John Deere S780 Harvest Debut

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let's go harvesting [Music] morning this needs replacing this one is well next to it and there's a bolt right here there it is I unhooked it someone needs to clean this window these are actually a kind of a non-gmo they are a non-gmo specialty being that is being grown for seeds so these will be taken by the seed company and cleaned and bagged and resold next year as seed to grow this beet we were out of room when we quit last night so we put the final about nine ten thousand pounds of soybeans in here left them in will run those into the truck and we're gonna go get some diesel ditch gets excited when I wave at it from the combine it's particularly important to keep this one nice and clean so that I can get better pictures of the grain cart for Instagram while we're on the move look at that Martha Stewart would be proud you can't even tell there's a window there what are you doing getting ready for the Vikings game or for deer hunting both good boy are you going on heads up we're coming at a high rate after the field Onix you want to explain what we're doing that's right beans are still a little wet so they're not going to be ready to harvest yet but we've been having some issues with the electrical plug on this if you have watched the recent videos you know we've got some issues going on there so we're gonna hook it up early this morning in case we got problems we got to deal with get it done ahead of time you tell me when a four feet three feet two one zero how this new header is definitely a pain in the neck to hook up compared to the old ones it's so fussy you've got to be on there just perfect and you can't see the wind system doesn't make it any easier but the tabs that go underneath here you can't excuse me you can't see at all compared to the old-style one where it came around in front was really simple we're waiting for vehicles to try to turn around on the State Highway we got to get out back up and in there we go - even watching what you're filming at all we got this corner opened up and these beans are drier than I thought that's for sure no they look drier than they and they taste what do you think Onix 16% they're a little wet yet we're gonna go do a couple other things for an hour or two without any without much wind and no Sun these aren't going to dry out too quickly but we'll get out here hey you two you two now settle down now getting inside grain bin certainly can be dangerous but the fact is is that sometimes it has to be done the grain right here is not more than a foot deep and I've got a guy outside watching everything helping me out and I am well aware of where the stumps are at here so this is not crusted over I'm not going to break through and it's not going to shift and all of a sudden wash wash me down there's really no danger at all of me suffocating in this the only danger is me stepping into a sump which is actually a much more narrow hole than it looks like and even if I do it's not going to kill me unless I bleed out from having my foot ripped off so that's a silver lining some of these chunks are just a little bit higher moisture the beans will stick together when they run through the auger they'll break up they'll go back through the grain dryer with the wet beans they'll come back in and be perfectly fine dad jumped out to go switch where we're going with these beans it's pretty well open up I'm just gonna watch it for another three four minutes here and make sure we're all clear but in all seriousness guys for the farmers out there remember we got to be careful we got to go home to our families at night so if you do have to go in a bin please be careful have somebody with you know what you're doing it is what it is we to be we got to be safe we got to go home to our families at night there's nothing more important than that our local fire department at least one of them for sure has a lot of really good safety equipment to deal with grain bin issues and actually used some of that equipment here about a month ago we have lost four or five in the state of Minnesota this summer four or five farmers - grain bin incidents we're a very low percentage of the population anyway let's take care of ourselves go time Josh if you go to your ears on down there I'm just gonna pull up to the house here find onyx 23 we'll just take a left here follow the gravel road around take it halfway back to Lowrey and then we're in that field on the north side of 114 ok Nanak sir the Vikings gonna win today we're playing the Lions well she can't have you I mean she could I guess you're probably gonna get bored eventually now there is a combine [Music] let's try this maybe try this anyone have four-wheel drive hi we need a rope I think we may as well just get the 95/60 up here and hang the rope on the back just wrap it around the three-point we'll just follow follow the crew around with the 95/60 sounds good dad's gonna bring the tractor up it isn't gonna take much to pull that out of there and get it straight in the meantime onyx and I are gonna harvest Josh over here is one of our seasonal workers he's 23 23 I got you on video alright I'm gonna jump out Onix I'll be right back don't Bluff anything not right it's amazing how much overnight changes like that looks like crap behind us too many beans going on the ground and not in the tank so we're gonna switch back to where we were yesterday afternoon I'd say that's a lot better went through a wet spot there like a putt we got this dry in front of us that Randy goes for us let's go around and stand are you sure kind of cool I think let's go around too soon that's where Jim got buried last spring three more paparazzi been hunting with over there I have no idea who that is I have been kicked out of the 98 74 right now the boss is taking that over I'm gonna head home and actually work on I'm gonna get that machine going okay seriously this is an unbelievable opportunity that I've been given and I can't think John Deere and Midwest machinery enough I hope you guys enjoy this I think this is gonna be a lot of fun to see how this brand-new machine works and it's nice for us to have a second machine around right now hopefully you guys can learn a little bit about it I certainly am gonna learn a little bit about it it's gonna be fun shiny a lot of glass beautiful I ran some calibrations for the feeder house to make sure this thing can control the header up down side to side you name it pretty boring stuff all done on the computers over here now I think I'm going to fire the machine up open the grain tanks eyeball everything not screw anything up basically how hard can it be opening we I've got all my settings set up the outside covers are all closed I used the go harvest app from Deere here on my phone to get the settings right here we go let's start the back I didn't hear any wrenches come out let's start it for a little longer we're running separator is running throttle up our rotor knife and said to about 600 so far nothing sounds like I broke it so I'm gonna hook a header to it start that as well multiple calibration procedures needed I will now perform multiple calibration procedures our calculations done here by the Vikings I'm waiting for Midwest machinery to transfer me my fields sounds like they can do that remotely just transfer me all my fields that'll show up on the monitor here and I just hit import and then I've magically got all my fields here to work with so that I can combine harvest get all that data on the fields and have that data upload it to the cloud on my John Deere I'm gonna load this header up josh is gonna bring me out there let's do it what'd you say Rhiannon you lost your tooth hardly have any left in there what do you have there Oh your tooth for the tooth fairy I am you gonna go in it next week I don't wants to go in it no you're not gonna we mean that makes me very sad oh that Brian I believe in Ohio they call that government juice is that is that correct luckily we've got 55 gallons of it in there but first more diesel for those who don't know def is short for diesel exhaust fluid I don't know the science behind it I know it's a lot of nitrogen and a lot of water that gets injected into the exhaust system on a diesel engine we have never had an engine that takes def before the reason for it the purpose of it is for emissions so that the the air or the exhaust coming out the end of the motor coming out the muffler the header the exhaust is cleaner air so that that's the idea of it it's cleaner air cleaner burning engines so we run that exhaust fluid in those engines for that purpose these engines will not run without it in fact I believe they're not even legal to be built or run without it it's a fairly new thing we've never owned a machine that actually uses it a lot of new semis are all new semis I believe now have it all of our machines are actually old enough that there is no exhaust fluid on any of our machines eventually probably pretty soon here as we move into newer machines we're gonna need it but so far the only machine we've ever had where we use it was last year's Challenger when we had the 743 out here that used it but that was literally the only other engine we've ever had on this farm that burns def luckily this Thunder Creek trailer has a 100 gallon def tank in it so that I can transfer the def from the barrel into this tank and then from this tank into the combine Thunder I think I know what I'm doing [Music] when I've been run before like I said it was I was just a thought I don't actually have a clue notice whether we where does this Who am I what does the horseshoe do we need def in this combine and I'm pretty confident this Thunder Greek the attachment we got for it only works with with a 250-gallon whole parts at the local John Deere dealer are open until 4:00 which means I've got 16 minutes to go nine miles I'm going to get def it's understandable that that that the Thunder Creek attachment would only fit at 250 because after all it's got a hundred gallon tank on the trailer typically anybody who buys a trailer like that with that option is going to need plenty of depth but in our situation we are only thinking we're going to need probably a hundred gallons of def at the most which is why we just started out with a 55-gallon drum which will just return to Midwest and and swap them out for whatever but it's just our situation so I'm just gonna go get some jugs get enough to get going tonight so I can keep moving here got the juice environmentally saving the planet let's go harvesting you know first off I want to thank Deere for putting these really lovely flat metal corner posts in it gives me multiple angles to mount a magnetic camera on - it's those little details you know it is a tremendously odd feeling not being able to see any tires out here just need to open the tank but not under these power lines across the road and then figure out what I missed unfold and I don't really know what I'm doing that's got to be a good sign right I'd say 100 feet is plenty far enough before I got to get out check make sure I'm not destroying anything that isn't mine boy I sure hope I don't get this thing muddy sure hope not the beans were really short here and I was driving super slow so I was losing some at the head but I know enough to know that we're okay I'm gonna fine-tune the settings from here but nothing is way off hopefully onyx is out finding some deer I am so nervous honestly I'm kind of impressed I didn't really I haven't messed with any of the settings at all I just follow to go hard a snap and we're cleaning pretty clean for not having to mess with any settings I'm in some little bit better beans now I'm gonna jump out behind and look pretty soon here but things are smooth it's cold in here how do I can change that well that just happened automatically came on and told me that I'm 3/4 full how neat is that these are a bit dryer oh no I got it muddy I was really hoping to make it all the way around the field and back but I don't dare risk it I'm not gonna make it I don't need cap corn cap beans on the first hopper ever so now I get to drive all the way back fifteen sixteenths of the way around this field again but that means the beans are better than I was thinking so that's good two things number one Josh's at the end of the field here to pick me up because we got problems at home with motor smoking a belt so something must be plugged up there must be an issue there second of all I went through money spot back there and the pro drive transmission on this thing downshifted tipped it forward like this and I got cap beans first Hank ever on this machine ever it's never even been unloaded I also have no idea how to turn the lights on I've got buttons for them but they don't turn on it's got to be in here somewhere their lights unlock maybe I'll figure it out when I get back you were it was this auger right the West one so it's like everything's running fine dust flying there then I can dump this tractor and we'll close this down some and watch it but it should be I think we just got that bit running too fast yeah that overhead conveyor eventually couldn't keep up yeah it kept backing up till it jammed everything [Music] Kanoe developments do viral yeah and implement shear to flash them time to get back to work dark over here 780 are you out here it's wanting to show me that the hoppers fall which I'm well aware of but I just want to know how to well there we go I need to know how to turn the lights on let's see what can I mess up in here no I can't find it I know it's all in the armrest but when I push them they don't do anything I'm very confused look at that I just wait Aven it's on the side of this yes there it is I've never had a turn signal lever before whoo crisis averted got him well it appears as though the unload is working so that that's good I did run it but I was a little nervous with a full hopper that what if something didn't work it's it is definitely considerably quieter than our ninety eight seventy I'm trying to keep the shadows out here it's just shadows there's not actually a screen out there that's not actually my hand I'll buy that truck whoa-ho look at that I'm empty now but I didn't even notice that back to harvestin I've got some really short beans here and you can see how dry they were see the white looking pods those are pots that actually after they froze they dried out so much they snapped open and the beans are laying on the ground if they stay out here too long that's what's going to happen now especially since they froze so we're losing yield everyday by watching those pots shatter on their own but I'll get back to you in a minute we're getting after it two machines two green cards three trucks everything's up and going tonight I've got a knock out what weekend before the rain gets there on the pump you know what I haven't mentioned about this combine it because I've just had my head I've been in my own head all day trying to figure out how to set this thing up but the combine advisor part of this machine will actually control all of the settings within the machine and monitor based off of your settings it will monitor the grain quality and the sample and what's coming in the back and what's going out the back it's the Millennial boat it's the whole millennial mode like the like that strange-looking combine I drove out in Montana now Welker farms Channel you know it'll do just that only only probably better I would think right I would think better and we're going to get into that but not tonight because I want the help of trained professionals to make sure I do that correctly so for tonight I'm just going to do the best job that I can of putting these soybeans from the field into this hopper behind me and into a green bin this is just cool it's only 10:30 right now and we're getting some raindrops on the windows we were really open to at least finish this field you can see dad working over there it's not like it's raining hard but it looks like the rain is 10 to 20 miles out and we don't want to get a lot of rain on these combines especially with some of the beans sitting around in the hoppers and whatnot beans just they don't take well to rain including the chaff as I was saying the chaff that builds up on the machines and all the nooks and crannies in the corners when that gets wet eventually it sets up it gets a lot harder to move so it's nice if you can keep that fluffy and dusty probably not gonna happen this year but we're only a mile from home so if it's going to rain we want to get stuff home get it under a rope get it in the shed I'll talk you later we're gonna have to call it a night ear hate just kidding the rain lightened up and we're gonna keep going here since it's right there on radar we may as well go until everything is soaked and a mess pleaded guilty to anybody happen to know where the windshield wiper control is and just kidding it's not raining anymore giddyup this right here will do it for my side of the ditch it's weird trying to push the buttons on the joystick with your left hand but it sounds like dad's got about 30 acres left across the ditch on the other side of the corridor so I'm gonna jump over there and help him finish up before it starts raining again it's a bit of a wide rig going down the road but luckily I'm not going far and it's not exactly rush hour out here it's a game of harvest chicken how much could we destroy in this situation with that's it we're done we finished it just some super light sprinkles coming down you can't really tell because the wind is blowing so much of the chaff around we're done with with this filled with what we wanted to get done tonight and it is let's see just about there it is just about me saw it anyway just about 1 o'clock a.m. [Music] goodnight
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 2,022,769
Rating: 4.865026 out of 5
Keywords: harvest, FARMER, Millennial Farmer John Deere S780 Harvest Debut, millennial farmer, mn millennial farmer, millenial farmer, mn millennial farmer harvest, mn millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer equipment, millennial farmer podcast, mn millennial farmer podcast, millennial farmer harvest, john deere s780 combine, john deere s780 on tracks, john deere, 2019 HARVEST, farming, off the husk podcast, farm equipment, soybean harvest, farming simulator 2019, cab beans
Id: zbi_dnYwcQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 4sec (1564 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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