Variegated VS non-variegated plants

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hi guys my name is sean i'm a house plant enthusiast from jakarta indonesia in today's video we're going to be exploring some variegation in plants we're going to cover a lot of species so i'm going to quickly do an introduction so you know where i'm going with this and then the most of the video is going to be a tour just to show you what variegated and non-variegated plants look like side by side of course i don't own every plant in the world so i'm just going to show you only what i have and of course i'm gonna inject my personal opinion as to which i prefer i don't always prefer the variegated version by the way and this is also for you to get in stay informed and understand that there are different varieties of plants around and make your own opinion as to what you like better but first of all let me address what variation is variegation in nature basically is a mutation in plants in which they form splotches and things like that on the leaves that we actually find beautiful or at least most of us do i know there are people that really don't like variegation but it's important to know that variegated plants actually are not going to be as robust as the regular green form i'm going to show you right here this is the philodendron ring of fire and philadelphia and this is the variegated version of that so in nature when these plants grow side by side or if they grow side by side this one would win because plants are always going to be clamoring up for space they're going to fight for root space for leaf space to get more light and nutrients and this time having full chlorophyll will have all the advantage so this pie will actually die off in well not die off it will not have the advantages as this one in nature but the thing with health plan collecting is that we tend to be drawn to this type of variegation which is why we now have many many variegated plants because we just kept finding the variegated leaf or plant we just cut it and then we propagate it and we make more of it and we share it this is why we have so many variegated versions of plants in our collection just keep that in mind my point is that in nature they will not be very common and they would not be the strongest now there are chemical variations and i'm not going to be addressing that much in this video at all you're basically inducing the plant with chemicals to activate parts of their dna or genome and usually these are temporary as far as i know but i can't be sure i personally prefer natural variegated plants because they look pretty real except the monstera thai constellation that is actually a really well done variegated plant and also the philodendron berkin right here this is also well done it's i believe a hybrid or a result of tissue culture that created this mutated plant but it is quite beautiful so there are many types of variegation natural and unnatural and again i'm not going to discuss it in this video this video is going to be all about appreciating non-variegated plants alongside with variegated plants both are beautiful and stunning in their own right they both have slightly different care so i guess i'm just going to get started let's start the tour with this philodendron jungle boogie that we saw indoors i actually prefer the variegated version this is the ring of fire it's got really nice markings on the leaves and both of these can get insanely huge these are actually babies although i did get this and it died off so i had to grow this back from a tiny tiny plant like the leaves are just this size and in six months it's given me this so they both grow relatively fast i would say that the green theoretically should grow a little bit faster as this as are all the plants and i'm going to show you in this video the greens are going to be stronger and healthier and faster growing but i do prefer this both of them have the same pink sheet as you can see here they are very cute i love watching them unfroze their rubbery leaf however there's something wrong with this one leaf it's given me all variegated leaf this is the newest one so it's gone back to normal it's gonna be a healthy plant but this is gonna set the plant back a lot because this leaf is actually no good for if i'm gonna take it off right now take it off it's gonna drain energy from this plant yeah i for this particular species i adore the ring of fire this is a this is one i like more uh let me know in with all these other plants that i'm going to show you let us know in the comments down below which one you prefer next we have this boston fern and there's a very deepest version of this and i can't bring it because it's so huge and that's over there let me walk over because it's propagating with the other pots nearby so this is the variegated version look at that the leaves are so pretty markings this one actually grows really slowly and actually they put out these roots and i just tuck these roots to the next pot over and as you can see this is the next part over baby plants have grown from them this is lighter green i actually like the variegated one better than the other ones because the regular green form is so basic but the green one grows so fast so so so fast compared to this one the next plant is the classic piece lilies petrophylum and i apologize for the construction noises in the from the neighbors but this is so beautiful this got really big i got this as a tiny plant it can handle low light very forgiving with watering definitely recommend this as a lifelong companion for people because this can get even bigger than this however we're going to discuss today the different variegated versions of these and they're much slower growing than this and this one is i i don't know the names of these variegated ones but they have different leaf pattern different variegation patterns and these shapes and sizes i believe one could be called the domino and one could be called the picasso but i can be sure this is the next one it's got very crinkle type leaf surface i do enjoy having this around and this last one is the more classic variegated piece lily it's just simply called the variegated tea chili and actually the variations on these are very very remarkable i've got maybe 50 pots of these they grow relatively fast easy to care for you do need to give them light to have their variegation uh come through so out of all these i think my favorite would be the green form because they're always growing they're non-stop growing and i really love looking at this i'm sorry about the hard water stain i want you to imagine this without the water stain but look at how beautiful the ridges are on the leaf very very underrated and this one can also live in low light it can also live in a little bit of direct sunlight so this is in terms of care i don't have to worry about this as much this here is the philadelphian burla marks it's a very classic schilo dendron with a classic shaped leaf very fast growing i got this as a tiny plant in a year's time it's given me this and i also have propagated quite a bit of this and let me show you the variegated version here is the variegated specimen and i'm so sorry because a lot of these have reverted so i have to actually propagate this soon but look at how beautiful the markings are on these they used to be very inexpensive and they used to be available everywhere and these days over the pandemic prices has soared everyone wants one of this so this actually looks a little bit like the billio thai which we will get into later the variegated belly tie which costs so much more than this but i would say for this plant i like the green form better because the green one actually grew really really fast for me it's a classic house plant it's very beautiful for landscaping and for this the reason why it's reverted is because i ended up putting it in low light i don't know why i did that maybe because i didn't think that it was worth the vip seed of getting good light so i've since moved it into this light which is actually as you can see now it's direct sunlight it's getting about two to three hours of direct sun of the day and i think that variation is going to be quite happening soon so i don't really have a specimen of this but this is the epipen pinata the only mature size leaf is that one unfortunately so i got this for free uh some when i was buying a pot this came with it and this is the green form obviously we're going to visit the variegated one later but yeah this is still rehabbing it's gonna take over that wall soon and as it climbs up that route as it climbs up it will start producing really big attenuated leads look at all this room that it has to grow it can grow all the way up so hopefully one day it will get there this here this is the variegated version of the epipen pin atom verigata and as you let it climb up it will give you more fenestrated leaves bigger leaves this is from our propagation this is our parent plant i'm so sorry about the construction noise going at full feet today but i have to film today so yeah we're stuck with that crazy construction noise apologies about that but i actually prefer the variegated of these i have a feeling that they will become more popular someday than the variegated monsteras only because their leaves can get huge it's dramatic long fenestrated and they grow a lot faster the variegations are so random look at these i think they're just not so popular on instagram yet which is why not many people are collecting these but i have a prediction that the prices will soar for these in the future this here is the philodendron billy thai and i'm sorry i don't really have a perfect specimen of this but it's really well known for its orange patio which is not that orange right now because this is combating root rot and i have rehabbed it so i can now see very healthy roots in here so it's gonna rehab really well but these guys can get enormous they can get huge about ten times this size of the leaf so i can't wait for this to rehab and do better but let me reach out for you the variegated version and this is actually used to be very common but it's really hard to come by now and it's got the same orange patio and both of them have the orange rim around the edge of the leaves if you can see here and that is so adorable look at that in fact someone drew an outline on these and for this plant i'd really prefer the variegated version i got this as a really tiny baby plant it was so expensive i could not afford it but i i got it anyways the leaves were the size of my pinky that was how small the leaves were and i was so nervous about it but it grew back the variegation seems to be quite stable and i'm not really that worried about this guy it's definitely well worth my investment and it's just such a beautiful plant so yeah for this kind of variegated one it's a winner but these guys the green ones are also beautiful they can get enormous they grow faster and i've seen them attach themselves to trees very nice i would never leave these outdoors in public but these guys they can be a little bit more public public plants i guess because i don't know people do tell them don't get me wrong i have heard on instagram stories of people whose billy types were just chopped off from their trees but these are so classic and they just look good everywhere while these guys are just collect collectors items and you don't want to have them out you know and about and also because of how they are priced unfortunately and these little guys this is the dishtyria ruskifolia or the million hearts very very lovely underrated plans i have a video on these guys and i'm going to link that up above or include that in the description box below but this is very pretty these are all my propagates because the baby leaves they're cute but they come variegated as well let me show you right here so the variation is around the rim of the leaves of course the variegated versions of these grow a little bit slower but the shape is just the same and they're actually very feisty this plant the very sharp edges so they can actually poke you and they're very very again very slow growers really pretty for these guys i i think it's a tie can i do that can i do a tie i like them both i like the classic all green and also like the variegated versions of these and of course the variegated ones cost a little bit more but they grow so slowly compared to the green ones the green ones already grow slow in their own right don't get me wrong but the variegated ones oh my god they just really test my patience this is the wax iv i'm gonna include the name obviously on the screen for the latin name because i can't remember it and i actually like the green one of these better and this is the clip of the variegated version these are actually propagating away so as you can see the ones that were all green you can actually look at the shape better like the shape is actually very pretty it looks like dragon head but in the variegated ones it's they come with this random variation around the edges and i feel like they just take away from the succulents of the leaf from the shape of the leaf that is just so unique in its own right so yeah for this plant i do prefer the all green version which i don't have yet hopefully someday i'll get it this here is the philodendron florida ghost and it's named this way because of the leaf shape it looked like like a ghost and i believe this is a hybrid but they green form act the green form actually do have some random variegation sports once in a while i got a lot of dm of you guys asking me like oh my god am i getting a variegated plant because i got it at a green as a green plant yeah they do put out these variegated uh portions but then i find that they're very random and they don't really show up in the next leaf but look at how big this leaf is and it can actually get a lot bigger than this and ants love this plant look at all these dots on the new sheet and the growth point that is the extra floral nectaries which is inviting the ends which are protecting the plants from pests because the ants are feeding on the sugar from this philodendron here and before i digress too much let me show you the variegated version this is the philodendron florida beauty it comes in a yellow variegation which is really pretty this next leaf that i got it's completely variegated and the next leaf is almost all variegated so i actually need to pull this away from light and i see a lot of ants here which is going to suggest that this is also putting out a lot of extra floral nectaries which i think this specimen really does enjoy putting out but i don't mind it because the ants are actually protecting the plant from crazier and more serious paths so i just leave it be i may have to pull this away from the light just to encourage a little bit more green on the next sleeve but the most commonly asked question about this plant is that their variegation is super super random but it's very quite stable in my opinion so they don't really revert to all green unless of course you put it in low light then yeah it will give you all green leaves but for this plant sometimes in within just one plant you can have an all green leaf in in another pot you can have an all and another leaf you can have all variegated leaf but then the whole time in as a whole will have a mix you know what i mean a mix of maybe like halves some splashes because their variation is stable but they're very very random you know what i mean so don't worry if you had bought this plant because this is actually quite expensive now they used to be a lot more affordable uh if they put out a new leaf that's all variegated or all green don't freak out yet don't dm me yet wait a few more leaves because usually the next leaf is going to be just fine so the jury for this is actually prefer the green form better i'm so sorry not that nothing against you but i have a really good relationship with the green one they grow so fast they grow so well in my care and i don't really worry about the variegation the price is pretty good on these and i love looking at these huge leaves they actually put on quite a show when those sheets are unfurling so they unfurl very often and whenever i'm checking on this plant something is unfurling so the green plant is so prolific and i really love that's another variegation there i love the lines and i think that this is such a beautiful shape on its own that you don't need variegation on this plant so i prefer the green form on this plant all right next is the peperomia our first romeo contender in this video this is the caprara and i believe they come in many many forms of these but this is the classic one that's green and next to me here this is the variegated one and it comes in a pink variegation i can't really find the species name of these this is flowering actually so cute um but yeah this is what the typical pepperoni flower looked like though so they look like rat tails and this is actually really pretty the variegation is super random they do need brighter light as with all the variegated plastic you see in this video they need brighter light to push out variation and to survive and for this plant i actually prefer this one the variegated one even though this is the classic look somehow but this one look at that this is just so pretty this is also a fast grower it's very easy to kill these though they don't like to be over watered and i feel like they don't like to have a sudden change in environment or watering frequency so if i were you and i bought this plant the first thing that i would do is i would propagate it and let the new propagate that's a mealybug there sorry squishy melee bug anyways i would let the new plant be acclimatized to your environment so there will be much prolific grower in your environment such as in this case where it grew so much this is about four to five months and i've actually already taken about six or seven cuttings from this plant so definitely love this one more than this one but this is still very very cute the next plant is the classic syngonium podophylum and that's actually the baby plant from this and let me explain actually for this plant they it's usually like green it comes with a little bit of this variegation however when you give them direct sunlight like this in this case i give it like almost full sun i would say it gets about three to four or five hours of direct sunlight a day and hot afternoon sun you don't have to water it a little bit more if you give it a good sun but as you can see this is the cutting taken from this and when you give it good light and it will give you mostly variegated leaves so this is why i actually really love this plastic plant because you can control how much variation you're gonna get if you look at instagram everybody's plant looks different this is actually nice in its own right the green looks nice too and when it's mature when you let it climb up it will give you really huge split leaves but that's another video for another day i actually have a video on navigating these so i'm going to link that here in case the video is out case when it comes to syngonium podophylum verigata look at this new leaf that's opening up this is the classic one it's a white variegated one and it used to be a bit expensive but because they grow so fast and propagate so easily that now the prices has come down so it i have a feeling the price will continue to come down but look at how beautiful the variegation is each leaf is just so nice and to care for it's very simple you don't want to let it get too underwater or it's going to give you crisping edges or if you're over water it's also going to give you crisping edges and some yellowing leaves that fall off so these guys are actually quite easy to cover and in my opinion they're a little bit forgiving but you just don't want to let it go too far it's over watered or underwater and what else is there yeah sorry i digress here is the final one this is the yellow variegated syngonium podophylum as you can see the variegation is very different on these and let's see this is actually a little bit more expensive this is very rare more difficult to find they started with the green variegation like this and as it hardens it becomes like a distinct yellow and green foliage like this which one do i prefer i actually like this one this is such a beautiful variegation and i love this white on green really really pretty and let me see if i can find more i have propagated so many of these and this is just so pretty yeah this is the winner for me but the yellow one is pretty as well and the regular unvariegated version that we saw earlier i have a lot of respect for the plant too because it is so resilient it's tough to kill and it can give you a variety of variation depending on the environment that you give it so i do appreciate that but this one i recommend for people who who want to start up want to learn how to take care of variegated plants this is going to be a very good gateway plant because it's got the same properties like you need to give it light for it to push out variation so it's going to be a very good light meter if you can keep this alive you can keep a variegated monstera alive speaking of variegated monstera i guess you know where i'm going next uh this is a very classic monstera so i don't need to give you any introduction on these so let's look at the variegated one all right so these are the variegated monsteras you've seen these on instagram you're probably sick of it by now as you should be because i don't know they're just overrated they're just everywhere and people keep wanting to buy them the plaque prices has inflated there's so much pain on people buying them and having a bad experience with buying them or growing them out having them revert having burnt leaves and all that stuff because this is not an easy plan to care for so it's only got a new leaf here very cute i actually prefer this one to than the regular ver non-variegated version only because i check on these guys so much like they gave me a lot of stress i have to move them around for the light levels to have to kind of control their variegation if you haven't seen my variegation video on these i did have a video on this so do check it out because you can control the variegation somewhat although some of it is depending on the luck and also the genetics of the plant that you have so it is a stressful plant that i really look into often i check on them often and have many of these because i keep propagating them they're going to be for sale at some point and i'm going to have to fund my nursery or my dream of having a botanical garden in the future and maybe this is what's going to give to start that fun funding for that project but i appreciate these i do love the beauty on the variegation but again it's a bit stressful so just so that you know it's not for beginners and it's worth the it's worth the the price to be honest but it's also worth waiting for the prices to come down because these propagate quite easily and the prices will come down i promise you especially after kovit so if you don't have one of these and you're waiting on these get the green form first practice propagating it and caring for it get the syngonium photophylem verigata just to practice your plant care regime and when the prices come down you can go ahead and get one of these they make really good lifelong companions but the prices will come down so don't regret buying it now at a crazy price oh and with regards to the variegated monstera i need to add that there's the thai consolation version here which is creamier splash and then the white elbow varigata ones and i actually don't love this plant i don't know why the variegation is actually quite pretty splashy uniform right it actually costs a little bit more than the white variegated ones the leaf is thicker the patios are thicker this is a stronger plant and the internals are closer but i failed with propagation and for this plant i killed so many of these this is a very difficult plant to propagate because of their close internals because they are such slow growers they grow three times slower than your variegated i mean your white variegated monstera which is why they have such a high chance of rotting when you're propagating which is what i don't know i just don't love this plant i want to have it as a lifelong companion i want in my collection but this is the plant that i don't know i just don't love yet so maybe someday i'll change my mind about this the next plant is the monstera at insomnia this is actually one of my favorite plants i know i say that about all my plants but they grow so well in my environment i do so well with them i have propagated maybe 50 parts of these within a year from just one tiny plant so this is a very very nice pan with beautiful shaped leaves i enjoy them i enjoy caring for it i enjoy appreciating it this is a plant that's so close to my heart and i'm really glad that they come variegated so this is a local variegated and i'm sorry i have had big plans of these but then i cut them up including that one i cut them up it's propagated so these are all smaller versions smaller cuts of the plant but this is a very creamy variegation this next leaf is just unfurling this one's looking funky because i cut it here so that the plant is very very stressed out it's putting a juvenile leaf so the leaf shape is probably a bit deformed but trust me the the full plant looks beautiful and also the plants that are propagated from these the variationers are so beautiful and the leaf shapes are so beautiful but this is a bit struggling i would say very pretty cream variegation so i have a video on the eden sony eye just so you know and the video should be out by now so i can only link five videos up above in the description so if i if you don't see the the video for this up here check out the description below for a link to that video because it is a cool video about the edinsonia care and also the propagation i propagate the variegated one of these so you can see all the baby plants that came from this plant and this last one it's like oh my god very stressed and this is the most expensive plant that i got this is the variegated that's what we call from japan i don't know why they call it that but it's not splashy the variegation is solid color i did propagate this and a new shoot is coming out but i think the new shoot is going to be all green i have a feeling so let's see on this but when i make a cut here a lot of the cuttings are doing well i don't know what the buds the new growth and the cuttings will look like but this should put out a few more branches from below over time so i have a lot of chances of having variegated leaves but for this reason this plant is very very stressful but and it's also a bit expensive as you can see so i i don't know it stresses me out man when we talk about money i don't really like it because plans should be about enjoyment and companionship and about the care not about what it's worth but i'm conflicted with this actually if you want to want my honest opinion my favorite one would probably be this the this variegated one that one i actually love for its beauty and rarity it's truly sunny imagine you have a big plant of this with white by the way this plant is also very unhealthy because it keeps giving me stressful leaves maybe because it's got so many variegated parts that it's not producing the right amount of chlorophyll but these guys in my opinion have beautiful variegation it's not a stress inducing it is expensive but it is not that expensive and this is also much faster growing much healthier leaves the variegation is stable although the variation is random so if you buy one that is like this variegated it is considered very very good the next release may be a little more green but then the variation can come back and if anything you can just propagate it and you're going to have a lot of chances of getting the variegation back so this is very very stress-free in my opinion the prices will come down that one the price has hasn't come down yet because it's such a slow grower and the variegation is very unstable but for these guys uh the prices are already falling i already noticed that so more people are going to be able to access this nothing wrong with this one this is also beautiful i want to see these more in public spaces and things like that and in our landscaping and our in our bedrooms our indoor jungles but this one i actually uh like this most in my collection it's the one that's brought me more most joy for its ease of care and how fast it grows and how beautiful the leaves are this is uh known for its classic heart-shaped leaves they do climb up or they do trail down and we see this a lot in stores in people's homes very easy to care for but they also come in a more famous variety here this is called the philodendron brazil where it's got this beautiful light green and yellow splashed down the leaves and the variegation is very very random so it fell over i guess i need to water these they're so light right now it's such a hot day up this is very pretty they do put out pink new leaves that will harden into a green color and you need to give them light for them to push out the variation if you give them low light for extended period of time this will turn into this i guarantee you and if i give this more light some direct sunlight not afternoon hot full sun i just see something here i don't know what this is probably past anyways so give them good light this is actually getting uh not enough light if i see this this is not getting enough light it should get more of the yellow however i do have one last one here and this is sold to me as the philadelphia gabby and if you look at instagram everyone tagged this as the philadelphia gabby and i have sold a few of these and i apologize but this is not the gabby so the philadelphia gabby is patented by gabriella plants which is a really big plant nursery grower in the states not many people have the actual gabby which is almost completely all white and i haven't really seen that in person i haven't seen much of that instagram so these ones are actually called the cream splash because they are they do have the extra bit of line down here as you can see compared to the brazil that we saw earlier and if you give them more light such as in this one i it's gonna give you more of that cream or that white uh what you call a strip or line here this is a really beautiful plant and it's actually very very expensive now a cutting of this cost quite a bit of money and actually fortunately i propagated so many of these right now i have many parts of these and some of them i'm going to have them on sale so i have a feeling the price for this is going to go down very quickly because they grow really fast yeah but i apologize again and i want to make a statement here to the plant community to stop tagging this as the philadelphian gabby we have to respect gabriela plants in that they're they're actual gabby is protected intellectually and it's not this plant so this is the cream splash i just want to put it out there and as a telly here somebody's back there sorry as i tell you here i want to say that my favorite ones of these is going to be this one this is great i actually love this because you can keep this in low light and it will still grow indoors for this one actually it's great it's got this beautiful this used to be one of my favorite plants actually because of the random variations and how beautiful each new leaf is but this one just brings it another notch because you've got that extra element of another stripe coming through so this is the winner for me and i do need to give this even more light than i do now because it's giving me quite a bit of green i like it to be very very variegated i like to sunstress my plants look at that that looks like a work of art so this is pretty and if you can't afford this yet because this is so expensive wait a little bit longer because the prices of these will come down i have a feeling that this will become the dominant strain kind of like covet i guess where the mutated version is going to become the dominant strain so this one is going to become uh this will take over decent this someday and i'm so sorry but this is still classic plants i want to see this in in places where plant care needs to be very minimal this is going to be the winner in that situation this here is a beautiful classic hoya this is the hoya carnosa and this is probably the most affordable one the easiest to care for is one that is known to be for beginners if you grow these in lower light and i don't mean low light i mean like a medium light it will give you some of these random splashes and if you put them in highlight it will give you more green leaves and some of the leaves may even turn lighter green color from the sun's dressing but this is an easy and beautiful hoya and let me show you the variegated version so this is one of them and this is the hoya carnosa crimson queen and this is actually called the queen we have another variegated ones which we'll see later called the princess it's called the queen because the variegation is on the outside of the leaf and the other one that we're going to see later the variegation is actually on the inside and the green is on the outside and keep in mind that the more green that you have the faster growing the plant will be this is actually the most common one out of the three so this is the one this is a common green this is the second one another one the princess which we'll see later because it's mounted so i can't show you here but this one is the most common one that we see everywhere it's just so beautiful it put out these very beautiful pink leaves that turn green later on very very very random variegations and mealybugs love this plant i haven't had this plant room for me yet so i don't know what conditions they need to bloom but both of these are beautiful but i would have to say that my favorite is the phil is the hoya crimson princess and this here is the hoya carnosa crimson princess and as you can see the variegation is actually in the middle this is the new leaf it is so pretty it's attached itself to this tree so i can't really move it around anymore although i did take cuttings of it from this sometimes look at the new growth this is so pretty look at that and let me see if i can find somewhere around here yeah this is my favorite one out of all of these but this is also the slowest growing one because it's got such little green parts but if you put them in lower light this can be back there it will give you more green leaves and when it's exposed to more sun it will give you like these very sun stress like green leaves with a lot of variegation so they will mutate depending on where you have them but the reason why i really love this plant is this look at that these are the ones that are really really hidden deep inside this tree look at that that is such a beautiful leaf it's mutated into this so it's got tri colors on it and i don't know i haven't seen other people's plants that have this kind of tri-color pattern and this will have it as well and as you can see this is how hoyas grow in nature so there are epiphytes so they can grow up trees to find better light and yeah this is a beautiful specimen my favorite out of this collection of hoya carnosa this right here is the allocation mycorrhizae verigata i used to have the all green form but it died i have two more of these over there and over here and i think they're not getting enough light down here honestly they like direct sunlight although that is also one way that you can kill them because the variegated parts will burn in direct sunlight so i'm a little bit torn with this i've seen big specimens of these so i need to figure out the care right i have a feeling they need to be fertilized quite a bit more because allocations i have to find that they are heavy feeders but i may be wrong so putting that theory to the test but anyways i really adore this plant i like the variegated ones better than the all green forms although the green ones are going to be much prolific growers because they can take full sun they're going to convert all that energy into leaf growth and can be absolutely massive but this can get big too but give me more time give me some time to get these to a good size but i really love this for the variegation so this one's a winner for me and you need to take my time with this this one is actually a little bit bigger than that one i don't know why i didn't pull this out for the video but anyways we gotta move on this right here is a classic zz plant i actually have a better specimen but it's in my other corner and i'm too lazy to get there i'm so sorry the depth line is much bigger but this one i actually wanted to showcase this because i actually cut the whole thing off i cut all these stems off to propagate them this was actually bought as a sacrificial plant where i just wanted to propagate many of these and all of them are propagating away just took stem cuttings i took leaf cuttings and i wanted to see which ones do better in water and in soil so that's my frankenstein zz plant but i'm really proud of this because even though i cut it all completely off it gave me four vines and this took about nine to ten months to get here so they're very very slow growing but anyways the point of this video is to show you this one next to it this is the variegated version and actually for this one i did take a few cuttings off it wasn't doing so well i did un over water it a bit and this is the new leaf it's still light green in color but it's gonna turn into a darker green like this one this is the older leaf but the variegation will fade a bit like this bright yellow will fade into this very dull yellow so this is actually really pretty and i've seen big pots of these where it's just like like like very splashy at least got on my hand so i enjoy seeing these i've seen these in nurseries in bigger pots this is actually very pricey and they sell this by the stem although that one there the cg raven is also very nice but we're not gonna talk about that today we have another video dedicated for that another time so this is actually a pretty look at the variation is super random very pretty and apparently if you propagated by the leaf cutting you pluck this off and you propagate it it's still going to give you a variegated plant from that one leaf because i've seen people do it even though i'm i'm pretty sure it wouldn't do that but it did so what do i know right so with the zz plan i actually prefer the all green one unfortunately because first of all they're all very slow growers this is even slower growing than the green but i really love how classic it is and whenever i go to a restaurant or a mall and i see huge pots of these because there are people who grow them successfully in big pots and they get really full i've seen them in resorts in bali i just want to go over and say hi to them and pet them they just have such a beautiful classic look to them and i don't know there's such a statement planned in the way that they're resilient you can keep them in very low light provided that you don't over water them they are they are the ultimate survivors basically if something happened in nature if it doesn't nuclear fallout or anything and all the house plants have died off i have a i'm betting my money that this is the one that's going to survive and live on this is virtually indestructible and it's such a strong testament to that and i really love the shape of the the growth pattern here one stem and i love watching the new leaves unfurl it comes out like a caterpillar like a larvae and then it'll just open up and take over the space i like this green form better because they're such slow growers i also appreciate them more whenever they grow it just reminds me to take things easy and that not to take anything for granted so i hope that this part will recover i have a feeling it will it's going to give me many many shoots and it's going to become such a good story a lifelong companion hopefully let's move on to san severias or dracaena this is the classic one i believe this is the trafasciata and this was actually propagated by this variegated leaves which we'll see soon but then the new leaflets that come up from these is non-variegated because of their nature their chimeral i don't know how to go into details and to explain what chimera variegation is but basically they will revert to this beautiful green color if you don't propagate them by rhizomes because san severias they live in the right zone so if you want to have the variegation like this in your propagation you have to take the whole stem you have to take the bottom part this one's putting on your baby i just saw this how cute so this is the variegated version of the plant and also the mama plant for this and i really love the line that yellow line over here and with this one they actually will still grow a little bit slower than the green one but it i love how beautiful like that looks like a brush stroke right like a very random brush stroke and each leaf not only have different shapes but they have different strokes different widths of variation so i guess it's clear from the way i sound that this one is my preferred plant in out of these two this is beautiful too actually when you don't have the variegation your eyes are really brought directly into how beautiful the markings on the leaves are look at that that's really pretty it's beautiful in its own right but for me i do enjoy this variegation and i believe that if you put these in low light the new leaves will give you more green and less variegation so these guys i should like to be in direct sunlight or full sun all right let's talk about the ficus elastica and i'm sorry i don't have a small version of this plant it's so big and i'm gonna film from underneath hang on yep so that's what this plant looks like from underneath actually there is a secondary branch from the same tree over there beautiful very classic houseplant it was famous on instagram for a while and now nobody wants them they're actually quite difficult to care for but we're going to look at the variegated one of these all right so this is the variegated fiddly fig ficus lorata it's so pretty but it is very difficult to care for i did lose some leaves in the bottom from i don't know maybe i underwatered it because i put in a terracotta pot and fast draining potting mix and it gets some direct sunlight so it needs to be watered almost daily so i did lose some crisping edges as you can see here the variegated parts are very very fragile on these guys they actually like full sun in nature i mean the green form but when you have a variegated one like this they cannot take too much direct sunlight you need to find a balance if you put these in low light they're gonna start pushing out green foliage so i'm going to be propagating these i'm not worried that these leaves in the bottom are damaged i'm going to do sections of cuts so i can make many plants out of this so i guess it is safe to say that my favorite one out of these is this one the variegated one look at that this is so beautiful even though it's a little bit difficult and i'm still getting the care right i'm still learning about it but i'm getting the hang of it so yeah this is definitely a winner for me next we have the ficus elastica this is the burgundy or the black form uh the regular ficus elastica is actually a little bit lighter green than this but it is so pretty this is a classic house plant that's easy to care for i really love watching this this is such a joy to watch i never get tired of this but anyway we want to look at some of the variegated ones this one is the ficus tanky i'm going to check this out let's see and i got this as a baby plant look how pretty nice each leaf is different it's got a pink veining from in the middle actually this one has pink or red lines too let me put them side by side i actually like both of them i can't make up my mind i really like how easy to care for in classic this is although this one i have a feeling will be a little bit more troublesome especially when it gets bigger because this can take some direct sunlight and they love it they love cool fun in fact if you acclimatize them they can also take low light however this one it cannot take direct sunlight i have a feeling the edges will burn and if you give it low light it's not going to be happy either because it doesn't have a lot of chlorophyll so this is going to be a difficult plant how beautiful that this is going to be a very difficult plant as it matures because this is right now still a baby so it's a little bit more manageable so i'm going to say thai can i can i put a tie on these i can make up my mind but yeah let me know what you like better i'm going to move on to the next plant this here is the miranta kirchoviana which i have a video of you can see how i care for this plant and it's got mealy bugs look at that look at all these ants so the white stuff is nearly bugs the ants are feeding off the poop material the mealy bugs so the ants put them there i do need to treat this very soon because i neglected this this was living under some other plants anyways i digress i really love how beautiful the leaves are over here and then they come variegated look at this one right here the variegation is yellow it's splashy and they actually don't cost that much difference usually variegated plants would cost a lot more than the non-very good counterparts but in this case the non-very the variegated version at least here in indonesia it's very very very very cheap and very affordable uh i guess what it's time for me to vote now i am going to vote for the non-variegated because i believe that the leaves are just so pretty on your own right and actually when you water them droplets form on the top of the leaves because they do repel water so the droplets are just sitting there and they or they will roll off very gracefully so i like that about let me see a little bit here maybe not this is not the best example but yeah you know what i mean if you miss them or if after the rain it's just pretty sight to see i do prefer this one because again it's got such a beautiful marking very classic and this one just feels like it's very diseased i don't know it's just the variation is an unnecessary part of the design but let me know what you think oh and i want to add that this is actually a low-light loving plant it actually thrives in low light which is why i've been neglecting it because it's living under many many plants and as you can see the leaves are bigger and better if you get this bright indirect light the leaves are going to curl up they're going to push out smaller growths so this is a plant that truly thrives in low light however if you put that variegated one in low light it's gonna lose variegation so you know when you are considering plants like this do keep that in mind that you know light levels do play a factor in keeping the variegation all right let's talk about hoya this is a hoya carnosa compacta hindu rope it is such a big plan this is the all green form i have a video on these if you don't know how to care for it and propagate them that video will cover that and here actually is the variegated version this is the regali i believe that's what it's called look at the beautiful variegation on the outside the green form is actually very very slow growing it'll put out a new leaf every two to three months very very slow and this is even slower my goodness this is about i don't know this was a cutting actually it was it's about almost a year old and this is all i got i basically had maybe three to four leaves in the time frame very slow growing and also the tips do burn if you see here i do put it under direct sunlight sometimes which i shouldn't have but when you have variegated plants some of the variegation will burn first before the green parts but the new growth look healthy so i need to keep this away from direct sunlight and wait for it to grow and i like this one better the variegated better i hope that this will become a big plant and i can propagate it and have a bushy pot of these trailing down everywhere but i'm just fantasizing at this point because it'll take me maybe 10 years to get there but i'm patient so let's see but this is much prettier in my opinion than this one although hang on i did want to say that this plant blooms beautifully i don't know if the variegated ones are gonna see what is this thing oh these are aerial roots i thought this is like past no this is fine it's not scale but anyways they flower beautiful i'm going to include the picture on the screen of what their flower looks like and i have a feeling that the green form will flower a little bit more frequently than the variegated one so here we have the peperomia up to scifolia i have a video on these if you want to see what they look like because i did take so many cuttings off this so you can't really see what the mature plant looks like i'm so sorry about that but this is the green form and this is the variegated form and these are all being propagated as well so the variegated ones will give you these beautiful splashy leaves however their variegation does disappear as you can see this is the old leaf so the variation is only temporary it's only there on the newest growth pattern um in this regard i actually i mean i do appreciate the variegation but i do like the all green version here better because it grows so much faster it's easier to care for and i have so many of these i enjoy saying seeing them around they are always putting out baby leaves like this these are grown outdoors and i kind of abuse them but the ones that are grown indoors have these beautiful glossy leathery leaves i wish i could show you but i can't i'm so sorry but for this one i vote the green one that's definitely the one that is closer to my heart so the last plant that i'm going to talk about today thank you for your patience is this hoya macrophylla and i think if you follow my channel you know that the variegated version of this is one of my favorite plants my favorite toy is one there's one up there but i'm gonna show you a different plant but this is really pretty it's got a beautiful leathery thick leaf beautiful veins and this one actually flowers quite a bit as you can see there's a lot of peduncles here and it will keep flowering from this peduncle and they can get huge look at how big this leaf is insane so let me show you the variegated one so here are the hoya microphylla verigata actually i took about 30 cuttings off this plant so this is why it looks a little bit sparse but as you can see the variegations are so beautiful this is truly one of my favorite plants and this one's mutated in that the variation is in the middle they do have a variety of this called the pot of gold where the variegation is in the middle but for this plant generally speaking the variegation should be on the outside and it does have as you can see here it does have a pink rim around it even though there's a variegation around so it's a green variegated and pink rim they come out with these teeny tiny leaves that is bright hot pink in color and then the leaves expand in size to give you these so this is really beautiful in its own right but because i give this direct sunlight i would say afternoon hot sun i do have to water this a lot more because of that condition that i'm giving it it grows really fast and it gives me these weird mutated leaves that with crazy variegation i'm going to include some pictures on the screen of some of the other leafs that i've propagated from this that are really weirdly mutated but in a beautiful way i hope that the propagations will yield plants just like the cutting but we'll see about that so i guess that brings us to the end of this video thank you so much so much for watching these videos i hope that you've discovered some cool variegated plants here just keep in mind that sometimes the green versions are just as pretty or even better than the variegated ones i hope that you guys are staying safe i'm at botanist on instagram if you want to dm me on any questions regarding plant care and propagations i'll see you in the next video bye you
Channel: onlyplants
Views: 102,355
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Id: WYozSrE_wbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 54sec (3174 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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