Beating Master Mode Terraria EXACTLY How The Wiki Tells Me To

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hello everybody waffle time here and today we are going to be plowing our way through master mo terraria with a small twist i will be playing terraria the way god intended using a guy from the wiki this guide is meant for master mode or master mode hardcore and we're gonna follow it to a t to see not only if it works but to see if it works for us and specifics as this guy seems like it has some interesting strategies for the bosses that work ahead let's begin shall we it all starts on a bright and sunny day one which tells us the first step is to collect plenty of wood after most available wood has been harvested have a look around for chests make wooden weapons and kill some slimes make a small box out of wood for protection and start digging a elevator during the night as you can see i jumped straight into tree chopping a first crucial component to any terraria world i have high hopes going into this that will be quickly diminished through a series of growing a god complex and then being crushed immediately afterwards i build an intricate yet rustic hut for our beloved sweet sweet baby guide which we will swiftly and surely put on the slow roast in hell by voodoo doll later on in this run but we won't think about that for now we have bigger and better things to do such as loot this chests i got myself a step stool that had more defense than my entire wooden armor set because it had warding got me a sick ass spear to poke stuff with and some rather mundane climbing claws we head back to the future side of fort waffle and build ourselves a little storage and crafting area which will also give us swift access to our elevator that we place below i start digging a bit but i do not go too far after a quick and successful day one we move straight into day two which tells us on the second day it may be of the player's interest to obtain cactus gear beware of vultures as they can quickly end the playthrough without effort proceed with extreme caution avoid crimson corruption and jungle at all costs during the night the smartest thing to do is simply expand the elevator metal equipment will be a massive milestone and simply digging further downwards is the easiest method of getting there light up caves and loot underground cabins glowing mushroom biomes etc with extreme caution beware of traps we do exactly as our holy divine guide says and go straight into the desert to get some cacti and make some armor out of it there's nothing i love more about cactus than making articles of clothing out of it and putting it directly onto my skin with zero repercussion or responsibility for my actions i also venture slightly further out and loot some living wood trees excellent i then swang a langet over to the left side of my world to see if there's some more tasty treats for me to indulge myself in but i'm quickly met with the cruel reality that corruption ass cancer is right next to my house i look forward to having to constantly contaminate later exciting fun as it turns nighttime i have my cactus armor now so i'm feeling like a beast nothing could stop me not even god nothing except for a dart that does over the amount of health i have in damage i now cower behind my crippling victim complex having that said however all i had to do after that was eat bell peppers and mine all the ores in sight brother i don't eat bell peppers as day two ends and day three begins we see it's a pretty lax day compared to our previous endeavors starting to branch out on day three is not a bad idea crafting stations and storage should be set up as well as housing obtaining reasonable weapons tools and armor will also be necessary for upcoming bosses armor you say will boom right in your goddamn face mismatch armor for my mismatch mentality npc housing you say well lucky for you i could build a [ __ ] out of some small squares with tables and a chair in them check this out watch me speed build [Music] this is where we really get into the sweet succulent meat and potatoes of early pre-hard mode in the early game the player needs to prepare for early bosses and events in order to defeat them safely the player may proceed along normal progression and fight the king slime i have cthulhu and goblin army with silver or gold quality weapons however the safest way especially in hardcore hardcores to be overpowered and use weapons which break the normal sequence below are a couple of options for obtaining overpowered equipment in the early game mini shark it'll require the player to make one risky run into the corruption or crimson with the new gun the arm dealer is now eligible to move into an empty house buy the mini shark from him to make the rest of the early game a breeze baby it is time to get that [ __ ] mini shark in our possession at once what can go wrong honestly all i have to do is break a couple of orbs and get a musket so the arms dealer moves in we're gonna sit here and do some therapy building so we could feel better about ourselves but at least we got one gun that's really all we needed we do however need those triple dipple nipple fat stack discounts so we move our arms dealer in with this little cinnamon apple in order to sweeten the pot after that we do some more exploring to get our health and money up we will surely need it in order to get that mini shark at long last we're prepared to take on our first boss which is considered the most difficult and victatious boss in the entire game of terraria so much so that there are many players that avoid killing him entirely in their playthrough that's right king [ __ ] slime himself here's how we have to prepare after any further preparation king slime should be fought a long three-layer arena of platforms with plenty of space to move around should be constructed a hook at least 180 life silver equipment or better and lots of potions should be used remember to keep a distance at all times why why is there even a tutorial on killing king slime you may ask well i asked myself the same thing remember that silly little god complex that continuously got shattered i was telling you about earlier in this video well i got embarrassingly close to dying versus king slime but thankfully i didn't my pride and confidence are now extremely fragile and it'll take a very small amount of constructive criticism from anyone for me to snap and make the stylist shave me bald having all that said and done we have officially iced our first boss we are now ready for the moonlord nothing can stop us now that we've toughed out the absolute hardest part of the game we can now move on to doing some more exploring the guide states following the defeat of king slime one may choose to further explore the world whenever an uncommon resource is encountered make sure to confirm full safety before going to collect it alright check the next one is mining we could really knock out two birds with one stone after we get some good gear and do some mining once some good gear has been acquired venturing into the underground layers is feasible look for gold or platinum and make sure to look through chests be sure to grab all oars and slush fossils or silt blocks for the extractinator all right check now if we haven't already it's time to do some npc gathering and grab all the npcs we don't have with us this includes absolutely destroying the goblin troops in the goblin invasion once some gold or platinum armor and or weapons have been obtained it is time to gather some npcs once grenades are required it's time to take on the goblin army use the grenades but when they run out use a small volcano farm this is a small pit filled with very shallow lava with the room underneath go under the lava and wait have a broadsword out to deal with chaos balls and watch for the teleportation of goblin sorcerers themselves i actually have most of the npcs mentioned in here minus one of the most important little money grabbing bastards i know the goblin tinkerer we need to mess that goblin invasion up to get him though and i can't even begin to describe how much i am not looking forward to this i farm some goblin scouts out on the outskirts of my world to make that goblin battle standard i make a quick lava trap setup and take care of those mindless little numskull nincompoop ground units while i make a small section underneath to hide under at any rate all we'd have to do is worry about the chaos balls which surprise are a huge [ __ ] problem much bigger than i had previously anticipated this ended up being a struggle fest despite the fact that i was as well prepared as one could be you'll notice this is a reoccurring theme for the rest of the video as a matter of fact every single time i die when i'm over prepared for an event or a boss i age by two years i do not have much time left rejoice we win finally god i hate the [ __ ] goblin invasion time for one of the first bosses that offer us some pretty legit loot there's a need for the shield of cthulhu as we're going to need it in order to dodge the speedy hits of queen bee an easy and overpowered method is to make a sky bridge around 300 to 700 blocks horizontally with platforms then place sand on top of the sky bridge in order for the method to work you need dune rider boots below it put hard lanterns and campfires the extreme speed will make it extremely hard to get hit when it starts speed swinging at you finally we get to beast out a real boss and get some real good loot let's make a quick platform and summon him and get right to bed not so fast you bring this little twerp you have to get dune rider boots and make a sand platform god damn it this shouldn't be too hard right all i have to do is loot chests loot chests loot chest loot chest loot chest loot chest loot chest loot chest loot chest loot chest man on screen it sure looks like this was a quick and simple process but i assure you that getting these boots was attached that took several hours of my life it felt 1 000 times worse knowing that i could have simply made a long row of platforms and shot the eye to death but that would violate the entire premise of this video and god damn it despite making me so unbelievably mad the premise makes some juicy [ __ ] content we make our arena and charge directly into battle man i talked some crazy [ __ ] because of the amount of hours i had to put into getting the components to the strategy but it worked so damn good i have stood no chance against me didn't stand a chance with regular platforms in hermes boots either i was far too fast for it that's another boss crossed right off the list and thank christ we have ourselves a shield of cthulhu next boss on the list is the eater of worlds big worm if you're corruption you can get the ancient shadow armor it's the best set before the eater of the world so it's worth the amount of farming get water candles if you want to risk it to make the farming quicker other than that you should use battle potions make an arena on the surface with five layers make them high but low enough to where you can rocket boot to them make the arena with campfires and heart lanterns farm it until you get full armor and all the tools and stuff again you would think this would be an extremely easy process just do some grinding right wrong rn jesus hates us today what do you do to combat rngesus automation did automating the death of these flying hemorrhoids helped to get that full set of armor [ __ ] almost six hours off my existence six hours waiting for a helmet to drop from one of these loathsome little anal polyps we make our five layer arena with some good buffs then go ahead and blow up the last shadow orb in order to summon the eater of worlds i made a demon bow and a very unhealthy amount of gestures arrows so we can schlick right through this boss lo and behold it works every time i absolutely love the satisfaction of shooting never-ending arrows through several segments of giant cancer worm it makes me feel whole again really it really just fills that void from when i almost died to the king slime another boss off the list and another excellent accessory in our arsenal the worm scarf and shield of cthulhu will carry our sorry asses all the way through hard mode i'm pissing all over the floor now even thinking about it you're probably going to want to get full molten armor and the tools to it this is because the bosses and everything else do so much damage get two obsidian skin potions activate one of the potions jump the lava mine the hellstone use the other one whenever it's about to run out you should have about 180 bars of hellstone once you're finished the things we need are the molten fury the fiery greatsword obviously full molten armor now you're extremely overpowered man i love the sound of that epic mining compilation incoming boy oh boy i can't tell you how good it feels to have this molten lava rock on my skin we also equip ourselves with several excellent hellrock weapons which will make our victims complex dissipate a very very small amount it's time for another boss after all that hellstone mining find a hive and mark it down on the map with a ton of torches surrounding it mine a side away to make an arena platform it your way make a honey place at the bottom for faster healing put campfires everywhere so healing is made easy use your molten fury and get frostburn arrows once you defeat it farm it with the combined force of my molten bow and newly crafted frostburn arrows as well as the might of the fiery greatsword this battle was only slightly ass clenching i've always had a hell of a time with the queen bee also known as queen p on account of her strange fixation on [ __ ] and piss but anyways her defense skyrockets as her health depletes making this fight more and more annoying as her health goes down the final recipe of demolishing the wall of flesh calls for over 300 being aids so we have some grinding to do aside from the grinding this is one more boss we could cross off this list at least i didn't have to scour every chest in the entire world in order to get a key component hint dune writer boots in order to challenge this boss maybe we could buy skeletron as the saloon is very valuable it has over ten thousand health combined and it literally shoots skulls this should be done in between queen slime and the mechanical bosses okay final preparation this step is very important as not only is the wall of flesh fight difficult the hard mode will be very punishing and preparation is necessary build a big runway for wall of flesh right after the fight grab the loot and return home then buy a shotgun and extra ammo this will provide a reasonable form of defense against the early but formidable enemies in hard mode we get all of our potions ready for the final battle of free hard mode get a killer platform ready extra long for an extra fast flesh wall as well as prepare our pockets to be wrung out dry because we have to buy hard mode weapons and reforge them after this is over we're on to the final steps it feels amazing it feels like this has taken so much goddamn longer than it should have but [ __ ] it it feels amazing the time is right everything is ready this battle can make or break us so without further ado let's very carefully carefully extract our guide voodoo doll and let's [ __ ] go bean aids are key here bring at least 300 bean aids even if it requires farming running out of beans is a certain death sentence in this fight bringing too many is impossible after setting up a very long bridge as an arena zoom out as much as possible and throw the doll then start running and throw the bean aids now now when i tell you that this [ __ ] is fast i mean he is fast dude has wheels maybe he's actually just really really fast on account of the fact that his exposed flesh is a natural lubricant allowing him to glide freely around the underworld as he pleases yep that's it that's my new theory this is canon now as for the clutch i'm going to not speak and allow you to experience the same emotion i felt in this time disbelief [Music] in an absolute clutch we defeat the wall of flesh on our first try thank god my ass cheeks were clenched so insanely hard that they could have turned a piece of coal into diamond i tell you now if i would have died at this stage of the game after grinding out enough queen bees for over 300 being aids i would have [ __ ] imploded i would have bottled it all up inside and taken it out on my future family what a relief we don't have to do that time for hard mode welcome to hard mode with the defeat of the wall of flesh the difficulty of survival is greatly increased the first thing to do is buy a shotgun as detailed above gather souls and icor slash cursed flames and smash some altars now gather the hard mode ores try to stay near the underworld to potentially obtain a hellfire and fire feather once a good supply of hard mode ores has been mined create a safe fishing spot wyverns can be very difficult to fight try piercing or explosive weapons and dodge well then craft a mithril or or a calcum anvil and an adamantite slash titanium forge craft bars and equipment out of hard mode ore we go ahead and cop our handy dandy shotgun to deal with the hard mode mobs by deal with them i mean ward them off just enough to run away like the sniveling little piss babies we are this section is mostly resource gathering in order to actually survive and make progress in hard mode so we do just that the most chunky bit of this is the ore collection as per usual but in order to do that we have to lay the pipe on some of these altars to make the ores spawn in our world we are simply feeling like some tremendous [ __ ] beasts from clutching that wall of flesh battle on accident so we do no fishing and instead pile drive our way right back into hell and the caverns to gather as much ore as we can we don't bother with the armor except for our last tier we have no time to waste it feels good and bad being in hard mode good because we can finally get way better gear and have nothing but an open world in front of us to explore pillage and make sweet love to bad because upon the mere touch of any hard mode mob we immediately lose more than half of our health to their triple double tonsil blasting giga hand twist vacuum seal gog muscle spasm organ twisting brain blaster combo what a trade-off we gather all of the materials and items we can because the rest of this video is going to be one tremendous [ __ ] boss rush with little to do in between each boss at this point there is no doubt in my mind that this will be fun and interesting and most definitely infuriating beyond measure it is now officially time for our first hard mode boss none other than king slime's domi mommy queen slime this fight will be medium hard but be aware the minions that come from this boss also received a massive buff so be extra cautious about the minions that spawned from the boss you're going to want to kill this a couple times so you get full crystal assassin armor the guide was right this fight was medium hard not too bad at all i made that old king slime arena into a queen slime arena by putting some lava down at the bottom that way the little beta cuck slime minions burnt to a crisp while i could focus on their milf of a mother this fight is easy peasy lemon squeezy on most occasions you know what isn't easy however do you really want to be shocked rn jesus making things difficult difficult lemon difficult grind time my favorite several stupid queen slime battles later and we have ourselves full crystal assassin armor which is apparently the key component for demolishing the mechanical bosses let's move right on to them it's about time we get rocking and rolling with the mechs oh you wanted the mechanical boss battle huh you little twerp well too bad pre-hard mode comes back to bite your ass and not in a fun and kinky way buff up as much as possible and a small platform arena can help with your hard mode gears to be no problem alright alright maybe i was just a little bit upset because i wanted to kill a mech but hey this battle went smooth as it should i would be slightly concerned that this battle didn't go well considering we have cool hard mode items now in cool hard mode armor yeah skeletron you know anyways back to hard mode bosses before we challenged the first mechanical boss let it be known that i got absolutely tired of not having any cash money moolah in this world so i went absolutely wacko mode and made one of those big mob farm setups this also put us in an excellent place to kill corrupt mimics which would end up giving us not only potions and other cool loot but also the dart rifle which we would end up using against the destroyer it works so god damn well and i can't tell you why i've slept on this weapon for so long against all of your wishes this took way longer than it should have because surprise i kept dying over and over again but that's not what matters we are willing to compromise in our money-making endeavors by being edged by the sweet release of permanent death then being sucked back into the mortal realm to go collect the money we forgot to put in our piggy banks okay enough of that destroy your time baby time for some progress this technically is an upgrade to the either of worlds use the arena you use for king slime but expand it use full crystal assassin armor when you kill it make a mega shark all right bet seems simple enough we take our dart rifle we worked so hard for march back to our wimpy little arena we used for queen and king slime and summon him right up we go ahead and top the queen slide mount poor thing and start blasting away with our dart rifle again why i didn't use this thing before even in my ranger playthroughs is far beyond me at this point you know what else is far beyond me at this point the unholy amount of health that the destroyer has in classic mode this tank has about 80 000 health which is a whole lot when you challenge this robo tonsil blaster and master mode it does it funny and makes a really small and not that noticeable leap from 80 000 health to 153 000 health and during the length of this fight simply on account of its massive amount of health really hammers the idea into my head that you know maybe the tower of babel didn't go far enough thank [ __ ] that's over with two more mexican we're done with the industrial revolution we go ahead and craft up that juicy yet succulent mega shark and pair it with some cursed bullets this in turn should make the twins be no problem at all try to kill one at a time as they won't go in second form at the same time and have it made a whole lot harder use the same arena use the mega shark we first gun for the main culprit of the direct violation to the geneva convention spasmotism this rat bastard inflicts the cursed inferno debuff on us which gives us more incentive to drop everything and become a mukbang youtuber once we defeat him the fight is pretty much over and we immediately stopped considering such ludicrous routes of professions in our later years retinaser is pretty easy to deal with it's almost like retinazer isn't in the right headspace in this fight after we gun down his brother spasmatism right in front of him who knew flying eyeballs with teeth and lasers were capable of such intense remorse sucks for them they're nothing but materials to us speaking of which epic easy dub epic easy fortnite dub epic clap the metallic [ __ ] dumpster skeletron prime is next the pest god i hate skeletron prime so much i hate his stupid little face and stupid little [ __ ] half smile piece of [ __ ] he's crossed a line he will know our name for the rest of his life because we will carve it in his forehead with a goddamn metal engraver and oxy acetylene weld a stupid laser gun and cannon together god i hate him i hate him so much alright got that off my chest let's battle skeletron prime is definitely the hardest one you're dead if it turns day use the same arena you've been using do the same strats we kept using the dart rifle because it's fun and sexy every dart that caused an inkling of pain to skeletron prime was a testament to my paramount level of hatred towards him in a way this battle felt good knowing this is another terraria world in which i would never have to worry about skeletron prime again another world in which i wouldn't have to look at this stupid little pest in the face now that's a world i want to live in at last we're done with the mechs and we can move on to bigger and better things up next is a terrifying yet thick with three c's jungle boss plantera a big arena is a must as plantera does high contact damage ranged weapons are optimal it's recommended to use the megashark with chlorophyte bullets as for armor use turtle armor for maximum defense and its thorn effect keep a distance from the boss and do the following use a pool of honey set up some heart lanterns and campfires use all regenerative buffs and accessories this fight is pretty self-explanatory i'd say the biggest part of it is having a tall and spacious arena we got our turtle armor got our mega shark and charged right in plantera is an absolute beast if you don't prepare for her correctly she can destroy you with spiky balls shoot seeds at you that can crush any chance of you surviving in that second phase of hers and you always always must be mindful about staying out of tentacle range otherwise we will be the subjects of a new hip and popular duision that people will have to hide from their parents when reading but thankfully that doesn't happen we stay out of tentacle range and keep circling around her gunning her cheeks with one of my favorite weapons in the game there were a couple scary instances in which i thought surely this is the end surely i will be the next six-digit code someone looks up out of curiosity changing their life and porn perspective permanently but we stood our ground remained pure and holy did not get tentacled and ended up with an epic gamer dub for this round with this epic gamer dub we can march our happy asses right into the dungeon and get us some pretty sweet loot to tentacle the other bosses for a change after plantera is defeated the dungeon is completely revamped if you haven't explored the dungeon yet now's the time dungeon enemies are very powerful so keep your distance as much as possible once you get the weapons and accessories you want farm ectoplasm have you ever been playing terraria doing your daily farming perhaps fighting a boss or two and thought man i really wish there was a part of this game in which i could simultaneously be blinded shot [ __ ] exploded lasered and bludgeoned to death all at the same time me either but guess what it's here knocking at your doorstep ready to have intercourse with your wife and teach your kids how to ride their bikes you can never get that back postplantera dungeon beats me to death consistently and while i can appreciate a high level of consistency i can tell you that i consistently want to pull my hair out while i'm doing dungeon work after dying in here several times we wise up and set a spawn at the dungeon so we no longer have to do the nude walk of shame back all the way to the dungeon then go on the loot grind for several more hours we want any loot that will help us demolish the next few bosses but the main loot we're looking for are the components to the master ninja gear after a lot of grinding we get exactly what we need and get the living hell out of dodge before our victims complex and hair loss gets any worse duke fisherman should be fought here or after gollum for the good loot we're gonna do gollum first because we're cowards a large space is required actuate the blocks forming the walls of the room to move into a prepared arena for this boss fight mobility is paramount do not stop moving a tabi or upgrades will be very helpful for its dash this should be used to avoid the i-beams destroying the hands as priority due to their high attack rate when the second phase is reached be sure to pay attention to all incoming projectiles as well as the still moving body man we just walk right into the temple pillage gollum's village and take all of his women let's go i [ __ ] love bullying gollum he's such a fun little punching bag to take out all of our anger on this one goes out to everyone who gets mad at me when they use a patched method on gollum watch and learn simply just shoot the son of a [ __ ] and you'll win simple also read titles and descriptions [ __ ] [ __ ] we grind this little cuck out until we have enough beetle husk for some beetle armor getting us almost all ready for demolishing the moonlord himself i am trying not to throw up from excitement now it's time for dick pisren the shrimpy truffle is almost required for the moonlord fight the weapons are very useful too make a large multi-platform arena over the ocean getting the truffle warm won't be too hard make sure to bring lots of mobility accessories the duke is fast so it'll be hard to out speed him dodge him as well as possible when he goes into his final form use a long ranged weapon such as the mega shark keep grinding until you get the weapon you want in retrospect simply shoot him and stay the living hell away from him because he does an ungodly amount of damage and you don't want any part of that duke fisherman holds a key component in defeating the moonlord and that is his small baby that comes from the shrimpy truffle we use the mega shark while also making good use of the stinger which dropped from gollum god damn this guy is a [ __ ] unit one hit from this guy nearly takes off half of my health which in turn takes out half of my life span we demolished duke fisher in the first time which was very surprising to me we then get the shrimpy truffle meaning we can absolutely wreck duke fishroom with no problem right evasiveness isn't a problem anymore right wrong wrong we die we get nothing we lose anyways last few steps we're moving on to the lunatic cultist for the boss fight dodging is the only way to beat this boss no face tank setup can survive his damage in master mode homing weapons are helpful but note that they can only do 75 percent damage against a cultist proceed with extreme caution so as not to attack the duplicates really thick cultists is never really too bad to deal with i just gotta avoid hitting the duplicates at all costs because then and only then is he a pain in the ass to deal with it's also worth mentioning that he is also a pain in the ass to deal with when you use a mega shark but i love the goddamn mega shark so we spend the entire day fighting the lunatic cultists but hey we did it we made it simple math all right here comes one of the most tedious god damn parts of any terraria run you're almost there the celestial pillars are a difficult fight it is recommended to use a cautious strategy this entails staying near the edges of the pillar's spawn zone allowing fewer enemies to spawn and killing them safely this is a time consuming but safer strategy than simply running towards the pillar attacking also in the solar pillar do not fly if there's a craltipede it can kill you in two shots as it does around 150 damage but if you stay on the ground the crawl to beat will not come down the most treacherous ones in my opinion are obviously the solar pillar as well as the nebula pillar everything in the solar pillar is a goddamn problem the floating brain monster things that teleport and shoot lasers in the nebula pillar however rubbed me the wrong way in many ways defeating all of these pillars however will mark the final step done in regard to preparing for the lord we go ahead and make the vortex beater along with some good bullets as well as make a cute little catastrophic stardust minion to help us in our endeavors this battle is going to be very difficult nothing will shelter the player from the moonlord's attacks and no face tank strategy can outperform his massive damage values it is advised to obtain the shrimpy truffle mount and create a large amount of bubble pockets for either water or honey rather discord is invaluable for evading attacks no matter the class use the vortex meter with glorified bullets for their homing capability allowing more focus on dodging mobility should be taken care of by these preparations equip a full set of combat accessories instead of moving accessories once the eyes are destroyed start flying to one side while moving up or down slightly to dodge the attacks we have everything at our fingertips this is the final step everything we've done has led up to this very moment and it's finally time to put everything we have into battle this is it this is the moment [ __ ] okay let's try that again except on our own accord we want to challenge this big tentacle monster when it's raining so that our cute fishermen mount can go ape mode and fly fast as [ __ ] we use the vortex beater to shoot him in his various eyeballs we use the stardust self staff to sell staff him in his various eyeballs we use our hard-earned rod of dixor to teleport away from his various eyeballs as soon as i reach the end of the world i teleport away real quick and attack his other side eventually we get all three of his various eyeballs out and it's simply a race to deny the moonlord's promposal in front of the entire school and break his little heart ladies and gentlemen we have done it while we sit back and bask in our glory from finally having a sense of completion in our lives i'd like to make a quick mention that the guide at this time had no mention of the empress of light thank god who knew that completing things solely by the book would take so goddamn long there were several points in this in which i thought that i had actually died and went to some type of sick purgatory in which i could play games but never really complete anything i was trying to do at long last though we are at peace we can sit and watch the credits with no more odd tasks ahead of us having all of that said thank you all so so much for watching this video did take an extremely long time to work on and makes so if you guys did enjoy it be sure to drop a like and subscribe for more content like this as well as share this video to show your support also be sure to leave a comment down in the comment section below i always love to hear from you guys thank you all so so much again for watching and i'll see you all next time waffle time out
Channel: WaffleTime
Views: 3,275,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WaffleTime, Waffle, Time, Terraria, Absolute Easiest, Tutorial, Empress of Light tutorial, Beating Terraria, How to, how to beat master mode, master mode tutorial, terraria 1.4, duke fishron, exactly, how wiki tells me to, Terraria wiki, terraria challenges, terraria meme, meme, terraria modded, terraria news, terraria mods, terraria hardcore, how to beat moon lord, how to beat plantera, plantera, golem, destroyer, skeletron prime, terraria 1.4.1, cheese, for the worthy terraria, wiki
Id: oojgLSbFlb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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