The SCARIEST TikToks in The World? [#6] w/Mully

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welcome back for the first time actually this isn't the first time you've seen this heaps of times it's like number six this is scary eddie tick tocks nope the world's scariest tick tock question mark there you go i'm going home tomorrow from uh america i'm going back to australia tomorrow so uh yes so look i wasn't gonna have him on but i have really bad allergies so i need someone to talk for me instead yes that's right so i'm using molly today hey relax shh you're talking too much let me talk stop touching me if you like seeing me go to molly on youtube type in sleepy molly subscribe to that channel it's way better than this one if you want to be featured on this channel make sure to go to twitter and type in the little hashtag scary eddie that's right and that's right your scariest tick tock and i may react to it next week or the week after first tick tock scary what does that say scary things hidden in photos what do you mean what does that say you're the one that speaks english natively all right go go play it play scary things hidden in photos a car crash [Music] but what's oh wait pause that was it possible is that josh the boys go to indonesia look at this look dude you can't just photoshop smeagle in behind some leaves and call it scary okay it's like a two out of ten right now this is yeah this is definitely like bottom tier regular happy photo until what at a wedding oh my god wait what in the original is that in his pants oh it is there it's the bride it's the bride being angry because his is probably small i don't think so dude just something tells me that okay next tick tock next tip are you ready yes sir scary gin slash demon watching him real or fake probably fake [Music] shut up it's their inbred cyclops child they keep in the basement dude he's just trying to get out look what is that that's just some kid man they keep in the basement that's not scary yeah you did when i jump scared you you startled me you didn't scare me no that was a jump scare all right next tick tock we're off to a slow start i'm not gonna lie people who are posters are usually doing a bad job i agree okay we need some more bangers we need like some actual scary [ __ ] you guys already know i'm not dealing with any of that skin walker stuff it's do you know what a skinwalker is nah all right let's try this one lights are off [Music] i like this dude's account dude nice nice look this dude makes quality scary videos that wasn't scary i wasn't scared one time they're just creepy well they are look at that really creepy animations look at that that's a whoa molly and juicy that's molly and juicy why is the free kid in the boys [Laughter] all the comments where's rican where's freaking one day the ghost got tired of the cat hey cabron is white wait hold on go back wait wait wait wait wait wait wait there's someone under the covers zoom in what the f where's the arm picking the cat up scary eddie is kind of [ __ ] so far so far you got look i'm trying to impress molly and you guys keep sending me this kind of stuff i'm going to the top ones instead come on man give me something good [Music] hey me oh [ __ ] [Music] throw a piece of cheese on her head maybe yo that's creepy all right all right that that's a quality one that's a quality one that that one's like creepy like kind of gives you chicken skin you got chicken skin no why not cause i'm not scared yet man come on dog that was pretty creepy you're too brave to be put on this channel i'm just not a [ __ ] smile dog is in my house oh small dog smile dog is in my con what flashlight it's the soundsman oh hell no [Laughter] [Laughter] now he's gonna get real scared oh [ __ ] stop i didn't tell me please move on no you can't you can't don't don't [ __ ] touch me all right that was a good one that was a good one that was a good one uh thank you uh omg it's kiwi you appreciate it dude i just [ __ ] myself this person says i hate this [ __ ] sound dude do you know this is like the sound where you're on tick tock and you see those live streams of people walking through the forest and they're just playing this song yes have you ever seen that yes this song is [ __ ] creepy man daisy daisy give me your address daisy not tasey okay it's hey don't actually don't actually please where is it no put it i can see you getting it out of your [ __ ] pocket man i have electricity if i can't trust you the love of you can you put both your hands on your table right now yeah put both your hands on the table now or that carriage but i got a taser for my yeah get away from me i'm gonna be out of focus because i can't trust this [ __ ] i'm not gonna shock you bro here get under the tortilla blanket we're sharing blankets now this is kind of cute mate we're sharing tortilla blankets molly has expressed fear of the daisy song i'm scared i'm scared eddie you ready i hate the noise for real though this song's all right go go go go head [Music] turn that off i seen that one what is this i don't like hey what you ain't in a granola bar you're allergic to granola what what you're allergic but i am i am yeah we had to take you to hospital oh that's a skinwalker that's a skinwalker that's a skinwalker oh oh she could be from the mandela catalogs [Music] that is creepy dude what the [ __ ] you haven't asked me who i am shut the [ __ ] up dude you just blew my headphones off my sorry two cuties in a room they might kiss my kiss what is this you look like two little brothers life of luxury demons [Music] that's [ __ ] up dude oh my god imagine you actually like walking down your thing and saying that i don't want to think about it i don't want to think about it because they're not good i'm five feet apart because they're not gay wait a minute we aren't five feet apart and i'm not wearing socks either neither am i put the taser away put the no if we're in a good position put that thing away you can't be true you're getting close to me no don't oh [Music] i feel like she just took acid flow the first time she probably did do yeah yeah she took acid and then they tried to like fix her with the priest let me tell you something dude if that person was mexican they'd have probably been floating in the air and then burned by holy water that priest would have not around that priest just let her do her thing yeah you know what i mean yep creepy videos creepy videos this is a youtube video from 2006. look how creepy that is man the backstory behind this video is really dark the creator of this video kidnapped four people in 2005 he created weird videos and would send them to random people once you open the videos jumpscare jumpscare he would have access to your ip address he has been on the run since 2007. watch that person was the one that is sending me the video right now you just opened the video i just opened the video and that they probably have my ip address and you watching this video they probably have your ip address too because it's all connected oh what is this one this one says nope nope wait till you see what's behind the door okay what's behind the door oh brand new we got two doors open what we got two doors over here what's in this room here this is a house full of [ __ ] that would actually scare the [ __ ] out of you it's gonna be gone watch this okay now wouldn't this scare just about anybody that was coming in here in the dark but this is a theater i'm sorry this is a prop it's a prop ah okay okay it's a prop but seriously though that would have [ __ ] killed me amy winehouse's final conformed it's actually where she's buried look man after being in the clown motel [ __ ] that unsettling youtube videos the dining room this one definitely takes the cake this video is almost as old as youtube itself and was made by video artist david earl it is entitled there is nothing or dining room and is a looped short film which basically means okay watch it forward or backwards it would have the same effect the video as david earl describes it is inspired by his own belief that there is nothing on either side of death let's get to the video [ __ ] i know dude about somebody coming and confirming their own suspicions if this is the whole tick tock i'm gonna hunt this guy without a further i'll show you the video [Music] [Laughter] red [Music] i had it upside down i ruined the skin upside down all right next tick tock there's a new update on netflix oh there's this new update on netflix where you click surprise me i wonder what it's going to be oh i was really excited oh did you see shrek on bondage then that wasn't tricked yes it was wasn't it that was kentoki pendejo oh it was two oh i thought i just seemed like this green thing no because i was looking at her i was looking at her and then i'd seen this thing in the background you are actually dumb dude you know that ah what is this okay the person says that they're demons and they have been in the school and they have become aware of my presence okay the dogs are barking barking [Music] across the street [Music] [Music] creepy but that was clearly cgi it was real what if i keep saying that this is all cgi right but that is actually what ghosts look like you know what i'm saying yeah i know what you're saying watchers realize we're not alone on the trail almost pitch black out oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] stay it's okay mate it's all right buddy it's okay molly there's nothing there looks i'm just really getting into it man you scared me you look so defeated it's a rabbit it was a [ __ ] rabbit yeah it was a [ __ ] rabbit dude that dog is freaked out though but you see how you see how the dog's leaving dude yeah dogs wouldn't normally be trying to get after a rabbit but this one freaked something has spooked this guy little man's is [ __ ] spooked did you see it little sausage dog dogs are ready for bed it's just a peaceful night here get ready go to bed myself what the [ __ ] is that what oh god the dog saw it too did you see that you see that shadow that comes peeking around the corner yeah the dog spikes up watch and then it disappears did you see it disappear yeah dude look bro that's creepy and all but i know for a damn fact that dog is wagging his tail he knows who it is true you can't get us that easy you ain't getting me today can't get us that easy [ __ ] you might get that dog but not me dog bathrooms have mirrors back rooms have mirrors mirrors but it's the back rooms and minecraft plus roadblocks for that's gonna be the guy [Laughter] all right let's see this one creepy abandoned animatronics john wayne animatronic at the do you know there's actually like a legit fear for animatronics yeah i can see why they're kind of creepy right i don't have that though but it features olivier covering himself in clay and essentially making a new face for himself while it is very interesting and compelling there are also a lot of disturbing elements that goes into olivier's piece oh what what the yo what that is just mental health issues that's not even scary it's just someone who's like got mental health issues that is that is horror art to the max right there dude i applaud him for that that's that's good [ __ ] dude this one says good luck sleeping tonight i can't stand this [ __ ] bro oh god oh god of god man i hate that [ __ ] oh there's your thumbnail right there yep the scariest video on the internet i've seen this guy before he's funny as [ __ ] dude check this out he's so smart [Music] for it's still foreign [Music] okay he ain't wrong though all fun and games until one is gone okay look before i play this video we went to the clown motel last week that the legitimate clown motel and it was actually the most terrifying experience ever it was very scary uh i made it i made a tick tock describing what happened so you go to my tick tock there's a there's a tic tac there that explains what happened but that [ __ ] was legitimately the most terrifying experience of my life and now you're watching it tick tock clowns in it now hold on before we continue what are the odds that i made on my very first world scariest tick tocks i watched this tick tock is that a ghost this is where we went we've been here we were there oh that's a bunch of ghosts why is there a bunch of ghosts having a clan meeting in the middle of the test dude listen to the same thing what are they what are the odds dude when we went to the clown hotel when we were driving back from the clown motel this is just before you get to vegas just before you get to vegas in a town called rhyolite i think it's riley yeah a town called rhyolite yeah which is a ghost town yeah there's nothing there it's just rundown buildings somebody told us you have to check out this this ghost town so we went out of the way to go visit this ghost town and as you enter what is the first thing we see this [ __ ] right here we found the location that's no cap either you can go on any social media and see it eddie play eddie ali play the clip check out these creepy ass ghosts in the middle of the desert you got another one over there and then you got a whole rock formation circle thing right there and then another one with the bike over there the one thing i do want to see though is if the minecraft girl's in here it is it is now right there pause it you guys can't see it on the tick tock but that is a giant blocky minecraft looking statue that has big blocky titties put the pictures in that kevin took that this is actually where we were we were there minecraft girl and then and then you keep going and there's like this clan meme they were actually there having a clan meeting dude that [ __ ] is [ __ ] creepy in real life too it is it is a very creepy place in real life anyway but that was just that was just cool i just wanted to share that because it's it just came all the way back around and here we are what you know about their minecraft titties though that made narrator blush that's insane man this is only appropriate because we're doing the world's scariest tick tocks and we were at the clown motel and i just want to share what happened look at this boy stayed at the clown motel last night it's right next to this creepy ass hundred-year-old cemetery and there was definitely ghost activity last night right molly yeah it was crazy we had an emf reader we held it over one of the graves you'll see it in the full video but like the emf reader would spike over some graves it was absolutely terrifying this is the lobby ah that [ __ ] was scary man clowns so many dolls oh look at that guy coming in here last night by ourselves was pretty freaky there's so many dolls they were donated by other people some of them that say they're precious do not touch and then there's these guys that survived a house fire where a family of eight died the clowns are actually left unharmed here's the worst part covered on this look at the rooms they got all these creepy ass clowns look at that wall look at that guy i never want to go now i can sleep in here so after we got all the ghost hunting shenanigans out of the way okay look look at my eyes man i had less than two hours of sleep i played fanaf in real life man i stayed awake all [ __ ] night because i could hear i could hear noises after everyone went to sleep i could hear noises and specifically i heard bike bells with like little clown honks the the little hunk the little horn things that you squeeze and i was going crazy i heard it once and then i heard it again and i stayed awake all friday night and i had this dreadful feeling over my over my body you wanna know what the best thing about that whole night was what me and eddie had to sleep in the same bed yeah but your dumb ass was just barking all night i mean snoring really loud but when i woke up i asked josh if he heard what he heard last night and he described the same thing josh heard it too man it was the [ __ ] scariest experience of my life you were actually scared yeah i was look at me i look you can see right there i i look like i haven't slept all night i could not wait to get the [ __ ] out of there anyway that's it thank you so much for watching today's episode of the world's scariest tick tocks molly's heading back to australia i'm very sad don't cry dude you're gonna make me cry i'll miss you bro anyway that's it i'm going to hang out with him tonight and uh not like that no not getting expected stop it stop it molly okay all right thank you for watching see you guys next time bye you
Channel: special edd
Views: 4,048,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, scary, react, scary tiktoks, eddie, special edd, eddievr, horror, funny, spooky, scary videos, scariest tiktoks in the world, scariest, mexican youtuber, Eddie tiktoks, scariest tiktok, horror videos
Id: VWjWlpLyTQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 11sec (1391 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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