Beating Terraria Without Jumping or Flying

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jumping in terraria is incredibly essential used for the most basic tasks like exploration and building and of course not dying so is it possible to beat terraria's hardest difficulty without ever jumping once before anything let's establish the rules flying and jumping is another question well what about mounts you also need your spacebar for that which i completely disabled we'll be playing on master mode which is the official hardest difficulty not including any seeds and just for the fun of it i'll be keeping track of most of my death and of course the challenge ends when we defeat the moonlord but real quick a very large portion of people that watch my videos are not subscribed so i would really appreciate if you could subscribe it takes one second and it really does help other channel alright with all that stuff out of the way let's begin starting out terraria is a bit slow so i invited wasefi a friend of mine to join for a few days just at the start he also can't jump no jumping wow this is really weird i i hate that yeah oh my god the plan is going to be you jump to get the wood [Laughter] something as simple as making npc houses was now a whole unnecessarily complicated process not to mention i was still getting used to not being able to jump oh my god this is so slow how dare you help me oh my god this takes ow i did it i did it it was all me all me ow it took a whole day but as the sun was setting we had finally built the houses for npcs the next step was to work on a elevator with the goal of finding gems to make a hook giving us a way better movement we can't we can't we're trapped we're trapped goodbye cruel world okay well no i got this i got this i got this i got this oh no he's blocked no no while working on the elevator wasafi did end up fighting a spider hook but now allow me to explain a very fun mechanic associated with hooks to unhook you need to jump if you don't jump you're stuck on the hook unless you aim and miss your hook you could always break the block you're currently holding which isn't very optimal in the middle of a fight and using grappling hooks that have multiple arms just makes it harder to let go after mining for a while some npcs had moved in and now we had extra health and ores we could use for better gear yeah what is the best way to make an arena for this angled platforms is there a way to unhook controls no because you have to jump to do that bad game design i know exploring the world without jumping would be a bit difficult without the proper gear so i decided to begin setting up minecart tracks i'm going to place that's what happens anything we can get why are you that fun and then got back to mining no why is there slime no why is there a spider well if you think about it why is there a spider with the elevator complete we began making our way to the crimson biome where we were forced to dig our way inside oh god was if he managed to get the undertaker i didn't manage to get anything as i died and then we both died a lot during the blood work he's killing them after successfully surviving the blood moon i head back to the crimson biome we managed to find a sky island but unfortunately there were wings which we can't use we also spent a few days fishing searching for sky islands and finishing exporting whatever part of the overworld we hadn't damn i can't jump i forgot man fishing sure it's relaxing oh a balloon oh pyramid really yeah it's right here everything we could get from it is completely useless but cool i got to building houses in an oasis for npcs and then mine for a bit longer we had to deal with another blood moon but finally after many days of hard work and farming it was finally time to put the arena we had recently expanded to the test with our first proper boss i do it uh potions have been used here we go oh perfect these levels are so nice oh come on oh no dirty defense against the eye 29 yeah oh i'm so scared oh i look really scared my explosive arrows right now oh i yes look what we got yes oh my god celebrate with me yeah oh i'm trying to jump yeah yeah yeah we might have gotten a bit overconfident and attempted to take on the brain no what's up you don't get stuck ah jump away jump away would that be i'm cursed i'm cursed i couldn't do anything oh boy you really need to jump with this boss oh we'll go back we'll clutch back hold on hold on oh oh what's if you could do this what's that no no we teleported into me i don't have enough time to dodge away oh my god this arena now on my own i decided to spend a bit of time actually farming properly and so i got to fishing and fished for many many days thanks to the fishing we have a lot more defense now health this might be pretty difficult but we're going to be in a better position if i can get health stoned okay all right i'm sitting here damn it nice now i can make enough for wasafi if he wants to continue with me we need to organize this organize this this this this we always have one platinum not bad a lot of fishing helps then let's do this this yes we're gonna do a lot of mining okay now i feel like i can actually defend myself it is master mode so it takes a while to get there there's a bit of an overkill but i don't care i think it's a smart thing to do i don't see why i shouldn't do it now buff for this fight where are your little there you are all right this is way easier look at that we're gonna get the brainer confusion out of this one of the best accessories in the game so i'm very excited all right nice you can go shop and sell this sell this yeah i'm just gonna do a bit of mining a lot of mining hopefully get our house up to 400 now another life first of all another one over here too no all right that's fine i see it you useless very oh finally that's so nice oh hello actually won the worst hook oh finally no fall damage there you go 400 health perfect perfect perfect all right oh oh oh cool cool what are the odds is that happening a meter landed okay perfect all right all right reforge nice perfect perfect morning give me a warning okay i ran our money nice second eye nice and uh sure perfect perfect perfect perfect two three four two all right we can make a uh minecart to the other side of the world that's also gonna be very useful and we should get to it as soon as we can please terraria three digit i i want a fast stack craft option so i can just not have to do this please thank you hey it's done we got two train tracks train tracks minecarts tracks now an arena in the dungeon do i need skeletron right now no i don't oh oh there it is oh my god that's so sick what are the chances star cannon space gun this one's good but i have multi-three and stars now start we need a lot of stars all right attempt to get stars i'm also going to spend the day making my world travel so i can travel in a straight line without having to jump too much i'm going to focus on that wow this is gonna be difficult to dodge oh my god okay this is gonna be a hard arena to make no i'm thinking a minecart is gonna be the best way to go about this and make it zigzag or i can make two minecart tracks yeah i don't think it's possible because if i use the grapple hook once i'm stuck in it right i i can't get out of this but i can get out if there's a minecart track boom [Music] where is he huh what happened what what happened that was a good fight that was a good fight he was just stuck there that's that's what i wanted honestly i don't know how viable this is we're not ready to enter hard mode though there's a lot of work we got to do we're going to make an area for bait we're gonna make an area for live fruit let's do it now before we enter horror mode oh that works for traveling i'm using this so i can get up easier it seems to work pretty well and we're gonna put this so the wall grows up and now i need an arena we're gonna make an arena there's a lot of planning that goes into this so the plan is quite simple tnt falls through platforms where you place a bunch of we clear a bunch of room and make a bunch of platforms like this right yes perfect this is gonna be the middle point it's coming along pretty well it's not the size i would like it to be pretty sure it's like a bit too small but it's working fine and regardless all right we have kind of a form not the best form i'll be honest but it should get the job done now the moment of truth well this arena i made work it's so bad but it's so difficult yeah i got battle potions and let's go get a water candle from the dungeon there are no water candles what again i want to get all right no one again though all right we got the occasional bat spawning over here but that's fine all right this is good enough for now very confusing arenas i've had to build to this kind of wild i guess we could use a jungle arena ah more arena building we're gonna need it for horror mode i might have to get on that i'm planning on this assuming i won't get stuck in harmon forever i'm gonna complete the challenge i don't care i'm going to complete it we're 11 hours in i'm gonna complete it i don't care and because i didn't want to suffer building an arena in the jungle by myself i decided to phone a friend once more obsolete in all honesty i was just trying to mess with my friends making them do this challenge yeah you ever thought about just using like uh like cheat sheet or something to clear the land nah i feel like i feel like it might be it's part of the challenge true i just man like making arenas is pain especially when you can't jump oh i know oh i have made several already yeah oh oh no okay but yeah if building arenas has been like this i really don't know why you're putting yourself through this that this is not a content yeah that's fair okay so if you're if you're hearing this it means that mars put me in the video so you should probably subscribe to mars and me if you're feeling extra crazy because we both make cool terraria content i'm just saying i actually think that you have a really good chance of being able to defeat plantera like once you get to it i don't think that it'll be as hard as you think just because this arena is gonna carry you i feel we seem to have everything ready for hormone but will we be able to enter hard mode is the real question i don't know and i am scared endurance more endurance there's something i want to do still let's free the dungeon and then we get the mechanic we set up the heart chris uh the heart statue get off the purple key to open up city and chest and then we get the hell fire wing bow i forgot the name of it right that's gonna be either well or how to oh please please please oh no oh it's not too bad but it's it's pretty weird because the attacks are so simple all you gotta do is jump i think this boss is oh boy oh that's too far the swiper is easy to avoid this i can just uh something stuck that's so bad one hand oh right this attack oh that attack thank you think you think it's easy oh let me up let me up wait wait wait wait wait wait no oh i'm dead unless oh my god ah get me out oh yes that was surprisingly difficult that was harder than i expected was the dungeon guardian defeated the dungeon was now free for us to explore but it was way too difficult and not really worth my time so the moment i got a shadow key i got out of there oh there's more yes all right let's see how this goes probably not gonna be amazing okay it's going pretty well so far we have a lot of room okay now they're starting to do more damage go with the first wall of flesh fight going better than i expected i only made a few minor changes before trying again it's definitely doable even better with heart reach because i'm gonna get health also i could switch to this because of the potion coil and now we had made it into harmony without jumping a single time and all it took was around 14 hours of preparation from here on out things only get more complicated so let's get to work after breaking a few altars the fear of playing hardcore and for the worthy had come back to me because i decided to avoid every single enemy and instead got to fishing the reason i needed to fish was for this cobalt we can get hard mode ore and better weapons what did we get palladium cobalt not that much better we'll get more oh my god i did it i defeated the pirates palladium and let's do this why not we're gonna stay here until we get the rod of discord i spent a bit of time trying to get the wrong discord over at the mob form i had made except i was quickly starting to run into a few problems there are too many bats getting the rod of discord was taking way longer than i would have hoped it is still really rare but it was taking way too long so equipped with some food mining gear and the mining potion i got to money for a bit choking more token there we go the choking and then titanium why are you here titanium forge and now we're gonna use this actually we're gonna keep the repeater oh my god oh my god i i got i'm cutting that out oh what is this oh what do i name him what a name what a name and what a name and what do you name him his name it's jimmy to prepare for the mechanical bosses we were going to need eichor and holy arrows so i made a bit of a makeshift form to try and get as many unicorn horns as they could for each horn you get 200 arrows oh i do want to get the blessed apple though so i never did end up getting the enchanted apple we're in a good position i think we're ready for the mimics after i get the ike or arrows but we should be ready i need these blocks we're gonna place them in the underground arena over here so hopefully we can get icor easier this way we can get i-corps and still have a chance for the rod of discord cool oh hello oh actually good oh wait the ancient united shield is something you can obtain from the traveling merchant by pure luck and the best part is that it comes with homing on everything on the screen my issue of dealing with bats had now been solved now i think the smart option is doing all of the mad ones okay i can't jump right i need more okay i put myself in a bad situation oh oh oh no oh no oh it was not a good idea oh this was bad oh okay that's one of them done ow ow two oh there's two of them right there okay three die nice and after farming for the wrong discord for a few more hours with no luck it was time to bite the bullet and to try and fight the first mechanical boss let's do this oh my god okay the life the life steal potion and the shield of godzilla's give me oh my god dude these these walls are are not good it did not go well although this can be replaced with this [Music] oh my god really come on oh that's bad i'm off to a bad start please don't kill the nurse where's the nurse well this was unfortunate i can do this i can do it 11 seconds i'll get my position back right right right i forgot i had this potion but i don't want him to despawn that's the problem oh why why why can't i get a break oh come on come on see this is why you don't use the potion then you think it's the potion oh my god oh my god oh my god okay i'm not doing it during a blood moon would it be dumb it would be so dumb if i did this ring up didn't even touch the worm once all right it's done first mechanical boss defeated i think the gravitational potion is too strong with only one of the mechanical boss defeated we are now able to get life through look at all this oh there's our first live fruit oh my god 200. hours of farming hours of farming we finally got the rod of discord which is going to make this challenge so much easier if i wanted to make a 100 days video i would be close to having all the footage i needed that is a lot of time right i can't dash done you i need you i need you all right perfect so we need more health potions and the best way to get them for free is source of light because i have a lot of them all right how many is that 15 at the same time wait no that's only nine oh oh oh there it is oh i like this [Music] done i want to get more health before i take on more enemies i right now he died we were now about 33 hours into the challenge and i had finally managed to obtain the enchanted apple and the rod of discord look at this we are ready and now with all the light fruit collected it was time to take on the remaining mechanical bosses all right let's do this where are they i can i cannot run them too fast all right i can't jump right right right right i just did a race video so it's it's very weird to me that i can't jump oh my god this yeah i keep running out of arena too fast ow no no thank you please don't kill her please oh my god oh my god oh my god you hit so hard oh my god please please i'm trying to run right but like i can't please just die please please oh my gosh this one oh my god that was so difficult at the final stage zombie zombies i'm gonna get out of the way i'm running out of space way too fast nice nice this arena is good but i need a way bigger one it'll be easy once i get my hollow armor though which i'm very close to getting i'm getting kind of nervous for the next bosses i'm genuinely nervous here goes the last one hello ow i think the plan is just running back and forth a lot oh okay i won't go that way oh oh that screech i'm trying to hit him with the eye core arrows and then pushing to the holy arrow last second oh my god in my car oh i'm gonna get hit big heels okay this one may have the simplest pattern of just running back and forth because then for the worthy he destroys the arena and it's off and that's the last one perfect now we have hollow armor which means we'll get the shadow dodge effect which is um the best effect in the game all right we're off to plantera we've made it so far but we're not done all right maybe the destroyer was the easiest one he always will be i don't think this arena is big enough i'll be honest i made that pre-hard mode and i didn't even make it in a circular shape uh it might be fine it's the same height as this i'm nervous i'm very nervous about this actually i want chlorophyte all right with chlorophyte we can make the shot bulb which is amazing because it does this triple shot look at that it's amazing yes there it is this is where we make this right next to the arena all right so i think we're currently unable to grapple if we hook we're probably gonna die all right let's do this hello oh how are we gonna do this the plan is to not get hit as much i can't really rotate yet okay can i please go up the yes all right this is really difficult this is really difficult oh my god what a weird way to fight pantera this is so weird okay i kind of got the rhythm now okay i think i think this is it uh how do i do this how do i do this how do i do this how do i do this i might need a bigger arena i might need a bigger arena yeah i'm gonna need a bigger arena all right let's fix up the arena and let's mine out some more land because right there i could not dodge anything i have doubled the arena in size i think we are now ready to do this maybe this i i think this is good enough and then we have this how did you get over here let's do this oh wait did somebody fun uh all right we have way better arena now is that a spider look at this oh my god ow wow that continually hurt 200 damage okay there's a very scuffed circle but not as bad as before but so much better than before look at this yeah look at this nice oh just kidding oh my god shadow dodge or whatever it's called nice yes oh my god i'm so tired all right better minion i know we're gonna get better minion this challenge is almost done i i usually fly over everything oh no okay wait this might be nicer hold on i'll be able to just make my way across there are no traps on the roof it worked i can't mind them so i can make an arena right yes let me just shoot him from over here oh we're doing a lot of damage oh my god this is so easy oh my god please please please first try first try please get on me oh my god temple was so easy we're actually gonna do this i can't believe it two more trophies toward collection oh my god we're actually gonna do this this is crazy yesterday we defeated golem and now what's left well oh boy oh my god i can't believe it's it's almost over here we are i am very nervous i am very much nervous let us begin could i use like arrows please i'm actually going to try and focus for this fight because i'm very scared of the lunatic of this [Music] is he immune to igor i see am i wasting my arrows there are so many enemies getting in the way that i cannot pay attention to right now and it's a bit nerve-racking oh my god the eye bouncing right back into the attack oh my god perfect okay i think this is better so far it's been easier to aim with this what are you oh no don't do that don't do those oh don't do those first record this first try clothes oh my god first record this yes yes yes yes yes yes oh oh my god let's see if i can do stardust first i can get a dragon and then we can do vortex oh my god oh my god we're actually gonna do this challenge oh i'm so excited i'm so happy i did not think i was gonna be able to do this but look at how far we've come yeah okay rotator potion is gonna carry us i'm probably not gonna talk much and just get these done because they are boring there we go oh my god ah there's so much left and we're gonna make the stardust dragon and we need what is the best thing you can get i have so much money it doesn't matter whatever i'll take demonic next filler vortex filler because i don't want to deal with solar and i want to get the phantasm at least we got the phantom now yes i got him i got him i don't care all right time to reforge finally this took a lot longer than i thought it would i really wish they would change the lunar uh event i guess it's just killing a bunch of enemies it's not really that fun all right one more to go i'm gonna try to do the thing that i kind of forgot how to do but if i if i can do this properly it's going to be a lot easier oh i can't go go no go no i'm sorry no wait i'm selling i'm standing oh my god this is gonna be impossible okay i can't do it i can't do it i can't do it oh my god i was trying to put a box in the sky but i can't jump up i forgot and i need to try and get the uh box oh wait wait i might be able to do it up here die die why are you dying why are you dying please please please please no i'm touching the girl i'm looking at the girl aha i'm touching the ground other than the ground i'm touching the ground i don't remember how to do this i think it's like this okay will this work no i need to be here okay please please please i'm on the floor i'm on the floor i'm on the floor i am on the floor okay did that work yes it worked oh my god wait oh this is yes yes yes yes no oh my god we're so close we're actually gonna do this i don't care just end this end this color and this miller yes oh my god oh my god yes this is the end let's all come down to this let's do this oh my god look at this damage i am strong all right oh this is doing the thing isn't it nice that's why we have the rod of discord i want to get out of the oh right right the thing there's a perfect position to be in like running away from his hand yes okay uh oh we're we're healthy we're really healthy that was so much damage okay we are not healthy we are not healthy we are not healthy we are not healthy we are not ah the gravitation pose you killed me i take no responsibility if i didn't have the gravitational pull we could have done it first try come on look at that damage all right second try that's the second hand oh i gotta close the game oh i closed the game what happened oh my god wait oh my god i dodged it late i accidentally clicked off the game oh where's the nurse we're done please oh my god i got so lucky there okay perfect perfect perfect okay that's the last side that's the last side yes yes yes yes oh i really wish i had a longer arena for this okay we talked to laser and we're getting our portrait cooldown in zero seconds it's back basically oh i'm i'm shaking i'm literally shaking i can't believe this oh look at how slow wow no i'm not risking it i'm not risking i'm not risking it where's the nurse where's that where's the nurse what is she doing over there oh my god how did she get over there she probably got hit by an attack and then fell over ah that's so upsetting i did not think he was gonna be this difficult i'm gonna be honest [Music] that was good i dodged everything right there [Music] i'm gonna aim for the eye when i can what's the game i suppose looking like oh my god also what i'm doing there is i get off my horse for a split second just so i can get the show the cthulhu dash and then move on max speed oh that's gonna be bad perfect i feel like it i mess up sometimes come on oh i did not avoid that perfect uh i'll be seeing you and now the heart okay good dodge good dodge come on come on come on ah oh get me out of here yes yes it's good okay we're so close we're so close yes yes you can beat the game without jumping you can and you can oh my god oh you can i jump so so barely anything oh i can barely jump oh my god i guess that answers it you can't beat the game without jumping oh my god what a fun challenge if you enjoyed the video please please leave a like and if you want to see more challenge videos please comment challenges i had so much fun i'm never doing this one again [Music] thank you for watching you
Channel: Mars
Views: 256,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no jump, no jump challenge, terraria master mode, terraria 1.4.4, terraria 1.4.4 leak, terraria challenge, terraria full playthrough, is it possible, terraria no jumping, terraria no flying, terraria no challenge, can you beat terraria, sample, mars terraria race, boio boio terraria, adrian terraria, chippy 1.4.4, terraria update, terraria race, terraria randomizer, mars randomizer, mars race, terraria is it possible, sockrteez, sockrteez terraria, terraria but
Id: kvRupihue30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 37sec (2737 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 31 2022
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