Fastest growing plants (and how to care for them)

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia i like to care for different types of houseplants propagate them and discover new species and take you along with me on this channel so if you're into that kind of videos please do consider subscribing to my channel and send me likes in today's video i'm going to be recommending some plants that grow really really fast they literally grow right before our eyes every time you look at the plant there's a new leaf and i'm not going to number these plants because i'm not going to stress myself out by limiting the number of species in fact i'm just i just went around the house and just picked up plants that were very very fast growing and here they are i'm gonna walk through them one by one with you and share with you the care and maybe a little bit of the propagation tips okay so that was not a comfortable seating position i just i guess i'm just going from left to right over here we have the variegated banana i just got this about three weeks ago and they're famous for being fast grower and in three weeks time they've put out two new leaves so i would definitely recommend this as a fast growing plant they do need a lot of water they're very thirsty plants and they do require a lot of fertilizing they have this really beautiful velvety leaf that is variegated and the non-variegated one would actually grow a lot faster than this and these guys actually do fruit as well the fruit is variegated so i'm very excited to see that next up we have this panama hibiscus and this is a plant that whenever i post it on instagram everyone asked me like oh what is it what is this well this is a very very fast growing plant and it is gifted from me by online friend of mine i'm going to insert a picture of what the flower looked like and this time actually looks much better in real life and you have to prune it often so that it's not one leggy stem like this and they're very very easy to propagate basically stick cuttings and just stick them into soil you can also water propagate them they do like full sun though and they are very very thirsty plants they need to be watered once or twice a day but every time i look at it a new growth point has appeared this plant is a very fast grower i actually got this plant about three months ago and i have so many plants right now i have propagated so many of them the reason why i propagated them is because i wanted the older plant to have a very bushy look so when you cut them actually it will start to branch out from underneath giving you a more fuller looking plant and over here we have the ruffle fern and this one i actually showed you guys in one of my earlier videos i propagated this fern by root division it's grown so much this is actually one of the propagates it started as a just a tiny clump of leaves france i mean and now it's like this fall this is pretty amazing i'm actually i'm going to break it up even more i'm going to be propagating this some more i have quite a few parts of these too so they're very very satisfying to grow around the house and whenever they grow this front they just they're just pretty messy they grow all over the place and it's just really fun to see them scramble around trying to find space for the front to grow into next up we have this indexes i believe the skin that's here is the exotica this is actually just one of my plants i have many many of them lying around the house i cannot move them because they've grown into their space so i'm going to be giving you some b-rolls to show you what they look like and the skin depth is exotica it's actually a very fast growing very easy to care for house plants they can take bright indirect light they can also take anywhere with a medium or lower light they will still survive and they will still push out new growth however they are a little bit finicky with watering this one's thirsty right now the leaves are a little bit limp because we have a really hot day today but you would only water it when the leaves are curling already still slim because they're very prone to over watering if you over water them they will give you yellow leaves they'll fall off and it'll be rows and rows of leaves that fall off at the same time so just be careful with these do not over water them if i were you i would keep them a little bit on the underwater side next up here we have the coleus this is unstoppable i actually bought a tiny plant propagated it and it's now huge it's become very leggy and i propagated it somewhere and this is what i have this is actually third generation within within four or five months time they love full sun and they are very very thirsty they like to be watered like two to three times a day they are heavy feeders as well and very beautiful look at the foliage it's just so stunning and the new growth point is just so cute it closes tiny leaves that expand in size and this is the part that really really grows fast i mean it next up we have the fish gear and these two are slightly they look similar but then they're very different and they put out these stolens or these pups rather and then what you can do is you can tuck these back right into the pot and then it will turn into a whole plant and we'll get bigger leaves and we'll keep putting our stones and i'll actually upsize this soon so that i can keep putting these solas back into the pot because this is very beautiful when it's in like i would say like 15 centimeters diameters pot and you when it's full enough on the top you can just hang it on a macrame or whatever and it would be so beautiful look at all these beautiful trailing uh plant lists the foliage on these are also very very striking if you look at them up close they're actually shiny silvery and the pattern is just so nice and the back is a little bit pink this is actually becoming one of my favorite plants and they grow really really fast and the way that you would care for it is to give it very very fast draining airy potting mix because they are prone to rot but never let them dry out completely when you leave them to dry out their leaves will start getting crispy edges and then the leaves will just brown up and die off so keep them humid a little bit moist and very very airy never like give them compact soil because they will rot and next we have this tradiscantia sabrina this is a really really common house plant very inexpensive and they grow like a weed they grow so fast in fact this is actually a propagate the main plan is in the nursery and i can't take it out because it's overgrown in space if i if i took it out of its spot i'm gonna yank a lot of the plants out of the way so yeah this is what i have to show you now i'm gonna give you some b-rolls of what they look like they're growing non-stop their properties so easily just cut off anywhere on along the stem and just stick them back into the potting mix just leave them be they will root very quickly and they will grow very quickly unfortunately the sabrina's they do tend to get leggy and they tend to trail down so they will get a little bit of balding spots in the older stem what you can do is just keep cutting the top cuttings and the bald stem would actually start branching out they will put out shoots so if you want a bushy plan you need to always propagate the travis kantiana next up we have the syngonium this is i believe the syngonium [Music] this is the syngonium podophylum this is actually one of the most common syngoniums and i if you give them bright light they will push out these more variegation if you pull them away from light they will give you more green so it's very fun to have this is actually a juvenile form that i propagated because the main plants are all over the house and they're getting huge and i can't again i can't take them down because they will drag other plants down with them from the rack so i'll show you those images but this is a very very forgiving plant easy to care for it's very hard to over water it they can take a little bit of over watering and they can take a little bit of drought as well they can take anywhere from some direct sunlight to medium indirect light very forgiving plant very fast grower next we have this begonia and actually a few begonias are quite fast grower the immaculata is pretty fast growing but i don't think it hold the candle to this particular begonia i believe this is called the arabian sunset and this one actually is a propagate i have quite a few of them around the nursery so how what you would do is you just cut the stem off stick them in water first and they will root very fast in water two to three weeks should be enough or you can stick it directly into my forest floor potting mix here which is very airy potting mix and it will turn into a full plant and whenever you cut it off the bottom nodes will actually activate it and they will branch out and become a much bushier plant this is a really really fast growing begonia and in the morning when i get some direct sunlight this whole plant glows in red it's so beautiful like the the rim around here will glow in a beautiful red i'm going to insert some pictures so you can see what it looks like and this is a really beautiful black foliage very very shiny and black with very beautiful blood red underside of the leaves and the stem this is a truly remarkable plant i'm surprised that this is not hyped up as it is very very fast grower as you can see here is putting out a lot of multiple growth points at the same time and i'm going to be propagating it some more of course because i want many of these next we have a philodendron and this is the philodendron micans this is a really really unstoppable philodendron this is a propagate i have cut up the parent plant into many many pots and they are starting to take off and once they have established it's just got to be non-stop growing this plant likes medium light to brighten direct light this particular one actually give it a little bit of direct sunlight and as you can see it's giving me this beautiful red blush and they do fade into a green color like a dark green color over time so if you acclimatize your plan you propagate them and you have them grown in stronger light they can adapt to that light but this one actually prefers bright in direct light and it can withstand medium indirect light do not over water these because they will give you a lot of yellowing leaves that fall off they don't really need a lot of water these guys as you can see here there's actually a lot of growth every point here is growing right now so i believe that in a few months i'm going to have to start propagating this pot too because it's just out of control the way they trail down it's just too crazy for me to handle and next up we have a camphiria here and i believe i have two types of computers in my care they have really beautiful calathea-like pattern on their leaves and you're trying to guess if they are related or not they are this is probably closely related to ginger i bought this as a tiny plant about three months ago it was only like about three leaves and look at how much it's grown and the other species of camphiria has also grown a lot it's putting up i don't know three to five leaves at any given time these are very very fast growers they're thick leaves leathery leaves very beautiful barking this is much easier to grow than your calatheas and it's just as stunning with the foliage so i highly recommend this i have this grown in terracotta pot and my forest floral potting mix and water it every day lightly so this is kept very humid but never wet because this is also very prone to rot next we have the edinsonia this one in my hand is the variegated eden sonja eye i'm gonna have a video on this soon but adam sonia is a really really fast grower they are always putting out new leaves at any given time they take over my space so quickly they like very bright in direct light do not give them medium light because they don't have a lot of leaf surface to photosynthesize they really would appreciate any light that you can give it but if you give it afternoon direct sunlight or full sun it will burn and because they don't have a lot of leaf surface they also don't need a lot of water they don't consume that water so if you over water your added sony ice it's going to give you yellow leaves that fall off so do not over water them keep them on the drier side so this is a very satisfying plant and i really love that each leaf is different in shape and size and if you allow them to climb up a mouse pole they will get bigger and bigger leaves and if you let them trail down they will give you smaller and smaller leaves so you have two options for growth pattern on these they look really good in a hanging basket too this is crazy i've propagated so many of these i have a video coming out soon probably by the time this video releases and this one is actually one of the plants that i propagated i have a parent plant that i have i'll show you some b-roll off it's unstoppable it's so big and it keeps putting out new leaves and it's getting pretty tall so unlike the ethereum clarineurbium which it looks very similar to the culinary measure grows really slow but this guys grows really really fast it will put out sometimes three to five leaves at one go and the new leaves would come out with tiny red colored leaves they're very very cute baby leaves and then it will expand in size and turn into this beautiful green and it's going to have this pink rim around it when it's a young leaf but it's pink rim i believe goes away as it matures stunning plant and very easy to care for i give it aeroad potting mix terracotta pot and i top dress it with spectrum moss and i just water this every day this list outdoors if you have it indoors you want to water it less basically do not let your anteriors dry out completely they like their roots to be chunk grabbing onto something chunky like an arid potting mix and they like it to be humid never dry never wet just humid and next up we have a bathroom for you this is heavy i'm not gonna lift it up but this boston front is about one year old and this is what it looks like one year ago this plant was this small about a year ago and you can see here it's putting out this cute baby frogs it's growing non-stop it keeps putting out new fronts and all it asks for is very very bright light i even give it a little bit of direct sunlight and very very frequent watering i just water this every day without even thinking about it they cannot be left to dry out and i don't even know if it's even possible to over water ferns i haven't heard that before but i do give them water every day but in the condition that they live outdoors and in bright bright bright light and these can also be propagated by these runners by the way i used to think that these are just roots but they do trail down and if you tuck them into a different pot and bury them these ends will turn into fern fronds and turn basically turn to a whole new plant and you can cut these off later when it's propagated to another pot and then they will multiply that way this is so cool this is very easy plant to propagate they also do well with root division so you can divide them by the roots into many many plants and they are so satisfying they're growing really really fast it's a joy to watch every morning that there's always something new that is trying to unfurl very very good companion of mine and last but not least is this guy here i believe i did a video on this plant about i don't know man maybe five or six months i i lost i got so many videos now but this is the pineapple plant so if you haven't checked out this video do check it out and i show you this plant when it was actually about i don't know how big it was actually propagated this from an actual pineapple store-bought pineapple so you can imagine a store-bought pineapple would be about this big and it's top here the crown would only be about i don't know like this big maybe it grew so much this is crazy it overtook its space this is about again about five to six months old and it's still growing i can see what i'm actually very terrified of it's always like trying to poke me it's got very sharp edges and very serrated uh leaves so this is actually quite dangerous to have around if you have kids but i believe that in about another year or so it's going to start putting out a baby pineapple that is edible so i'm going to be waiting for that this is a free plan and i'm really happy i got it i'm really happy that i propagated it and i hope that you guys do give it a shot of propagating pineapples and growing them they do like very very bright in direct light and some direct sunlight very thirsty plants just i just water it lightly every day i give it a general purpose potting mix that's abandoned with perlite and a terra cotta pot which means it's gonna dry out pretty fast so these are the house plants that are fast growing that are in my collection of course i don't represent every plant house plants in the world if you have any recommendations for houseplants that grow really fast in your condition and in your collection please do comment down below i'm sure some of us will be interested to know and since we're all locked out in our homes it's really nice to have plans that are constantly growing putting out something new every single day thank you so much for watching this video i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding plan care and propagations meanwhile do take care and stay safe i will see you in the next episode bye you
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 44,482
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Id: Rj8ztnMUWiQ
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Length: 16min 17sec (977 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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