana uh there we have it guys lsw 1400s on the big bud 747 that was exciting and fun to see a history in the making well this is history and we were also in the making too so that was fun yeah exciting riot that was right it's hot here's a riot it's really humid right now we're like dying but to see this thing in person to hear it run to see it drive with those big tires on it was just awesome yeah and i think i don't know what we're going to do when we get home the other bells the buds are going to smell this butt on us yeah so we're taking double showers tonight yeah so i don't know they might not accept us back yeah lava soap scrub everything down it's all good now it's better well thanks for watching guys hope you enjoyed i got a feeling we're seeing this thing again probably in the field so god bless take care you
Channel: Welker Farms
Views: 1,493,418
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: big bud tractors, case, john deere, international, peterbilt, dodge, big bud, truck, tractor, farm, huge farms, welker farms, welker farms inc, montana, wheat harvest, wheat, harvest, sunset, drone, dji, kids content, epic, epic music, cinematic music, corn, usa, america, new holland, big brute, farmer, power, american dream, legarms, fummins, case ih, fs19, big bud 747, walker, walker farms, animals, wildlife, country, family friendly, demco, wagner, LSW1400
Id: 02jBUZL4hTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 18 2020
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