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this guy yeah look watch the same stuff this is cool and he's gonna fit Wow hey what's up gods it's Chris here we're gonna be changing the name from mr. Pirie beast of beast hacks hope you guys still enjoy the heck's and keep watching if not I'm gonna find you seriously I will alright let's enjoy alright let's do some hacks and react let's do it oh do you remember the toys I do those are so much fun what you do is you hit that stuff that's on those caps and once you put it on top of a boom it's because that stuff is made out of the same material as the striker I wish I could do the beard one we should try it with yours you got a little scruff there thank you to match and then he's gonna connect it and it's gonna spin that's actually really cool magnets and electricity do some crazy boy that's mesmerizing cuz it does it keep spinning oh we put a top on it okay you ready for this I'm just I love the engineering with the UH what it looks like they're not to what they call popsicle stick popsicle sticks I love the engineering he is lot of glue loved it though good job you can make popsicle sticks interesting kudos to you is that all that's all what's your face um the girl that redhead proud the Irish girl that nobody really got change your face would you would you change it right why is he putting her hair in a blue this is this turn really weird this doesn't look like a lot back is he game ending you could say that yes oh she's an astronaut now Oh Hugh said this is Mission Control we're City change he a big yes we have found a doll with a balloon over it they have yet to make a Disney princess astronaut I think that should be the driving force to get that in there it's gonna happen slow mo guys I bet it warps around my person yep it is so weird how like so cool we would have never known this if slow-mo cameras didn't exist that's so cool have you seen somebody get punched in the face and slo-moes your whole face this light becomes jelly it's so weird how things work it's really cool though have you ever seen the UM the baseball when they hit it with a bat yeah like like it laughs yeah then you would have never seen find out slow-mo cameras shout-out to slow-mo shout-out to the slow mo guys oh this is like brillo or no no still wool still okay yeah there's a good fire story by the way I wanna make you say that because perpend it's in a sponge here we are with the batteries yes that's a great way to start a fire if you ever need to in like a survival situation why it's a service and Schlemmer we that was so cool alright what's he doing here so he lit it on fire I bet you it's magnetic now if it is I'm gonna lose my mind make sure you sift it you got to sift all the powder out uh-huh everything left over is metal shards oxy area producer digging a musta Hema dented emo look at that oh my goodness it looks that's something you can try at home that looks like black crystals that's really cool next audibly satisfying thing all the moons I've noticed when we do these I accidentally say words wrong all the time like I'll go to say like oddly and I'll be like I believe just keep on going mr. beast he cannot say the word pinata he says panada if you ever meet mr. piece in public ask him to say pinata ask him you'll get a funny response hey are you crazy is back at it again get are you crazy crazy for lifehacks yeah yeah cut that pencil oh it's a mini pencil little pencil were you that kid that kept the pencils till I got to the very end well see the thing about me was I always just took people's pencils so I didn't have to worry about it genius is it mommy he if he held the tape measure out a little bit better probably would be what's he doing well I mean like like terrible mark it's a terrible mark number one number two why would you need to measure that oh that is a nice all girl of those things augers are very fun to use that's a hand turn we used so many animal order that's so satisfying that isn't what I'm holding what if you just saw facing why can't you just make a TNT cannon on minecraft a big hole for you or you like that I knew what that was yeah nobody really uses TNT cannons to take that he just dig the hole and put it right back yep Oh [ __ ] here inside a firecracker oh whoa have you seen the one the Russian one where they do that and the entire ground like ah since you said Russian I'm pretty sure it's a little bit more than a firecracker you guys showed this video - the video is like in four feet oh yes we are mushroom what if I don't want it easy home you like he'd poison iron boom what it blows the entire ground up look the trees are shake ha we should leave Russians family Russians being Russians love them coca-cola more coca-cola whoa during Christmas that's what is that oh it's PVC PVC but oh I see what he's doing here I'm thinking up what he's putting down he's picking up what he's putting yeah III put it down alright we'll pick it back up that's called working out oh man that's uh that's air compressor and he's gonna shoot a Nerf dart through it watch uh he could definitely make that so little tighter I mean does it mean you do the oh yeah he's like yeah yeah and projectile you seal that up a little bit better mmm you get some good stuff now what would be cool if he had it so it was belt-fed oh so those automatic nerf launchers are amazing or really cool but they hurt all right this is matched dynamite a I do I did that whoa whoa this guy yeah look watch this same stuff we do one of these lifetime yeah that was the one where he made the cannon right they go to cannon this is cool and he's gonna fit Wow let's be honest how long you think oh oh my whoa can we do this no can we do it I don't have the patience to do this what if it goes boom it will like boom boom this is pretty good that's art he did not measure those fuses correctly now we're gonna get a couple of slow-mo shots of it of course you got to get those different camera angles dude can we track his location by that seaboard let's figure out what this guy's doing these things I want to do this whoa hear me out hear me out I don't know kind of matches you actually put nut that took a lot of time for like five seconds mm-hmm all right so that's it without this lemma Wow oh good it just runs away from it real quick so cool we can get slower look at this ah then it pops I love how it retains its shape for a little while for a hot second that's just like the gone it looks like crystals oh it's probably because the co2 look at that oh that's so cool and then the green mixes with the water this is this is great I could watch slow-motion videos like all day they're satisfied Fantasia is oh so his channel is all about saying big fan of Sant Aegeus I like the yellow thing it's a little better than yellow snow yeah I don't know oh I would eat that that looks like a waffle if I saw that literally looks like a waffle oh you know what it looks like those little uh dessert cookies were they called the bisque this do you talk about the ones on airplanes no no no no the one was like the cream oh oh the I'm gonna add macaroons yep boom yes dude if you put syrup on that you could literally fool anybody that looks like an eggo waffle oh man this is so fast dude 11:00 you could prank 11 so quick this strange nation what yeah they're still relevant right that's it that's cool and also I kind of want to cut waffles like this just goes oh my how you ruined it yeah I wanted to see him put syrup on the waffle that would have been insane look at the texture of it dude literally I just want to eat this stuff can somebody make ice cream can somebody make food that is textured like this so I can eat it it looks like ice cream but you don't have to keep it frozen I have to do all the fire stuff when we do survival videos because everybody's like alright I'm gonna be useless Chris do things I just can't afford he died when your face is like this close yeah I've lost a couple of eyebrows thanks to Jake oh this is for like burning stuff into wood so that way you can like write your name in would you ever see people do that that's a great way to make money at this point why don't you just go buy one I'm back to that again why don't you stir someone's touching that and hurting himself yeah he should have more safety mistake Oh [ __ ] oh this is a different language got it yeah when you see anything over an E different language hmm that's cool and all but I was just good by one they gotta be put on let's see how much it cost 10 bucks at home oh I know for a fact I've ordered that battery before that battery is $7.00 and the other stuff he had it was probably at least like six dollars worth of tools begum so Home Depot get one pretend not fifteen um depot what is it erase this erase this okay how can you do it you can't you just got good news oh wait why would you just get a new pencil because not everybody's made out of money Jake they don't know okay they don't know I ever bought a singular Penn Stater also a ball often like ever bought a singular pencil yes actually really from a kid okay what no it worked no yep didn't the paper got erased from existence from existence I'm out this is done oh we just did a candid video if y'all see me yet no probably not we had to eat cannon cuz it did not get it got 13 million views boy you know why because YouTube was like hey anything that goes boom boom no look oh man that's that's good shrink-wrap it's right it is really good okay you need a little pike okay you put this in the pipe very nice very nice so is that gonna be the igniter I guess for the little yeah a lot of electricity a lot of shrink-wrapping and a lot of electricity mm-hmm good insulation on those wires too well here's that battery thing again yep seven dollars on Amazon there it is that matches yes Oh is he gonna shoot matches no I think he's making the powder I mean the UH the boom boom boom boom powder we have to be so careful what we say because YouTube will be like hey now those were whoa that's what you're impressed we had a business dinner the student made a candid do I love sand you'd love to st. all right well you and Anakin Skywalker would not get along well he does not I don't like sand oh look at that oh it's so satisfying I love video so how do you how do you take those back apart I don't think you can I think once they're mixed together oh that's pretty oh dude I'm dude my body is so satisfied right now my body and my mind you take that flat earthers dude I love it when they cut into it with achenes what is that mean ice cream dude a dollop of that on a cone I would eat kinetic sand if I was a child there's no way I would not you kinetics and look how appetizing that looks oh dude I'm a big fan of these oh it's slow oh there it is there it is he has a microphone on his knife so you can hear the chips and one can't wait hear the chops we'll put in PewDiePie's sound effect him going chop chop chop chop chop chop chop I like that too not a big fan of this I like it okay are we sharpening the pencil balloon that's a dope is he biting his pencil yeah looks like it look you know dude I must have bite these you know those pins that are like great and then have a little I've used to bite on and then one day one day I mashed potatoes and I bit my pin and then for the rest of the time my pin tasted like mashed potatoes you were that kid I was that kid did you bite the pins that were like handed out for everyone the great test I did also when I was in like wait right how is this working now he just put it in a balloon when I was in fifth grade okay oh you know oh he's just catching just catching the shade okay and then BOOM you don't have all that messy cleanup unless you put him on your hand like he's doing it kinda looks like sunflower seeds a bit why is it that's like weirdly satisfying is it them a little bit is a really satisfying but how many if you were satisfied are you satisfied are you not entertained no you're not returned you didn't even let me say my story about fit very well yeah we just skip that sad okay okay we got a cup you ever get really bored and you're supposed to be doing work but you're not you're making a basketball Kohi I just took naps I just kind of make basketball hoops out of using a ruler okay frozen honey yeah stop no singing we're gonna get copyright claim are you gonna watch the new frozen yes of course of course you are he literally looks like he would like can you actually make can you make a shot please oh my you look like you would listen to heavy metal constantly I do well on top of that he also listens to Disney sound I have a Disney power hour every now and then he's going to propose and Disney Shh oh did she know it's gonna have she's got it she knows the timeframe she does there's no winner thanks to Jake for coming out thanks for having me Chris all right I'll see you and your luscious long hair later hi guys [Music]
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 6,965,693
Rating: 4.8930297 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, 2018, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, 2019, beasthacks
Id: S-smZjhefcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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