All you need to know about Scindapsus Pictus

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hi and welcome to swedish plant guys this time we will give you all you need to know on the skindopsus pictures and as usual we will divide this video up into four parts you have the purchase the planting the placement and the care of the plant so if you want to skip forward you can but if you want all you need to know you need to watch the entire video now if you like this video please give it a thumbs up that really helps this channel a lot if you haven't subscribed to our channel yet please do and hit the bell as well so you get a notification every time we put up something new and like us on facebook and instagram where you can get sneak previews on upcoming videos and sometimes a little bit more so starting off this is the plant we're talking about today and this is the skindapsus pictus now there are three different varieties that we usually can get a hold of at least here in sweden i could only get a hold of one of them for this video so i only have one with me here today and this is the scindapsus pictus argoreus and this is the most commonly used one here in sweden as well now it has a lot of different names it's sometimes called silver pothos or saturn pothos or silver saturn pothos in sweden we call it silva ranch however this is not a pothos it is not an epipremnum it is not a philodendron this is a schindapsus and although they have a lot in common there are a couple of things that makes this plant a little bit different and that is what we're going to try and figure out in this video so starting off with the purchase now when you go out to buy this plant there are actually three different varieties you normally can get a hold of now i only have one of them with me here in the studio today because i couldn't get a hold of the other two but this is the schindupsus pictus argueraeus and that is the most commonly used one here in sweden at least but there are two other varieties one of them is the exotica you can tell which one is the exotica because it usually has a little bit bigger leaves than the other two and also in the middle of the leaf you always have a green line here there are never ever those silvery dots in the middle of the lines in the middle of the leaf here and that is the exotica then you have the silverian and as the name suggests it has a lot more of those silver spots on it some of the leaves can even be almost entirely silver and that is the silverian but no matter which one you buy you can use everything in this video to all the three varieties so when you go out to buy this plant usually i say that you need to consider the quality of the plant but that is not as important concerning the skindapsus pictures because it is a very easy to care for plants it will thrive in all all different types and conditions so it's not that important that you get a good quality plant but there is a difference between a low quality and a high quality and usually one of the biggest differences is that when you get a good quality you have a bigger root system but no matter if you buy a an expensive one or a cheap one do never ever knock off the pot i usually recommend that in tropical plants that when you're out you knock off the pot and you take a look at the roots do not do that with a scindapsus and the reason is there are two reasons for that one of them is that it doesn't have a really massive root system it's usually it grows the roots grows quite slowly so if you buy a lower quality skindapsus when you knock off the pot it's not a lot of roots you will not even be able to see the roots inside of the pot but another thing is that in the greenhouse this is planted in a soil that is extremely airy and very very light so when you knock off the pot what could happen is that all of that soil will just fall out of the pot and you will be standing there with the plant and roots in your hand and of course the shop won't like that so don't knock off the pot you could always look to see if there are any roots coming out of the drainage holes in the bottom if there are then a big plus but it's not a big deal if there aren't so what you need to look for instead instead of looking at the roots are the overall look of the plant look at the leaves make sure that they do not have any spots on them no brown tips or black spots or nothing that makes this plant look worse it should look like this and another positive is that if you can see that it's actually growing that you have small new leaves beginning to develop on the plant that is also a big plus and if you have a lot of them in in the shop make sure to look and see which one of them has the most starters now by starters i mean cuttings and how many small plants have they put in the same pot so you can actually look down into the soil here and look and see how many starters are coming out of the soil now in this one i can actually find one two three four five six we have six starters in this one so if you have another one that has 10 starters then i would go with that one because then you will get a fuller bigger plant quicker in your home now you never buy the skindapsus pictures for the flowers it does flower but i have over 20 years experience of taking care of this plant and i have never seen a flower on this plant which probably means that you will never see one either not unless you are living in asia where this grows naturally and you have it outside in your garden then maybe maybe you will get flowers on it so we buy this plant because of the foliage and the overall look of this plant so don't expect it to flower because it probably will not now when you buy this you have to make sure that if you buy it in wintertime at least here in sweden in winter time the temperatures can drop quite low you need to know that this is a plant that can get injured if it is too cold outside now it usually wants to have above 16 degrees celsius around i think it's 60 degrees fahrenheit it needs to have above that if you know that it's below that then make sure that the shop wraps it in something in plastic or paper or something when you take it outside and also if it is 16 degrees celsius and you know that it is storm windy outside then that can also be a problem for this plant so make sure that they wrap it in something when you take it home and maybe don't use the bike take it in a heated car or something but if it's in the summer time you don't have to do anything you can just buy it you can take it home you don't have to worry about it it's just that it is a little bit sensitive to cold so moving on to planting when you get your plant to your house don't do anything you don't need to re-pot this when you've just bought it in fact i really recommend you not to because as i said before the roots can grow quite slowly in this plant which means that you do not want to disturb the roots that often they're also quite small and sensitive so it's quite easy to break them when you repot them so my advice to you is that when you get it to your house just let it sit in that container for at least a couple of months maybe six months to a year before you repot it and you can repot it when you see that the roots are starting to come out of the drainage holes in the bottom or if you see that the pot itself is starting to lose its shape then you can maybe take it out and look at the roots to see because it really doesn't like to be root bound so it needs to be repotted but do not do that too often another thing is that when you repot this never repot it in a big pot just add one or two slices to the pot when you repot it because if you have a two large pot for this plant what happens is that that soil will be moist for a longer period of time so the roots will be wet or moist for a long period of time and this plant doesn't like that at all it needs to dry out in between watering so if it has too much soil around the roots it is easier for you to give it too much water and maybe get root rot or something even worse and that will affect the plant and it could die so when you repot only add one or two sizes of the pot then wait another year maybe one year and a half then repot it again in just a little bit bigger size so when it eventually becomes time to repot this what type of soil should you use well i told you before that it comes usually comes in a soil that is very very airy and very very light it doesn't want a hard and compact soil so when you repot this you have to consider that use a you can use a standard planting soil but if you do if you use just standing planting soil i recommend you to mix that up with something that makes the drainage better now we have a video about drainage so you can go and watch that as well but if you mix it up with let's say perlite or pumice that will make that normal planting soil so much better for your skin absence so make sure you have good drainage and also when you do that make sure to always repot it in a pot that has drainage holes because if this stands in water then you will get root rot and the plant will die so you want to make sure that all the excess water goes out of the pot so a very airy very light soil and drainage holes in the bottom now if you are a subscriber to this channel you know that we are very very fond of promise we use that for all types of indoor plants and outdoor plots and this is also a plant that will thrive in pumice now if you want to know more about thomas we have a video on that as well and you can use those videos for this plant and it will work perfectly the roots will thrive and grow like crazy but you could also use a self-watering system for the skindapsus that also works fine but like i said before if you have a schedule it needs to dry out in between waterings and a self-watering pot actually means that it doesn't really dry out in between you have a big water container in the bottom which sucks up a little bit water all the time which makes the soil a little bit moist so how does it this work this plant work in that type of system well we have a video on self-watering systems as well so you can make one yourself but my advice to you is that when you add water to your self-watering system make sure that it is completely dry in that system before you add water again so you add water it goes up and then you let it dry out in between the next waterings and also make sure that the pumice or the soil that you use for the roots is a soil that has that good drainage that really makes sure that all the excess water goes down into the reservoir and doesn't stay in the soil for instance if you have a self-watering system where you have pumice here that will drain out quite good and it will never be too moist for the roots so a self-watering system actually works just make sure that you let the soil dry out in between waterings now this is of course a vine plant or a climbing plot and it loves to climb it actually thrives when it gets to climb if you have a hanging if you have it hanging like this you will never or it is hard to get those really big nice lush leaves but if you let it climb instead like this one here if you let it climb on a wire like this or on a moss pole could it also be you could also use a moss ball then you will see that this really loves it and this is what we call a shingling vine plant it actually goes in nature it goes up a trunk or of or a stem of a plant or a tree and it shingles it just lays those leaves flat against the bark like that almost like shingles on a roof and when it gets to do that when it gets to get that shingling look the leaves just start to get bigger and bigger and you get that really really big nice leaves you can get it when it's hanging like this but they usually become a little bit smaller so if you want those big leaves make sure that it's climbing however this will climb on anything which means it will climb on your wall at home if it can grab a hole to your wall it will climb on that and leave marks it can also climb on furniture and almost anything it really attaches itself to any surface and then it starts to shingle and climb so make sure that to keep it away if you don't want that to happen in your house moving on to placement so when you get it to your house where should you put this plant in your house well you can almost put this plant anywhere this is one of the toughest plants that we have come across in our 20 years of taking care of tropical plants it is a real survivor and i think one of the reasons is that in the wild it actually starts in the bottom of the floor or the the floor of the rainforest and then it starts to climb on something to be able to get to that sunlight so until it gets up to the sunlight it is actually in a very dark place and sometimes when it doesn't get anything to climb on it will only be down in the floor of the rainforest where it's very very dark but it will thrive anyway what that means to you is that you could place this almost anywhere in your home it will love every position you will put it in but not direct sunlight so here in sweden that means we should never put this in a southern facing window because the direct sunlight will burn the leaves of this quite quickly and you you will see that quite instantly and you have to remove it to somewhere else but otherwise you can place it almost anything anywhere however just as small however if you place this plant with a lot of light which is actually what it really wants you will get bigger leaves and shorter internodes now the internode is the distance in between two leaves here that is the internode and those will become shorter if you give it a lot light and you will be and the leaves will become bigger so in the on the other hand if you place this somewhere maybe inside of a room where it gets quite dark the plant will survive but you will get smaller leaves and longer internodes so it will look a little bit more leggy or gangly it will it will be fuller and bigger and stronger if you have it in a light spot and a little bit more leggy and longer if you have it in a very dark place but it will survive this is one of the plants we use when we have to place a plant somewhere where it is really really dark it is basically this or the cc plant that will survive in those conditions so it is an extremely strong plant i just want to add concerning the light as well that you need to consider that it loves to climb so if you put it in let's say a a western facing window where it gets a little bit sunlight but it gets a lot of light during the day and it will grow quite quickly make sure to keep an eye on those vines because they will start to climb on walls they will start to climb on furniture and they will grab a hold of almost anything so if you have it somewhere where it actually grows quite fast make sure to keep those vines away from anything you like in your home now the skindapsus pictus wants a high high humidity indoors and that is a big problem here in sweden at least in the winter time but if you only make if you make sure to cut down on the watering make sure that it dries out in between waterings in wintertime it's usually not a problem but if you can then you can help this plant by just spraying it with some water maybe once a week just may spray a can with a little bit of water once a week that will help it during those very difficult and dark times of the year in the winter another thing you should avoid is cold draughts it really doesn't like it if it gets to be below 16 degrees celsius or 60 degrees fahrenheit if you know that you have windows that has a lit that little bit of a cold draft in the winter time then maybe move it from the window and place it just a little bit into the room or something so it doesn't get that dropped and also if you know that you open your windows in the winter and it will get a lot of drafts move it away from that window as well another thing is that it really doesn't like the extreme warmth and low humidity that the radiator underneath the window provides in winter time so that is also a reason to maybe move it from the window when it is the coldest outside and you know that that heater is really blasting it blasting that heat up to the window with that said i know that this is my own personal plant and i never move this i have this in the window just above a radiator during winter and it survives as well but it can be a problem for you so make sure to look at the plant to see if it reacts and one of the things that it can do if it gets that cold you will see that the leaves will start to wilter a little bit and they can even get damaged and that damage looks like it's wiltering it loses the color a little bit and it just wilters like this another thing is if you get too much of that heated low humidity from the radiator then you will see that the leaves will start to curl and i have one here i have a vine here that i've cut off and the leaves here have started to curl now the skin dops is actually does this to protect itself because when it curls those leaves it keeps a higher humidity inside here where you have the stomatas those small openings that that regulates the heat inside of the plant it opens and closes and lets out the water by doing this it actually helps it to preserve more water inside of the plant and if it gets to be very very low humidity this is one of the things it will do it will curl those leaves and if you see that you have water you plant but it's still curling them like this it's probably a humidity problem so moving on to the care of the plant now as i said in the beginning this is usually called a silver pothos or a saturn pothos but it is not apothose hypothesis is an epiperemonum and there is quite a big difference concerning the care of the plant from a pothos and a scindapsus and the biggest one of all is water because you could have a pothos and keep that just a little bit moist all the time that will work perfectly it likes to dry out a little bit in between waterings if you want to know more about potholes we have a video on pothos you can watch that but it will survive if it's a little bit moist the skindapsus will not survive in those conditions it wants to dry out and it wants to dry out almost completely before you give it water again because the roots will very very easily rot and then the plant will just give up and die if you have a skindapsus and apothos next to each other they are the same size they are standing in on the same windowsill together then the pothos will drink 50 percent more water than the skindapsus so there is a huge difference in how much water they want so make sure when you take care of the skindapsus that you have a soil that has good drainage that you when you water you never let it stand in water in the outside pot and make sure that it dries out in between watering if you do that then this is a very very simple plant to care for it will just give you more and more leaves it will grow and grow and grow if you just make sure not to give it too much water now if you give it too much water then what happens then well the first thing you will see is that it will start to get brown spots on the edges of the leaves and then quite quickly some of the leaves will start to become bright yellow if you have a large skin upset like this one you will just see that some of the leaves just like that turns bright yellow that is an indication that you have watered your plant too much just let it dry out really really dry out before you give water again and take away those bright yellow leaves because they will never be fine again then you have probably saved the plant but if you continue to water it then more and more leaves will get bright yellow and eventually you will get root rots and the entire plant is just going to start to wilter it looks like all of the water is just being sucked out of the plant even though it's really really moist and it is actually being sucked out because the roots have stopped working so it cannot suck up more water to the leaves but the leaves continue to evaporate which means that you are sucking out all of the water inside of the plants it just wilters and then it dies but on the other hand if you let it dry out too long the first thing that will happen is that the leaves will start to curl like this when it gets dry or when it gets too dry the leaves will start to curl like this this is to prevent it from evaporating that water inside of the plant so when you see that the plant is doing this then make sure to check your soil is it dry yes it's dry give it water and then it will open up again so that is just an indication of i want more water but as i said before if it does this and you have watered your plant then it could be the humidity that is wrong and not the water but if you let it go too long if you let it dry out the leaves start to curl and you just don't give it water what happens then well then you get this some of the leaves on your plant will get to be brownish yellow like this and you can also when it when you touch these leaves you can also hear that they they are completely dry so if you see those brownish yellow leaves and not bright yellow this is also an indication that you haven't given it enough water now one more thing that could happen is that you could get some black spots on the leaves they can be on the edges of the leaf it could be in the middle of the leaf you get black spots with yellow edgings around that black now that is a sign of root rot or other fungus or bacterial problems usually coming from that you're giving it too much water and you need to do something for the roots if you get those black spots make sure to take away the leaves that has those problems and also re-pot your plant when you pull that out you will see if you have root rot because you will get that really nasty smell that shouldn't be there you you you you can't miss it and also the the roots will start to be they will be a little bit black and not white as they should be not white or light gray they are black and they smell really really bad cut those off replant your par your plant and then you could have saved that plant and also take away those black leaves spots as well what does this scindapsus really likes is that you help it with something and that is that you just use something to remove the dust you have in your home because you will have dust on the leaves by just taking a microfiber cloth or any type of cloth for that matter just rinsing it in some water and just wiping off the leaves like this you take away that dust and you help the plant to actually function properly because if you have a lot of dust on the leaves they cannot open and close the stomatas as well and it has a little bit of a problem so just wipe off the leaves maybe once a month or when you see that it needs to be wiped then do that and help your plant to feel better now when your plant is beginning to thrive it will grow quite fast and it will become bigger and bigger and bigger now when that happens it could be that it gets to be too big for where you want the plant to be never ever be afraid of pruning this plant you can prune any type any time of year but if you preferably you prune in springtime when the plant is getting ready to start to grow for the season but you can prune it all year around now what happens when you prune this plant is that it will actually become fuller denser it will send out new shoots from different nodes different leaf here leaves here and we it will become fuller so if you want a fuller plant then you try and prune this often and by often i mean maybe two or three times a year you will not hurt the plant and you can just make a small cut in between two nodes or in between two leaves anywhere in between on that internode you can just cut it and then you can propagate your your syntaxes and then you will get a fuller mother plant here the skin dops as pictures doesn't need a lot of nutrients you don't have to add a lot of nutrients what we usually do is that we give it nutrients maybe two or three times a year and always during the most active period that means from here here in the northern hemisphere that means from around march till october during that period we give it nutrients two to three times you could give it every month uh as well but then i would recommend you to dilute that a little bit more than it says on the box so always use a fertilizer that you mix with the water when you're watering because that works the best for this type of plant but if you give it more than three times a year then make sure that you add more water to your mix than it says on the box that you buy and you can use any type of full coverage fertilizer that you can get a hold of in the stores if you should get pests then we recommend you to go out and buy a pesticide to treat that type of pest if you get spider mites get a variety that takes care of spider mites if you get scale get a variety that takes care of scale and just follow the instructions on the bottle and you will get rid of them quite easily and when that has happened when you've gotten rid of them you have to make sure to look and see what has been wrong with your plant is it the placement is it the watering is it that you haven't given it any fertilizer it need does it need to be reported because if you have pests on it then something has been wrong so make sure to fix that problem as well don't just take away them the the pests make sure to find what has been wrong and when you do that then your plant will start to thrive again and you will not get pest problems again now to round up this video i need to tell you that this plant is mildly poisonous to pets so if you have a pet at home make sure that it doesn't nibble on it doesn't eat it doesn't play with it because what could happen is that they could get swelling in the mouth or the tongue it could also get to throw up it's just mildly poisonous so it it won't kill your your your house pet but just keep it away from the pets and then it's not a problem for us humans it's not that big of a problem but you shouldn't eat it it's not a lettuce don't eat it and then you're fine now if you like this video please give it a thumbs up that really helps this channel a lot if you haven't subscribed to our channel yet please do hit the bell as well so you get a notification every time we put up something new and don't forget to like us on facebook and instagram to get sneak previews on upcoming videos and sometimes a little bit more now until next time hydor
Channel: Swedish Plantguys
Views: 81,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Argyraeus, Exotica, Silvery Ann, scindapsus, pictus, care, of, purchase, placement, sun, darkness, dark place, tough, plant, care of, watering, repot, pot, soil for, all you need to know about, plant guys, swedish, Guys, planting
Id: vwSB1xngvP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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