Pick the Perfect Pot for Your Plant! | A Beginner's Guide

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[Music] welcome back you guys my name is Amanda from plant arena and I put a question out there yesterday what video do you guys want me to make and somebody had a great suggestion and it was talking about what kind of pots you should use for certain house plants what kind of containers should you choose depending on what type of plant you have that's a really good question because um sometimes we just don't know that stuff and I mean I'm just gonna go over like a general rule of things you should think about when you're selecting pots for your new plants well before I even get into that it really matters about how you take care of your plants like are you a heavy-water er do you forget to water and because those things are super important when selecting pots because you know we can make mistakes and if we don't have the right tools those mistakes become bigger mistakes like diary mistakes so let's talk about um just our habits so if we're if we are a heavy water we can consider pots like terracotta pots because terra cotta pots will absorb the moisture away from the soil faster than say like a ceramic pot right a ceramic pot that's glazed that is going to keep the water inside it longer so if you are a heavy water consider porous pots that are made out of concrete then I made out of terracotta wood I guess if you're outside because woods probably not so great inside so that's that and if you are a light water ER where you know you kind of forget right yeah it's got confused I forgot what I was saying if you forgot I'm then used pots that are made out of like glass or ceramic that's glazed or um you know you could even do like metal stuff like that that is going to keep the soil moist for a longer so that's the first thing to consider okay so the second thing which is like a little bit longer is of an explanation let's talk about the types of plant so that you are going to be getting and I'm gonna categorize them in three categories it's going to be like succulent type of plants then I'm gonna call them like mid-range plants plants that aren't succulents but they're not tender and then I'm gonna talk about tender plants tender not tender tender plants so let's start with succulents okay so succulents you as you might or might not know don't require a ton of water so you know we're gonna have plants that come across our plant table that are simply just you know they don't need Sun so I like to keep them either first thing I do I'm gonna stop on a step back and say the first thing I do when I bring a plant home I don't transplant it right away because I don't know how long that plant has been growing in the greenhouse and I'm not sure if the root system is really able to handle a move so um you know this guy this guy actually purchased it was already in a terra cotta pot but other plants like let's talk about this let's talk about this Joya carry on okay because Hoyas they're beautiful and they take a long time for those roots to develop so I would not necessarily take this out of the container right away I mean I might do it just cuz I have a little bit more kind of transplanting experience I've been doing it since that's 18 so I might do it if I really find that the forever home for this planet but in general just leave your plants in there grow pots for at least six months before you decide you're gonna put it in a different pot so okay so what was I saying this is a whole carry I this weed heart oh yeah and yes here I'm going to talk about this right now because they can if you get one that has a stem and the stem is rooted this will eventually grow into a vine it can't it takes a long time a couple of years sometimes so be patient if you do get one of these guys be patient and don't overwater it and leave it in its pot just leave it in its pot for a long time okay so anyway so you basically are gonna have like a succulent are you gonna have like a sneek plant that is a succulent the end of the day it really is so they're fine for terracotta pots and I also will tell you guys this that um terra cotta pots with drainage holes are kind of better than ones that aren't and I'm gonna show you this one I think I'm starting to block a camera so this is olia Carnot so compact it huh I showed this to you a lot and it had mealy bugs I think I finally got rid of them all but this isn't a pot that does not have a drainage hole on the bottom it doesn't and I made a mistake putting this in here I should have not done it but I did it and so when I water it I actually water it thoroughly and then I turn it upside down it's kind of a pain to do it's kind of plant because I don't want to damage the foliage but I do it I turn it upside down and I drain the excess water out but I'm gonna tell you something I tell you something here don't plant with your plants and pots without drainage holes you're gonna save yourself so much trouble and and problems down the road if you just plant your plants in a pot that has a drainage hole because if you forget to do that then it's kind of done they get root rot and they die um you can definitely do that with aquatic plants but plants like succulents especially like this easy plant this is NZ it will be the death of this plant if you do that really I'm telling you so this guy actually needs to be moved into a location that has a little better light because the new foliage is quite light green um so anyway that's it so you want to do I mean you can you can pop these plants in containers that don't you know that are like ceramic and it's fine I'm just saying you can use terracotta like across the board with these types of plants like this is the Hoya this is uh this is not a way Eddy is it away Eddie was it candy on I think it's a can Tiana so this can Tiana I want to talk about boys just like you guys it's super important for us especially don't like to be transplanted they don't like their roots being messed up and messed with so just think about that when you're getting a boy yeah leave it in the pot people have had boys and pots for 40 years and they're completely fine so like just also if you have a plant that's hanging you're never gonna see the pot so you don't even have to worry about it from an aesthetic point of view leave it in the pot so okay and I said that and I also have hold on and this is a Hawaii tricolor you stay over there sir this is a hoary a tricolor and the same thing I'm leaving it in the pot and I have moved like I said I've moved plants into terracotta pots of hawaii's and they're fine but you really don't want to mess up the roots okay I set up three times I think you get the point so anyway I'll list oh I'll give you a list of plants that do well in terracotta pots and they are I'm just gonna look and tell you they're pepero muse they're like succulents like echeverria's and Pawar the--is and Hoyas ponytail palms ponytail palms right I think you can see this can you guys you probably can man I'm terrible at hiding the mic I care anymore it's there ponytail palms and sago palms and wealth incense of areas and all other scents of areas and stuff like that plants like that so if they have thick leaves then you can probably put in an terracotta pot okay so let's now let's now talk about mid-range plants plant this goes over here you're in the wrong spot you too raindrop peperomia I'm so glad I found you okay so mid-range means that they're not succulents and they're not tender and this schefflera mini Arba cola is to me like one of those plants so I want to talk about the general kind of pot selection you should think about when you have these types of plants like monstera s so moany yeah and see all this stuff my skin's abscess silver satin you know and I think I had a I think I had something else oh I consider this money tree just pick your Aquatica it should be like mid level right because it likes to dry out between waterings but you know but it's the foliage is kind of kind of thin it's kind of on a tender side but anyway so I'll just put that in the middle these types of plants again I leave them in a nursery pot I leave them in a nursery pot for quite a long time because I just do why do you want to transplant a plant if it looks good this looks fabulous to me so I'm just gonna leave it until I see the roots really popping out and then I'm gonna put it up and let up pot it to a larger size and I'm only gonna go up one size in the pot so this isn't a 4 inch I could do a 5 inch but it's easier just to do a 6 inch because they make more 6 inch than they do 5 inch nursery pots so I'm gonna bump this up to a 6 inch nursery pot and it's going to expand its roots and it's going to get bigger so when you pot your plants up and you up size your plants they grow right and if you don't want your plants to grow try to leave it in the pot as long as you possibly can and you'll have to simplement the soil with nutrients because at a certain point in time all the soil disappears and you're just looking at roots that's kind of not a good situation ok so anyway I like to keep them in here or I'll plant them in directly into a pot that has drainage right I mean I should have one of those actually you know I don't think I do I'll find I'll make I'll show you something I'll find one around the house and so it could be a ceramic it could be metal it could be glass so these the types of materials that are good for these plants um so like a plant like I don't even say the philodendron I have this philodendron in a terra cotta pot it's fine and you can also use terra cotta pots for these guys too but you're going to be you're going to be watering more often and so that's what you have to watch out for what is going on here exactly this anniversary pot see I'm gonna pull it out then a nursery pot I'm gonna be right back only right back Seifer got a plant it's like I go off topic so much that I forget what the whole point of what I was talking about so let me just go back to the mid range plans so I'm just gonna list what the mid range plants are and there's others of course I'm just showing you so you get an example an idea of what you should be looking for when you're trying to select a pot for your plants so I consider a mid range plant like the ficus elastica because no no it needs water it likes good drainage um it doesn't like root rot who does so it's a mid range and also the the Chinese evergreens this is tigress I'm pretty sure and it definitely does not like to be over watered it can go long periods of time without water so and this is another mid-range mid range plant and then we've got um the skinned abscess like different pothos you know I talked about the money the money tree money oh um there's also monstera and I would even say like an theorems definitely an Turing so these are mid-range guys and they can go in either terracotta or in a pot like a like a ceramic pot or a metal pot or anything that has a drainage hole so you have a wide variety of pop choices with your mid-range plants so next is the tender plants in the tender plants I like to try to keep them out of terracotta pots and I do it I'll plant them in terracotta pots because I just like the way it looks and then I regret it because I'm constantly watering it so think about your schedule think about your willingness to - to have ongoing plant care because um you're just gonna make a mistake if you if you start putting like fatone eeeh and the hypo sd's things like that in terracotta pots or concrete pots because you're gonna be like where did i do that so yeah so plants like that and also like this is like the most adorable I'm in love I'm in love with this little rabbit's foot fern and a little fuzz ball on it that's ball so this is not in a concrete pot it's in a square grow pot inside a cover pot right so I'm just gonna leave it for now I definitely want to transplant this though because I know I'm gonna be watering it every three days so I don't want to do that maybe even every two days so anyway so ferns for sure or like more tender type of plants we've got spathiphyllum this one is called platinum mist and it's but they need a lot of water they need a ton of water so you really want not you want to pull back from putting them in in concrete pots this is a bad example I'm gonna take it out of here because I think I'm confusing the message here keep them out of these they should not go together this isn't a metal cover pot but guess what guys it's still in the grow pot so that's what I do with these types of plants even like the home ala Mina which is over here like I'm literally in a tunnel a cave of plants it doesn't like to dry out and it starts drooping guess what though um use it add water and it pops right back up but don't let it go too long you'll see it the minute like this guys already asked to be watered um yeah it's asking to be watered so Hamato Mina's things like Moran tez and clay Thea plants like that that are just kind of thirsty on the thirsty side stay away stay away from anyway from the concrete stay away from the terracotta because you just gonna be watering constantly it's really about it's a really a reflection on you and your plant care and how you care for your plants if you're there a lot if you're around your plants every day like I am in most cases I'm okay putting acally Thea in a terracotta pot I'm gonna show you which okay so this is a beauty star and this guy obviously is in a terra cotta pot it's planted in a terra cotta pot and i watered a lot so that's what happens that's kind of a slave to your plants if you do that just think about that so anyway that's kind of really it I mean I just wanted to do like a basic overhaul of you know what kind of pots you should choose for your plants and I thought like by sectioning it out in three section sections would make it a lot easier I don't know if I made it more complicated maybe but um probably I don't know I think it's clear so that's really it guys have an amazing weekend I know what you're doing and I don't know what I'm doing but I know what it involves plants and it involves seeing my friends and family and that's good for me that's really good for me so that's I'm gonna do that I hope you guys gonna do that too and I'll see you guys next week and I hope you find the right the right pots for your plants I hope you do well but I make it more confusing all right bye
Views: 314,004
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Keywords: Indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, pots for plants, plants, planters, indoor plant pots, terra cotta pots, ceramic pots, best indoor plants, best house plants, best houseplants, tropical plants, low maintenance plants, succulents, philodendron, concrete pots, best planters, best houseplant pots
Id: k7q5d7MjTBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 44sec (1004 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2020
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