The hate you give

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let's give God a sound appraised would you hook three people before you take your seats tell them I hope you voted today hope you voted today you may be seated in the presence of the Lord you may be seated we're grateful for the privilege just to have all of you in worship on today how was your day today yeah y'all okay alright praise the Lord thank you would you arm yourself with a writing instrument or go to the appropriate place in your platform of technology this is going to be one of a three-part series that hate you give and so I want to jump right in let me first thank music department for stepping up and stepping in leading us in worship first before I get in how many of you have seen the film already okay they hate you give up let me go backwards let me see the hands of those of you who have not seen the film Lord now I don't tell John for three weeks did not yeah we can't have a dialogue on what you discussed so what I'm gonna do today is I'm gonna set a biblical framework and I'm becki you this is your last week of grace we're going into law next week is New Testament in Reverse we're going straight in the Old Testament next week I need you in the next seven days to please go see the film and support it do not get the bootleg couple copy from the beauty salon I ask that you please go support our this black producer that's done a wonderful work let me see the hands again of those of you who have not seen it God y'all get on my nerves alright they hate you you all right would you go to proverbs chapter 6 so here's what we're gonna do is it's a three-part series this will be our part 1 will be the biblical template part 2 will be the film then part 3 I will wrap the same passage of Scripture around the end so I'm gonna read navigate what I was gonna do because the movie was supposed to be the first installment but you all have not seen it so it was not my intention to make it a lecture but a dialogue in the discussion but you all haven't seen it and so that won't be fun so let's go to the Bible and that was really trying to talk to y'all today go to proverbs chapter 6 proverbs chapter 6 and we will look at verses 16 through 19 proverbs chapter 6 verses 16 through 19 once you found want you to clay I got it be six things does the Lord Hayden is really seven that are an abomination until a proud look a lying tongue hands that shed innocent blood a heart that devises wicked imagination feet that are Swift or running into mischief a false witness that speaks lies and he that shows confusion amongst other people you need to look at that list again and make sure you ain't on that list my my daughter's had an uproar in school last week because the English teacher in the seventh grade angel in the door the English teacher wanted them to read Huckleberry Finn and in this technological age Google is a weapon of mass destruction so while they're in class my daughters look up Huckleberry Finn and discover that the n-word is mentioned nine times in that book so angel flails her hands to get the teachers attention holds up or her Google Alert and says I can't read this book it's offensive to me it's derogatory to my culture and it doesn't represent who we are as the people backdrop my daughters are the only african-americans in the class so the teacher sins my daughter to the principal's office and she can raise her contention angel goes at doors five feet behind her today now a two-person protest I asked her why it is that they should read that book the teacher then begins to argue that how it's well-written is amongst the top 20 books recommended to kids in the Sept grade I and now to students who have not read Huckleberry Finn and the n-word that doesn't even relate to them is offensive because it's a pendant to of their classmates the teacher then says we're not gonna read this I don't know what to prescribe or to recommend because for 20 years as a seventh grade teacher this has been our standard book what should we then read and as a consequence my daughter's recommend the movie y'all won't even watch the hate you give I said hate you give is actually a book that was adapted into a film I and so for several reasons I'm trying to get y'all please and I don't want to spoil it so I'm asking you all again - please go I'll look at it I am to take your young people with you so that next week we can have a dialogue I don't like just talking to y'all all the time and y'all don't get to see nothing back so I'm giving you all another week and some of y'all laughing cuz you know you ain't going let's see what proverbs silver proverbs and deal with nature give and I want to walk through three of them three to four of them in this context then next week is the movie discussion and then the final week we deal with the last three so now you got the syllabus for the semester all right so let's jump right in to a proud look a proud look a proud look is defined now that you keep yourself up well the proud look is that you are looking down on other people I'm gonna be preaching a sermon Sunday I don't know which service so you gotta come to all three I'm preaching Sunday a sermon called wiping out white supremacy I end this in the spirit of entitlement and it really back doors to what I'm talking about right now yes so many of us sin not with our language but with our looks how we look down at other people how we perceive other people to be going back to what we talked about Sunday at 9:30 man looks at the outer appearance but it's God that looks at the heart those of us grew up with a grandmother big momma Nana and you get my cry in public and we didn't have time out so the admonition that was really a threat was fix your face because you're not going to embarrass me by how your face looks for people to think I did something to you now I wonder how many times God wanted to say that to us fix your face how is it that you represent the kingdom of God and you walk around looking depressed or you locker or walk around self-righteous not knowing that your righteousness is like a filthy rag you have to fix your face do I have the look here this of compassion or do I have the look of a judge then the battle of the wilderness in the Civil War John Sedgwick was inspecting his troops and at one point watch this he gaze in the direction of the enemy his office has suggested that this was unwise and perhaps he should Duck watch this while passing through or else they'll know which direction we're coming in many times we have messed up because we are perceived and falsely that Satan here this is God's alter ego so we think that the devil has equal power for evil as God does for good Satan is not omniscient he doesn't know everything so as a consequence of times when you are under attack you are not under attack dealing with one thing the enemy throws several things at you at the same time watch this and then steps back I'm going help you and sees which thing you look at and the area you put your focus on is the area he's gonna keep attacking one of the greatest strengths you have and underutilized is the power to ignore what do you have the strength here it is what do you have the strength to not pay attention to so your soul in the book thirteen things that strong minded people do story is told in the book thirteen things that strong minded people do about parents who go to parenting class because they're trying to break a spirit of temper tantrums in their two to four year old and the instructor will give these parents when your child is having a temper tantrum in normal and most of the parents would keep coming back to the class why because they felt like they were failing because when they ignored the child the child would scream louder roll out on the floors how long cry bang his head up against the wall and they would immediately attend to him and at that moment the therapists the instructor the mediator says you don't even understand they realize it's working and in order to get your attention they got to raise the ante and scream more and so now you have given a subliminal message when it is that you act out I'll respond now I'm trying to figure out how it is you think you can manipulate God because a lot of you are not shouting in church you having temper tantrums you think if you scream cry roll out at the altar then God don't give you the car yato like that all right something has to be done about what you are looking at and what you can afford to give a blind eye to the problem with a person who thinks that they are perfect is that person feels like they have no room for improvement there's a Japanese proverb that says the best room in the house is the room for improvement did you hear that the best room in your house is the room for improvement be careful of people who can't be corrected can't be challenged and can't be instructed because all they're able to do is see themselves as perfect our studying today preparing for what I'm gonna share what you want Sunday and I found out selfies are taken forty three times more than Aussies go through your photo log and your phone you have 43 more pictures of you by yourself then you then with you and other people why the danger in that is the book is called the narcissism and the social media generation the danger with that is that you now only see yourself in the picture and most of the pictures that you saw that you took with other people you delete it because to you you don't look right if you know I'm telling the truth laughs thank you God watch this did you all hear the language of Solomon considered to be the wisest man who ever lived here's where Solomon said in a fix to that is those kind of people why since God hates there's a serious indictment is that God hates people who are arrogant you don't need to expend no energy fighting them God hates people who are self-righteous of course step further God hates people who are stuck up why because in their mind while they won't profess it they really are convinced they are his equal they think they are his equal why because they get upset when they don't give the attention they'll cut off the relationship here this cuz they're not being worshipped they operate like God hear me because they have a pronounced spirit of jealousy if anything is before me so could be your children it could be your ailing mother it could be your school it could be your career they gonna have a temper tantrum because they should be first and God hates it and the question he's trying to figure out is if he hates it why use it but why are they the kind of people you like so number one God hates people who ever brown look second kind of people that God hates a lying tongue you taking notes just say God hates liars and it's so profound for me why because maybe you forgot that Lucifer is the prince of lives he is what's this countercultural to everything that Christ represents why would you say that because Jesus said of himself I am the way and then what else the truth so everything here this big Satan says will be a disruption to what God declared so you gotta ask yourself who's talking me out of my promise what is the voice that I'm hearing that keeps trying to talk me out of my destiny and out of my prophecy and how come I don't recognize that it's a lie and if it's a lie who is the originator of it so I'm shook by the lie because I refuse to stand on his truth you gotta ask yourself what is my truth that is underground expression birthed out of spoken word artists and then co-opted by black lives matter and then now remix not a me-too movement what is my truth your truth watch this is not what it is that you said in poetry not even what you said in the journal your truth is what God said about you what God said about you please hit me very carefully what God says about you makes your circumstance alive if I'm a head and not the tail whenever I'm running behind I gotta speak watch this to be in volume in their lives to me god help me Emil whenever it is that I am in fact push to take out another loan and God said that I'm supposed to be the Lindo this is a lie over who it is that God says that I am and now let the weak say I am strong some point what says you got to talk to yourself in the truth of what God spoke over your life I need you to do me a favor please whoever it is that you are whether you watching online or whether you're in this room how would you just lay your hands on yourself and declare out loud I know the truth and the truth is setting me free I'm telling you when you know the truth about who you are other people cannot redefine you you don't have that level of authority because I know what God speaks over me and everything that he has said is yay and amen I want to know has anybody heard what God said about you lately and here's how you know God is getting ready to do something with your circumstances don't match your truth so it's some moment God is gonna have to prove Satan to be the liar he is this is not my house this cannot be my paycheck this is not where I'm going to live why because the truth of the matter is he said I would have exceedingly abundantly beyond but I can think dream home or even imagine so I stand on his truth there's a book called the day America told the truth book is called the day of America tell the truth says that ninety one percent of those surveyed live routinely watch this about matters that are trivial ninety-one percent of people in this country now lie over stuff that is of no consequence you look nice today and we called the line being polite I like your hair and you walking away like Lowen and here's what's crazy is they never asked did you like it we have been so conditioned watch this we've been so conditioned to emulate our oppressor that we now speak more fluently the language of saying then we do the vocabulary of God a part of the problem is that church culture has conditioned us watch this to digest acceptance and tolerance as truth so I would rather not hurt your feelings even at the risk of damaging my destiny say yes yourself how long did I stay in something I knew I should have been out of but I didn't want them hurt just look straight ahead 36% of all people in America lie about important matters are you okay I'm straight over your church I'm blessed in Ally favor meanwhile you got a migraine headache no heat in your house child is flunking out you already have pre anxiety about how y'all gonna eat by Thanksgiving I'm good yeah y'all laughing but it's if somebody two rolls over from you right now who function in the language of the Antichrist God in the words of James Baldwin he can't fix it until you face it 86% live regularly to their parents in their family 75% lie to their friends 73% lied to their siblings 69% lied to their own spouse can I give you all that data again so you give people a - tomorrow the book is called the day America told the truth 91% of those surveyed in this country died live over trivial matters 36% lie over important matters eighty-six percent of children lie regularly to their parents I was in when the 98 percent Dominus 86 percent 74 75 percent lied to their friends seventy-three percent lied to their siblings 69 percent lied to their spouses pastor crunch some numbers for me most of your friends have lied to you and here's the word regularly and so it has to cause you to re-examine what is the basis then of our friendship and maybe you're the ones who taught them how to lie because you weren't open honest or transparent they took the page from you so now that they're in crisis they'll hide it the way you did when you were in yours revelations 21 and 8 but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and whoremongers and sorcerers and idolaters and all Liars shall have their part in the lake of fire so he says what's this if you talk like Satan i'ma put you into place easy ain't saying nothing and the truth shall set you free and never saying the truth will make you popular did you the truth will not make you liked I give this example all the time ain't it amazing that dr. King was killed and never threatened to overtake the government never encourage coloreds and Negroes to bear arms never in fact taught to fight back but because he had what Obama calls the audacity of hope' to speak truth to power then the FBI said he must be killed what is it about truth that makes the enemy violent what is it about truth that aggravates and enrages the enemy to such a place that he doesn't want you to exist ask yourself who amongst your friends who amongst your family gets the hottest when you're honest and all this time you didn't even realize you were contending with the spirit cuz Satan is always upset at the truth Leviticus 19 and 11 when Bible study Leviticus 19 11 you shall not steal you shall not deal falsely and you shall not lie to one another it's not in the Bible but I want to give you an addendum even at the risk of heresy Leviticus 19 11 shalt not steal shall not deal falsely shall not lie one to another that's in the Bible my addendum is not but I want you to hear what the Bible says before I tell you what your pastor says Leviticus 19 and 11 shall not steal shall not deal falsely you shall not lie to one another that's what the Bible says King James Version translated 1611 here's what your pastor says shall not steal neither deal falsely neither lie one to another I want you to write this one or lie to yourself stop lying to yourself proverbs 12 in 22 would you write this down please proverbs 12:22 lying lips are an abomination to the Lord but they that deal in truth are his delight we always quote Malachi 3 that God loves a cheerful Giver but he also loves people who tell the truth lose the person beside you tell them does God love you today is not necessarily always the lie you've told your coworkers the lie you told your friend the lie that you told your spouse how often today did you lie to yourself my father for many years pastored Bethel AME Church down on Druid Hill Avenue when I was a kid he had a assistant pastor whose name I won't call cases family is watching but he yes I had assistant pastor who had accellerated stages of diabetes instead of listening to what the doctor saying and the church he still eaten cake sweetie candy yams since the beginning to progress are they person had to take off his left foot took off his left foot and as they took the left foot the family is trying to cajole them into doing right challenge him to being compliant to the doctor's order and he kept eating sweets until the end they had to cut it off up to his knee you'd have thought after either lost half of my limb that ought to be enough but he kept in this poor diet until them they had to take the right foot I don't know if I told you this he's the preacher assistant pastor whose assignment is to preach truth to others but failed to do so to himself why are you telling me this pastor cuz you know how many save people life people who love God can I go a step further people who are in Bible study on the Tuesday night lie to themselves so they make the appropriate adjustments so I'm not gonna go and exercise I just go a size up you got a whole stack of clothes in your closet you cannot fit right now I'm talking to you right now you cannot fit it I'm coming off the top of your head you know where it is in the closet some of it is in the guest room you know exactly where it is and you know made up in your mind one day I'm gonna give back in it y'all the self righteous so let me let me go another way I want y'all to be honest be honest don't look at your neighbor I'm talking to you if at any point in your life any point in your life maybe just before you got saved any point in your life you bought a pair of shoes that weren't your size but they was cute they you done that it was the last pair said okay i'ma wear with no stockings they sitting in your closet right now there's no way you ever gonna fit in it but you you you lied to yourself with the price I am willing to pay for my life I know they don't fit the shop clerk knows they don't fit but I'll do it anyway let's go to number three so that we can stay in responsibility of time third kind of person God hates what's the first kind yeah problem arrogance so-called self-righteous Hardy what's the same kind of person God hates lying tongue here's the third one God hates those as one thousand immigrants are headed towards the border and the president is now dispatching troops to handle watch this innocent civilians who have no weaponry what does God think about this president for the countless number of innocent black youth that have been killed in the hands of police and none of them went to jail what does God think about it until my nose being politically correct I'm talking about the right to bear arms I ain't about the NRA what does God think about people who kill innocent lives and many of you think in this instance you've got a you got diplomatic immunity cuz you don't own a gun would never have a weapon in your house but how many people's names killed how many people's reputation have you slaughtered how many people's character have you massacred and you ain't even know um you hated them on inheritance you ain't like them cuz your friend ain't like never had a conversation with them a day in your life but because of what you perceived about them you ran to judgment but when it's your turn you crawled for mercy God hates those who shed innocent blood let me give you a scripture please when Bible study Exodus 20 and 13 Exodus 20:13 thou shalt not kill Psalm 127 and 3 children are an inheritance of Lord and the fruit of the womb is his reward Psalm 127 and 3 lo children are the heritage of the Lord and the fruit of the fruit of the womb is his reward those of you that grew up in a black church your entire life can I see your hand please always grow up in a black church wait waved at hand thank you i'ma go out on a limb cuz I don't know where you grew up what Reformation you are part of my while it may have been silently understood you never heard it preached from this pulpit and when I say this little bit I'm saying from a pulpit 9 times out of 10 you have not heard a sermon in a black church about abortion and it's it's in I miss it's on our Pew in the choir in the pulpit but we don't ever preach on it you only saying nothing nor do we ever provide aftercare of how can I get healed from it and so here's our hypocrisy is our hypocrisy many times fine single mother of two but give absolutely no redress so am I saying here it is that your sin was in the fornication your sin was in the adultery but your grace was in the procedure this is gospel for grown-ups where is it that we don't have that discussion when it is that our numbers of aborted black babies surpass numbers of black homicide and yet the church makes absolutely no statement at our own indictment and our own peril here this because it's not necessarily about abortion but more often than not the church skews away from anything that is sexual so anything in the reproductive organ we ain't gonna deal with yeah so we are conditioned to suppress sin and not address in and then what's this you're made to feel guilty and nasty and dirty over a desire of God gave you and then it becomes demented and looted because I had to sneak what he signed permission form so we don't have any class watch this five teenagers on discovering your body yeah you don't even know what to do you and conflict because yours you're living a celibate and a chaste life and your gynecologist say you're gonna have to masturbate or do something did I say just for grown-ups y'all looking like I'm Alice in Wonderland like this just link at me yeah so then I'm in a spiritual quandary what do I do and I can't find no redress in the small group without some sanctified stuck-up person looking at me with a hearty eye and after they got a hearty eye they'll eyes say they never masturbated y'all ain't saying nothing to me and act like they don't have no desires or never went through nothing while they were 17 to 19 or 21 or the first time mama took me down to the clinic cuz she said you ain't bringing no children in this house and don't tell your father y'all gonna act like y'all have no clue but I'm saying if we're gonna deal with who we are in the balance of what we're supposed to be then at some point we got to have some level of redress because or else I I is in the wrong place I've said it before in different contexts I bring it alive in this context I've never had a discussion about sexuality with Bishop Bryant Reverend Cecilia til I had to tell them topaz was coming yes so the the peril of not putting your eye on it is then the enemy looks at it yes no wonder some of the most perverted people of people who came up in church I'm telling you you you tell my folk that will try anything y'all only laughing cuz I'm talking about you so how do I get how do I get the hate and the wrath of God off me is nobody taught me in my prayer life not to lie so my prayers are live and I had it under righteousness and it discussed God and that's why he can't answer it it's 68% of my lies are to my spouse 73 percent to my friend 62 percent my sister to my siblings 82 percent of my parents how what is the percentage of how many times I lied to God when is the last time in your prayer life you were honest enough with God to tell him where you really were and you covering it up like he don't know Lord I'm dissatisfied I don't want to be content here this at the cost of joy you did not put your hand on my life for me to be I I don't want to just maintain I don't want to just have to perpetually suck it up so god I realize this the decision I made I realized that I'm in it but I needed you to tell me how do I survive or give me an exit you forgave me but you kept me in it so even if you got to play with my man and make me feel like I'm somewhere else y'all ain't gonna be honest that I need you to do something why because God will love me for being honest that I gotta be honest enough watch this not to lie to God but it has to start but I'm not lying to myself God when is the last time you prayed to God I don't feel blessed come on I'm talking to real people with this I told you this gospel for grown-ups I feel like there is a curse on my life because every couple of months I'm having to go through a different trauma or a different drama a different circus a different charade and I'm sick of it and because I can't lie to myself and light of God now I can't face sorry either stop praying stop coming to church or I stop inauthentic worship so now I'm in a truthful level God if you do something before this years oh I'm giving lose all hope I'm giving lose my faith and I'm giving lose my company god it's me you know I don't talk to you like but now met my broken place could you say it you hate liars so you're not going to punish me for being honest with the one person that can fix it lift up their hand I'm gonna pray for you I want God to love you I don't want him to tolerate you I don't want him to have to always forgive me I want him to love you watch this even in your hangar I want him to be able to love you in your disappointment I don't understand God why it is that you you allow all these people to have kids and I can't produce I get gotten Oh God after it is I did it right why did you gave me a child with special needs God how in the world I left all of their lifestyle away why now are you giving me health challenges stop lying to yourself so you can be honest with him lift up that hand please would you take one moment I'm not praying for you I want you to pray and your own boy say your own tongue be honest with God about what you want hate my car I hate my life I hate my checking account hate my roommate [Music] God you got to do something for me I need you to do it for me now hey being in this position I hate asking fail I hate feeling vulnerable God said imma love you just for being honest and now that you honest I can do something about it those that worship Him how much they worship Him in spirit and what else in truth I fallen and I can't get up that's my truth nobody said the road was gonna be easy I wish somebody would tell me cuz sometimes I believe he brought me this far to leave me but tonight I want to be honest with him I give it all to those of you who believe with everything that's at you that God can handle your truth would you give God a praise of Thanksgiving even now come on you can do better than that if you know God is not intimidated by your truth we just came out of the five stages of grief come out i day to worship Him you no matter what stage you win he can handle your truth I want every person who's in this room every person who's in this room every person was in the room who is not a tithe there is a liar did y'all hear what I just said every person in the room that's not a time there's a liar why cuz you tell him the person who loaned it to you you ain't got it he knows every dime that's in your possession I want to do this if I can very quickly every person in the room every person who's watching online would you get a seed in your hand come on stop lying on God stop lying to God stop lying about I want you to get that seed in your hand he brought those of you who were not here on Sunday I want you to get that seed in your possession every person was watching online you ain't still would give Church you still gotta give God what he's do you're giving electronically you're able to do so on either side of the sanctuary those of you who are watching online I want you to give to care share to be empowered or you can give on give laughs I or those of you who are on our live stream go directly to empowerment temple daughter work would you mind standing to your feet I hope you won't mind before it is that we give about offering there's somebody who needs to give up themselves how much it is saying them challenging I'm charging you compelling you I hope that you would stand right where it is that you are there's somebody there's somebody in this room who God wants to love but your behavior your actions your demeanor is making heaven hate you cuz you sitting in here with a proud look like you'll need God you don't need Church you don't need minister you don't need deliverance you're here in this room and you keep lying to yourself lying to your siblings lying to your friends lying to your spouse God is looking at you sad I saying how you think you gonna lie to me somebody in this room they got to get to this altar why cuz you keep killing your own career you keep killing your own door you keep plucking the wings of the angels God sent into your life if you here in this room and you're saying pastor I need to join church today I need to become a part of this ministry a part of this fellowship would you mind coming to me I want you to come give me your hands but I want you to give God your heart come on you still land in church you hear today you're saying pastor you were talking to me how much you give God some praise as they come you don't babe my day thank you it ain't easy being green thank you I'm honored to have you just one more person say right here please if you'll stay right here for just one moment would you talk to one more person for me look at me now say please don't lie your churches you say do you ever church home have you given your life over to God [Music] come on Steve we've come to stretch your right hand to faith to these four that have come come on five as the number of favor how many one more you slowing me down I'm thankful for these four amazing women that have come but there may be a man that needs to get saved maybe a brother that needs to be saved I don't know where it is that you are but I want you to come would you do me a favor would you talk to the men around you find out if they're saved find if they have a church home I'm glad to have you welcome right-hander faith bless the Lord repeat you have to meet you on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving only God and I know that's right if you know I'm right give God some praise now the four of you ladies if you'll please follow us this way we just want to get some information to you very quickly you may be seated do you have your offering in your hand in your possession yet thank you alright you want to add something else to it why you see that going and something else to it it'll make you feel better on either side of the sanctuary on either side of the sanctuary one of our servant leaders are zealously excited about helping you to process on this coming Saturday at 9:00 a.m. I want you to meet me at Lake Montebello it is our 5k walk in runneth on for the benefit of empowerment Academy you all did a wonderful job on Sunday but we need to do more than that and then Sunday is Jesus dress down is Jesus dress down on Sunday so Institute wear jeans and tennis shoes sweat shirts whatever it is that you don't mind getting stains on because after our 1130 service collectively corporately we're just gonna have one long food assembly line and I want us to be in mind for in would you get your seed in your hand the extra one that you added since you've been seated those of you who are in need of a ride home would you come quickly please come if you're in need of a ride home thank you so very much yes yes 24th in Berkeley who can help I dear brother get to 24th and Barclay tell me what that's near near Greenmount Avenue my dear brother in the back he's gonna take you thank you so very much my royal and North Avenue who can help my brother I get to Memorial and my brother in the back will take you yes Piedmont Avenue you're well-spoken how are you good what grade you in 10th grade you gonna be somebody Thank You people what's going on Avenue near wall broke yes thank you my dear sister in the yellow and black is gonna take you thank you Essex anybody going all the way close to Essex and six minute y'all y'all going far y'all need ad live cold thank you anybody going towards Essex or you'll take both of them thank you so yes if you'll come right back to this front row after services over all right thank you so very much all right I was giving you more time to write their check out thank you so very much yes you will please stand to your feet what you sent your feet I'm gonna bless the offering and the benediction at the same time but here's what you're gonna do you're gonna walk this way and not that way cuz you got to give your a seat before you leave and so after it is that you come this way than it is you can go out with every exit you want I lift up that seat above your head if nobody told you today your pastor loves you I'm praying for you every day I wanna see you get everything God has for you I'm believing miracles are gonna happen tonight in Georgia Florida and the in Maryland and prayerfully right in your house now under him who's absolutely able to double whatever is in your hand may he do exceedingly abundantly beyond but you can think dream hope or even imagine and the Blessed people of God said amen come on would you bring your see you know have a wonderful night if you give it your neck tronic lee do so on either side of the sanctuary if you give it for your cash at addresses to be empowered he is a born everybody saying God is evil God is a boaster just when he said he what he would do he's gonna appeal he's gonna pop in every promise to you don't give up on God cause you cuz he won't be the you he say we love you Jesus there's nobody
Channel: Dr Jamal Bryant
Views: 9,282
Rating: 4.828794 out of 5
Keywords: jamal bryant, pastor, pastor jamal bryant, hate
Id: oVsDaytlX6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 40sec (3400 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 06 2018
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