2,805 DEGREE LAVA VS Watermelon!

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this is noise it's mega right now life hack time heat versus bottle cap who's gonna win I think I'm empty bottle cap I was gonna be team bottle cap but I'm very contrary on so I'm gonna go he trip mom with the underdog I'm gonna underdog here I think the bottle cap oh look at it expanding you can't do anything if I'm bigger than the bottle calves like guess it's your best shot give me more give me more that was my vote I look at you look at you I am a disappointed father in this baby I am a disappointed father I am sprite looking down at this coke and I was just like viral maniacs Studio Sparta shoutout thanks for this vid alright so that's a table power saw power saw is it this is this is not that's from Skyrim I know that I've seen that the pencil yes whatever he's using him to craft his crafting skills must be through the roof while his skills level 100 ever that's the one thing I didn't do much in Skyrim was build stuff that's a good game you didn't play any game okay and I play Call of Duty okay and I play Call of Duty okay and I play 30 tea trees team trees org I've never seen some fluorine chlorine chlorine plural oh let's see full is that a Kraft macaroni and cheese there you got is oh my gosh I got a part bubbles please boo-boo did you find no you sure yeah I don't want to smell it just tell me if you did and I'm gonna start breathing through my mouth do I need to know you don't know if you part it no you hear something I thought I did you might have been by me does it just fall out of you no I didn't lose Minnie oh yeah who finked n' okay oh I've seen something similar before to this let's see if this guy can add a step to it whenever you take a step away make it easier hey that's the ultimate goal of a life egg right that's why I hate like textbooks and stuff because I feel like they just add a bunch of language that you don't need get to the point textbooks that is the entire point of textbooks so that way they can charge you $300 for a book that was the same book as last year they just changed four sentences Oh Chris you're so right I'm so VOC right now Wow I'm not gonna lie though this looks like the most dangerous thing I've seen in a couple of days and I went to Detroit the other hahaha oh man I actually did go to Detroit but don't worry it was a connecting flight oh that was I was worried but the airport is pretty safe we're experiencing some turbulence because this is Detroit this looks really dangerous that does look I don't like how it's held together by a zip tie that's what this looks like like you're gonna get put on a couple of lists as well a lot of the DIY tools here looks like you're gonna get put on the list I turn a steel boat into a throwing knife oh if this is the guy I think it is then that's really cool there's this one kid on YouTube who's from England who does a lot of stuff like this and I absolutely love it he's from England and he's making knifes out of things the cops are gonna be like boy you got a license for that noise you got a little more chance for that what is it my my English accent always goes to Australian oh dang it's really funny try to be English I become Australian I mean it's the same become Australian indie game is actually sounds pretty decent thank you the conversations probably not like it that's not Australia method you weren't wow that was a good that's a good night I'm impressed his throwing ability I mean it's not the prettiest throwing knife but don't if it doesn't get the job but man it works Pringle afreeca wait paprika what kind of flavor I haven't had Pringles and forever and I really want to go get some DC motor what is that it's a motor that requires DC voltage to work very nice Jake you're welcome I'm here for the science exam look at that it's like the top of a boat or a guitar or it's a mass yeah but what is it really what is this lazy omelet what what no way all of us are just confused lazy and eggs in it but omelets we need the thing if this is a scrambled eggs damn machine I need it how freaking cool is this me why wouldn't you just use like your blender or something that most people already have you don't have a blender but I feel like there's more people would have a blender than any of the items they just mentioned what happens if you're like making scrambled eggs in your catch like a wrist cramp your wrist is just like stuck like good jump sorry Joe chop-chop so do yourself a salt shaker don't you ever just lose yourself a sauce shaker you all missed it yup I did you totally off oh dude just put some holes in the cap no cat Joe dude I've seen this done differently by somebody else I know for a fact the Texas guys did this life hack themself did you like that one better or this I think they did a better job cuz look she's having to do it a second time you didn't have to glue it plus she has some rough edges yeah that is kind of rough it doesn't look circular she didn't dribble up she didn't what she didn't dribble him and Dremel what a word wait what's the point of putting the big top on it it's cuz she wants to put some salt in there right wow she missed that whole bottle issue is all over hand alright we got a little opener and a ninja to imagine you just imagine imagine you invite someone you're trying to impress to your house right and you're like hold on let me get to the salt shaker and you just crack open a coat Oh is he gonna stick his face in the same Sandt Aegeus whoa how uh-oh I think it's a clear thing they press it down on it ooh maybe there it is let's be there it is you know how they did this probably probably put all that sand on there and then put a mass on it and I press down you know what this mats looks like juju ssam ah I don't know that is JoJo's Bizarre Adventure nope what nope okay good talk alright alright mmm and in him is cutting someone's face in half this looks like a mummy with all the rapping oh yeah it does don't say that he looks like he's looks like he's looking at you like come on man really come on you're really gonna chat in the face up like that I'm really gonna cut me like this I thought is just gonna just jump right into it hmm that's gonna have to go back that is not the girl like they sure take a bite you don't love that you kept whoa why is everybody so much better at making lava than us literally we tried this is noise it's me right now it's more like oh look at that bubble I said that bubble is probably like like that dude that was worth me who's like reading that's the inside of your lung Oh dad that's what happens it's like a little piglet that's what you can learn yes what you compare it to yeah did you see the face how did that lava not go through that watermelon Chandler I think that was worth a flick what do you think I click yeah take a pic oh this is too much Wow yeah I think it's a little sped up I would actually prefer it slower I can't keep track of all the Domino's Oh pull in that building like all right I got to get my business done we're doing business in here about it uh nothing but business and away oh it's not ready yeah all right oh wait dude this is this so much in this where do you start when you're making all that oh my gosh whoa he's got a Domino's zip line this was really cool that was a lot of time and effort that was probably like six weeks worth of work and like four minutes of payoff yeah but I got a lot of use out of you okay look at that oh that's brown toothpaste I would not like brown to face I like when they took it back up theirs oh my yogurt we don't get a rewind shot of that oh man what you sprayed out mmm you know what that means you're not gonna be able to eat it man I want to see like the neighbors like across the street like looking at this guy putting yogurt on this driveway why is Bill doing that again he's making millions sweetheart you just taking out the trash really we can smell it from here Phil you're doing that thing again aha I got Romania meters last time dude I'm in the wrong business I got a mini woody cannons Wow except for it's not many know you said mini so we got the mini cannon and we that looks like spoiled yeah some coils he's he's making it look nice he had he made a place for the coil cool we have a little hole what is that liquid that was a glue wasn't yeah it's like a really quick drying booth I think it's got like either rubber cement range something like that it sound like a mini vicious Pinner was that there's a ball bearing there were ball bearings before they were fitted spinners that's true see I'm um I'm a child this is actually really complex and really cool is there's a lot of steps I feel like I feel like they wrote all this stuff on a piece of paper and then they just went list by list on what to do next that's oh my gosh I gotta Gannon that actually probably has some force behind it hey what do you know what do you think Hey booyakasha this is sodium sodium polyacrylate whoa what so do you Paula Crowley okay ooh science guy here what's up science guy today I'm gonna show you how to make sodium polyacrylate Wong what is pulley acrylate mmm so what is salt now or I search just know yeah they looks like this is ice or snow whoa mind blown well that's cool is it hot or cold though where's just like regular temperature I assume it's a temperature of the water Hey finally some renewable energy yes what what is this what is that what is that object it looks like put in a capsule well step one tell us what that is I don't know what it looks like a little igloo what is that what do you think that's what yeah I've recognized that wood got it you got it syringe again classic because they always have the you know okay I see what he's doing oh do you oh yeah yeah cuz negative he's making he's making like a ah Chris would know is that a light bulb is it where's dad dad oh he's completing the current with the magnet that's cool hmm so like there's an invisible like electricity and then he put now is he creating energy or is he just perpetuating energy that is the question actually what is that's a great word that is over to me plate in the current oh yeah that sounds like a good idea if only this chocolate had caramel in it and they need to have like the caramel chocolate soup like most meat grinders though mmm is the inside gonna be disgusting afterwards Oh always hey dude it actually looks like meat for some reason yeah that's not appealing what's that it looks like dog food yeah what's coming out right now it looks like canned dog food is this dehydrated chocolate I guess I don't like this mmm yummy chocolate no chocolate there's nothing here it'd be good topping for your ice cream should we turn that off first yeah you should probably turn that off it looks like a good finger how you lose a finger kids that lost any appealing this ahead yep we can never do that again that would be great ingredient potassium fearin it has low toxicity do not oh I don't know what I'm not supposed to do 200 now looks like good coffee oh he's filtering it yeah this is cough oh that's good oh wow look at that whoa you can do crafts with your kids which is that now my Minecraft mansion has some redstone there it is means kids III to play mines crap hello fellow children I do look like Steve Buscemi now don't you have to do this every week always make it Wow dude you could sell these to like basic white girls that are hippies and then you could like you'd be like this is for your energy your chocolates gets your chakra flowing and so $38 and feel any two cents they always charge you right fifty eight dollars and seventy two cents Oh does it also have like a goat scent on it as well cuz I'm not gonna charge that extra charge of it isn't smell like a goat this has been ingested by a goat and pooped out and we thoroughly wash the poop with more poop oh wow it's exfoliated that's great
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 1,077,779
Rating: 4.9040732 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: Juiwz8LosT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 22 2019
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