Houseplant Tour (400+ Plants) | Winter/Spring 2021

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hi everyone my name is nick and today it's time for my house plant tour for winter spring 2021. as always i'm going to go around and show you every single plant and include every single name on screen and of course these videos get longer and longer every time i film a tour so we are in it for the long haul today there is certainly a lot to see so thank you so much in advance for watching i really hope you enjoy and i really hope you get some ideas and inspiration from this i want to start off today's plant tour in the living room which has a lot going on as you can see there are two west facing windows over in that area and if i pan over to the left there is one south facing window that has a lot of light as you can see but i want to start off this houseplant tour in an area of my home that i think many of you are probably the most familiar with which is my plant corner right here and i can attribute all the light and growth in this corner due to the soltec solutions aspect light i do have a discount code which i'll include on screen as well as in the description if you want to get 15 off one of these yourself i really do swear by it all the light that it provides really does cause all of this luscious growth right here to be so lush and if it wasn't there it would not be like this because of course there is just not enough light in this corner so before i had this light here there was really just like one or two plants that were just stringing along with some very sad growth but now we have like 40 plants in this area that are just absolutely flourishing really all of them are doing pretty fantastically and i would like to start off actually with my raffle for a tetrasperma because as you can see here the lower leaves which are you know very old at this point are starting to get a little tired but there is a whole bunch of growth up top that is very very lush and i am going to have to actually cut it back very soon because all the light is down here so all of that up there really just does not have any light to feed off of so you can see the leaves are actually getting kind of smaller but because this plant is such a vigorous grower i would not mind at all cutting this thing back completely because i have seen what it can do in such a short amount of time also growing on the trellis i have this philodendron hostatum this is the narrow form you can see it kind of crawling up and around there's also this philodendron burl marks fantasy i've got the nicest newest leaf hiding back here does actually work its way all the way down to the front with some nicer leaves from when i purchased the plant but of course it's had to acclimate to my home i also have a variegated monstera just the monstera deliciosa alba marginata or not marginata albo veragata you guys know what it is everybody knows what this plant is but it's just trying to get acclimated to this trellis but honestly it hasn't put off more than just this leaf since i moved it here like since six months ago these plants are truly slow growers i do have two plants in the pot you can probably barely see this one down here that just has some new growth coming in which i'm happy to see that green on there because that first sleeve came in with just that white i know it's a little blurry but you don't want those white leaves i also have a hoya carnosa down here just your standard hoya carnosa it's kind of hiding behind this raphaedophera decursiva which i actually have down inside the crate there but you know i knew this leaf was going to get some good light here so i'm not too concerned but honestly i don't think this is going to be living here for a very long time so that's totally fine then i have this anthurium squidward firm's getting in the way antherium padata radiatum it's got a couple leaves i'm actually bringing this one back from near death and it's doing very very well i might as well show you while it's blocking this philodendron squamifurum which is known to have these uh fuzzy very freaky red petioles but i absolutely love them i think it's fantastic i just love to give them a squeeze let's work our way over so i have this ugly nema chocolate of course we have a lot of plants in our home here so it's going to be kind of difficult to give you a good look at all of these but you can always google them i'll put every name on screen this is an ugly name a red emerald right here really such a showy house pant i love this and i would recommend it to everybody the red color is phenomenal i do think it's getting kind of blown out from the aspect light but it's really stunning i do have some other things let's see right up here there's a syngonium i think this is a single name it might be a philodendron people tell me it's a syngonium tri-leaf wonder but you know i never really know i purchased it as a syngonium but every plant i purchased from this place was not what it was so it could be something else entirely different and then i have this hoya ban yang yui i think you know i'm not good at pronouncing this but i really love this red coloration that's getting on the leaf from that soul tech solutions light so that's great and the philodendron pink princess this is the one that i've been propagating off of so i think soon i might be taking this cutting but i might let it actually go one more leaf because this leaf really isn't that impressive i have a philodendron bloody mary hiding behind it which almost probably looks exactly like it so this is pink princess and then this is bloody mary i did just cut a bunch of cuttings off of it because it was coming up pretty high and it was blocking my emidrium ziplanium which of course sorry about that light and we do have some brown tips on this one leaf here but this is a leaf that was on this plant when i got it so we have all this other nice new growth going on and then in here i have a hoya callistophyla really really beautiful hoya but it hasn't done a single thing for me yet but it also hasn't died so that's also what we're looking for and this filled under my eye that one leaf is kind of looking a little chlorotic but the rest of it's looking really really nice kind of works its way down and goes behind my philodendron here or my calathea so sorry i'm not even filming but it goes all the way around here down past my califia orbifolia right here and i think the last plant i have in this area is this aglianema i think they call this ugly name a spring snow really really beautiful i really really enjoy ugly nemo's it's been a house plant that i have really found some love in this past year so as you can see from the spring snow and the chocolate and the red emerald there is just so much to love about ugly and so let's move our way over to this window right here i'll just give you a little bit of a look try to get it not blurry so this is a west facing window as i mentioned and over here i have this philodendron gloriosum sorry a lot of this video is going to be out of focus i'm sure i used to grow this in my bedroom and i wanted to try growing it in the living room and it's actually doing pretty well i did take a cutting and that cutting you will see in my bedroom which is also doing really well but i kind of regret not just potting it up together completely so i think i actually might end up adding that cutting backing back into this pot because i do not need two pots of filled under gloriosum i just need one fabulous one my pan up here there's me there is a monstera celta pecana on the right i'll step up on the couch so that one i've had for probably not quite a year but you know like eight months and then this rip salas pentaptera i think these two hanging planters look really good hanging next to each other i have an apisha right here a piece of cupriata sorry the sunlight is going to start playing devil's advocate now that we move into the window area but the maybe it'll bring out some beautiful nuances in the foliage but i really love this apisha the apicia i've been able to care for the longest is this one hopefully i can keep it because i really kill like every pisha i try to grow they're just like calatheas they're beautiful but they're really difficult this is a peperomia trinervis i really adore this pepperoni i had one that was a beautiful hanging pan plant specimen back a couple years ago but i did kill it because i moved it on top of my refrigerator rookie mistake this is a pilear pens it has some really beautiful black foliage but it's not really handling the winter that well i think it might actually prefer a little bit more humidity so it has died back quite a bit but i'm not going to get rid of it just yet this is an epiphylum i don't know if this is epiphyllum acromanium this was a gift from one of the patrons who used to come into the plant store where i worked and he loved epiphyllums and he would just give me a piece of everyone that had a chunk fall off there's also a hoya macrophylla album marginata with some cat hair and my roommate's hair on it just your standard hoya macrophylla that you're going to see at practically every houseplant store also a really nice variegated plant is this ficus elastica tanaki tanaka i don't know people always tell me i pronounce it wrong but i don't think i'm ever gonna get it right really really beautiful foliage this used to be like a really popular houseplant i think it still is but i think it's really got some really stunning foliage i wish that the sun wasn't you know playing against us right now there's a ahoya australis i think this is the brookfield variety i know there's a bunch of sub species of hoya australis this one has actually grown all the way up its little teepee attached onto this jar with a very sad cutting of a trapiscantia in it and worked its way all the way up way past this peperomia viridis varagata which we'll stop and appreciate for a moment i don't think we're going to get a better light of it but the hoya as you can see is still back here and it's worked its way all the way up to the ceiling so i am going to have to do something about this because i'm actually a little worried that uh it's gonna pull this cup hook out of the ceiling because it's not you know a hook that's meant to stabilize plants i just had it to hold this little jar of water but now i'm just a little worried just gonna yank out of the ceiling but let's go back down here before we work our way up i have this diskidia rusifolia just a little tiny plant a sansevieria orchestra uh honey i or it's christina i'm sorry sansevieri well justina but sansevieria trifasciata honey eye gold i believe is what this one is and then there's a hoya crinkles tinkles a little cutie this is a plectranthus ernstiai a really really interesting plectranthus and then i have this ficus audrey some really striking leaves i love ficus they're they're a bit finicky but this is a really nice ficus well a little bit easier than like the ficus lyrada and the leaves are very fuzzy which i always appreciate this is a cutting that i've actually had believe it or not even though it's like the teeniest thing ever this is the cutting i've been growing off of my pink princess but it's reverted so if i kind of get it at this angle you can see but the leaves they're so teeny tiny i don't know what's going on with it it's kind of cute though not going to get rid of it there's a sansevieria mesoniana or whalefin i know they're teeny tiny but these are actually like offsets my friend gave me some cuttings and the cuttings like made babies off the base of the leaf and then the leaves died so these are all the little babies there's a rough salace back there it's just a little tiny one it's like the the ferrari one you can barely see it not even going to bother i have a repsalas elliptica right here from my friends at the potted elephant and i ended up mounting it on this little piece of wood here so i think it looks really fun this is one of my favorite pepperonis this is peperomia quadrangularis it's got some really really beautiful vines to it of course the lighting isn't great let's try to move over here is that any better i really don't know but at least you get two angles of it and i have a very similar one up here that's called pepperoni tetragona sometimes they call it peperomia patioleta i really love it or the parallel pepperoni or the stilt pepperoni there's a lot of names for this plant it's a great one this is one i've had for probably like three years at this point and goldfish plant nematanthus champagne jam this is the one that has that really lovely shade of purple on the backside as you can also see in that light the leaf that's shining in the light it's got some new growth looking forward to that one growing it's just one little cutting um this is my orchid my brasso the catalase or something i forget exactly what it is once again i'll put it on screen and this is the flower that just is spent i haven't cut it off yet and then if i look back there you can barely barely barely see that's a pepromia la laha trace and there's also to the left of that a peppermint cubensis those are just some cuttings i'm growing in some lecca and then i have um some discidia ovada that i'm trying to root to this little piece of wood here with some moss on it i think i need to water it a little bit more often from the look of those leaves up top that are turning yellow and this is my sister cedena poda i think they call it cyphostema now it's got some really lovely fuzzy leaves with the red backside and they really do shine in the light it's a very vigorous grower in the summer time i'm really surprised that mine is still hanging on throughout the winter but i'm not going to complain there's a hoya fungi eye in here in this little vanda basket i don't think you're going to be able to see it very well i apologize but it does have some kind of nice veination to the leaves as you can kind of see underneath through the sun rays and stuff like that and i showed you the peperomia already there's a coconut orchid my windows are so chock full of plants it's so hard to show you guys this stuff but it's a it's a maxillaria tenuafolia and there's a bunch of plants that i actually have growing back here i think i have most of these also growing in my home but this one in the dead center here in the white pot is the peperomia bamboo stalks and then very very similar one to the right of it is a peperomia glabella of course you can't really see any of that foliage but in case you're curious that's a peperomia wolfgang uh cranny eye in the terracotta pot desperately needs water as well as a pepperoni caparata in the blue yogurt pot and i'll try to give you a look at this hoya obscura in the terracotta pot but of course it's a little bit out of reach so might as well just move up here and show you this uh syntaxis silver and syntax has picked a silver m i can tell i need to water this because the leaves at the base of the pot are curly but if i show you this plant actually goes all the way around and works this way all the way over to the soul tech solutions light and kind of grows down there and gets in my way when i'm filming my videos so that's this area i'm just gonna give you a little bit more of a look while i'm up on the couch and we're gonna work our way over to this window so let me just warp over there so here we are i have to say i'm definitely planning on getting rid of that black bookcase soon because it's not me anymore it was 20 year old me it's not 26 year old me but this is a thematophylum sprucianum i really need to give this thing a little bit better light it's putting off new growth for me the new growth isn't that extravagant of course this leaf hasn't hardened off yet so it's not looking like up to par but i don't know just some of the older leaves just you know make me kind of sad i think i just need to give it a little bit more light and attention this is shaflera actinophila highly highly recommend this plant it looks a lot like my natural mahogany which i know i'm going to forget so i'm just going to go over to it real quick this is my initial mahogany right here try killiamatika do you see that do you see all the little bits i was a bad plant parent i put it in the shower to water it accidentally put the water on hot and it burned a lot of these leaves but that was like six months ago and we have some new leaves coming in so yeah really great plant just really needs to be watered a lot so i just throw it in the shower like every week or two and practically takes care of it i do have some a piping oreo going growing up this trellis right here just some golden pothos and then up in the hanging pot is a tetris stigma of voianum trying to actually get it from a good angle of course all you're seeing is these two brown leaves but there's a lot of foliage on this plant that looks great i really do love this they call this chestnut vine i think it's just really my vibe it's a it's nick plant it's a nick plant this is a philodendron painted lady it's still kind of acclimating to my home it's doing fine but um i can't really see it that well but you know got some browning here and there but you know that's kind of to be expected when i bring something home and it's got to acclimate this is a schefflera ectinophylla dazzle it looks a lot like an arbor cola and i once again have to apologize for this lighting you're gonna hear it a lot for me i think you can get the gist though so this will look a lot like this one day but variegated that is actually what it is but this is literally just a tiny little plant that i got that's just a cutting so in due time i do have a calathea mosaica down here this one's not looking as great as my other one though this is one of the ones that i got from costa farms um and then up here is a little itty bitty hoya please focus please focus it's not going to do it with my voice i got to use my finger um really hasn't done much i have another one that's a little bit bigger this is dirty first of all but this is a peperomia elongata it's a bunch of pepperonis that kind of have this similar look but i really like this one i got it from steve's leaves really nice plant i've had this one for kind of a while i really do enjoy it let's just work up here real quick before i forget this is cheflera actinophylla nova so i do have three schefflera actinophiles right in the same area which i really enjoy for some reason this i love this honestly if you were to ask me what is my favorite plant at the moment i'd say for like the past three months i would answer that question with shaflera at dinofyla nova this is a nick plant this is my vibe this is everything that i want it's everything that i need it's everything that i have so i'm just a really big fan it really does change this window if i step back and you can really see the scale that this plant affects this whole window and area i think it really does just add such pizzazz but let's get back in i do have a hoya sunrise and it does not look like a hoisting rice but it is a hoya sunrise it's just it's looking really bad i tried to like give it a lot of light because i know they turn like red in a lot of light but it kind of just fried so i moved it to a less facing window it was in the south facing window so hopefully it kind of recovers this is a sansevieria uh cylindrica bunkle the starfish plant i love that one ah my ship flare is just getting in my way but it's okay because i love it this is a peperomia pereski eye folia i have it in the penis pot i love that it's my group partner it's got a butt too but i kind of like the front better wink wink um let's see i have this syntaxis silver splash oh my god we're like literally going through the weeds right now it's got a little bit of a different variegation than the um i just want to get it in focus then the syntax has picked this in the silver and it's a little bit more enigmatic i'd say or like pixelated peperomia chemical eye this one is working its way all over my window that and the presque i folio and of course the schefflera but that and the press guy fully are just like wandering all around the window like that's press skyfolia but like here's some kimnotchi eye down here it's just going all over the place and then this one that's also getting in my way here is a syngonium chia pence i really really love this plant it's really nice i kind of prefer it over the singonia macrophylum which you will see shortly there's two more plants behind there i don't even know if i'm going to be able to really get to them the one on the right is a sansevieria quirky eye the coppertone variety and the one on the left is a hoya pubic helix pink silver and hiding all the way in the back corner there is one of my tried and trues it's my sans-severia bantal sensation which is just like an absolutely fake looking plant i'm sorry i just want you to get a good look at it but you can see how fake it looks i can't believe i've had this thing for years and if we begin to work our way up you'll see this coin shaped plant right here which is very very nice i absolutely love this one this is peperomia bowie vineyard it's very very very similar to pepperoni hope the only difference that i can notice is that the leaves are just a little bit more blue gray green than peperomia hope which has more of a like lightish pale green leaf so really the only difference i do not think you're going to notice a difference on camera at all so um there is a pseudorypsalis ramulosa right here i had this in my southeast window in my bedroom and it was bright red and i moved it here because i thought that the bright red would be such great contrast but even this western facing window is just not enough light to hold up that color so it did turn green again but i think i kind of prefer it here anyway then in this pot there's actually two plants you're going to see this pepromia prostrata right here which you know i just don't think we have the lighting to really uh display at the moment but there's also some peperomia polybatria all going throughout here the coin shaped peperomia i would apologize about the light but i know people are just going to tell me to stop apologizing for it so i'm not going to bother um this is the deschidia descidia whatever you want to call it jerry they call it i want to really get up there and see if you can see it's a really really nice plant it is very dark but it's a very very nice plant i actually have a couple of these i think sometimes i call it like oiantha or discidia green cascade those might be different varieties we have a philodendron uh brantianum right here it's got a lot more up top but i think this is the best you're going to see of it there's also an orchid looks like a very spider planty orchid and of course it's dark but uh that is a cymbodium don't know the variety i just want to move down real quick to show you this clump the brantiana is getting in our way this is a clump of talansia funky eye funky eye i don't know how to pronounce it there's a couple plants kind of trilling down the side of this too this is a philodendron lemon lime and some epipen oreo mangela is that how they pronounce it i can't remember it doesn't matter there is some tradiscanthia polita up in here this is the purple heart plant i really need to get in there and clean it out though because this thing is always dying back spider warts and well trade ascantias are the most common ones these are plants that always have browning on them so you constantly have to clean them up i really don't think that they are very viable house plants but you know they still grow in the home they just need a little bit more attention and cleaning up and stuff like that this is an ashkenanthus of gosh i can't remember the the radicands i think it is varagata it's a variegated version of course most of the vines have reverted at this point but i just really love it's jungly vibe just hanging down the side of this shelf here i think it's a total vibe i absolutely love it i don't think there's anything in wally right here i call him wally he looks like a character from a show i like called wally though i call him wall-e but there's nothing in wall-e right now and a philodendron imperial red it's got really big it's gotten really really big and uh poppo's a pepperdine oreo just your jade pothos let's move on down to the shelf here next to alexis we have this uh ugly name a silver queen and that's where the philodendron was growing there's a paper morium just golden standard i don't think it has a name there is amarante in here but it's dyed back so it'll come back to life at some point and then this is just another ugly name of kami tatum this is the species version of aguilene mykami them though so this one's a little bit different than the other ones alrighty then i have this circle shelf right here which you're really not going to bother with because it just has a santa varia aaron bergie eye which is the only name i'll probably put on screen also has a cebu blue pathos you'll see more of that and some monstera peru but that is just some cuttings that are just not taking as you can very clearly see so if we move up into this area this is above my desk this is a what is this this is a bromelia this is bromeliad it's not called bromeliad it's called near julia nick it's near julia zoe it's got a couple pups which i really enjoy i used to have a spider plant here and that didn't really work out so i think this bromeliad is probably the better option unlike that lighting option which is not the better option this is ashkenanthus longicalis this is the black pagoda lipstick plant it's got some really stunning backsides oh my gosh the lighting i think i chose the wrong day to film this video but you can see the patterns on the leaves they are really quite striking i am such a big fan and i have syndapsis over here this is synthapsis pictures exotica there is a sansevieria up in there totally need to get up there and water it can zoom in a little bit i guess i haven't utilized that yet uh that is just sansa various cylindrica just a standard one definitely needs water oh we went too far okay so what do we got behind the computer is a sansevieria black gold it's just one little piece left it's so dark back here it literally only has one piece that survived so probably you know might get replaced soon this is a pippernum pineam cebu blue i have this growing up the moss poll i am absolutely not doing this any justice i've kind of been inspired lately to perhaps just take all of my cebus and pop them together soon because you're gonna see i have like six of them so this is monstera and sonia this is the narrow leaf form these are some really really old leaves on here they are looking pretty tired i've had this plant for like three years now it's getting really old but um there is some really fun leaves up in the window that have i can zoom in again that have gotten pretty big they're kind of far up there but you can get a pretty good look that they have some really nice size to them and okay okay okay okay so let's go back down here this is my desk i have this dead air plant it wasn't talansia well i guess it still technically is a talansia rickenbacker but it's dead this is a pepperomia serpens and this is a hoya this hoya affinity britonia i think this is what they used to sell as like the ds70 and everyone was like no it's not ds70 these are actually pots that i made two little planters that i made of course displayed next to the aloe frost penis pot which you know puts my planters to shame i might as well show you guys i have my little planter selection down here half of them are crap not all of my planters these are like things i've made myself a little match striker that i made i made a couple of them i really love this planter isn't it just so cute i love it it's mine i'm keeping it but oh this is not what this video is about nick okay so this isn't orchid this is is this epidendrum i think it's epiderm it baguense don't know if i'm pronouncing right it's the poor man's orchid i love the name it's so humorous this is a hoya carnosa crimson queen i think the adage that they used to tell the crimson queen and the crimson princess apart is that the queen wears her crown so she wears the white on the outside of the leaf and the princess wears her gown so it has it on the inside of the leaf so just a fun little thing to think about this is this this disc color this thing is not a winter grower this thing usually completely defoliates in the winter i was talking about my sister's adena poda and how it typically does that too also the cat has definitely chewed on it i am realizing right now he's definitely jumped up onto the desk and chewed on this plant uh it's fine but i don't really expect anything on this until the springtime if it holds on there is a rafter for a hay eye back there i've had that one for a little while now it's not really the most adequate house plant i will admit but it is a really cool plant i really do enjoy growing it and there's a filled engine right here which is like practically about to tip over i literally have the pot stuck under that pot right there so that it physically can't tip over and this is a philodendron mexicanum it's got some all the leaves look different it's like every single leaf looks different um i don't know it could not even be a mexican but that's just how it was sold to me we've had this happen a lot um okay so there's a lot going on in this window i don't even know where to start i guess let's start down on the shelf here or the crate or whatever so this is a philodendron i guess jose buano it's got a lot going on it goes all the way up here but these leaves are kind of smaller because i brought it home and then it didn't put off leaves for a couple times it was just like i don't know and now it's like okay i think so so now it's just giving me some little ones but i might just cut it off and you know have it start over and then propagate of course the top this is a hoya abavada it's kind of hiding it works its way over into the window a little bit but it hasn't grown immensely for me i think i'd really like to give this one a little bit more attention this is a syngonium uh podophylum alba varagatam some of the white leaves are starting to get a little tired actually that's not good i didn't even know this to sleep this is the newest sleep sorry for that truck going by this is the newest leaf and it's not in focus but this is the new sleep and it's all white so i am probably going to go on to the stem here and i can see very clearly i don't know if you guys can because it's blurry i apologize um this is very white so that stem's completely white so i know that that's like an albino stem so i should actually end up cutting this plant back into this stem the lower stem so i should like sacrifice this one leaf i'm pretty sure and cut it down here and then it should shoot off from new growth some new growth from this node i apologize for that leaf blocking and it's not really that's not what this video is about but i could salvage this plant and just not have to worry about just putting off a bunch of white leaves that are just going to turn brown and die but i really do enjoy the syngonium it's a little overrated but honestly out of like all the overrated plants i do think this one is like the most gorgeous so like look at this leaf look at this leaf right here this new leaf isn't that so fun okay you can't really see it it's blurry it doesn't matter so this is a cerapeggia linearis i think it's like linearis dubis i don't know exactly uh sansevieria pingubicula this is the really fun one i talked about in a recent uh house my haul video that will like put off the babies like this is where a baby was but the seller cut it off it would like come all the way off and just be like a samsung area just like hanging out over here just like not in the pot it's so fun um this is a philodendron this is probably your best bet of seeing it this is a phildendron campos portowannum gosh really really bad day to choose to film this i should have picked a rainy day but um it's got some really nice leaves that kind of rubbed me in the way of like a philadelphians it's got some really nice red blushing to it and down here oh this is the syngonium macrophylum uh this is the plain green version of singing macrophylum let's try to get it in focus of course the sun's not helping uh i just think it's a little it doesn't have that oomph that the chia pens has i like the chia pencils leaves are thicker they're bigger and it's just a more robust plant so i don't know just preference personal preference this is philodendron podatum right here absolutely love these leaves and then i have this is a alocasia reginula red velvet there is uh syntax's true bi dark form right here literally has not done a single thing for me after i cut off that uh long runner which i am realizing was a mistake okay so this is the sansevieria holly eye they call that the baseball bat sansa various sometimes they call it the fat boys in siberia but this is 20 21 so i'm not sure if that's acceptable anymore this is a monstera sulta picana that's working its way all the way around the window you can see it back there but uh i have another one and you saw the other one this is a sisis rotundifolia really fun sister's a lot different than many other sisters it's much more succulent i actually have two of them right in the same window there's this much larger one up here but one of my good friends gave me this little one here so of course i have to keep it but now that i'm looking at this i'm like why don't i just pop them up together and then just save myself a little bit of space and let's go stay up here before we work our way back down this is a tradiscantian nanowak another spider wart that i just do not think is a really great house plant it just i don't know they just don't look perfect like i mean your house plants never have to look perfect i love some character but just see all the browning and all the spindliness it's just i don't think that's really my cup of tea this is a hoya i can't tell you if this is hoya yeti or hoya kentiana but i can tell you that it's the variegated version at least and i have another hoya uh macrophylla alba martinata just another one of these i think this one's grown maybe a little bit more than the other one that was on the hoop but i have this one hanging up so it's not going to be on a hoop there's an orchid hiding back there that kind of like grassy looking thing with the yellow bits hanging down the back that's a brittonia tolkien and in front here is a fantastic fern actually this is an aglian morpha don't recall the species name but of course i will put it on screen i have an antherium up here and therium uh gracile gracile do you want to pronounce it probably need to water it it's in some sphagnum moss so it needs to be watered all the time and then this is a talanzia streptophylla really cool little talansia alrighty let's go back down here um so in here is my monstera peru and then there is a not so happy looking um hoya hindu rope but honestly it hasn't really done anything either so i might be jumping the gun calling it not too happy okay so now i got a lot of light coming in so let's work with this but i have a hoyapuba calyx right here i think this is royal hawaiian purple not positive this is a begonia my special angel another raffle for a decarciva right here then there's a philodendron hotstatum it's kind of hiding back here um it's working its way everywhere but uh there's a cebu blue pathosapernum orium cebu blue and another one of my planters that i made um okay let's work our way up now this is a hoya shepardy eye on the right with a synthapsis pictus argerius right here that definitely needs some water because you can see it's curled so i love that syntaxes just tell you when they need water and they recover very very easily there is a bunch of plants in here um this is syndopsis picked a silver anne there is some lemon lime philodendron heteroracium or scandans there's some cebu blue pothos and there's even more cebu blue pothos and a pot actually and then i have some uh neon pothos the pepperdine oreo lemon lime or neon i can't remember exactly this is my roommate's plant this is my roommate's pothos this is her apparent orium it's huge actually it goes all the way down to the ground and goes behind some of the other plants that we have down here i have two hoyas up here on the right is another one of those hoya um affinity dipper tony or whatever used to be the the ds70 and that are used to be mislabeled as ds70 by costa farms i think ds-70 is still a real plant uh this is a hoya carnosa crimson princess so she wears her gown and i have a couple more plants in this area like starting to get a little overwhelmed in this area i'm like wow there's a lot of plants here okay so down here this is a peperomia scandan's varagata and i have a hoya vertusa this is just a couple of strands i guess i didn't water one of my plants enough and i kind of lost some of them but there's still a couple of strands left and there's also a zamiakolka zamiafolia raven hiding inside the crate back there kind of just like poking its way out i really love the way it kind of contrasts with the pepperoni scandins the epipen and the that was gibberish but um and the ugly name of red something the red what it's wishes ugly name of wishes sometimes they call it ugly name or ruby i don't even know what the real name is honestly all these acne names that have different names they're probably like different plants but they have like the slightest difference to them like maybe one has more red on the leaves one is like a little bit less red or has like a pink hue they all have different names they're all probably different plants but honestly if you're close i'll accept it this is an anthurium andreanum right here which gotta pull off that dead leaf but yeah just your classic anthurium you know with your standard little flowers right here i think this plant's very heavily overlooked specifically by airoid growers because i think they think it's just a little too boring so this is a philodendron red emerald it is taller than me at this point actually it's huge i can't believe how much it's grown since i got it and a ficus elastica this is just the green version right here oh my gosh i'm realizing i totally skipped plants okay we're going back because i'm realizing i totally skipped my which you can't even see any of these plants which is why i skipped them the ficus elastica ruby which is back there in the corner you can see some of the red foliage up top oh my gosh i skipped so many so there's a philodendron tripartitum in here i love these leaves i love these leaves i love these leaves they're so incredible um they're oh my gosh there's so many more there's a pailia pepperonis i almost wish i actually skipped over these so i had less to talk about because i am filming a lot right now this is a pile of pepperonis and asparagus oh gosh what kinds i think that's the um what is that the retrofractus i think it's what they call a foxtail fern and there is a ficus olly eye gold oh my gosh i don't even know how i'm gonna show you these i feel like every time we do a houseplant tour there's just so much more so it's this little plant right here with these like long elongated leaves that are variegated if you watch my videos regularly i'm sure you've seen most of these in my videos up close but now you get to see where they are my home so there's a pep romeo ankana back here very very fuzzy i love that one but you'll see another one and my begonia maculata you are not going to get a better look of that than that um okay so this is the euphorbia geroldii so it looks just like euphorbia miliai with um the crown of thorns with these flowers but it doesn't have any thorns which i really like let's see if you can see it any better over here kind of but you're not going to get the full gist of the plant honestly you're not going to get the full gist of 90 of these plants because they're just a jumbled mess this is the ming asparagus so this is oh i don't even know the name please it's asparagus something i'm going to put it on screen i think they call it the main asparagus but this is just such a vibe isn't that such a vibe i love it and then of course i can't skip my thematophile on the sleeve looks horrible my thermatophylum by panata fetum better leaf right here just your classic splitly philodendron that they call it okay i i think that's everything oh wait no that's not everything there is a hoya iris marie down here and i actually did take some cuttings off of it recently because it was growing all over the place so now you can see it's got some new growth coming off there but can't get any closer than that i'm sorry okay okay okay so we ended up here the ficus elastico okay so there's this i think this is a rip stylus pilocarpa and then we're in my kitchen by the way i'll give you guys a better look soon this is a rip salas a waldenda right here oh my god please focus okay and so this is my kitchen window i definitely have a couple more plants i still need to show you in the living room but we're in the kitchen now so we're just gonna go with it okay so this is a south facing window so the other window that one the south facing and this one is self-facing as well so moving down into the window behind the speaker here i have hoya carry eye got some nice foliage up here kind of hiding behind my tilanzia my talansia uh gosh i was going to say xerographica talanzia tectorum i love this telensia if you're gonna grow any airplane in your home try this one out and put it in a really bright window and water it like every two weeks if you've killed air plants before you're not going to kill this one it's amazing 10 out of 10 would recommend this is callan coe uniflora this is such an underrated cow and koei if you're into like string of hearts or hoya or anything like that i think that you would really like this unfortunately i can't seem to get a better light and now the rainbow from my potted elephant stickers coming through oh you can barely see it but i absolutely love my rainbow sticker um okay okay okay we got a lot going on in here so this is a sarah peggia uh woody eye linearis woody eye varagata getting really long getting really untameable a lot a lot's going on here we got a lot of plants and a lot of them are getting just a little too long and i still love them but sometimes they're just you know a little too long and sometimes they're just a little too hard to get an actual picture of but i think you guys know what this plant looks like this is a string of pearls a curio relianus or cenizio relianus a really long plant i'm like worried that this is gonna start to like poop out on me soon they've had it for so long and typically string of pearls are not this robust i will say okay so let's go back into the window this is a cow and coe i think that's tuba flora and there's a type of euphorbia variegated euphorbia right here not sure on the species it was one that like a local grower was really excited about so i thought i would give it a try i'm not much of a euphorbia person and this is a clinia or a stapelia oh no i'm sorry not stapelio it's soniczio stapiliformis so it looks like a stapelia it is the pickle plant it's super fun there is a peperomia dollar performance back here i do think it's on its way out however this peperomia graviolans ruby glow is killing it it's doing super well uh such a great succulent highly recommend it and this is another kalanchoe right here it's like cow and coe like marinera or something something like marinara but it's not marinara so of course i'll put it on screen another sansevieria quirky eye copper tone this is a i can never pronounce it it's like calicoe uh diego montiana or something it's just the mother of thousands it's nothing special and this is adrimuscus christatis peperomia oh my gosh columella this is some type of stapelia the guy who gave it to me which was that epiphylum guy from the shop uh he was very excited about this and he told me it was a rarest appeal yeah but honestly i don't know if it's a rare stability so this is red-headed irish women i think it's a mammal area we have a mealybug infested crassula ovata so i should rip that out but there's also a hoborthia fasciata as well as an acanthus serious tetragonus which is a fairy castle cactus and that is an incredible cactus i highly recommend growing it from somebody who does not love cacti i recommend it this is a pile of serious azurius i think my sarah pilgrim yeah my sarah peggy is blocking it but it's the blue cactus there is a little tiny hoya ban yang yui down here as well as a cryptanthus pink star cryptanthus beavitatus a tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny rip salas um i can't remember the name prismatica and then zero sickios dengai working its way around and a cow and cowie once again this is the the blue kalinkowi the tomentosa kalanchoe tomentosa so i really love succulents because there's a lot of color there's really a lot of color going on in this window right here i do have a lot of light with these south facing windows so if anything's gonna love that it's these color ridden succulents so i also have some rip salads i think that's more elliptica it's just a lot tinier than the other one i have this is a totally chlorotic hoya lakunosa in comparison to the other hoya lakunosa i have directly next to it which looks so much better and i also have a hoya wayariai in the top there but you can't really see it because this philodendron bipenifolium is sort of blocking it i have a couple more plants hanging up here this is cenicio macroglossus varigatus the wax iv another plant that i would recommend to anybody such an incredible houseplant as well as this diskidia i think they sell this as oenta varigata i'm pretty sure that's not correct though i think it's just the name it has in the trade but that's what i'm putting on screen this is rip salus bacifera i'm pretty sure it's not going to get much better than that okay so over here we have peperomia hoffmanniae fantastic peperomia that's next to the hoya lachinosa which is on the shelf right here just next to the window my camera is fantastic it's really doing a great job at staying in focus i always incorrectly call this the fishtail cactus but it's the fern leaf cactus it's chrysocardium um no selena sirius chrysocardium i apologize this is peperomia algeria the watermelon pepperoni looking fabulous i've had this one for years and i have a phalaenopsis orchid just hanging up there and my mounted plant sad area because there's just one i do have more mounted plants we will get to them shortly i do have to show you guys down here which is completely getting blown out by the sunlight um this is a primolina young fluency on the right and on the left is a primolina sinensis very very similar plants very very closely related to african violets i love primolinas they are great and they really really seem to love this setting here on my counter i have this sansevieria trifasciata gold flame here on the right it's got some very exaggerated um yellow variegation very similar to like the variegated whalefin there is a hoyapuba calyx right here i think this one is the splash variety and a ficus elastica okay i'm going to do something daring and i'm going to turn around and hopefully i don't forget that i still have more of my kitchen to share with you but i really would like to show you guys my mounts my plant mounds so up there is kind of a sad orchid belongs to my roommate so you know maybe she can revive it uh this is a diskidia that i need to water oh my gosh this thing always needs water this is the skidia lantalata probably made a mistake by mounting it because it's constantly in need of water uh there's two talansias on here i'm actually not sure what this one is but i know that this one's the talansia i anantha one of the most common types of talensia and i really really love the way that this looks here on this little plant map that i made i actually had a third airplane here but i recently killed it air plants are not the easiest thing this is a diskidia eleanor right here or green cascade or jerry i don't even know what they call it but that's what it is this is a hoya serpens not an easy plant really not an easy plant this is diskidia imbracata i love this one and then oh we're getting tight okay so let's move over here so this is a hoya methide i know don't really know how to pronounce it it's like french this is a disgidia akima nada i love this one i haven't even paid attention to it recently but i love it i really love it and i have two stag horns two platycerium bifurcatums i've had this one for a while as you can probably tell from the way it looks a little worse than this one i just recently replaced my crocodile fern that was up here because i forgot about it and i killed it but um you know i love stag horns and there's another firm right here it's some kind of like fern i don't know what kind of friend it is i'll find out and i'll put the name on screen and i have last but not least in this area is women this is the shittia russofolia which i can guarantee you probably could probably use a drink because it's all the way up there and i'm all the way down here okay so over on my refrigerator i guess we have a couple down below but let's start with the refrigerator i just said it so this is a philodendron heteracium lemon lime as well as of course another epiphany pineapple cebu blue and there is a rip salad flocasa kind of hiding behind them then this is a peperomia viridis some kind of it but that's not what's growing in that pot it's actually in the pot next to it this pot is a peperomia vertizolata which goes all the way around it's a little messy and this is a peperomia clusifolia red margin as well as the sansevieria trifasciata i think they call this silver streak but mine i'm not giving it good light so it's getting some kind of ugly leaves and up here on top of my refrigerator there is an ugly name of kamitatum silver bay another one of those ugly name kami tatums it's not looking as good as the other one i showed you as well as a zamiya culcus xamiafolia um that's it just xamarin coleus xamapholia so that's his easy plant so i'm just going to give you guys another look at the kitchen over from the hallway area and then i'm going to pan over back to the living room because i still have to show you more believe it or not we're we've been filming for a long time i'm going to get tired soon so i have this whole area right here i will admit if there's any area in my apartment that i cannot stand it's this of course i'm being super critical because i live here and i see this every day but it's just you know plants aren't great to grow up here the shelves are a little too far away from the window it's a little too high up to receive some good light so there's really not much going on here it needs a lot of work but this is a pepper num oreom just some jade pothos or whatever they call it uh there is a zamia coleus salmon folia's and micro up there as well as the rip stylus paradoxa obviously the reptalus needs to move and clearly those easy plants not looking that great either oh i just don't have anything good to say about this area there is a syntax's pictus up there that's probably fine and a hoya pubicalyx that has been here for a really long time as well that i can also guarantee needs some water because i never remember to water it and erupt salis pilo carpa there's a couple sad sense of areas back there we're not going to bother with them um i have a little bit of a plant area going on over here though which obviously is going a lot better but you know what if i've learned anything from living here for three years it's that i can't stand unfinished wood and i made a huge mistake buying unfinished wood products i know i could stain them the shelves i can't stain but it's just it's just too late it's time to move on so this is a philodendron burl marks i love this plant i think it's great and it's such a common plant like literally it's a landscape philodendron just like your thematophylum by panata fetum and such uh so it's much more readily available and i think people kind of pass over it for that reason but i absolutely love it i've had this one for like two years now and it's getting nice and tall and growing up my little tp mess that i have for it so i'm a really big fan i'm really excited to have this plant for a long time i feel very confident that just like the philodendron red emerald right there that it's going to be up to my myself if not the ceiling in due time i do kind of want to just give you a better look at this area right here i am a really big fan of this i'm sure if you follow me on instagram although i like never post on instagram i post in this area all the time because it's probably the most photogenic area of my home but i do have a couple more plants in this area this is my famous i dare to say monstera deliciosa with the green variegation i'm happy that it has a good leaf for you guys today because some of the other leaves aren't looking too great i think it has like some like a leaf bacteria i think i should really just remove these leaves as you can see like this is like the like leaky stuff on it i really think i should cut these two leaves off and just leave the other three let it regrow i could even consider consider let's say cutting it propagating it and letting it regrow from where you know i remove the foliage and you know having a nice plant and then you know but i just don't know about that right now that's a lot this is a monster adding sonia eye this is the wide form and then this is a monstera peru another one this one oh my god this one used to be so lush i don't know what's going on but it's just not loving me lately it looks fine i think it's gonna look fine to you guys but to me who sees it every day and just watched it like lose like 20 leaves over the past like three months i just don't know there is a sansevieria trifociata laurentii down there probably don't want to give you guys too good of a look because it's a mess down there uh and this is one of my favorite plants this is syngonium erythrophylum jano cartiroad i'm just obsessed with these like gothic leaves that have this wine red like aubergine color here on the back i love it and there's this synthapsis pictus jade satin they call this ask me why this plant is popular i don't know why but i still love it uh this is a peperomia scandan's this is like a sport that i'm growing that one of my friends gave me it's just got some interesting variegation not sure how well it's going to show up on camera i can see it literally not focusing i don't know if i'm able to help that okay you can kind of see it and then i also comically have just the plain green scandals right here which i absolutely love no shade this is a pepperoni i'm sorry i gotta always call ahoya pepperoni once per video this is a hoya pubic alex splash this thing has literally done nothing for me i remember buying it back when i worked at the shop because it was just so splashy i couldn't give it to somebody else so i bought it and then this is a syndapsis trubia moonlight and a philodendron pink princess this is the one that i've been propagating you know some new leaves coming in this is monstera subpanada and then i have a diskidia new malaria varagata and this was sold to me as hoya motoskiai but i don't think it's motowski i think it's just like carnosa or something but who knows i don't really know okay oh my gosh okay so that's everything so we're gonna go over to my bedroom working our way over okay so we're gonna go on in and we're gonna start off a lot more of exactly what we've been doing so i guess i'll give you kind of a look so this is like my bedroom it's eight by eight it's super tiny i literally just have a bed a tv and a crap time of plan um so in here this is like the grow frame that i have i'm just gonna shut the door to keep the the cat who will chew on my plants out so this is a pepperoni and japonica there's a hoya sigilatus right here my friend gave me this like two years ago and it hasn't done a single thing and ahoya was it marillii and then this is ahoya i don't know what this is this was a gift from one of my friends from ahoya that like his mom had for a really really long time like many many years not like when i say many many years and it's like three years like this is like 20 years um this is a just a cutting of the dividia from my kitchen this is a hoya obscura another cutting this is a really fun cutting of um hoya carnosa crimson queen but it's just got some really nice variegation my friend found this and she was like i know i have one already but i just have to get this and then she gave me a cutting of it because it's very nice of her um okay so this is a ficus triangularis varagata and then this is a just uh gosh a hoya new molarities okay down here this is you know what i always water this i just think it always looks like it needs water i don't know i don't know i don't think it's doing that hot but it's an aglinema i think it's called alumini or something like that okay so now we have the whole shelf area which i also would like to embarrassingly show you that i literally have i shouldn't show you my floor too much because it's a mess i literally have a string of hearts down there sarah peggy a woody guy just on the floor because i don't really know where i'm gonna put it i guess i have a space up there in that corner that i could put it now because i threw out a plant recently but i don't know right now it's down there so back up here start at the top i have this philodendron brazil then this is monstera silta pacana again i really need to just take a bunch of cuttings off of this one because it's just like a bunch of long vines are defoliated and then they have this like plant so i should just cut off the plant and then leave the vines and then maybe the vines will regrow this is a philodendron myo-eye i think i should come combine it with my other one because it's just one spindly vine i know i just don't know if that's my vibe for philadelphia this is uh philadelphia mikins i've had this one for like so long that it's just a mess once again uh hoya crinkle eight carnosa is the species and a couple dying plants back there i'm just gonna skip over them ignore them this video is long enough uh this is a hoya australis and i think this is the tenuou peas variety and then kind of going all the way down here but starting of course at the top is some more cerapega linearis and this is such a fast growing plant it's like all the way down here it's everywhere then there is this monstera adam sonia this is the number four variety don't know what they call it really in the trade and a philodendron bernardo pozzie which is difficult to see it's all the way back there and then a tradiscantia a variegated silla montana i cannot get up there better i apologize and then there's a hoya linearis really really nice hoya i love it it's really fun i guess it's a really popular one lately but if you can find a small pot of it for cheap i highly recommend it because i know people have been selling like large pots for just top dollar okay okay we're gonna start off in here this is so much work but you know i'm already over an hour of filming i'm sure i've edited some of this out but uh this is a hoya a laggy orum and then i have a hoya david kamingiai this is a hoya ratusa not even in focus typical very own brand this is a hoya cardosa compacta so it's the hindi rope okay so back here is a hoya multiflora it's not in bloom at the moment i have my araphidophra cryptantha which is still in its nursery pot and it's well outgrown it's wooden thing and i haven't done anything about it yet uh this is a pepperoni of bamboo stocks and then there's a peperomia i cannot remember the name tingomaria pepperoni and tingo maria in the glass cloche with another pepperoni at pereski i folia kind of back there and this is a pepperoni and moon set very similar to inkana just much more green and a little bit thinner okay this is a peperomia turboensis there is begonia erythrophylla this is a philodendron white princess then we have hoya rotunda flora more to skidia and ricotta but in a pot this time then some hoya fitchy eye really nice that is begonia contrafolia then i have this stefania erecta back here it's just going everywhere it's fun begonia milana bolada sorry about the light shining on that you're not gonna be able to see it much better than that this is hoya croniana it's flowers for me all the time antherium vici eye once again gonna have a lot of sunlight when we get close to the window i'm just gonna have to deal with it this is a pepperoni oh no it's not a pepperoni it's a philodendron domesticum at least that's how it was sold to me uh oh i hear a muffin wants to come into my room hi sweetie she wants food but she she ate it all didn't you eat it sweet pea you eat it all oh she's so cute she wants her food though but she ate it all you ate it all sweet pea okay i'm sorry okay so there is i just watered that and so it's still recovering from that but that is the calathea macayana very very gorgeous foliage as you can see from that one leaf down there and this is the type of peperomia scandan's this is like a silver sport once again don't think it's going to focus oh there you go you can kind of see it and then this is hoya um cowie eye got some really nice leaves large splashy leaves i really like it okay oh muffin wants to go out now oh she wants to go out okay bye sweet pea okay all right i'm getting distracted again okay got like a hundred more plants to go this is a peperomia tetragona right here you already saw that this is the calafia orbifolia i think i'm gonna get rid of that soon the other one is too much more impressive than that sad dying one this is some pepperoni why do i keep calling everything about romeo this is a hoya i forget the name of this i'll include it on screen it's got like so many different names that it's cycled through this is a hoya caronaria very similar to pepperoni and kana i love it it's very fuzzy this is a ugly nema tri-color echo and then there is you know blown out from the sunlight but my calathea mosaica and i think this is a great calathea i know my other one looked kind of like crap but this one i've had this one for like two years now it looks fantastic this is a philodendron radiatum then there is a maranta leuconura maricella in the back there peperomia this one is actually a pepiromia ruby cascade and then this is codeinanthi carnosa this is a hoya gracilis then some philodendron florida right here it's got some new growth on it unfortunately because these old leaves are starting to get kind of chlorotic like they're going to die soon another alocasia black velvet another monster i added sonya back there i got got by this one and this one when i was at a farmers market this summer they were just so gorgeous i got them and i figured worst case scenario i'll just give them to one of my friends but i still have them so this is a piper ornatum really really love this plant here's some new growth that's absolutely gorgeous really really great plant i just hear that it doesn't ship very well so buyer beware um this is syndapsis trubia moonlight philodendron hostatum this is a really really cool syngonium it's got some splash to it i don't have a species name so i'm just going to or i'm sorry i don't have a cult of our name so i'm just going to put syngonium podophylum on screen and then there is my dry ammonia chirabugana and then that wonderful green plant back there is pilea grandifolia moving down okay in the back there so stromanthi i think it's talia now but i i know it as german these singuinya triostar this is a little tiny philodendron maymay then there's a piece of pink smoke in there not doing too hot anymore i was feeling pretty good about it and now i'm not and then that was a plant that i thought i killed but it's now coming back to life that's peperomia alba potato piccolo banda hoya curtissi literally has looked like this since i got it like three years ago probably two years ago but pushing it almost three actually i'd say uh this is ruela makoyana i love this plant it's great and it's cheap okay so this is the cuttings of the philodendron bloody mary that i was speaking of at the beginning of this video which is probably an hour ago at this point uh this is a peperomia fraser eye and then some more pepperoni and chemical eye back there but it's obviously my less loved of the two because i just have it in the back of a shelf and not in a windowsill where i can flourish uh hoya i want to say we adi but it could be kentiana and then there's a hoya carnosa tri-color or no hoya carnosa crimson queen and then uh premolina hotai it doesn't look that good probably needs to recover but i ain't getting rid of it yet and then amaronta but i think it's getting tired just like my other one that was on the bookcase they sometimes get tired and they just like die back into the pot and then like two months later they just like come back in full force this is a plant i tried growing clearly it's not doing too well but it could be just acclimating because it's got all that growth down there that's like really good looking actually this is a chorita moonwalker it's a type of um gezneriyad so it's like very closely related to the primolina hotai right there as well as african violets this is another philodendron squamifiram but as you can see hasn't put up leaves in a couple of months and uh the the petioles have kind of faded back to green as it seems to do over time another stromante sanguinea back there it's just a plain kind and this is peperomia burciliada which i know i'm killing so i definitely am just kind of leaving it be and that's the sansevieria miniature i was talking about in a recent video of course you don't know the actual name of it even though i think like five people comment on the video but at the top of my head right now i don't know okay so oh i have more down here so this is a uh collidium lindenia or a philiptanium don't buy it it's a horrible house plant then this is a tanapi this is my fault it's not a horrible house plant it just looks bad because it's my fault um setosa and then this of course is a monster deliciosa literally it's getting too big for me i don't know what i'm gonna do with it i might give it to one of my friends soon i have like all those other varieties i don't really need the green one i guess so this is the other fellow dungeon glory of some it's in the pot back there it's kind of creeping forward though um philadelphia and bernardo pause the eye once again this is a cutting that i took then this is i don't know what this is i got this from the potted elephant they gave it to me as like an extra one i ordered one time and they said it was a monstera they didn't have a name on it and i i think they have it on their site now is like a cargo lenses or something like that but i don't know so i'll put that on screen i just can't guarantee that it's correct and then this is a asparagus cetaceous asparagus citations fantastic plant highly highly recommend it is such a vibe um this is a monstera stanleyana varagata i took a cutting off this recently and i totally regret it because just like those um monstera peru cuttings that were in that circle shelf back in my living room i don't think the cutting's taking i have some trouble rooting um some monstera sometimes like adding sonia and then the peru and the stanleyana apparently so i'm not really surprised but kind of wish i didn't cut it then this is philodendron ataba poensi i also recently cut this one and i have some cuttings elsewhere in my home that i don't think i shared with you earlier in this video this is a fern this is phlebodium aryam the blue star fern then i have a sisis uh rhombifolia ellen denica there is another peperomia polybatria back there you can barely see it and then my peppermint kana that i thought was gonna be in a spot that would be easier to show you guys but it's not really but it's a peppermint kana once again i have two hoya oh i got caught on the monster i have two hoya down here the one that has the one yellowing that's another obscura but of course there's a lot more on it than just that yellowing leaf and ahoya recipes back here out of all the houseplant toys i've ever filmed this is the one where i'm having the most trouble showing you guys everything uh this is a ficus ultissima i think i'm going to get rid of this soon it's just not doing it for me there is a tradiscantia space aca varagata back there the pink plant highly recommend fantastic okay so i just have this window and in the bathroom we're getting there this video is definitely going to be over an hour but i think around an hour so this is a peperomia avertis salada right here not really intended to be a hanging plant but boy is it working as one i think it looks fantastic it's typically one that grows upright vertically as the name would kind of suggest um then i have this uh what is it the skidia uh ovada so the watermelon vine whatever they call it you know you all know there was another one earlier in this video i am getting i've been filming this for a long time now i know i said this like five times now but i can't believe i'm still able to spit all these names out at you so this is a peperomia doll study eye this um this is garbage okay so i think we're officially going to retire this spider plant i'm sorry i'll give it to a friend or something i'm not just going to throw it out don't worry but it's coming down it's blocking my view so i have this pepperoni doll studio uh dolce dedi and it's kind of hanging with this um sisis quadrangularis then i have this rip salice um paradox a little bit of a thicker variety and then this is peperomia hope this is the very similar to the boi vineyard but it's just a little bit more pale green i would say so very very similar but it grows in just the same manner and it's such a great hanging house plant and this is one i have to say i purchased this as a little tiny tiny plant like three years ago and it's looked like this big trailing plant for like at least the past year and a half so although it was a slow starter once it got grown it really did not stop so highly recommend another diskidia right here i bought this as the green cascade don't know if it's the oenta the cherry or whatnot i get so confused by that these are a little embarrassing i guess i gotta clean this up but this is a pepperoni cubensis i've had this one for like two years now and i think it's just starting to react poorly it's starting to brown up a little bit but it's got all this growth down here so i'm not too worried i could salvage a bunch of it so you saw i had some cuttings in one of the west windows but it really does look great down here so i'm not too worried about it it's just it's a little embarrassing but it's not as embarrassing as this kangaroo offering oh my gosh i cannot keep up with watering this i have another kangaroo paw friend that you'll see that i have a much easier time with but this one i don't know i'm like i could clean it up but i just don't think it's going to even look that good but you know what like i said i'm not ashamed to show you guys this stuff i am a person um this i just watered this yesterday it still needs to perk back up because i literally watered this thing like every like four months i wish i was not lying it's just addressing a janet crag it was something i rescued from the plant store so i don't really have that much heart into it but it's worth keeping all righty let's move over to the bathroom let's finish up this tour okay i could have thrown this out beforehand but i'm gonna be real with you guys i have no idea what's been going on with this literally like maybe three months ago the syndaxes picked us exotica just started curling up whether it was dry or wet um first it was just one vine and then there's the other vine and today is today that i'm probably gonna throw it out because now i'm realizing i am showing it to my audience but i have literally no idea the stems look totally fine it's like literally putting off new growth it looks like but the plant is just like decimated so i don't really know i should mention this is an east facing window right here it is frosted for privacy uh but it does get a decent amount of light i would say there is a little reptiles right here i don't really know what kind it is it's pretty adorable though this is a another rip salas i think this is um oh gosh pachyterra rip salas pachytera and then a sansevieria fernwood a very sad looking brand tianum got a couple chew marks from the cat uh sansevieria oh gosh what is this one i think they call it black gold black gold because it's like the black inside and it's yellow on the outside dracena reflexa i love this plant it's great it's super fun just long spindly plant some more of that variegated discidia oiantha and inside the window here we have a couple hoya so on the left is hoya iris marie and then that one in the center is some hoya chelsea can't really see the monitor right now so i'm hoping that it's visible um this is a hoya bella just a little cutting and then back here i have a variegated watermelon peperomia i actually want to pull this out because it's gorgeous and i just do not trust at all that you guys are getting a good enough view so pardon me pardon me but you can see it is just so gorgeous okay okay let's get back to it and then i just got a little pile of pepperonis right there nothing really much to see this is a rabbit's football i'm not willing to give up yet do you see it's got life left in it but i brought this home it was the second rabbit's foot fern i brought home and it literally just like fell apart which is the second time it's happened i've always heard that these ferns are easy i love ferns i'm not really willing to give up on them but i don't know i'm trying i am trying really hard but this is all we've had for a really long time we've got a little bit right here a little bit of something but not much okay three more plants there is this a pepper num pen items the blue blue i'm like embarrassed to end the video here hi everybody because i feel like these plants are just like so crappy there's just a little jabella right here like turn it because it's just a little jaboa that hangs out in the bathroom here it's really not the most showy plant it's just to cover up that shelf that sits on top of the litter box to make it a little bit more nice for us but and my kangaroo paw fur and that i have in the basket here that i've had so much better luck with i've only had it for like two months now mind you but um compared to the other one i'm having a much much easier time with this one so that's about it we've been filming for a really long time but we are ending here on this anti-climactic little kangaroo paw print that i still absolutely love thank you so much for joining me today for my first house pant tour of 2021 if you're still watching thank you i really really appreciate it i always enjoy making these videos even if i'm filming for an hour and a half straight of basically speaking gibberish and testing my memory i really really enjoy it i really also hope that you got something out of this i hope you learned something new and i hope you got inspired so thank you again for joining me if you don't already you can follow me on instagram at phillyfoliage subscribe to my channel and i will see you guys in my next video have a great day
Channel: Nick Pileggi
Views: 529,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: houseplant tour, plant tour, tour, apartment tour, houseplant, plant, nick pileggi, hoya, philodendron, pothos, anthurium, sansevieria, gesneriad, monstera, peperomia, 2021, spring, winter
Id: 8jCULuAd_5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 43sec (4603 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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