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before we play the next iPad Chris I need to step out Roger Roger every time Chris says that in this video we're gonna give him $30 there's gonna be a counter up here he has no idea do you know what we just talked about probably something that I'm gonna not like exactly all right be careful what you say welcome back to a new life hack video this is Chris I'm Jimmy this is a basketball what happens to said basketball let's find out oh wow oh wait so what they're gonna over and play dead until it explodes yeah all this it's getting swole oh my god it's gonna pop it's about a bop boom that's pretty oh wow it's like a Crabtree okay how do I buy that let's do it let's get that dude imagine excuse me peasants my robot chair is taking me on to the beat imagine someone like goes to punch you and then the chair just expands and goes yep and surround you then you just have machine there's like or someone says your chair sucks you just turn what'd you say about my chair and then just like a twig all right well robot chair that's really cool I give that a dab happy birthday what Oh God oh gosh oh my guts the cake for you know is they're gonna spin no it just touched the cake that's all it does they made it they used rockets to cut a cake Oh boom and then it goes kablooey Akash I imagine they're about to blow it out and just right in the face aha nothing says happy birthday like third-degree burns on the face you get it oh this is a meme template I've seen this before [Music] did you like mine I'm feeling a strong one - a light - on this thing we got a beyblade head alright I'm getting excited let's get this max axe knows what we want we want some babe ladies coming are you a cod gamer are you a fortnight gamer please don't be a fortnight gamer dude that's a nice beyblade I mean you got all these fidgets spinners sitting around now because you know that was a bad mm-hmm I know youtuber who bought like a bunch six figures worth right on that down trend of the fad and he still has them I was like that was until he was like yeah you win some you lose some and that was in fact I lose some before we continue to the next life hack Chris had said the word this many times Chris I don't know what that number is but that's the number what is that wait - you don't want to know alright next life act no way that works would you trust it no way dude that's oh no way we should a hundred percent get one of those that can't be safe though it's just colliding as long as you know how to glide you just need a big mountain how far does it go as far as you can go odd how far does this one go I'm sure I mean it could probably go a couple miles I we're doing that my mind is blown by mr. mind boy that's gnarly got your paintbrushes got a really dangerous looking nice too dangerous looking knife whoa this looks like something out of prison this is a prison like that you know in prison Snickers our former currency yeah I've been watching a show called 60 days in prison it's where people go and recover to figure out where the bad stuffs getting into prisons Wow that way is that on Netflix no it's on it's on DirecTV and you still have DirecTV for some reasons hundred dollars a month really watch two shows you pay $100 a month to watch ads yes why not just watch high tax that's a nice cannon but you don't you don't want to get your lens dirty so what are you gonna do your mom again with your momjo does your mom actually watch this yes she watches him starting to finish really yeah every time yeah well then Chris is mom I mean that under respectful and polite way and I really do appreciate you letting us use your house at the beach and let me use your towels and shower there and things and so yes well you know what that looks like a terrible way to store your lens because now has coca-cola that life hack reminded me of this one thing I got off Amazon there's literally a water bottle you should buy that water bottle instead during this life hack for once I'd rather you buy something then do the life hack what if everybody's not made out of money we're we're not all just mr. beast you overreact to life I what do you think we're doing chief Wow it's just melting the styrofoam like it's butter also that's not good for the oza ozone money at Mars everything you see Elon Musk tweeted nuke Mars mm-hmm what was that all about they nuke the moon one time other they blew up the moon why to see if there was any water deep inside the moon did we really yes under present fact check that here no editor fact check it hey guys so in short Chris is kind of right and a lot of wrong because we never blew up the moon according to scholarly website Wikipedia comm project a119 was a top-secret United States government plan to blow up the moon just to flex on Russia because we were behind in the space race with the launch of Sputnik one they never went through with it because well no one actually wants to blow up the moon comment below if you would like to see more moon hacks and tricks guys comment what the editor said so I can see we talked about it when we were on the island video but you were asleep I was a little tired baby dude those challenges drained me they did it's being out in the Sun drained you really hard yeah my son makes your heart Chris's mom he meant like exhausted more as physical like it's hard labor not just read that for me I don't want it cuz you're gonna make fun of me school so that's what you need to do just be still okay Chris made that one drop of water wait can you pour your water in this so that way I still look fancy even though I'm drinking cheap water that's a good sound that's a you some more that makes me happy hmm hydrated homies stay hydrated scissor me I'm doing him with sunglasses now because that's cool cuz I'm cool yeah that Miranda the Casey Neistat interview he had sunglasses on everyone's like saying how was disrespectful and I was like I didn't care why does why do people think it's disrespectful to wear sunglasses oh it looks cool look at me oh wait he's doing stuff I'm having trouble following along I know what he's doing but I did the process is just a lot ah oh now he's putting now is spring loaded you know oh whoa Wow that has got some heat behind it that did okay that's like a fastball does that's at Gold foreign cars like that babe ruth's guy he wouldn't be able to hit this bad boy babe ruth's suck hi this is seeing air move what you can't see air move what there's no what oh wow I mean it's about Harvard and Harvard does a lot of cool stuff but I'm confusion I mean like there's no way we could even slightly remotely fathom what's going on here my brain is just not big I don't have big brain I know PewDiePie I'll call him just get out on about oh oh he's so cute I hope nothing bad happens to him right oh is this the same as the best phone yeah but this one's gonna be more epic yeah because as a face and you feel bad for the little guy look he's so happy oh gosh oh he's a big boy he's up boy that's that's a planet-sized be good all up see this is why Pluto is not a planet it got that size and then it popped this is really just this video that's what Pluto was that's so unfair Pluto it needs to be a planet still feeling just because you're not as tall as your friends doesn't mean you're less of a person dang it I visited Pluto and it sucked just you know cut some crudely drawn tables here okay all right I knew that was coming but I didn't my brain is optically alludes that's well this is for you rhombus is can tear your mind up Christopher Columbus is a rhombus the left one's fake I saw that one coming yeah middle ones fake I think the one these bacala oh wow yeah they're all fake all I said for that yeah wow that was my that was actually a kind of fun challenge I enjoyed that my opticals were loosed my boost was loosed I'm gonna drink water to remind everybody to stay hydrated even when watching life hacks you don't want to be dry and I mean that in a you know perfectly pure way if you're watching this that I lost my hat and I didn't shower this morning well that's that looks like a baked potato corn dog it looks like a Chipotle burrito about they get sent to space dude we should cinch up old labor Ito's to space I mean if they want to make it they wanted to give us money they want to make a beast burrito nice read oh I want to give this money in I can find a way to make it happen the thing about Chipotle is even if you put like different ingredients in like 10 different burritos they all taste the same they do taste like burritos at the other thing just tastes like burrito I'll do this is gonna be dope this so in the anime Demon Slayer yes to practice with a wooden katana uh-huh and you get he learns how to use it mm-hmm dude that's dope they're putting mm-hmm Wow mm-hmm yes yes dude he's chopping stuff dude your phone goes off a lot oh yeah I don't know what's going on back there at like 13 okay past you yeah chopping up Banta right that's the goal lock Condor e8 gorg yes play that clip yep we'll just go down to your local Walmart and get the Condor Eko survival goal doc machete 14 and a half inch 81 D 21 inch overall and just whack at it a few times this isn't gonna sharpen this is gonna make a dole that is not the way you want to treat your machete you want to take it out to a nice dinner get it a little a little happy that's how you go to jail did you take your machete to dinner what do you recommend E you go out to eat with your machete maybe some mikanos maybe some robbers machete the name your new girlfriend yeah mom he meant that as a joke he has a wife and he is not a wife for it okay just kidding love you get it Chris mm-hmm I'm gonna end the contest right here this is how many times you said the words though during this video what you made the editors keep up with that and every time you said that you get $30 how many times did he say cool I don't know but this is how many times you said it and this is how much money you've made so what do you want to say to life at community for making this possible thank you for the opportunity Challenge is over Oh every time you say no it's negative all right till the end of the video every time he says that it goes down $30 when I was a kid mm-hmm I used to check my room yes and make sure that my please did not get up like in Toy Story because those why not because they yeah they might come to life and then what I see me toys what made you like toys they are amazing uh-huh I'm really trying hard not to say it now not to say what the word all right I'm saving the life hack channel some money I hate you okay why do you hate me you're getting a phone call Chandler's to keep calling Chandler if you get Chris to say though I'll give you $30 nevermind this thumbnail is lit why Zillah because firecrackers uh-huh and watermelon what about what about watermelon blitz why is the water but it tastes good why is it tasty it actually doesn't i like artists like this eat that Caesar drew I do you know uh you can joke on him so he is taking the watermelon and coaching the watermelon that's really pretty is he gonna go boom boom Oh take it away chip whose chip my buddy who's your buddy chip what's the chip bag of chips the cracker races you're racist by my racist because I don't know okay I'm just trying so I'm just gonna get it why are you down there what what before what do you like about the floor I like that it is made out of floor oh that light pack is over and that concludes the video congrats Chris I don't know if you made a hundred bucks or 200 or 300 but you made a few hundred dollars that I did the word
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 12,861,978
Rating: 4.9135432 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, 2019, beasthacks, watermelon
Id: 92Pv568h_i8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 30 2019
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