they added guns to bedwars

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guys guys guys they had a gun stupid worse it it I'm having a mental breakdown I mean you sellin title we thought oh my god I thought I thought techno blade was different from the other youtubers but here he is puttin blatant lies in his video title four clicks no this this is real it's 2019 this is the reality the admins were sitting here like what what is the world need it needs bed wars with guns I feel like I have a moral responsibility to play this game and to document bed Wars with guns I mean the people the people need to know that this is out there why are these guys actually trying we're playing bed Wars with guns get down get down why are you guys actually put an effort into this we have guns what are you doing my team's actually Mountain an attack I feel I feel inclined to help them all right well one of them fell and potato bow master whose legendary name by the way is on the retreat to get more resources and - - Pro world 12 has been taken out in action way I'm actually getting owned okay go go go we can do this boys we can do it we got a map we got a man down get ready get ready attack attack they can't shoot all of us they don't have enough ammo attack attack get their bed get it break it get it I'm giving you cover and fire yeah you did it you did it yeah yeah go why are you using swords we have guns for a reason yeah I have to finals I take all of my negativity back this is actually the true form this is what bed wars was meant to be bed Wars not having guns has been holding it back this whole time all right we're back potato Bo Master has been holding down the fort I we don't really need a bow master we need a gun master but whatever get this man out of my sight get him out of here get this man out of here yeah yeah you know what you're trying to be in your own spawn how dare you how dare you respawn yeah yeah die die get get the heck back in there if you peek out of that door I will shoot you my gun has more range than you I'm cyberbullying them ah that guy is a sniper rifle - yeah yeah get him he's gone he's gone you just wasted a bunch of gold on that I bet it's over it's over you're dead this is brutally even get to play the game anymore as my team getting owned by Blue team it occurs to me that I'm not even like helping win the game I'm really just I'm really that guy as a blue weapon I don't well he's gone what is this he's come to help he felt bad for them wait wait he's stuck he's stuck it's over it's over I'm sorry it's over for you as well I'm sorry you got a die you got these guys a window you don't have the range you don't have the range I'm sorry I do not need backup potato bo Master I got this half of the map unlock yet it doesn't go that far you're not dealing damage he's trying okay you successfully get in the way you know what I'm gonna why is our entire team here we got to go back they're gonna attack us why is everyone coming over here yeat we're going in we're going in boys I'm feeling it let's go I'm contributing I'm contributing to the cause I'm laying down suppressive fire all right we got him wait you can actually break the bed you can do this man I'm helping I'm helping I'm almost dead I'm almost dead it's over no I tried I tried it's over it's over I'm just gonna instantly buy another rifle because it's the greatest gun I don't even need anything you know we're gonna get fire balls can you reflect fire balls with bullets I really hope not that's gonna make this really redundant Pat you got a pistol what a loser yeah yeah shoot him down yeah yeah get him out of here you can't assassin yes yes assassin going you can do it assassin their beds open get it assassin how hard he got shot by like 12 guys all right potato Bo master it's up to you it's Oh God we're getting shot no get this man out of here get this man out of my sight he's dead he's dead it's over yes assassin go I'm laying down covering covering fire get him get him yeah yeah I get why it why aren't they got why did you not get them you had one job it's a whole shootout potato Bo Master I gotta go in I gotta I do not gotta go when this was a mistake this was a bad idea potato Bo Master no no you don't get to go anywhere what do you think this is bad worse without guns no no no no no I was close this game is stressed in here one of the others was rose red team think they're doing they're trying to rush us yeah yeah get on out of guys guys red team's just forget it owned get him out of here I feel like we're up against red and blue team simultaneously we're gonna have to be sick gamers if we want to win this did they build a castle we're going in we're gonna defeat red team or die in the attempt and I feel like dying is the much likelier option actually I'm just gonna walk in and easily defeat my enemies I'm gonna place down T&T let's go let's go gun fight gun fight we're going in we're going in I got a final kill I got a second final kill I'm down to one heart this is it it's me versus pork see I'm missing every shot I'm so bad wait wait we're doing it yes dude I just wiped our red team here we go they don't expect it they don't expect the flank oh god they're all getting killed they're all getting shot we need a rifle we need a rifle to fire back yeah yeah get him you thought you were safe you were not safe and they're all dead this could be such a good opportunity but I'm getting shot I'm getting shot get this man out of here get these guys out of my sight yes this is it this is it assassin pro world they're placing it we're going in we're going in they're dead I'm stabbing them with swords psych I'm pulling out my rifle we're on the retreat and not even close and we're gonna finish him off with the gun yeah yeah get him yeah he has half a heart oh my God look at this kill log 67 kills we did it now that you've seen harmed Abed worse you're probably wondering to yourself what kind of sick twisted individual could even think of a game-mode like this much less actually inflicted upon the world fortunately I've managed to get in contact with the admin behind this game and will be interviewing him to find out if he was aware when making this game that other human beings would actually be subjected to it and whether he feels any remorse for his actions hello alright eros Sandberg tell me what were your thoughts when you were making this game what did what did you will hope to change in the world that's a good question I actually don't know maybe just make people's lives more miserable you just you just wanted chaos you were just sitting there like you know what the hypixel players they've had it too good for too long we just need to ruin their whole afternoon with guns this is my house I regret everything we had concerns we're just ignorant that's good to hear you know a lot of people raised like mental health concerns in the process of making this game and we were like what if we just ignored them and so we did the entire game is gunning us down why didn't you Nick why did you not Nick they know there's an admin I really like where you're going with this game but I feel like a game that would really benefit from adding guns is TNT Ron could you guys get on that well just add comes to every game that's ideal I really I think when the dragon spawns in Skyblock oh should be ten dudes in the enchanted orphan armored adjust machine gun it out of the sky in like three seconds every team is bullying us I hate this I just want to leave my spawn point he has a rifle it's got longer range we just wanted to make it more fun for people with lists yeah I don't think you succeed this we're going in we're going in I got a go for it always waiting no no get out of my face no our beds broken I've actually added some textures so of the rifle is an ak-47 the pistol is the Magnum I'm really I'm really getting immersed in the hypixel with guns experience I want you to know that that people's lives have been changed by your actions some for the better most for the worst I'm gonna hide in a corner here and that guy did not see me he didn't see me so it's fine waited he actually he did he actually not see me I'm just gonna go I'm just going in yeah let's go oh wait this is actually working no please wait wait red team's coming in red team's coming in get them get them everyone roll out I got a pickaxe we can do this we can do this gun them down gun them down maybe we should have had you Russian first because I have the actual pickaxe I'll cover you cover me please please no there's some pole in their base no this is it this is our time to shine get him get him all right you hold that guy or I could just get shot immediately he's got blaster in his name we never stood a chance he's prepared his entire life for this mode to come out for Cohen and we can do this I believe I believe in America no you go in you got a body block him we did it boys shoot him down this is not dealing damage we got to hit him with a sword the old-fashioned way yeah oh we got their corpses on the ground and everything see a normal person would just bridge but I'm an MLG gamer I'm just gonna jump up there and not get shot in the back I'm gonna get immediately shot in the back this sucks I hate this I hate this who made this game I hate that guy you know oh god don't shoot me that's not legal oh god I have minor fatigue why all right their bed is open if someone can yes you did it you did it I forgive you for making this game I'm buying the Magnum let's go die this is America let's exercise our Second Amendment rights on these fools dying die Oh oh god this is bad this was a bad idea and I'm reloading all right this is fine all the last guys here spam way that actually really worked you just got destroyed final interview question if you if you had anything to say to the people of hypixel how how would you form your apology for this guy I'm sorry all right well I cut this part out of the video but the admin just said that they were adding guns to Skyblock and it was official they're gonna have they're gonna have an orphan minion that was bad words aren't about overall rate this mode 5 for crimes out of 5 if you guys want to see more check out bed Wars mission impossible this videos from way back in the day I didn't even know that swords did more damage than punching people this is one of the few videos from 2017 where I look back at it and think wow this video wasn't complete garbage so yeah click on it that's an order if you don't I will be slightly annoyed you wouldn't like me when I'm slightly annoyed so you better click on it
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 8,157,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Technoblade, Technothepig, Hypixel, hypixel bedwars, bedwars, minecraft bedwars
Id: bJs4ODDvoho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 19sec (679 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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