Ultimate Hydraulic Squishy Ball

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oh look at that satisfactory squeeze that that is a stress reliever right there guys oh we're doing life hack again oh wow it's my favorite thing to watch oh it's life hacks like that time cool party trick guys this is a cool party trick but there's no there's not even any water in there yeah I don't know like the tablecloth I get it I get it he hit the table No so a bouncy look okay great job all right that's me when I show up to the party with food that was him last week I remember that he literally walked in like like yeah that's a food just spinning and just spinning yeah he sat in a revolving chair I'm here I have a ride twisted metal inspired spinner I love the video game twisted metal did you ever play that I did not yeah what what game station was it on okay I'm station what are you 88 years old yes I am anyway he's an old weigh station - twisted metal was a game he's like crazy like contraptions oh yeah always used to place the clamp but it was like a horror game but also a racing game it had everything Chris could ever want you ever seen the the movie of Mad Max okay skateboarding is one of the sports that I've always wanted to learn and I never did I love skateboarding so much I came to America it's about it's better look at that oh my that's an impressive oh no he did a shove it well I love I was telling us people get injured from skateboarding right now he's like me yeah dude these are like fun facts right now why were they born banned in Norway what's going on Norway I guess kids in Norway we're getting hurt on skateboards because there dispo van what is that a single-use syringe where can you just get some riddles like yeah that's like a real-deal syringe - yeah that is suspicious that is too convenient and you're gonna use instead you could use literally anything you can use popsicle stick yeah why sesor rabies but why does it have to be so wrinkles oh so you can extend it extend a clip oh you can like oh yeah you can kind of angle it a little bit that makes sense it's still what a fish gets Kayla I know what the heck what is this I'm done with this this is weird that was that went on for like 40 solid minutes home science wait what are there two different types of air how do we know it's not the weight of the rope pulling it down Oh so air has wait who would have known behold the ultimate pug that's amazing Wow Wow Bow impressed oh yeah I am so impressed is impressive really so impressed white that was excellent execution is perfect great perfect perfect I love trains I'll watch you choo-choo mmm satisfied breathing exercises building trains that's my mom phone no way mom look they don't touch oh look at the cart stunning the touch way huh yeah this guy's cool yeah oh yeah Wow perfectly balances all things today we should Cory whoa actually dude I'm mesmerized by this this is so cool this this right here this is beautiful oh whoa - - that's me that's pretty cool right tartar sauce what is tartar tartar tartar let's play it that sounds like a UH Pokemon tartar tartar sauce tartar use lightning bolt takes quite long wow that's great it takes quite long it takes quite long yeah dude you and your english our own points what it said i literally read it we're doin sure I don't play it back but I would get yelled at again thank you very much food coloring in each dough knead the dough with hands wait what is this actually though it's edible plate is it just dough add food coloring in each dough is out it is those it just duh yeah okay you're gonna shape it that was a terrible circle some dirty food you are you gonna eat who would eat that fine nasty yeah because what was the ingredients on a full cup of salt good lord do you know how much a cup of salty the government is gonna want to know our location after this hat oh man okay does does the umbrella like know something does it have secrets no this is kind of like what's that movie that everybody loves that I personally don't really care for it Kingsman [Music] I just didn't prefer it was more of like a Gore fest really I don't really like Corpus oh wow oh wow that hurts Oh imagine one of those right into the the old old test the tests yeah like these different kinds of batteries they've got look well that's a motor and motor yeah they've got so many different motors and modems and routers and mousers what my pants is what's happening no do it your own sutter dispenser yeah that's pretty dope magic movie nights and you had this for friends oh my gosh really sick sleepover you'll never sleep no we kill what oh okay me and my dog that's it I'm not upset good man cutting pencils they're not what if you think we'll ever run out of graphite and we won't have any personal it is it a letter graphite but I think it's graphite in pencils they just call it lead because they like being wrong you're wrong you think we'll ever run out of that and then if so now everything's on computers and what are you made out of because whatever we'll just go over to pen you know what you kids made out of like octopuses dubby oh just out there milk in octopuses time to go to the octopus form I like to think he's scuba diving with an empty pen he's got a backpack full of Gillette pins and just going he's got that led to five different colors in one so he's got five different colored octopuses going we didn't even see this happen this is a this is a machine boom boom stick cuz gets a the word is YouTube yeah for a channel that can't pronounce very specific words we feature those very specific words quite frequently if you can take syringe concur glue this wouldn't be a channel bless you squeeze that is a stress reliever right there guys oh I'm gonna leave so much stress right now yeah hydraulic is like so stressed out wait what does I draw it dress dude and wind down wait you didn't even pop it oh yeah but what does it do to wind down if you don't have a stress ball dude look oh no it popped it I wanted this stress ball to win honestly I think it did I think it held up a fight it did you know the fact that it's not a pile of goo right now I consider to win that's true the underdog finally won tarik all right hello dislocation boys what country is it soon look at the background I was making my tea only oh wow how to the boys weak ones and hand like that look boy boy boy we find in the second hand before reaching the surface that's pretty quick he did it dang that's pretty good accuracy matters so fake Pringles yeah they're called slide slide slide and lift or just slide in that bottle that is the problem with Pringles you can big sorry go yeah I'm sorry guys alright so we have a cap and we got some yep team no cap oh that was nice oh this is smart this is smart dude you can get that last Pringle or slide oh wow wow that is so cool hey Pringles hit hit this guy up cut a ride cover us he has your answer he might save you that's like the video so I can get more Hoover eat this Chris is starving here alright one thing I do like is illusion because it meant music what it's following me what happened how is it following me it's you're just walking away the cameraman is just walking away there's a triangle this is nice yeah and the end of the like July and there's a wall over here now there's just a note and it just says I think we'd be better as this prison are you just like she turned it around the lights are off they're gone she's a pretty Lynn abrasca you guys fly out there she thinks it's gonna be a wedding proposal oh my gosh that is that does look like a wedding proposal - look at that that is listen imagine him playing this music that's cold it's a star I like that well I hack what a hack yeah oh it's crunch time get crunching it's crunch time are you ready for this we got to turn the volume way up what that your tongue Oh God don't make that noise is so bad mmm I'm satisfied thoroughly ah that wasn't me but it sounds like me oh I'm so satisfied honey what are you doing in there I'm watching sand no it would be easier to pull up adult material than this be easier to explain honey are you getting satisfied to sand again i'm just on instagram with your models again you know me I don't watch sand every night and that's how I soothe myself existence is pain this makes it easy is what the takeaway from all of this is I just like saying why can't I just like saying why can't I just eat Sam that's a good point Wow impressive that's quite like that I think we should commentate on the editing of this video rather than actual hack honestly because look at how fast he's going I'm interested the whole time I don't know what's happening but I'm interest up still touching you know I like when they have like the giant plank of wood and they have like science experiment like I love all the mad scientists on this on this channel they are mad wait that's actually a derogatory term for scientists and you shouldn't be how dare you you see look he made what are those missiles whoa this is crazy this is how this how Elon Musk just started fishing he almost was like you know I want to do rockets so mommy go write me ice cream I'm gonna win Elon Musk donated a million trees that's how his got planted that's it yeah just all right targeted it's the dirt that's the dirt shoutout to you almost Thank You tree lon tree line my tree lon ah deaf J hey when you're trying to get your your bogeys why Benja table your vegetable is in your knife is dull no was a mole you don't have no a knife sharpener so we're going dude you gotta go and give this little tire lego things thats not a lego tire you know just awesome who's home with player pliers you don't hammer with pliers you ply with pliers or plies hey that's gonna work though yeah this tires are you give me frustration who's that that's my friend frustration yes for some reason he's always around when you're here yeah he follows me hey you know what else is a flashdrive holder my hands my fingers what what is that in his flash drive he's got the cockroach in there it did look like that was cockroach stuff oh so look if you ever lose your life your life at if you ever lose your flash drive or you don't want to get stuff inside of it just glue it to a tic-tac thing because you never no one's ever lost a box of Tic Tacs before I don't think I've ever made it through a full box of Tic Tacs it's like chapstick yeah hey that worked I guess you know it's a great place you'll never lose your flash drive inside your couch cushions because nothing's ever got lost in there that's true
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 2,183,660
Rating: 4.9066415 out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: baEwkL2zqpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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