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all right what's going on guys it's mr. to small shirt and today I'm here with Jimmy's brother aka mr. bro alright so here's the thing these guys oh that's a lot of coke they got a flat and they don't have a spare tire so they're gonna dump a bunch of coca-cola bottles together put it on the wheel and just watch for it and that's a smart car that's crazy dude no way this works there's no way oh my god no I feel like wow that's really cool to look at - that's like so inexpensive compared to having an even by donut tire well it got him 14 extra feet I could get you to a gas station now if the gas station was 14 feet away you never know do that thing went south really quick it seemed like a waste of so to the honno-ji you're gonna mess up the rim broom do not do that don't ride on me I don't like that color that on that car whoa why you coming at this man's car so hard breath it just runs it up what kind of license plate is that what's European at least this looks like a painting like does background yeah it looks like the actual painting I don't know what's in that bottle but I'm sure we can't tell you all I'd actually do know what this is we used to call it a works explosion you take works toilet cleaner I know I'm not supposed to tell you this don't do it take works toilet cleaner put it in a bottle and then put tinfoil in it and it'll go cut buyuk a shot watch it you ready kabuki shot that was pretty good also I don't know why's wearing long sleeves it looks like it's pretty hot out thought you don't know that how can you look at air and see if it's hot or not CJ or brother broke saying I don't know what your name is what is it again mister bro mr. Brue yes he sound like everybody's friend at a frat boy what's up mr. Bruck gonna be there for the blurry night mr. breath how many times are we gonna watch this bottle explode also my voice is going out because I was screaming at Minecraft the other day it gets pretty wild in Minecraft a couple of - I never really played minecraft that much though yeah how does your drill get dirty yes why does your drill get dirty we're working hard if you're working hard out there yes what are you doing every day with this drill nothing somebody else is doing it for me but anyway well you're related to mr. beasts and suddenly other people do things for you like record your second chick at school that also I get it it's a cleaner that you put on your drill it's not cleaning your drill academic more fence also that's a lot of white powder on a scale I'm gonna have to go ahead and say hikes that dog that works really good oh that really does can you get that for my kitchen I wish I had a kitchen you know in the kitchen no no I said I do have a kitchen it just felt like the right thing to say okay so we got mr. engineers who made this act and we got mr. Brooke mm-hmm I just call myself mr. Chris from now on yeah all right I'm mr. Chris now you know what's frustrating what not being able to see when you typing on your keyboard so instead of buying a backlit keyboard why not just make some random nestling spoiler though if you do have a desk lamp this happened to me I left it on one time and walked out of the room and it was not an LED it was just a normal one and it melted my monitor I came back and my monitor who was just dumping black smoke into my room and I was like well I need an excuse to get a new monitor and here it is it's on fire didn't have any insurance with it I don't insure my monitors no I'm not a part of that Geek Squad protection stop trying to sell me extra services I don't need except for in that moment these guys are like master hackers they're very good at creating random things and then go hear that all those are batteries I don't know why I know that batteries yeah no they're just batteries we're not used for devices that's really bright actually that hurts my eyes do LEDs hurt your eyes life's all about having fun man you scared a couple LEDs you go blind whatever like the video if you stare LEDs all day we got some coca-cola mm-hmm I love some coca-cola I like vanilla coke that's my favorite I don't drink vanilla coca-cola because that's weird I'm sorry why would you drink vanilla coca-cola man did you get that nice sweet taste you got that nice sweet taste oh so cool it lights up they did something similar earlier but the only thing he glued the bottom he turned it on and glued the bottom now he could never turn that flashlight off why doesn't the whole balloon know there you go now creative nightlight ready that's how I read that text I can't put one of those in my room now what you gonna do with it sleep you let me do one Chris yeah go for it all right all right so this is the invisible ink pen as you can see he's taking out the pin and cut off the top of it I don't know what that is sorry I saw profile I'm all our syringe very small syringe you know what the show the office taught us was really good for invisible ink what urine oh yeah I like that like to use urine as sad Netflix isn't gonna have it much longer but what yeah Netflix is taking it off in 2020 anyways but uh that's super cool now looks clear and now it is invisible yes but how do you see it well there's a hack you're like oh I light it on fire ooh that's so cool there's no way he wrote that they tricked this we've been bamboozled we've been schmekel dwarfed I don't know it's Michael Dorris it's a spongebob reference dang it that's a cute band-aid and I keep band-aids in my trucks at all time because you never know what's gonna happen I also have hot sauce in my truck too hot sauce yeah you never know when you need hot sauce and mayonnaise Oh get in my car just in case it ever rains well what did you miss your probation he's rich he couldn't afford a jacket we get it you're mr. B's brother oh this is smart so your band-aids don't come off though easy that's a poop band-aid that is a poop band-aid not to be confused with a I don't know I was gonna go somewhere and I lost it what so why is he dipping it in water what's the point he cut it in a way that he could inner loop them in an intertwined like this and then because of their structural integrity I dig it be strong just like a bond between brothers hey it's Jimmy hey you know what hey what's up Jimmy filming life hey Jimmy [Music] Jimmy I'm doing a life hack Freeman minecraft is my thing overall which that TV / / so - are anyways I was a Sailor Moon shirt it is a Sailor Moon shirt to watch dr. stone no not yet you need to now really good anyway why did you watch it the Funimation on does this is done Funimation yeah we were bonding over animating than you ruined it with dub sub only okay sub only sub only I don't know what's going on I don't anything that's just a really nice shirt whoa that could be a cool thing at a party today that's dope that straw reminds me of toothpaste why because it looks like crest 2 or Colgate toothpaste it's like he's putting bubbles inside of bubbles what in the world is he gonna pop um he's gonna like slaps and out of pocket that was not a burp that was gonna beat you up good thing I stopped it in time you're welcome I don't know what that is oh I used to draw with those in like elementary school well weren't you fancy some of us had to use crayons cuz we didn't grow up rich I'm just going after you now Savage is this what they're all like no not really I don't know what's going on they've just tired a little tired Oh get I'm tired ah didn't even play in there I am so funny it looks like a cannon dude it does look like a cannon oh it's to make it easier to draw made you terrible at drawing I wonder how it helped me probably not why ain't on a straight line okay and then what you're just gonna have a bunch of straight lines hey I can make pretty good stick figures of that though there you go yeah stick figures are us how good are you with casual conversation I'm pretty good at it alright give me your best casual conversation so Chris how was your day my day was great i-i've been doing life hacks like these ones this looks like a really bad Frank like up now you ain't got no finger Oh Cosmo Wanda can't be sneaky there with that green and pink that was a good joke I like that that was a Twitter joke and I liked it Oh another matches one oh boy you've not been on this channel before they're all matches hot glue or coca-cola there's literally nothing else you can experiment with no Pringles oh yes Pringles whoa that's the experiment you can like oh I get it gets the phosphate from the striker on to the match mmm and then you can light it OOP that's science right there science is awesome copper does some weird things when it's introduced with magnets and batteries so these guys want to show us that with a lot of uh what does it caught nightcore dubstep is what we're listening to right now I guess I'm not for sure it's very distracting it's getting a little bit too much for me I'm gonna have to do this right here looks like you made a really nice spring though all right so the thing if you mix a battery mm-hmm magnets and copper it'll make it vibrate and spin oh wow yes so I wish I could have done that in high school not even pretty cool to show friends I've been a really good party trick right and what uh maybe I wouldn't been stuck in the corner talking to no one or I might have just been the weird kid who brought batteries copper and magnets to a party but who knows life is about mysteries try it bring it to your next party friends what do you think this is gonna do a screw it's gonna do a screw yes all right no use so like a common life hack around these parts you like to pick up things but you don't want to pick them up with your fingers what you do is you make a magnetic device that can pick up but also let go that looks pretty cool though it looks like a I don't actually know it's like it looks like a needle it's a syringe this yeah I don't like my favorite how am I getting poked all right don't poke mister bro you see him in public don't poke him that's a great way to pick up things only I had this as a child my mom wouldn't have hit me so much next snack cereal yep so you know it's good chips and salsa it is I like the cheese I know what sucks well I'm your chips break so what you're gonna do you're gonna crush all your chips up Lily peace out right and then you're gonna pour them into the sauce I've actually done this before I do that with chili all the time though I do it when the chips like when you're down to the last chip and they're all that tiny and I just mix them all together all right you don't do that with chili though you're just like crush the chips and like sprinkle them on top you know what I did with chili what I take the bowl and then I put a piece of kraft singles at the bottom then I put the autumn yep and then I put the cheap chili in and then I put another Kraft singles on it and stir it so that way cheese mix is all the way through and then I cut a pineapple and put pineapple in it no you do mozzarella cheese you sprinkle on top for me put the tum broken-up chips and then you shake up oh really who an idea but I need one of those for what my channel what's your channel mister bro oh that's right I should be watching that and you should be too all they did was cut a couple of pieces of construction paper and gotta put some binders on it but you know who am I to judge idea book just some crappy little you could use a clerk back to school as a notebook yeah save a lot of money I think you might get teased not gonna lie like heilige this kid he can't even afford a notebook they're like 68 cents what was your favorite I like the invisible ink pen yep well actually you only get one option and you already said invisible pin so now you're gonna have it you have to live with that for the rest your life this concludes the life hack episode this is mr. B's brother I'll see you guys Auslan manana and I might be back for another one alright don't get pushed
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 2,448,520
Rating: 4.9118891 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, 2019
Id: 8AmvHzUO1NE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 24 2019
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