How to stake a Monstera deliciosa Plant

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this is my monstera deliciosa or swiss cheese plants they grow to this size in the wild today i'm going to be repotting it into this much bigger pot and also adding a steak so they can grow upright as you saw in the previous photo they tend to grow along tree trunks right now i'm supporting the plant with a string and as you can see in this clip it doesn't really hold upright without the support it tends to sprawl potentially knocking the pot over so first i'm going to be adding some potting soil to this large pot just because there's not enough soil in the existing pot so i have a drier potting mix it is a tropical plant but it's nice to have a little bit of mulch in there so i'm going to fill the bottom of that up next i'm going to cut this old pot away uh just because it's really difficult to get it out it's a really tight fit the roots have really grown in everything so just be really careful here not to damage any roots and also when taking it out make sure to you know not pull out the the stems or anything so here as you can see i'm carefully you know supporting it from the bottom pulling it out and yeah this pot is way overgrown the roots are sticking out from every direction i'm gonna finish topping this off with a little bit of uh additional soil make sure it's nice and flat and filled up most of the way i've also replanted some of those aerial roots that were sticking out into the ground i'm going to carry this over to a better space so that we can stake it and tie it up make sure to protect your furniture so yeah i'm gonna try to make it more upright this is a steak i bought from michael's for only two dollars and you can probably find any steak outside to do the job so you're going to plant it right in the middle making sure to avoid any uh roots and but make sure you stick it close to the plants or close to the the stems of the plant here i'm tying it it's a it was a process full of trial and error um really just do what feels good what's aesthetic i also trimmed a few of those bottom leaves that were kind of old and and um and ripped so yeah just take your time with this and this is what it looked like so i'm going to place it in its spot um make sure you get some bright indirect light this is a south facing window so i sometimes have to close the blind here in arizona it tends to get really sunny and then i'm just going to add a little bit of water so it gets acclimated to its uh its new pot be sure to water evenly it's good to even sometimes water in the shower and it's even better to have a draining pot which is not what i have right now so i have to be careful to not over water it and then just to support more growth i am spraying these aerial roots that are sticking out in every direction it's especially since it's dry it's nice to do this a few times a week and um i'm also gonna be spraying this this stick right here so that it climbs along it and gets encouraged a lot of people add coconut husk or moss to these sticks so as you can see this is the before product and once it's tied up it looks a lot nicer thank you so much for your time
Channel: Tahiry
Views: 22,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 3min 31sec (211 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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