Hydro Dipping a PS4 Controller!

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all right Jake are you ready to do some life hacks you bet yeah oh this is a first for us are we going to this kind of channel now they look they look very oh no oh no oh no that was the lightest hit I've ever seen come on fine what Oh she was taking a timeout that's illegal I don't understand Trey what are you are you getting these clips you guys might be wondering why does our set look different and that's because there's a lot of germs yeah a lot of germs out there and this is my basement has the least amount of germs so that's why we're here we're not allowed to say due to YouTube monetizing some things but there's a lot of germs welcome to Jake's basement Bob Barker microphones at there's two things I love it's female boxing and the places what is what oh that's me under the pressure [Music] oh it's a shuttlecock they're mounting a shuttlecock friends oh look at that Cheetos now they're extra hot get it funny humor funny how many God mic drop finally mic drop let me make sure my audio is still good all right we can might drop my truck have you ever thought why could I do this nup what was the atom milk just to make those noises okay so this is frosted flakes all these are corn flakes worse oh no this is a three per it's just making this is how they make cereal yeah it just gets spit out look at it dude making cereal is so much fun it's so easy looking - dude I don't know why everybody's talking about like we need a bigger supply this thing can obviously just make random things what's he making now Oh mini mix wow that's so cool it's even like all packaged all ready to go do you think he has to put like the ingredients in the bottom or do you think it just knows what he wants and it just makes it I think he just sweeps up his hardwood floor puts it in the bottom and it comes out you know see the joke there viewers at home is that we don't understand that this footage is in Reverse comedy gold oh wait till we start screaming this isn't a major drill this is a mini drill 90s comic what's the deal with random electronics being soldered to get am i right last night there was a joke and it was really complex and it was very funny and Katie just understand it and said it wasn't funny and I screamed at her you think Adam Sandler farting is funny what do you know and then we just both went to sleep their marriage over they say not to go to bed mad at your partner but if your partner finds Adam Sandler funny go to bed furious go to bitfury Oh like a drill that's more of a screwdriver than a drill yeah you can use that on his other smaller white backs oh the other day I saw a funny comment on tick-tock this guy threw a can and it made a weird noise and somebody said booing but in cursive just like my grandma when she failed our grammar I love you did you see how much hard bones look how he's like David that wasn't in the bit you just hit me with a balloon you're pointing to me David my ears are actually two men I met on Grindr hey there never fails that everything coming out of a meat grinder looks disgusting you could put literally anything in there and it just look at that it just looks like grain not under the impression you can wrap this whole time you just scream wrapper to me howdy ho neighbor I praise the Lord that I go to bed alright well it's the age-old question who would win a redneck firework or ice I think the ice is also redneck by association I mean it's in that we're a lot what is this why is this dirty ice water what is this it is I've never watched this I did not know this was gonna be a redneck firework hold the wood please alright so first we're gonna start it small with the m80 style firework and see what happens this is in the cocktail bottle I'm allowed to say that is the name I was reading that I didn't know if I was reading that correctly alright watch it I didn't look got it right first right that was weak I was terrible feel ashamed ever do that again I have some some dirty dirty ice in my seat boy I'm sad I wanted to see the boy we're gonna tune in next week you ever had a random idea well this guy's had five and this is his football and he's making a ocarina out of a better they're not that random if he's like listing them numerically oh wait look at this he made an air conditioner Wow that's smart until it leaks water everywhere yeah like onto the electronic part of the bottom of the pan you can't mess up this oh okay that cools your house down long enough before the house fire starts I need hacks with more kitties I want a life act with I want a cat themed life at send it to me email it to me here's my email my personal email this is my personal email here's my home phone put your cat on speaker here's my address just come present it to me now he can cut okay how many times have you been trying to unlock your door at your house and you can't get the lights on and you can't see the hole and you've had a couple of apple juices you just want to go home and go to bed but you can't get a key in there and then so you just start kicking the door but then you hurt your foot and then your wife's like oh you always get so angry at things and you're like shut up go to bed I also get yelled at by your wife when I try to break into your home our camera stopped recording we don't know when I editors do you want to you want to make us look like Canadians on South Park Wing Creek those CMOS batteries do be lasting a long time so you've probably got a good two years three years of light in you and you're not gonna use this every day just when you need it that's smart go smart that's the smartest hack I think we've seen in a while yeah I rate this nine out of 10 on the useful scale alright so hydro dippin is a huge craze right now everybody's getting into it number one thing I want to tell you is if you do want to hydro dip should probably take your controller apart and not just dip it in water like this guy the electronics are hydro dip now all the wires have eight what's wrong with your motherboard in here hydro dip a hydro dip my mother it does actually like work really well though I've seen a lot of people doing it with funk oh we should have done my phone case oh that whatever you prefer for this we were arguing what we should hydro dip and then we theme that we didn't have anything I was just gonna hydrate it my whole phone died just screaming the whole thing last Oh No there we go sorry headphones get unplugged we have a lot of makeshift equipment today look at that it looks like those old Dixie Cups 90s or 80s or whatever that was making the controller look like sherbert ice cream it says car vs. shaving cream probably boring I'll be the judge of that whoa look at this fruit that's a it's our peppers fruits did walk ready oh oh that's unsafe I'm gonna pop your tire whoa explosion I haven't shaved my beard because there's been a point so I've just been smashing my shaving cream what did you think I was talking about oh I thought you meant what I was doing [Laughter] and if you mix those together you got a happy Chris my question is why is everything in other countries looks so different than over here like why are bottle-shaped different like have you ever noticed that like you can tell a soda or a water is from overseas because the top is thick then the middle is skinny and then the bottom is thick like the bottle you see how all these bottles are like weirdly middle is always skinny where are they trying to this is they have unrealistic expectations for their bottles so to say but my brain couldn't think that's enough oh wow what is that goop now if you want to see something cool elephant foam elephant foam on the screen right now look at that that's cool foam this looks like a rave the ground is vomiting I bet the worms we're like this is cool but uh we're supposed to do with all this I only care cuz most of this is my oh my bad if it was trays we can keep doing all right chemistry me oh that's a nice camera this is a nice beat for chemistry dude this has a really weird aesthetic vibe to it you know what I mean this is like an alt alt rap music video oh this looks like something you would see on steaks I've actually just cut the borders out and then look like a caption that's like I can't believe they did this and then you've got two million views on tick-tock easy easy steal it we don't care oh there with Joy Division album cover I love that or it looks like it looks like if somebody ate a bunch of really bad stuff this would be their x-ray we don't know what's going on in there man I ate several Rorschach tests this is what habited them up this is what happens when you lick your organs are just like [Laughter] threat on Twitter people were hating on cosmic brownies cosmic brownies are incredible as my brownies could get me hot meals by trading hey hey sneeze into your elbows because then only your elbows carry the germs I guess oh so first thing you got to do is cut the tops off water I bet he was gonna hydro dip his contact lenses I can't see what I look so cool oh that's actually really good hey I don't know how many times I've thrown something away in the trash bag was like ha ha ha no you stay your job is to stay in there dressed means like duh but I'm shy you got company over whoa what are we doing with this Disney sweater the trouble you got broad shoulders you got some broad manly shoulders you ever been to a really really nice like designer clothing place and they have those big like hangers yeah that's what they're doing I've always wanted those but have you ever seen how much they are it's like $10 for a pack of $5 well then you just get a couple of a couple of bottles it's probably roughly the same price a beautiful bit but a big boom BAM all right so you take something useful like a light bulb and with the plastic cup bro you didn't have to waste an entire light bulb now we're putting wires in this I thought he was just gonna put like his phone in there oh I think you should cut his fingernails that's what I think I hear the sound of a drill either so drill yeah he just has worked construction noises in the background so his wife doesn't come in honey what are you doing in there in Bing Bing I'm in Vicky gangs it sounds like it I hear the drill I hear the drill it's fun I remember when I was a kid I had a bunch of random little toys and one had a speaker in it and broke and I took it apart because I was just playing around and I I put the two wires on a piece of metal and it just went boom and it literally scared the absolute crap outta me because I thought I had just got electrocuted cuz that's your first instinct when you're a kid you don't understand that oh I'm dead am i dead I'm good all right all right this is how long is this video you're not watching five months five Mary we're gonna click ahead he's wiring what is it it's a circuit board dude this is so complex I thought he was just gonna put a phone inside of a cup I don't have this kind of time I don't have five minutes whoa it's Bluetooth know what it looks like he my way self here we gonna hear it I feel like I'm in an elevator that's going past an Indian restaurant that's what I feel Wow Wow looks like a really weird camera I like a movie you know you ever seen those like cartoons where the cameras I also has like a real person's eye yeah and I like blinks at you that's what that looks like it's set up in a shower too like you're trying to wash and it's like I'm sorry Chris I'm afraid I can't let you do that all right ladies and gentlemen we hope you enjoyed this weird episode of life hacks I know our set looks a little different but bear with us until all of these germs are gone they safe wash your hands and go outside as little as possible try not to kiss your homies please don't kiss your home unless you have to [Music]
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 2,511,730
Rating: 4.9021835 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: c8OKK-UinZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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