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oh those aren't skateboard wheels yeah he put a lot of effort into the day did Wow welcome back I just wanted to say that it feels good to be back on the life hack Channel I missed it these guys are insane can we be them ah we don't have black shirts right we don't we're wearing blue we're actually both wearing blue we did not blame it mm-hmm Oh playin it get it whoa slow-motion cameras have literally changed the way we look at everything Wow what's the final product the final product is how cool is this dude that one looks sick imagine that I just started happening to our universe put it right filter on this video that's what a foot but you're welcome so that's liquid soap oh oh you're making flammable bubbles dude science is crazy mmm whoa hold up were Fire Nation attacked and I can confirm the Fire Nation beat the bubble nation can we do that what if you I mean it'd be worth look at that that's a thumbnail that should have been the thumbnail no way that's safe is it safe yes that's all you need to know boom I know what he's about to do he's gonna fill it with matches guarantee he's gonna fill it with matches good those are what matches yep there it is I'm so smart it's almost like I'm immune to anything now because I've seen these a million times oh that's a nice fuse I don't think it's gonna do anything too big oh it took off just eating the microphone there I'm paying attention write this down that's gonna be on this escalator whoa okay I'm passing this test all right how many flips did that do for let's see like I can't confirm that was a flip great job whoa yo I was at the store right in New York yesterday as you do yes and they had a Pringle shirt and I said Maddie isn't this cool and she's like no and I was like all right well I'll just you know eat myself out of here it's just I just not spend my money on anything cuz I don't know how to dress I guess yes she always says I'm colorblind I'm not I don't think you're colorblind I think your color oblivious there were you yes yes you just don't I'm gonna start crying uh we made mr. B's cry make fun of visibility inability to look at colors and you should be an actor I should know I've committed now I'm crying just think about puppies and then you won't cry anymore puppies why is it why are you actually crying right now three point five centimeters that's about how Sam yep I don't know no more needed it's a struggle out there it's about the ocean not the grass yeah that's what you tell yourself yes it helps me get to bed at night remember when I wanted to make a real airplane out of paper I did and everyone was like that's not realistic and I was like okay I don't care and then we didn't because it's not realistic that is right they were right sometimes the wrong sometimes the right usually when people tell me that's not realistic that just makes me want to do it more so it works sometimes hey Jimmy giving me a million dollars isn't realistic actually it is so sorry this guy's going all out to make I kinda lost track so what are we having for dinner tonight um we're having pub G Mobile apparently it was not sponsored by pubs you mobile whoa unless ya know is this a life hack on how to make it to bitter pills Oh what no don't do this just take your pills like a man wait what I don't want to recommend this because I don't know if it might what this know what that takes something healthy and just makes it completely on hope it's not even it's just that that looks so wrong what if somebody walks in and you just have a spoon and a lighter in your life what are you doing about it take my medicine yeah it's an alien an alien is trying to get us addicted we'll probably can't say that word imagine this you got the spoon sizzling you're putting a pill on the spoon and then the cops like ten years in jail freeze don't jinx dang gonna keep going what if we were doing this at the same time oh my gosh that'd be dope I buck ahead Jimmy needs to go away no oh that's a brand new LG did you know that it's good to use kettlebells instead of dumbbells sometimes because they work a different group of muscles all right anyway I expected this Wow you'll am the one with hat or information that one cared about anyways you see who threw that off by the way no it was an alien well you know me rewind it back for you well the editor will get mad he will get mad oh my oh that wasn't alien look at these shots wow that's pretty gnarly whoa actually did you see that guy who went on like 30 different porches and left old TVs yeah I did what was any was darkness TV yeah everybody said it was pyrocynical why did he do it almighty bucket hat why did he do it oh man just crushing TVs crushing my dreams that happened to me ages ago I don't have dreams anymore well yeah because you have to send the sweat shop all day hey it's working out pretty good some kid came up to me and a guess they should have said hey you're that guy who does life accident ha yep that's me I love when people are like you're that guy from Facebook so I posted a few my videos from Facebook I'm like for some reason it's always old people go figure it's almost like old people are the only people who use Facebook should I keep popping up on the life hack channel would you prefer Chandler let us know they're gonna say Chandler the slow mo lab that was not impressive also that's a nice rim why is he smashing it on that oh that was a good shot I like that yeah wait does that actually slice it all the way baby see no no no so if you go back if you rewind it if you're gonna say that it was already cut how would it already beat up because there's liquid in it hey Lia it's alien somebody explain to this man that's us intrical force works all right this is how centripetal force work boom the videos positive oh let me spin Tripucka force it you go we gotta watch this okay the centripetal force is moving my head you you dude it's like popping pimples Jana you dude that's like what I'd swing on that this guy I will confirm should be a MLB player that's way longer because you get balls in it oh my gosh this is how the Avengers in game actually in energy that's it energy one five five four that's how big the forces that's a lot of four that was a lot of force wow it dinted the ground they dented the actual earth dude okay I'm gonna have to pause this this is not okay imagine you're a giant planet and then someone just goes with a Thor hammer on your you know sad you think when that hammer hit the ground do you think the earth like move like yours earth trajectory and here's it now because of this clip Thanks very sad alright let's keep going he's gonna give us a slow-mo oh those are good camera angles sure man oh wow I like what a wheel and it say no to earth well at least he's getting all that bad coca-cola out of the way so that way people don't drink it and then get the diabetes I don't want to make the viewers feel bad if they drink soda I don't like bucket head Jimmy ahead Jimmy's too nice just watch the door hammer they're crushing a watermelon now someone is 30 less shots of energy boom watermelons are good why would they crush a watermelon we can't really say that you know we've have we crush water done oh we have oh hello are we bad people yeah whoa that does it double whammy that was a double whammy this look like this go let me make sound effects for it I know be more like dude look at that better sound effect I think I'm alright I think my was pretty on point your sounds like a bad helicopter no that's my that is about oh we're starting off colorful colorful equals click all the time phrase this program a J's video uh this is my friends video you think so yeah that's cool yeah Wow J shout-out to J the pro gamer J he's my bro shut up now good video so far no this is actually a really good video I was very surprised when he made this oh he a Gucci slice - I know it's for a gamer here put that picture on the screen you'll probably find out in his Instagram or something me and him I went to New York shopping together what's that oh this is really cool this looks like something Braley scape or wood dude thanks J for the thumbnail love you oh those aren't skateboard wheels yeah he put a lot of effort into the J did Wow that's him wow you know oh my gosh there's no way it doesn't the crash what good job Jay just dropping some bangers look at that it looks like they're moving breath is your brain freaking out right now that looks like the metal Pokemon uh Magnus happen yes dude that's a hurt smile has oh my goodness my ass I thought it was dominoes at first to be honest oh wow oh that one's faster it's a beyblade let er rip do to to to to to to do did it dude I brought up Bakugan too many lad the other day and he had no clue why Bakugan was canceling yes Bakugan is childhood why do you need to make DIY hand sanitizer can't you just buy hand sanitizers in like a couple of cents you know what the ultimate life hack is not using hand sanitizer like a beta like a beta male did people get sick now because they they use too much hand sanitizer good that's natural selection at its finest I like taking the hand sanitizer from restaurants like hat this will teach you for charging me $12 for a steak now you got to refill your hand sanitizer $12 for station she pins those dependent just to pick you'd imagine that's not hand sanitizer number one that's lotion number two you look like a weirdo carrying around a half cut balloon that looks like oh sorry I guess it was just me look at him he looks like he's turning his head cuz that's the exact same as the minecraft one alright well you know what whatever dude that's cool I guess minecraft did it first yes what hasn't minecraft done first here mom my mom watches the shout out to my mom dude that girl's face looks weird hey Chris's mom did you stop watching let me know what she's got what okay she quit watching I'm back I meant it in a very nice appropriate way well look at them dudes they're trying to take you out to get ice cream with Chris she's like this intolerant you jerk I meant that in a nut a lactose intolerant just for fun gathering you know to get to know my friends family type away how dare you assume that she can have lactose she's not tolerant of it she's also not tolerant of you deep ocean wave anything man this is a good three ATP we got wait I thought you said Ocean Whale I like whales Maddy's talked about about whales for like 30 minutes last night she's really passionate about workers you know who she would loved in the Pokemon Wailord show Matty back tonight I hope you like babe I got a Pokemon well Lord to show you the card she's like I don't know if I wanna hang out tonight and you're like what about this way Lord she's like I'm on the way that's pretty that's a good painting but well Lord somebody paint us a Wailord paint me and Jimmy riding on a whale Lord to give to Mattie that would be beautiful and so just tuck Chris on just let me think oh just to just cut Jimmy out and put me on it and then I'll just have that okay but I want her to keep president now that people are gonna draw a fan art of you and Mattie like out of peel box it's right here or just tweeted at me and Maddie and the rock alright so you got a DC motor got a Marvel motor a DC motor mm-hmm Marvel motors suck alright and then you glue it to a battery gotta make sure that you can turn it on and off you don't always want to be turned on yes that that's not good no not at all yeah you're gonna do some lot yeah some sketchy wiring here I'm not responsible if this works it does actually I think look at this and they clicks it on Wow mm-hmm Wow that's revolutionary don't bring that into school that could be no I feel like you could bring it in school as long as you went to like a private school don't bring it into a public school cuz you can't even you see the kid he made his pancake look like a guy like a no and he got suspended for a week cause it's pancake look like I'm didn't the guy bring like a plastic fork into it also got suspended yes crazy stuff happens man I miss the good old days where you could make pancake oh this from Max AK he does some pretty crazy stuff Oh are we supposed to say that mm-hmm it's on the screen it helps us not get copyright claims gotcha he's about to make a boom-boom thing we can't say the word or you kid gets real mad all right so you take the syringe you fill it with lighters matches let me fill those match heads is it lighters oh this is my first time back come on man yeah I'm Vanina whoa I just make youtube videos doing pretty good over there yeah we are we're doing very well Absolut bangers mm-hmm I've just been locked in this room filming life hack videos good that's what we need we need this money so we come forward to do the other channel literally this is the secret you guys didn't know that pays for the main channel yep wait really no way this works oh because he's a striker in the thing and when it makes boom wow that's a fun project with your kids and then you throw it at the kids and make disappear yeah my mom always is like when you're gonna come over and I'm like we used to live together and your mom only came once like a year and a half if my mom was there all the time my mom likes me to come to her she doesn't like to go anywhere she's like me she doesn't like to leave my mom I can't get rid of her she's over there right now yes make sure you dab on the subscribe button and work on the like button see you later Joe polish hi guys
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 3,823,731
Rating: 4.9201341 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, 2019, beasthacks, skateboard
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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