Top Spooky Halloween Life Hacks!

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it's gonna be a boo-boo oh is it it's always a boo-boo hey you guys ready to do life hacks haha it's spooky season my rescues I love spider-man spider-man yes I can do spiders I can't do snakes I don't mind spiders at all I can't do rats I am actually terrified of rats Lana wrecker no I don't even like any kind of rodent like a guinea pig scamming really yeah I do it's the feet do not serve two children then why dude so this is all well I'm fun except for three hours later in the party you just have a piece of plastic in your drink and you forget about it don't serve the children that's a lot of sugar that's questionable brown sugar yep that stuff that's pretty dangerous when you mix it with sugar don't try it at home kids I put a fuse in a pie oh it's cause they put the stuff that I forgot about that oh don't eat it don't eat those kids oh please do that can't we do that oh my god so bad outside of course yes outside hey looks like our warehouse after that match video oh that's the light that is probably the dumbest thing I've ever seen oh no that was the coolest thing oh we did this we did watermelon oh my goodness they are over excited this this is a very happy couple to be doing this to a pumpkin I remember doing this for a couple hours do you and I do you and Shelby explode pumpkins like this for fun on a regular basis now you don't know me and Katie prefer exploding water okay pumpkins are so much cool I guess it depends on the season yet summer's more of a few inches almonds you ever done it with a Apple I don't think I've ever done it with a nap I don't think I've done an apple I'd like to see how many it take for an apple oh it's gonna hit her in the face is gonna energy engaged liftoff initiated wait why are they wearing Christmas stuff because you know people are oh okay I'm glad you pointed that out I am so sick and tired of people skipping holidays just go straight for Christmas you know you go into t.j.maxx and all the Halloween stuff is already gone has he been Halloween yet you got caught out t.j.maxx Halloween first then don't forget Thanksgiving then Christmas this has been grants with Jake thank you it's good back to the episode let me borrow your head real quick what's with the theme of doing thermite and fire inside they Schiff they adjusted the ISO on this maybe you see the flames yeah that would look to see were professional film guys they did it look this looks like it's out of an animate car looks like attack on Titan look at his eyes oh just the flames coming out of his eyes I don't know why but this reminds me of attack on Titan Michael Myers my my wife likes buying baby pumpkins alright if you if you're carving a pumpkin what are you making I do a theme every year and I don't know what my theme last year my wife loves carving pumpkins she sees it as like a date for us have you seen the ones where it's like the super trihard artist makes like the crazy and you're over here with your regular looking Jack layers like [Music] okay just smash it at that point Oh colorful Oh gold right paint Alana that's more silver actually or is it gray silver like a chrome Chrome pumpkin dude I used to have friends that would take this chrome spray paint and spray paint parts of their trucks with it all the time oh they're cool hey that does not make your truck look better it does not it just looks like he used scrotes chrome for a spray paint speaking of trucks let's you hate the Carolina is known for the Carolina squab it is weird and I think only four of our views are understand that whoo those crayons aligned in color like that sand is fine that's right that took them a very long time to figure out probably not paper I just came in the box that way oh you're gonna melt dude they're gonna every white girl I have ever dated an updated a couple has had some kind of art form to where they melt crayons into color they do this I wish I could go to my ex-girlfriends house and yank this painting she has of crayons melting I don't know what it is with girls in your obsession with melting crayons sorry I'm very and this has been ransom Chris I'm very brave t about this subject that's beautiful I want spring nope I mean it could be better though if they had to used a heat ray instead of a hairdryer it would look way better dry it was a hair don't care sometimes you get what you got oh that's a big boy that was a massive pumpkin TLC cheer on my 600 pound hey guys this year we're gonna drop 50 pumpkins from 200 feet why who knows just get it do it oh you know what's in town this week the state fairs they have those like 600 pound pumpkin so we could buy one and do this if we wanted or we could buy one and carve it they just drop up massive they did Maxim pumpkin and purple to be mystical big pumpkins always look so lovely really they're like we've ran out of things to do so let's just destroy stuff I want to hang out with these guys these guys get it up and tell where they do the was it the pumpkin Chunkin Oh pumpkin Chunkin really have like oh here we go that's a lot of match it is a decent of whoa that was a weird cut did you see our look didn't can't read that there's a lot going on yeah we saw it who gets a white pumpkin all I'm saying is you know when they give you this little like traceable things like car they always mess those up there's red I always mess them up cuz I start cutting farce elections because I'm just like oh look so now it looks like it's a little boo boo it's gonna be a boo boo boo it's always a boo boo boo boo look at it on the beach take that beautiful place to do that Oh is anything gonna happen else is that it all right set that off was that it oh wow that was a cool I know for a fact all of us would have walked up on that billing I didn't go off yeah look at that that is what went off what did he put in it he mentally put a kabuki shine in there do we miss something we missed our chance self carving pumpkin okay walkways self carbon but he just carpet there's some science going on okay what's gonna happen here guys these little build up some pressure inside the pumpkin and when it does it's gonna this stuff out whoa like that why did I ever have a science teacher like this way though you could have carved it better way I would have gotten an eighth Pole us all a hand sanitizer Oh what's he doing now sir boy whoa okay hear me out hear me out we put your little flamethrower hmm in that mm-hmm well see this how my flamethrower I can shoot a hundred feet that would be an amazing what we made a dragon pumpkin all by gosh we're onto something sounds like we're gonna have fire for Halloween Oh slime again it's it's slime again I would have beaten that dude all bad that's my poop would have been all kinds of messed up I ate any of this yeah it would be very gluey oh that looks good that looks like mustard and marshmallows like I said I don't like that crunch noise nope oh darn it's over next one thirty seconds Oh No looks like something you buy from like the old guy in a wagon come by my eye a new tear fix anything you got wrong with you twelve million dollars it's got vitamins and other things so okay I'm interested what does he have look what oh that's a lot this guy is is slowly descending into madness I think I don't think it's I think he's already there oh look oh no oh no I love the inside of pumpkins because they look like really creepy he could have carved the mouth out wow that's cool that was not as close I thought it'd be this guy really tried he literally just has the bottle sir look at his face look at him he's like guys is this good look at oh I'm just pouring cooked through the pumpkin hey buddy it was a good try haha you really tried there i'm porn cooker or pumpkin pop i'm really proud of you for trying great idea to portable execution horrible was it horrible Wow but that works war but that was a good pun that wasn't funny Oh see I didn't like that oh look at the pumpkin plastic that's not nothing special oh no they look so happy say what that's my least favorite thing my Halloween time is all the costumes they give are so like poorly made well yeah if you go to like a Halloween store but if you order them off like Aliexpress or something you actual I forgot to order my Halloween costume and I don't know what I'm gonna be I have to go as an anime character because that cell as a married man when you're in downtown and Halloween women try to talk to you you know how you get women to not talk to you you dress as an anime character that's right no women will talk to that's right anyways guys that was our special Halloween episode spooky season remember don't egg people's houses check your candy before you get it and if you go as any Marvel hero you're lame yeah
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 526,275
Rating: 4.9356227 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun, halloween
Id: 3FoPnrVQgVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 56sec (656 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2019
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