We Tried the Worst Rated Food (again)

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we went on Yelp and found every single one star rated restaurant the worst of the worst and we're gonna try them today I specifically went to every one of these restaurants yeah after looking at the reviews ordered the food that was mentioned on the review so that we can see if they are actually as bad as they say they are today we have poo poo platter smell the plate smells like a dishwasher we have racist pizza that is a long hair too holy [ __ ] and moldy flan let's read the reviews we're going to start off with the first restaurant that shall remained unnamed but their name is actually oh You've Got Mail [Music] the worst Chinese food I've ever had could not even eat the forty dollars worth of food we ordered just threw it in the trash dude perfectly bad enough to not even eat it this place has been cited for roaches a hundred times a hundred times close to few times as well when we first moved to Tampa we went there all the time until we took our food home and there were bugs no way they have a link wait they have a link no way God tell me it's a photo no it's a news article the inspector reported they saw more than 65 live roaches crawling all over the kitchen pull the food in kidding me this is worse than any of the ones from the last minute enough now let me paint the picture as we get this food out boy yeah yeah yeah me and Kevin walk into this place and the counter has a one inch Plexiglas cover from wall to wall up to the ceiling the actual clerk is behind a one-inch Plexiglas shield and then I realized holy [ __ ] this is not covered protection they're trying not to get robbed here they're staying safe yeah nobody just does that usually it was obvious the roaches learned how to use guns well apparently the roaches won we could find a roach in some of this food today I actually I can hope we do what is this that it is that poo poo what is that that's grown-up roaches it's the roach barf and [ __ ] snow piercer why did they put ribs in the little bag [Applause] that [ __ ] looks like rubber also observe there's no meat like you'd see the bone on the top meat okay that one happened okay that doesn't look too bad that one just looks like cooked bone so everyone knows the food is still warm okay so we're judging pretty fairly here all right let's start with this one Chinese restaurants will typically have orange chicken you can't [ __ ] up orange chicken I guess unless there's a roach in there no it actually smells bad here's a utensil-free narrator oh a spoon wait I found a bug we have our first bug of the meal ladies and gentlemen it's on the utensil that's just more protein just don't [ __ ] do that well you think there's not like a hundred more in there already what are the odds there's actually a [ __ ] bug somewhere it doesn't smell good it's about orange at all it smells like yeah maybe yellow I gotta have rice with mine the rice comes with its own actual basket I like that dude let's go look how cute that why did you do that I thought it'd be fun and it was did it stick no no hey hold on how you do that you open it dog no [ __ ] you open it how do you open it safely safely it's not gonna hurt you what do you think is gonna happen princess you're gonna get your finger gonna get pricked by the metal and to look pretty like yours Eddie I don't want to just like rip it open with my caveman sausage fingers are pretty thank you that looks like chicken tendons you know is it it actually looks who's your daddy that does not even taste like orange chicken it tastes like [ __ ] paper why is that so Bland it doesn't taste like orange chicken at all wait a minute hold the [ __ ] up why does the rice taste like they didn't wash it that's white rice dude oh yeah it does here at the boys Channel we like to keep our camera people fed bruh the chicken is [ __ ] buns that's ass look at this look at that look at that look at how easy that just splits it crumbles but it's not tender it's just gooey you think this is actually chicken uh that is highly debatable uh so boys the orange chicken um pretty ass it's not the grossest thing I've ever ate but but I can agree with the one star with the one star review that said this was pretty [ __ ] it tastes like a wet paper towel clearly they haven't 100 overcome their bug problem no I they literally found a bug on the first thing I touched I want to try these ribs because I don't I have no idea where they came from they were just in a bag they look like they got some color on them but oh no Eddie what's wrong oh right right oh oh my God the smell oh my God yeah you're gonna have to I've never tried rib sauce that taste like NyQuil well [Music] oh whoa oh whoa what the [ __ ] a big whiff get big smell he smells crazy no no carpet actually tastes like [ __ ] buns it tastes like a dirty like a dirty dish rag yeah it really does and it smells atrocious so that was the orange chicken and the uh ribs yeah that was supposed to be like the good stuff they were a part of the poo poo platter but they couldn't fit the ribs inside the poo poo platter container wait that's the poo poo platter I ordered a thing called the poo poo platter is it called the poo poo platter it's called the poo-poo platter why the [ __ ] would you order a poo poo platter I've got evidence of what I ordered that doesn't say anything yes it does poo poo platter is it actually we'll find out we'll find out we're going to the next one why'd you just talk about the party platters I ordered a seafood platter oh it's actually hot this is pi this is still hot that's but Eddie art don't fish usually live in cold water why is it hot I said shut up cook the [ __ ] fish look at that gummy water that's like it's so thick oh you are a brave soul oh you are it's like roach stew [Music] I can feel your body shutting down from here that is Criminal juices oh suck the juice narrator tongue tongue the Box tongue the shrimp just give this juice a little syrup let's hear it in the mic this is concerned never really can't stand Seafood it's gonna [ __ ] haunt my dreams there's this creamy shrimp that's on the top of this thing that looks very slimy and tasty yeah I think he's calling your name I think he's calling both of our names are we sharing it [Music] how is it it's not the worst shrimp it's not bad yeah I think it's overcooked too it's just you just boil shrimp and put [ __ ] on it the water was asked yeah all right let's try let's try let's try something I have a little mushroom you know the finger feel of all this stuff is really something else oh oh this is it's a weird little really this guy that tastes pretty bad hey I swallowed mine oh what a [ __ ] yeah that's not good is it no narrator eat your eat your edamame bro I can see all its [ __ ] veins and all that yeah dude that's a vegetable [Laughter] [Music] what do you think of the snow pea narrator or not good I think whatever like [ __ ] like swap monster goop they squeezed onto this is really doing a lot for the flavor in a really bad way boys there's crab meat and you know damn straight they don't have live crabs there that they boil that's true no oh that just like you just you didn't even try to bite that I just ugh it's like jello I've had crab meat before and it's not like this well even imitate what did you do to me I'm gonna write a review on Yelp and I'm gonna say if I could give this zero Stars I would we didn't try the scallops they're Scouts oh hell yeah scallops if Done Right are really good oh there they are hold up oh you no you got me the eye where's he at is this one I found a scallop is that a scallop [Music] ah this [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm gonna try this baby corn I'm gonna try this little corn this little look at that guy yeah it looks slimy and gross man nah fam oh you're chewing on a what's the plastic thing latex latex or or your um your own foreskin uh oh my God bumper is it that chewy want to try what do we rate the um the goop pile that's definitely one star I would not feed this to my worst [ __ ] enemy I'm not even exaggerating I feel like all these things could be good maybe but it's the Slime this is making me miss MRE pizza oh yeah the MREs are way better than any of this so far oh yeah I think it's time to wash our hands wash your hands wash our hands wouldn't be a boys video without yep there you go that's good all right go ahead dab me up oh God next plate what is that what is that it's supposed to be wontons I don't know what this is but it looks like it looks like meat there's a fetus in one oh oh hell yeah dog look wait what the [ __ ] what is that that's your [ __ ] five percent meat to 95 wonton ratio this was The Wonton what was it called Kevin the [ __ ] wonton thingy being chilling oh whoa what all right ready rubber it tastes like chocolate it's giving me extreme chalk Vibes I really want to go for a second bite here it's been a minute since I've had meat that tasted like a rubber shoe yeah you know it's oh Eddie Eddie no Eddie no idiots no thinking about his life decisions why is everything so [ __ ] chewy you enjoyed that you must have been really hungry huh I really hope they deveined the poo poo vein out of that probably not you probably got a mouthful of shrimp dookie right now [Music] what the [ __ ] oh you've you got an iron stomach man I'm saving myself for the poo poo that was tasty I rate that five stars are you in like kahoot with the roaches why are you talking like that bro who are you is there a little roach in there like with two controllers like Plankton running you I rate that five stars I had to give it a good try I can't just like start have a good it's not this one's not that bad my rice is falling out of my hat dude what what the [ __ ] okay oh my God oh my God that was terrible we just started the video oh we haven't even gotten to the racist pizza yet hold on I'm gonna do this in advance I'm just gonna grab this right here bro wait can you also grab a roll of paper towels no we gotta [ __ ] talk about this Chinese food because that was buns brother it tasted like I was eating the boot from SpongeBob that was actually foul it wasn't that bad yes it was I held it in and I [ __ ] Drake Kevin's vomit before I hold that in you ready for the poo poo platter boys nope oh where's the poo poo wait that that doesn't seem bad smell the plate oh my God wait that smells like a dishwasher what meat you think this is I don't know where's your cat I haven't seen him in a while okay look this can't be that bad it's just fried food it's so hard to [ __ ] up [Music] I have The High Ground sodas you try this I will tell you what me and Kevin witnessed and this is a true story okay all right cheers [Music] what no me and Kevin watch the guy prep this first and because the other Foods hadn't come out yet we watched him take the plate and stick it in the microwave and re-cook it the fried food that makes a lot of sense yeah I will give it to him it's poo poo it just tastes like every dead animal on a stick that I've ever ate at like a fair you go to the fair you get like a kebab of like shitty chicken but it just tastes like overcooked animal on a stick just smell that yeah yeah suspicious animals it is a suspicious animal on this stick it is very dry it's like bone dry wait what is that that just rips apart what is it that's a scallop I think oh what the [ __ ] that is not a scallop that's a fake scallop look there's a spiral wait why is it inspired uncoiling itself I have a message from the King he says eat your squid get it this looks like my dog's penis what looks like a little dog penis so you're petting your dog and then his his little red piece comes on you're like stop that that's gays put the [ __ ] dog [ __ ] away dude you just circumcised my little dog [ __ ] no it still has the texture of like slime like Jello did I swallow that I love it here all right all right we gotta try the duck sauce or whatever this [ __ ] is the Duck Sauce this is from a factory that sauce it might actually be good yeah this yeah I'm sure the sauce might actually be busting oh what a [ __ ] that oh oh that was the worst thing yet he's going oh he went for him they're ready okay you all right why are you upset narrator this restaurant oh hold up wait a minute oh just see me riding my [ __ ] eye I cannot exaggerate enough how bad that was how much we are not exaggerating that was [ __ ] atrocious like I would actually be genuinely sad if I ever ordered from there when I was hungry just looking for somebody oh thank God Jesus it's about time I'm waiting for this dude that food that food was so bad oh okay ah that's better that's the first [ __ ] I've ever seen do that I've never seen someone gargle soy sauce before can I get a paper towel please my hands are pretty greasy and that's partially my fault there you go you [ __ ] Iron Man I got a lot more in there and now it's gonna be clean in three two one what's next racist Pizza wife no I'm just kidding wait what how the [ __ ] is a pizza racist I don't know let's read the reviews this place used to be a decent but all good employees have left and now only racist little brats work there they think I don't speak Spanish because I'm black and they talk [ __ ] about you in Spanish then once they realize that you understand them they whisper behind the counter you're better off going to Little Caesars at saying a lot don't bother patronizing This Racist location yikes Now Kevin and I went there uh-huh oh are you okay now my experience at this pizza started it out pretty normal yeah there was a mix of everyone there yeah the people behind the counter were all Hispanic okay okay so you were safe yes but they spoke English just fine well maybe it's like you know like um like the nail salon you know you go to the nail salon and like they never speak a word of English to each other and you know they're talking [ __ ] I can't speak for this person but no one talks [ __ ] about me at least that I know of it's like oh yeah [ __ ] I don't know it wasn't that bad I met him once and he didn't kill me that's what you're saying right now that's a stretch it was just a nice Mexican lady behind the counter and she hates black I found hair in my cheesy bread and then another hair even longer in my pizza I told the manager and asked for a refund and she got upset and asked how long we'd been inside my husband explained to her that we just arrived and this was the first plate of food with three things and then she gave us an attitude snatched away his soda what you don't [ __ ] you give me any soda let's actually try the pizza and see what happens well I just they don't look they don't look bad do they this is cheddar cheese and ham Pizza that sounds good okay and this one is Alfredo spinach I love spinach but Alfredo pizza makes you wanna do bad things let's go down the line yeah we'll start with wine I don't want to hear this pineapple and pizza and any pineapple pizza but but you'll eat ass but you'll literally eat Ash that tastes like a sweatshop let me try it well that's not fun there's my [ __ ] cardboard oh it really does listen I've been lived off of like cheap five dollar pizzas um but it's actually not like good it's actually bad it really did taste like cardboard yeah yeah yeah should we try the cheese one yeah yeah let's give it a go I have more faith in this one this one's got more cheese yeah this one's just like nothing but cheese now Alfredo based on this one too there is look look at the base look at that [ __ ] naked see that white goo underneath what ew that's exactly what just happened hmm I always thought better that was a lot but that's not bad actually it's up like if I pulled up to like a house party and they had that I eat it I would eat it yeah I'm eating it right now this is a nice change from what we just [ __ ] had it's so refreshing I'm so happy this is like a good a good break the red sauce one though actually wasn't good that one's bad would you like a slice it looks like cardboard okay it is really thin let's try the Alfredo spinach thank you that one horrible oh my God it tastes like the smell of a fish tank horrible oh that's the first pizza I think I've ever spit out peep this Alfredo there's like sour cream or something in there it's supposed to be Alfredo and the spinach has this really gooey texture to it and it's really bad I guess one out of three yep one out of three like this is pretty decent that's pretty good yeah it's like a cheap pizza oh that oh you gotta be kidding that's a [ __ ] hair I cannot believe now that that is a long hair too holy [ __ ] no way dude oh my God I think I hate that I could probably floss with that oh my [ __ ] God I actually can I have a strong [ __ ] hair there you go oh wait it's not mine it's not mine no no no no no no no we found it on the pizza this place [ __ ] sucks and you you shouldn't eat this pizza so out of five stars I would actually give this like a two and a half yeah I'd give it two and a half yeah couldn't agree more all right let's uh keep going like what are you doing bro Pizza ball bro this is what people used to play with suckers back where I grew up in the streets this is all we had we didn't have nothing get the wrap around there is this actually going to work yeah of course man I'm just saying this ain't my first rodeo there's a [ __ ] Pizza in there okay dude oh oh it seems like a rock oh damn he's going all the way all the way Eddie Eddie pass yeah not my house what the [ __ ] man you're gonna take Pizza ball so seriously it's supposed to be a fun game all right boys what is that's that's not the only plate boys holy [ __ ] you got a lot of [ __ ] [ __ ] oh holy [ __ ] how much stuff did you get oh my God what the [ __ ] what did you do and the most offensive part of the review I just can't look at that yet Mexican food time yes that was one of the coolest moments of my life though it mind your business get out of my [ __ ] man get off my [ __ ] dick bro look yes I'm sorry we'll leave you alone bro [Applause] Nickelback every time I see it it makes me gag nothing about my [ __ ] hair how did my hair get so gay I wouldn't have it any other way so the next place is obviously a Mexican restaurant and because of the experience at this place I decided I we had to try almost everything on the menu narrator read some of the reviews I got one right here that says hmm awful the service is the slowest I've ever seen the meat is dry and chewy the tacos taste Bland and gentrified you're not getting any sauce or toppings for tacos you can never get anyone on the phone if there's an issue with your order and the last straw was getting flown with mold in it that is not fantastic do you gentrify a taco this wouldn't be the boys if me and Kevin didn't do our own investigative journaling and going to the source of the Mexican food place and I am sad to bring you the news that the place was fine it was a restaurant inside of a gas station so it was either really [ __ ] good okay or really [ __ ] [ __ ] cool behind the counter was no Mexicans oh it was they did gentrify the taco oh my God oh my goodness the white people are taking over like we're looking to let the food speaks for speak for itself I'm here to judge the food no better person to do this than you these are empanadas and bananas and they're filled with meat like a banana it's super look at that oh God what's in there that is fish beans is it good it's actually not bad it's not terrible it's not terrible but but now let me tell you something there was no Cooks shut what do you [ __ ] mean there was no Cooks kitchen was about the size of from that table back to this wall yeah and it was just shelves of trays of food that are just heated on the oh all of this is probably just Frozen stuff that they get and then unpackaged pack it and then they just reheat it and yet that was already better than some of the pizza what do you think Eddie you're the professional here it wasn't that bad yeah but I don't need that but here have that one try that one now for a Mexican restaurant the only salsa I got was the one to dip your chips in so I don't have any variety for what I'm gonna taste here we're off to a good start it's not offensive listen hear me out right I'm hearing you long day I'm a damn Builder ah my back hurts I gotta go home my wife never Cooks me dinner I'm gonna stop at the gas station and eat some if I was that guy yup this would be good long day of building damage building damage is easy there's a lot of things you got to take into uh you know consideration a lot of people actually die building dams a concerning amount of people have died throughout human history building them and it is insanely dangerous thing to do and make you really really really hungry damn empanadas pretty good these are just standard chips they probably got these out of a bag in the gas station yeah yeah yeah hello chippies I'm here to eat you halfway to being stale yeah yeah yeah all right but we're not there yet we're not done yet next is a tacos anti-gravity fish fillet who wants it look at that fish taco and talk I've been reincarnated as like this taco [Music] [Applause] yep smells like fish God damn it you guys that's pretty [ __ ] bad that's bad I swallowed it all that's [ __ ] bad yeah have you ever smelled what The Rock is cooking all the time no [ __ ] have you ever smelled fish that's starting to turn I think a piece of salmon in your fridge for just too long or just straight up Cod it's just going bad that smell is what this tastes like the inside of my mouth is coated in this foul fishy yeah that was actually I know how it went up when it's bad it's not even all the stuff around it it's just oh man maybe if we put some lemon on it that was some pretty bad Cod it's like Warzone yeah I know you were gonna make a a good Mexican restaurant would never get packaged tortillas are those packaged tortillas 100 they are 100 and they're not even cooked how do you know do you have like a little diamond tester that you could put on them no man when you hold tortillas for three meals a day for your entire life you can pretty much can tell which ones are which my bad what are you Mexican or something I'll give you this as well they feel like they haven't been cooked yet hmm is that a good thing bad thing that's a bad thing okay okay that's why you're here I I don't know I'm just real long for the ride did the lime fix it did it save it did it did it work oh yeah it's literally the same [ __ ] with a different tortilla get that [ __ ] out of here bro that's disgusting look at this dude this is taco salad what the outside's supposed to be crunchy right yeah Ah that's not gonna happen mix it up with there you go a little bit of all of it [Music] that's not bad see the pork actually is actually pretty good it's not bad I'm not even going to talk about the outside shell because it's not a shell anymore and that's fine yeah that's actually kind of good it's good I wouldn't even say mid it's actually kind of good here in the boys Channel we like to feed our camera people no [Laughter] we're trying man you look hungry it's a rock camera earlier more for us I guess cheers link there you see is what true love ruler looks like it's actually not bad at all that's kind of good yeah it's got extra seasoning from the whatever restaurant we hand grabbed earlier yeah what do we rate taco bowl thing taco bowl thing uh definitely like a three out of five yeah the meat was seasoned had some flavor to it so far they're not doing too bad other than gross ass fish the fish was bad I feel like we need something to wash it down with and I got the perfect drink from this place this is horchata for those of you that don't know horchata is just rice water with cinnamon and sugar yeah but rice water just like drains pretty much yeah sorry so what was that this is the container it was served out of separated from the cinnamon and the sugar you gotta ask yourself how long that thing's been sitting in that container for it to separate in two layers like that what the [ __ ] your boy's ready to try this yeah crack it open quick yeah is this a delicate oh we got the white part oh it smells like horchata okay okay are you good you know what it tastes like unmixed orchata it tastes like every all the flavor just fell to the bottom and you're getting the watery top it's pretty bad yeah it's just rice well it's pretty much just water it's a cup of water has like no flavor at all when you go to like the flea market or to any place that has horchata they usually have them in these big glass containers with a big Ladle that the guy like will just mix a big old witch make it a big suit hola Muchachos I want to try the right version of that right because I feel like it'd be really good it's [ __ ] delicious if you do it right that was the most disgusting horchata I've ever had it just it's just watered down rice water yeah oh yeah what's next we got to keep going there's got to be more goodies oh oh yeah try that oops here's Johnny [Music] burrito smell that that's pungent what what does it smell it's like sour it smells so personal that's because again the tortillas industrial machine tortillas they're not handmade it's like dry we'll start with narrator you [ __ ] [Music] oh I hate I hate that he got the chicken and shrimp you got shrimp in your [ __ ] lungs I've never seen someone bite a burrito like that like this that's pretty bad that's bad oh that's onion skin wait is it yeah have a look it's Chicken shrimp and beans oh why does it taste like that that's not okay I don't see the chicken though I think they just put just shrimp and beans why does it taste so Ash that if it's just shrimp my guy shrimp burrito with beans dog all right so I was chewing through my burrito well and I bit onto this that's definitely plastic that's 100 just a big old Pizza yeah ah plastic in your uh shrimp burrito hell is next one most y'all eating microplastics I mean macro Plastics yeah I'm gonna put some salsa on mine This Is How We Do It [Music] is that good uniform's not bad that's not good I give that one burrito a two and a half out of six and seven sevens next [Music] Jesus Christ bruh I think this is a chimichanga oh my God all right so this is I'm assuming this goes like this okay all right well we got a labeled bag that says chimichanga toppings sour cream sour cream oh okay yeah sure nice nice we got Tomatoes Tomatoes okay okay jalapenos okay yeah what else we got in here it's like this is like opening up Christmas we got some oh it's starting to look like a chimichanga ah yeah that looks delicious that's either uncooked shrimp or onions onions I'm sure well why do they smell like that they do smell [ __ ] weird they smell like they were soaked in like red wine vinegar or something like that yeah these are pickled onions yeah yeah these are pickled onions feel free thank you [Music] what's so Sunny Brit put a little hostages oh you got a little crunch on yours man yeah all right not bad that was good get in there good right that is good hey [Music] just so you guys know here in the boys Channel we love keeping our camera people fed Cameron you gotta try this dude you know what oh actually yeah Eddie pardon my language but what the [ __ ] does chimichanga mean honestly I don't [ __ ] know what what I know the second part of that changa means female monkey did you just feed me Eddie Eddie is there monkey in this all right come on guys let's stop monkeying around all right dog uh you know we were going I feel like we were going somewhere with that Eddie angrily throws the chimichanga across the room [ __ ] you Muchachos he says here I don't know what I'm opening it it's in this box burrito review why is it a checkered thing though it wasn't wrapped up laughs here I can't remember what the [ __ ] I ordered but this looks serious looks like shrimp oh oh look how wet the tortilla is on the bottom oh my God cheers my man cheers as they go in for the first bite they realize that it is absolutely terrible the feelings of a grid they are feeling right now say this was not a good one you want to try it I believe you oh my god what why is the red on my tongue I just wipe my tongue off into red now on the people I've that was [ __ ] foul that was disgusting that was like probably the worst thing so far all right we got one more big plate one more big and it is look listen the reason I got this one is because I thought the other full the other food might be so foul that we might need to finish off the night with something recognizable so I got us a beef and bean sandwich how bad could this be that is dangerous foreshadowing you ever get a McChicken and it's got so much Mayo in it you feel kind of gay that's what I feel like looking at this cheers everybody I'll get you'll enjoy your sandwich too oh you are just going to tell them [Music] bro I got like the chunkiest tendon oh no oh uh it's a little bit of bile why is it is a thick slug I made that yeah you did there is a tendon in my hand right now and that whole thing is attended put this thing away man just just Giant Burgers freaking me out this giant Mexican Burgers hurting me listen for I had good intentions looks freaking food with my homies and drink some modelos tonight and this is what happens you went to the gas station oh this at least look I don't know what this one is but it looks good oh my God it's three corn oh my God yeah [Music] oh sorry we've got probably one time yeah we want some good stuff I love Street hmm that's good now that is an eloquent snack we have a bone in my corn every one of my teeth individually has a piece of corn in it the last thing we have from this place was what the reviews called out initially oh The Moldy thing The Moldy flan doesn't seem to have any sort of date on it okay whether it's been refrigerated we don't know there's no mold there's no mold happy to report that's good should we do this normally and actually eat this with the spoon oh this is the boys Channel yeah yeah a couple more a couple more yes there you go yeah oh come on yeah there you go some nice plan to finish out today's video we gotta feed it to narrator you can't use your hands my boy open your mouth happy birthday to you happy birthday to you oh it shall go into your nose he didn't eat any of it dude we just rubbed it in his face not bad what do we rate this restaurant voice before we rate it we're not done there's one more thing you didn't know about call the head what did the head say and I asked look in the bag oh right there's one more wait one more what narrator didn't actually call I just ordered this while I was there I forgot about it man I can't have [ __ ] in this house we got churros dude this thing is [ __ ] huge and they gave us three of them because I told them the boys were making a video thank you Eddie the men the men the photo said the boys would have gotten two of them and they would have been like little tiny guys little [ __ ] the little fellas little Australian churros they probably call them something like twirled bread twirl bread probably they'd probably call it like starred bread yeah starred bread or chili bread Berry bread uh unicorn bread unicorn bread yo they're very dry they're very dry churros are supposed to be crispy on the outside and they're supposed to be gooey in the center that whole [ __ ] is just dry it's very dry does not have a gooey Center but you know what and it doesn't have good flavor it doesn't taste like common shrimp that's true so it's really good there's a nice and and the night and but can a dry sugary churro and a not so moldy flan save this entire restaurant from all of the throw-up it made us do no no do we agree with the one star reviews yes I think they were all right yep I don't oh no oh no mirami photograph welcome back to Happy Wheels with the boys I've been reincarnated as a YouTuber I think Eddie is the coolest out of the voice do you really think so juicy put in some like crazy voice lines while I move his mouth ready thanks for watching the worst rated ubereats with the boys if you enjoyed the video leave a like go to the boys dot store check out the merch join the boys club you'll get 10 off it's super easy and it's free to do check out the boys dot store we love you guys see you next time adios say bye juicy all right let's go huh oh okay oh just ah just keep balance all right cool all right I got some of this I got most of the stuff bye guys good night guys
Channel: The Boys
Views: 3,138,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VR, Virtual Reality, The Boys, JoshDub, Mully, EddieVR, YourNarrator, Juicy, Comedy, Funny, Gaming
Id: Xm-PCWr-lAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 22sec (2722 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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