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do you guys like Pepsi thank you good answer hey three we got to do life thanks man like right now come on oh wow hey wait yeah no I was late I was running late sorry about that you got a portal down there yeah all right life acts let's do it that's you okay that's a mini tank I think I have one of those and all it was smoke yeah I think this is the same ones I know now they're shooting these ones shoot sparklers mine just went and it was done usually they're shooting at nothing and one of them is upside down dude this reminds me of that game tiny things you won't play that after this let's do it I like magic okay this cup is not floating Oh hell-oh his thumb his thumb is in it um wait is it is it showing the other side his thumb is obviously connected to he has magic hands dad it is yep as a secret Wow you you might fool a four-year-old with yeah maybe to be fair he fooled me so how are you a four-year-old I mean all right hub signs show us what you got water and laser a nasty stick right in the water and the drop oh I wanted to see that drop hit how is that drop of water just chilling there it is hanging on for dear life guys wow look at this slope and loving this whoa is he gonna try to get the water with the laser Oh what is sick I like this that's a microscope bro you can see all the stuff floating around in the water dang is this how we know that water is like not really water water is people confirm what if what if that's where aliens are hiding the whole time I just got a headache from nowhere oh that's bad and it's gone you want some water I need to see my life all right you he's gonna pour hot water on what is this one is it yes yeah how does it sticking to it wait he's putting putting Legos something that looks oh he just got okay yeah Wow thanks for showing us as a new doors well we like that there's probably a different cults about life I just have more money use another car I need an explanation what why is he pulling what is this thing that he's pulling it looks like it's glued up there how does that not leave residues how is this a life hack if it looks hard splain it it's played it splint explain it [Music] what's the difference between jam and jelly jam is like cooler you know cuz it's Jam oh wait well that is all that reduced rs.25 why is it X doubt is everywhere tell me why I same reason why Jam is cooler than jelly never enough dude Jam will forever be cooler than jelly what do you guys think comment if you're a jelly man or a jam man I'm a jam man I like to listen to jams while eating jams that's interesting yeah it is you know what it also is interesting this video thousand-degree knifes are still a thing apparently no that was still going on he's literally cooking the jam with the knife I think James already cooked right or maybe that's the difference maybe James isn't cooked what if jelly is cooked Jam mmm the comment section is gonna be full of comments telling us what it is that's my jam this is like something I had a ex-girlfriend and she did this on a big old piece of paper and it like made art and she was like it is pretty and I was like I mean it's just melted crayons you're not that special and that's why I don't date her anymore because her crayons were special smart man smart man don't date girls with Matt grey oh this looks like a really delicious dessert now it does it looks like oh that middle the blue and yellow looks like those old coffee cop/bad you know what I'm saying dude I want that do when we do these life hacks sometimes my brain just stops working and it's like and then my brain is like I got this and then it's like oh no oh crap I don't understand this yeah the lot sound safe guys that does not sound safe hope that nope that especially that kind of gallantly successfully there's no gasps oh yeah Randy it blew a hole in the hole but boom the one-play slow motion OH what is that slow motion that looked like I'm like inebriated it's like wobbly around oh wow it's smoking smoke yes this is why you don't play with firecrackers that could've been what finders oh the fingers anyway what do you think this I don't know looks like we got some slides here whoa whoa how did it go up a gravity doesn't work that way gravity does not in fact work this science teacher what's happening I know science Oh optical illusion well huh okay I want to try these actually I want to have like my entire like house and optical illusion so I can confuse myself every time I go home either change the suit dude what if you are playing cards with a bunch of people and you pull this on them and you just win all the time and you're like ah now it's a diamond if you look through this mirror like no Steve it's still hard wait who's Steve [Music] alright next I heard it here that is that a knock no it sounded like a bag rustling did you hear that - guys there might be a mouse in here Oh a ghost I'd rather be a ghost than a mouse not flattery tarik doesn't like ghosts as you know by the 24 hours in the most haunted place yeah oh you like wheels I got a joke for you then here we let's hear it let's hear it what's green and has wheels what grass I lied about the wheels oh you lied about the wheel Adam alright back for this act what's the bowling bit what's what's yellow and has wings what the Sun I lied about the wings blue and smells like red paint what smells like blue paint oh this is complex and not the shoe brain thing I only buy shoes for celebrities there's some complex if you want to buy a magazine or something complex if you want to buy me some shoes hit me up I'll do it yeah and ask me anything you know ask me my social if you give me free shoes that's true give him free shoes I had the best DIY flamethrower in the world let's not talking about that anymore again I don't think we're supposed well let's continue continue yourself flamethrower in your living room what it looks like right this looks like a living room this one little bitty play of mine you take a pressure washer you hook the hose up ok take a bucket and put 30 percent diesel fuel 70 percent gasoline in it Wow pump that pumps it into the pressure washer ok and then you have a butane torch on the end of the wand or the pressure washer and see to me right now I'm having trouble I'm trying to either decide to watch you as a life hack or the actual life hack definitely watch me I did you are more entertaining this one's working pretty good but the only thing is the reason why you're not supposed to do this is because the fuel can go to stay lit and go back into the can and blow up yeah where is if you mix 30% diesel and 70% gas they can't go kablooey Akasha noted all right I like this let us know in the comments was this thumbnail werster but it was worth mine I think it's worth mine do you guys like Pepsi thank you good answer we got Pepsi in gelas and some gelatin we're gonna mix it all up I think I hope that's no that's a lot of delicious that is a lot of gelatin what is he trying to do here because I feel like are we gonna try this is this gonna be a drink no it's the full year friends and then he's gonna do that number right there okay okay and now Oh fake Pepsi fake Pepsi hey do it I want to put some fake Pepsi in my fridge and fool my parents I think they'll be like what is going on with the Pepsi did look at it it's all Wiggly Pepsi ready I think boy right here is jiggling it really is jiggling look at this dress Wow is this edible is this out I mean it's edible is it gonna taste good not probably not yeah you know it yourself why would you need to cut saying I don't like saying just kind of does its own thing yeah you just kind of go through sandy right yeah remember the same man from spider-man 3 yeah as soon as a trouble character I don't want to hurt you Pizza time okay I really thought that was gonna in spider-man and that it didn't because that would enjoy their help yeah sorry guys your old movie have you ever realized that on the PlayStation 3 oh god the text is the same as spider-man because spider-man is owned by Sony and they released the PlayStation 3 same time as spider-man 3 why would you need to cut saying find out to call it a pizza cutter no no no no this was such this is a nice sand castle why that is sad why you know what else is sad what someone out woke up and I'm bit my lip and now I'm a bump there oh I thought you're gonna say corporate America that is also fat just slammed it I'm talking there is that a Jaguar yeah that's a no it's a tiger top socket there okay oh we got a shark up there never have one dude they always have like a prize in the middle it's okay I know what they are I just don't like chocolate how do you know like chocolate Chris oh whoa whoa optical illusion again no wrong wrong hack you wait maybe I don't know is that you is grilling bananas Eve we're about to find out have you ever had grilled bananas nope me neither have you seen where they grill watermelon it looks like meat yes I have seen that no weird it does I would eat grilled banana I think I'm eat fried banana before I didn't grilled anything as long as it's grilled people no no you said anything yeah I did say anybody starts getting eaten look at this guy first look I'm not I'm vegetarian no not really I love chicken hello okay this looks like something out of whatsit Harry Potter yeah oh dude what if he like runs through the page and he just goes there no in Harry Potter the newspapers they had like talking people oh he's gonna make it talk yeah it's from Harry Potter oh look at that I see a movie yeah yeah oh dude what if heat like runs through the page those girls do look yeah it's it's I dude you were very good at reading these feet I know what's gonna happen I know man look at this actually I would like to have like a picture of me in the house like this like they make moving picture frames man they do mm-hmm real talk you can get them at Best Buy Thanks I'll take your entire stock all right this is this is still going this is gonna stop it at 52 seconds we're actually just pirating the film that's the ultimate life back Hey are you sick of losing well make everybody think you're a winner just cut a circle in some cardboard and I'm guarantee he's gonna spray paint with gold spray paint you will always come in first place oh he's gonna put tin foil on it he can't even be first he's get the super med oh wow at least he's humble he knows yeah he knows he's not your she or she we don't know we don't know it's hard to tell Bluff yes all right so we got what is this this is a red card in soccer that means you're eliminated yep now it's just a one silver medal doesn't get a first place yes and he thinks he's humble but he's also this is a participation medal that's what that is yeah I'll see you shoelaces like you can I found any other string other than sooner shoelaces it's first place for being the best alien that was weird it's interesting that's the first alien to land on earth who they're like good job now you're stuck with area 51 whoa oh she's staring this is weird I've seen enough scary movies to not like this at all dude if this is ollie dot croelick who's doing this stop I I mean it's impressive don't be passive but like this is too creepy this is how do you want Annabel to happen look at them lips wow those are so real looking her jaw is like are you oh my gosh those are real eyes they took those eyes from a person it took those eyes of a person oh you know what oh no this is creepy this is creepy Chris if you could make one like 5 hit me up stop Chris underscore the meme guy we both got Instagram no that was a joke sorry buddy let's see what we're gonna shoot cos feels like tot ce o--'s look I see those like I've seen those like I sit down I love saying things in Spanish because it makes you sound all like my new fist occasion I said and then he cut this piece of glass and he's putting it into the what the like a steep though all these tic tacs as a as a grip I don't know why that's just a thing you putting a cork in there okay and then he did it first I'm just gonna stop whew that was close he's too quick so that's a lighter all right Oh was that last one I think this was the last one that flew but remember to eat your vegetables and if your mom says you do your homework kick her down a flight of stairs or don't don't
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 4,148,023
Rating: 4.9163547 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, pepsi, 2019, beasthacks
Id: 7RhrmeT2wE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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