Testing Insane Pyramid Matchstick Creations

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Oh oh my god be a problem dude look at this side Rock Paper Scissors shoot all right I'll do only three let's do it lay facts packs so you ever just want popcorn yes and you're like my microwave is so far away but I have this Pepsi can right in front of me you pick up the Pepsi kid and you're like hey let me get some scissors maybe some tacks sorry I'm gonna go over to your place and I hate you wanna make some pop and he's like I don't wanna have to get up it's right there right in front of you you put a candle underneath it right underneath 1800s look this is clever I like this I like this I'm actually gonna try this if you're in the third grade I got a science project for you do you wanna come over tonight and you want to just do this let's have a party so we have what appears to be a picnic table oh yeah clearly usually you had all your small friends yeah need to gather round ever have tiny friends yeah you know just too small these are my friends you have to build them a small picnic table get it little frame use my hand I just [Music] oh you got put little chairs on and of course in nature it's actually a nice good architecture I like that you have like little hot dogs have a pen BBQ yeah how many people can use can you sit on this without it breaking that's what I think the nobody person I wait like one person set on that it was the weight limit 2 grams 2.5 grams breaks tank boat oh my gosh iguana yachts are you American you set it like that bodybuilder guy from Napoleon Dynamite this is all you Jake this is your hack this is you keep going he's on the ease on the ground do you want to be fishing and then stop fishing and drive to up to a fast food place in a tank no okay how to make a flexible USB light you know we planned this and it didn't go well Michigan that's what happens over plan you know yeah we did we did overplay you should have just stayed in the frame I am a leaf that is drifting on a riverbed just whatever happens happens who you are you commentating on this life hack is this what I'm talking to the audience directly okay all right we have you ever read at night no and you're like I need Sunny Delight yeah so you make a light by the time I'm done making this light like from based on this life hack I would be asleep maybe you could like hook that up to the back of your head so I'd have to turn on all your lights we'd have to go to the bathroom so I like light shows wow he's oh he's just writing his somebody's name is light I don't know what that is is that white tattoo I don't I guess I don't know I like that's the V from vine is it he just made a V from vine that is the the vine no view from I don't know what that is guys in the comments if you guys know me V oh what is this this is a ball a little ball you open it it's a seashell is that it is they find a fossil what is that what is it I like this I like this so much I need this in my house I need this in my house that was mesmerizing I'm sorry I know what's happening yeah I don't what you put my brownie dude what is this this is when the computer just trips out this not give yours I out all right looks like computers glitching and your computers like I'm finally living this is my screensaver for now oh this guy has gloves this guy with the gloves is always very elegant oh yeah we don't even like workman's gloves like he's like a butler or is it like Boris sheet or a sheet you never know what you're so right it's 20 identity their identity is behind that glove behind that glove behind the glowing the glove I'm glad that sounds like a book I would not read it's not read Epis alright so we have air duster and we have what is that whoa oh oh it's like the handle of a like I got like a squirt squirt it's gonna be an air compressor so because I read the title I know this 7up dude I haven't had seven fired bottle caps that's what its gonna do like oh he has a bottle cap on one end and then another bottle cap as like the email the email I like the way he has to hold it to email I don't know you guys say when you bend it when you bend it bend the Solo cups when you break them down you know when you break them down after you're done No okay I don't know what all right moving on crushing a random things you know there's nothing more I like there's nothing I like more than just reading titles that just tell you it's honest it's so honest we're crushing stuff this is random this is a coke can inside of another can that I just can't see anymore if it was really random expresso I feel like it was like a printer or those whales okay inspire oh nevermind stock fire everybody that was quick that answered Matt my collector really just likes to bet on the loser right before they lose it is me when we do a comedy show he goes hey man I hope you have a good set I'm like what that supposed to mean were you betting on right now alright so nice my ever just one toke like really quickly you just drive over and just open your mouth just it's the whole time oh that's nice look sighs I'm thirsty and also on the ground what are the odds of that happening I think he was trying to fill the balloons and pop them in a world record time you know what like you can fill all the balloons but you got to start with filling the void you have right in here wait we wait we awfully team Henry fella you're gonna make me be ten-hut team hydraulic press Wow why is it like jello it's like jello II I don't know this is gonna pop it in pop it is squished beautiful I like the backyard where they have like the the lightning strikes yeah like be careful this is dangerous but we got glitter we're doing some sparkly science so sparkly yeah yeah all right match wigwam this is the thumbnail guys this is what you clicked here for it it's a wigwam no we're about to find out we have a lot of matches and a cool time-lapse oh the fire is gonna go it is getting smaller and smaller Oh a big circle I like Big Sur we've seen these I've seen they were they meeting it wait here goes again the Santa sparklers sparklers for earlier the same guy oh oh it's gonna be a problem dude look at this side okay what do we got the moment of truth dude I could smell it I can smell this I can actually why do I smell this yo slow motion fire is so low it's the coolest literally that joke that jerk did the sparklers not going on there's your award for the best joke of 2019 yes Chris I smelled fire and you were in in here so you are the fire you are fine I am on fire currently tell is that what your doctor told you dude this is the thumbnail by the way I feel like the the sparklers didn't go off so they had to do them again but you know this was probably worth it quick maybe right Oh doctor percentage look alight and crisis in here and I am in here he popped up like if you like Chris all right you ever made a paper airplane yeah do you know how to make a paper boat no I I don't need it let's learn the last guy I saw in a movie made a paper boat got eaten by Pennywise oh you ruined the movie for me I didn't even watch it well I didn't see I didn't even see the big it's based on the 1990 version of the film that you also haven't seen I wasn't here in 1990 were you know exactly alright there's a boat again a cookie in a cookie pan nice he's just crashing the boat oh it was this a hack no no that cuz when you put this open for some reason the dish soap the boat just go when I cover myself in dish soap what happens I've seen this this is cool whoa okay so we're calling it flowers yeah if you put food coloring in the water that you use it because the the flower like when it takes in the color as well that's cool I think I did that in science class and yeah I just didn't have the patience to wait this was before I realized that was colorblind it was actually read the whole time are you really I am I'm ready for both colorblind yeah mean hunter wait which con are we talking about with the one that means life hit Connor oh not like that go down like look at these beautiful roses see this is this is perfect for Valentine's Day if you bring just a bunch of white roses and you're like I will some lucky color and that green look a little similar do they do colorful led top for kids okay all right so five five measurin yeah keep it kids are all about measuring stuff cuz my little sister actually got suspended she's gonna hate that I'm telling the story she's an art student right okay and someone was making fun of her for this art project she was working on and she's got art supplies in her backpack she pulled out an exacto knife an art supply instead like to say that again she's an artist you can't start it you can't suspend an art in this with her don't mess with an artist alright so we have the spaceship looking thing the steering wheel for my getaway car this your getaway car here just worked outside the bank I'm just just waiting it you're on the lookout if perhaps you're leaving you leave the guys this turn into a right before our eyes I love that music guys put the top and do that night at the Roxbury thing what is it cats and dogs what is it captain I think it's boots and cats is gonna sound so bad this looks like a good get-together night you know when like movie night goes dude I got some dude you're like say less dude yeah I'm really thinking out with my fiance oh well tell her to say less no you have you ever seen that you ever seen that video thank you no I need to see them we'll know you do't kids that gets crazy like it's crazy dude look how high to stop Joe is ballerinas Falls dude this is nice dude did you get your Genie light [Music] but this guy fire him dude I would never want to touch that ever again why did he do this has just stressed me out I really just stressed me out all right so Rubik's Cube never told me no no me neither I've had them I've tried I've had them too I have three because I was like you know if I can't solve this one I'm gonna buy another one just like it when I'm using it yeah what's the illusion here what is this even a ruby oh wait is this like a picture this is like a little flat two-dimensional picture Wow you caught it dude that was cool that was pretty cool I like that what is it I need this I need this in my house yeah it's crazy I can just confuse my guests like hey do you like I'm gonna try to grab it like no it's not fix your eyes fix your eyes you ever just swim you ever be swimmin never be swimming and then you're like I can't see anything down here so you tell your boy you're like hey throw me a lighter oh oh did it is break it when you squeeze a lighter under water it just it explodes is this I need more I need you know that episode of Spongebob where they had fire under water yeah this is how they got it this is actually how they got it they just started popping popping lighters oh my goodness next time I'm swimming and someone's around me I don't want to be around a beautiful out my lighter yeah that could be a good excuse for a part you know just all these bubbles you're like this was my lighter sorry yo dude did you just like fart in the pool oh my god I got a pocketful laughs you got a pocket full of lighters blue sunshine all right great all right one thing I do like on this channel you guys know this is slow-motion who doesn't watch llama like boring people I should say for people fast motion people best motion people just really good workout relax relax just watch the slow-motion here and just enjoy it and I'm tranquil look at some ocean fire is that OH my god that looks like a beautiful explosion of like beautiful things this is the class is amazing dude that's yeah that's how the universe happened this is like in the force awakens when they had that hologram of the universe of the universe I can picture Harrison Ford in the middle go oh dude I need a slow motion camera for my entire life one [Music] amazing hey finally did it have you did it I don't want to leave let's stay let's keep going yes women
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 835,257
Rating: 4.9078956 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: LOwpzvk9MOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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