Weekend Plant Care | Potting, Planting & Pruning!

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[Music] welcome back you guys my name is amanda from plant arena and i'm inviting you to come along on this plant care day that i have been neglecting for quite a while but first i want to say you guys thank you for subscribing and if you haven't you you can subscribe there's a button someplace and i would really appreciate it because you guys are actually the best and thank you thank you so much for those of you who have so today i'm going to just i'm going to walk around i'm going to clear some things away i'm going to do some repotting i'm going to take some cuttings that need to be potted and i'm gonna go into water and i might even fertilize a plant or two if i see that it's growing and i'm gonna clean some plants up i have a lot i have a lot to do so i'm just gonna kind of start with probably um with this table like just clearing this table off because there's so much stuff on it and i need like a little space to think and to look at the plants the first thing i noticed when i come into my plant studio is that i have a bunch of cuttings that have been sitting in water i have been changing the water out to keep them healthy and to make sure there's oxygen in the water and these are my cuttings of a monstera deliciosa albo varagata and i'm pretty excited about these because like they're just great plants and they're rare and they're hard to find and so you know i've got i've got quite a few of them in here and this this one has just kind of grown a very long aerial route you know it has damage but i'm hoping that this will survive in soil and i mean i don't know this one is this is like a little this is mushy this one's mushy i don't know if this one's going to make it this is like not super healthy root well look at that i don't know i'm gonna plant it anyway let's do that so and these have healthy roots these actually have healthy roots um they're like spira like spry is that even a word they're like kind of they're like right like radishes they feel like radishes and this one has a lot of them so these are going to be planted together i'm gonna actually i'm gonna plant these two together and whatever i don't know i have to just i'm just you're with me you're with me i'm just looking at things and doing things and showing you and these also have fresh white roots on them and they are ready they're ready to go in soil you can you can leave them in water for a long time if you want but i prefer to get these in soil before the roots are over like one to two inches these are kind of small roots oh yeah there's there's a little bit of a new growth coming out there too so it's time so i have my soil here and i'm going to get a tray and some water okay it's really important to work on a tray when you have like a lot of dirt and stuff and you're messy so there's like a bib like a plant bib i have four grow pots that i don't throw out i upcycle them i reuse them all the time because i just use them and i need them so i have different sizes i have like a taller one this is a shorter one and i think what i'm going to do is for um why am i holding that i just put you down gently i'm going to kind of pre-moisten the soil just because it's so dry this is dry i have it in a bin over there and i just dip the grow pots in it and then uh and i don't keep it wet because you can get fungus gnats so don't keep a wet soil laying around that's not good fungus gnats by the way just up here like out of nowhere they kind of they're insidious so i just put a bunch of water in here that's why i have the tray because a lot of the water is going to just get come right out it's still super dry you can even do this in a bucket do it in a bucket or you can keep them in a tray and then put the water in the bottom of the tray and the water will eventually rise up rise up through the rings so just they have to be wet if the soil is not wet these cuttings that were growing they were growing in water sorry like my mouth is dry they're going to dry out quickly and they need to be pretty moist the first few weeks of planting planting into the soil mixture okay so don't forget that otherwise all that time growing all those beautiful roots wasted wasted you don't want to waste time and plus these are pretty special these are pretty special plants the other thing you can use your watering can for is dipping your hand in to get the excess water off of your hand or soil off your hands like kind of clean i have these to plant so i'm going to plant them and i'm just going to take some soil i think i'm going to use a tall one for this one because see there's roots growing all down the stem there can you see that okay and i'm just going to take some of the excess soil out starting to feel pretty wet i'm going to do it like that it is literally it's still pretty dry it's still very very dry in there i'm going to do just place it in so the roots i have to show you that closer so the roots are just kind of sitting in they will actually be in the soil medium not above and not like buried way way below so i'm going to just put some soil on top here like that gently this is going to be by itself this guy i think because it's double it's going to be one plant um and i'm and this might just be one vine eventually i don't know the one like the mama plant behind me is just one vine and that's why i wanted to propagate more of them so i could have like a bushy plant so this is probably going to be just one vine and then what i to make sure that i have multiple um not like multiple but to have like a bushy plant i'm gonna plant two or three hold on one second two or three cuttings into into one pot oh here are my other cuttings i just saw i put them aside so i have multiples here so i'm going to take this one doesn't have any variegation these two do and this one has a little guy growing in it a little baby and i'm going to put it in here and i'm not going to bury it too deep it's going to take a handful of soil lay the roots inside here and just like this and put the soil on the top and that's kind of it it's really really easy to do this soil has some worm castings in it it's like organic fertilizer and i'm not gonna fertilize these yet i'm just gonna let the let it establish first and then if i see new growth like that like that one in there then i'll maybe i'll put a little bit uh of like um fish emulsion on it so i have this one which is three cuttings in one then i have one cutting in another and so those are those two another thing i really really have to do i have to water and i try not to just water everything at once because you know you don't want to over water plants so what i try to do is i'll put a bunch of plants that need water in a tray like this and i will add water i'll bottom water and i have quite a few racks of plants that need that that need to be water can like a lot because they're in smaller they're in smaller containers so i'm just going to do this i'm going to take my watering can and just fill i'm going to fill the tray with water and these plants will water themselves through kind of capillary action and then i have to do it again for maybe another week or two depending on how warm it is in here it gets pretty hot in here like sometimes 75 degrees so these plants are going to use the moisture faster than if it were cooler so like for like for instance this is a calathea roof barber it dries up pretty quickly because there's a lot of roots and there's a lot of foliage and it's in a smaller container i might even think about repotting this i don't know maybe not today i've got other stuff to do i repotted that oh we repotted this we watered these i'm just going to do some other i'm going to look for more plants that need to be watered come join me there's a lot pretty much running out of space on the table so i have a bunch of plants on the floor and i'm going to just check this like this let me see if it's dry now these are these are pretty wet so i'm not i'm not going to water them you know this this is the stormanthy trio star but i take it out of the pot and i look at it and i can see that it's pretty wet throughout the entire root ball of this plant so i don't need to touch it i don't need to touch it i'm just going to put it back in there and put it back in the tray and put it back in the tray that's where it belongs right now i know you guys are like wait why do you have all these plants on the floor what is going on here i don't have any more room anyway i will make room for these plants somewhere i i can't i can't i'm like a plant order i can't get rid of them this these like this is a red maranta so pretty so pretty uh very very moist so i must have just watered it and again this is another plant this is the uh antherium uh plow many eye matting i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to take it out of the when it really doesn't want to come out gonna take it out of the pot it's starting to deform the pot a little bit which is another indication that you probably should repot the plant right repot the plant definitely see this there's a lot of healthy roots there it's a lot of healthy roots so it's going in a bigger pot i'm just going to do it like super quick right here i got some soil in the grow pot and i'm going to just simply put a little soil in the bottom this is just real i just want to do it i'm just going to do it i just explained the whole process so i'm not going to explain it again i'm just going to show you what i'm doing you see it's dry too much i put a little i might not even need here that's it i have plenty of space around the sides of this this is a four inch plant this is a it's going in a six inch grow pot and i put it in like that and then i'm just gonna backfill it like that see that and then i'm going to water it i'm going to water it like crazy i'm going to really soak it really soak it soak it so it just gets a lot of water right now because it is dry and then the thing with these antherium they don't really like to be over watered so i'm gonna water it now okay i gotta figure out where i'm gonna put it and then i'm gonna water it i promise i promise i'm gonna water it these also need water too so i'm gonna put any plants that i think are on the dry side and in this guy this is a ficus audrey and that's dry and these guys are wet and there's a claythia magic star that's dry and i'm gonna just put the water in the in the tray and let the plants do all the work well actually not a lot of work that's good battle keep them happy so i'm just going to check over here i always come to the window i have a lot of succulents that and plants that need a bright light by the window this is a north facing window and so i've got things like this oh i love this guy this is the peperomia hope this is pepperoni i hope you see that guy okay and it is super dry it's super dry because it's in a small terracotta pot you see that but it likes to be very dry i had a little baby cutting one i don't know where that went did i should i keep it it's gone where did you go so i'm just gonna soak this too so i just get up in here and water it that's a hoya australis that was growing under a grow light for a while and so it got a little funky you got a little funky and it has some stuff on it whatever and i also maybe have to treat some of my treat some of my plants here's a variegated hoya wayetti i think it's a way eddie they look just like they just look like the kentiana's a lot and then i water it because this is in a pot that doesn't have a drainage hole i just turn it upside down you get the excess water out i just did it over another plant super dusty i think this is a ficus sunshine sunrise sunshine very dry it's grown a lot oh can i show you something i'm going to show you something i'm going to put i put this down put you down i'm going to freak i like often put my watering cans down and i can't find them can't find them because they're just like they disappear they get sucked up into this whole plant world um oh yeah i'm going to show you something so you see this red this redness of this redness right there on the back of the leaf this is um called edema it's not terrible it's not a terrible disease it's basically it means that these cells kind of burst from too much water which i find hard to believe because i don't ever get this too much water let's look at the bottom of the pot oh my gosh look at that i need to repot this okay you're going to get repotted i love this one this is the rabbit's foot fern that i actually keep water at the bottom because these i can't pull it out anymore because you see how these these crazy roots are like wrapping around these rhizomes are wrapping around the pot i'm hoping this is going to engulf the pot in a matter of a year or two so it's a lot of water in it maybe too much water that's enough a little bit more that's too much that's perfect robert's foot fern you're heavenly okay and then like i don't even ever water those cactus the cacti they're cacti or that here's the philodendron mayo eye that is oh pretty this is water it i put moss on top and i really i know it's dry because i can feel it it's very very light and this is it needs it and it has new growth on it i probably should actually fertilize this i'm going to do that right now it's fish emulsion fish emulsion so i'm just going to put some of it a little little tiny bit of it a little tiny bit in the watering can that's it that is it in the watering can and mix it up oh it smells it's smelly smelly stuff but it does the job smelly and i lost it what was i going to fertilize oh that this guy i'm still going to get it on the floor oh shoot i got it on the floor i'm going to put it in this like plastic cover pot and just going to water it like that see i watered it first and then i fertilized it you want to water first and then fertilize get it in there get it in there oh i can tell it needs it it really does need a little bit of fertilization because it's still busting out some new growth and um it keeps doing it it keeps doing it because it's by the light and it's warm in here has no idea that it's november it's november it's november you don't care what month it is okay you're fertilized i think um let me see what else i can fertilize oh yeah maybe just put the stinky but i'm going to use i'm just going to fertilize that that vicus over there with the extra fertilizer and in that yellow gem done that was easy so this monstera and sony i had a better life had a better life than it does now and i i was really thinking about just cutting it way the heck back just because this side is terrible the plant has moved on its own over there this side's not so bad but it was nice and full and beautiful and now it's not it's not and these guys really do like to be fertilized consistently and you know you can see it is growing kind of it's trying i'm sorry i really i just want to cut it back because i've been thinking about doing it for like a month now i'm just gonna do it i'm gonna it's probably not the best time of year to cut it back but i don't have any more space in here and i can't get in and out of the door and so i'm just i'm gonna cut it incredibly back far i'm gonna cut it back far which might be traumatizing for some of you um and i'm sorry about that but it's really about i don't have the space at this point in time so i'm not even like i'm not even thinking about nodes or anything now i'm thinking about i don't have the space so this is if you want to propagate it don't do it this way but like i said i'm inviting you into something that i usually just do by myself i'm going to throw this i might propagate these okay i'm lying i think i'm going to propagate these but i have to put them down first weirdly enough weirdly enough i feel like this looks better it's a pole it's becoming a pull oh my gosh and it will oh here there's a whole mess that's coming off i'm gonna get in there i could chop you chop it i'm not mad at the plant i'm just mad at myself for letting it get to this to the state i'm sorry my pants are falling down and what will happen i'm hoping is that new growth will show up probably not down there i don't know i don't know i guess i'm going to keep it i'm hoping it'll kind of slowly grow over the winter and then maybe in the spring i'll put it i'll put it outside maybe a miracle will happen and it'll look better i just um i can use the door i can use the door now that's kind of important wow wow okay wow that was upsetting no it's not i feel better i feel better do you feel better a little lighter a little lighter on the pole that potting area is a disaster so i'm not even going to show you but i have plants like this giant whale thin sansavaria that uh i don't know what to do with it it's so beautiful i think i want to get get it out of this red terracotta pot put it in a white pot or something a little bit prettier and bring it in the house just like that you see that just popped it right out pretty easy and then i might have to put it in an eight yeah i need an eight inch i need a eight inch grow pot hold on one sec see that see that like a disaster but it's getting in there okay i found a basket found a basket it looks it looks good in a basket like that looks good in the basket okay that's that that's done yeah there's there's a lot there's a lot more for me to do i'm not sure if you guys want to stick around for it but it's really just picking up each plant and making sure that they're doing great that they're watered that they're fertilized if they have new growth if they have to be cleaned some of the leaves really need to be cleaned and i'll show you a perfect example perfect example is this fiddly fig here this funky fiddly fig that's growing at a crazy angle that i got from my dad's house and i have to keep these leaves clean and so they because they really just they get very dirty it's a little dusty in here as you can tell and a fiddly fig needs to get as much light as possible to do well so i just kind of have to cool in here and clean it and just especially the new new leaves like these guys look so great get any just get a bunch of stuff off it and i need to i need to wash this sturdy pretty much i have a lot more to do and you really don't need to hang out anymore if you don't want to because it's really just cleaning and kind of just picking things up and and looking in looking under in the pots looking in all the good stuff like where the good stuff is hoyas do not root very fast i've had this for two years now they don't root fast so i don't have to repot things like hoyas but i do have to repot things that are looking like looking like that like this bike is isn't that low it needs to be repotted the other thing if you don't want to repot it you just snip that off it's a cheat it's a cheat snip it where are my snippers this i don't know there always seems to be a pair of snippers wherever i look but not a watering hand you can do that you can do that totally i just did it i just did it um you know so that's it like it's just things like this that oh this is super dry this this philadelphia in brazil is very dry needs to get watered saying i've got a few more hours in here and um i'm going to put some music on i'm gonna crank some music and i'm gonna do a little plant dance with my plants it's just actually i'm just gonna dance i'm not gonna dance with my plants because you don't do that we don't do that we just i self dance um guys you said just it's like you have to be in a zone you have to be in the zone you realize yes you place something to look very beautiful like this dorado dracaena and i have touched it yeah that's that's one thing it's so true this is so true is that i pretty much have kind of stopped watering my plants um meaning i will i will go like a week to nine days without touching a watering hem and it's and it works because they don't want a lot of water and that's really kind of about the care although this is there's this giant there's a giant it's i need to water a lot so because plants that are in like big plants that are in smaller containers use up the water very very quickly so anyway that's what i'm that's what i'm going to do i'm going to continue doing that and thank you guys for making it this far and uh if you picked up any information that's great uh and i'm just let's see it's funny because i'm looking all around i'm seeing that monstera is dry that other monster ad and sonia dry so i gotta get to it let me just finish i'm just gonna finish i'm gonna finish bye that was very deep good bye bye bye hi
Views: 51,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EfBuErhjHUw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 27 2021
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