Mission Incomplete- Dr. Jamal Harrison Bryant (Full Sermon)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as it made a way for you safe has he opened doors fire safe [Applause] save me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] open up your mouth and say [Music] my hardest it no room novated set come on if you're sailing out somebody put up your mouth and go play do you has it brought you out has he been away for you so wait your hand and say yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all righty then I don't we gotta move but I guess I'm the wrong one to give a mic when the praise kicks off kind of hard like that I enjoy that if more saints remember how to dance be less fat church amen I'm indeed grateful this evening and pastor Barnes how you doing brother good to see you pastor Barnes some grit Evangelos empal Church of God in Christ amen amen Bishop Anthony Jones coming in right now god bless his brother prophet Gordon god bless good to see you I need to stop naming preachers because by keeping them I'll miss somebody by God to name two folk real quick because my both of my big brothers are here who preach pastor Wayne Carter's over there gay men and from Columbus Ohio apostle David Salvatore called amen amen we are so honored in this city in this region to have this man here you've seen him on TV n the word network TV one I'm a Rosa being her spiritual advisor Wow I mean you've seen it but I'm telling you something I've heard him preach for years and but I heard him preach a few times this year and every time I heard this year he's been ripping me apart the Lord has anointed him truly he's a preacher now don't get it twisted he's a he's from a line of preachers his grandfather the preacher and his daddy's sho'nuff can preach a bishop brian is no joke in the pulpit but Jamal Harrison Bryant is a voice for this generation for this time amen in case y'all didn't know he is currently that he's the number one selling Christian author in Walmart stores on the 5th printing right now his new book world war me and that's almost same now he wants it addressed give God some praise this offense of God pastor Jamal Harrison Bryant empowerment temple AME Church a Baltimore Maryland come on give God some praise praise the Lord everybody I say praise the Lord everybody your salon would you take your neighbor by the hand take your neighbor by the hand stretching out even across the ions as the organist begins to play Jesus keep me neither cross there's a precious fountain I believe that in this hour that we in that prayer is the call of the day and I know the people around you're trying to act like everything is alright that they don't need anything that they're not going through anything but how many of you know prayer still changes things not only does prayer change things but if it doesn't change the thing it'll change the way you look at the thing I'm believing by faith and through the power of God that something is getting ready to change in the life of the person whose hand you're holding would you just shake their hand and look at him and tell them everything is getting ready to change for you everything is getting ready to change for you and I believe I believe by faith and through the power of God that everything connected to your life that has been out of order he is getting ready to change in the next 72 hours um how many of you are believing God for a supernatural I want you as a musicians of plenty ever so lightly I want you to engage with me in the gift of intercession which is the uncanny gift and the ability to pray for somebody else and this is what we're going to do Bishop Bailey tonight just a little bit different is we're going to bombard heaven with the sound of Poirier from the choir love all the way to the balcony we are going to infiltrate the atmosphere with the sound of prayer you're gonna pray for the person whose hand you're holding for one minute uninterrupted we've sung tonight we've clapped tonight we've danced tonight we shouted tonight but we don't pray tonight hallelujah for one minute I want you to lift up your voice praying for the people whose hand you're holding on the left and on the right I want you to pray that their finances will change I can't hear nobody in here their situation is going to change and even the anointing on their life is gonna change for the better ohit's about all eyes are closed open up your mouth come on and pray all over this building come on I can't hear nobody begin praying for your neighbor come on begin praying form begin praying form come on turn it up free - ah he lame Shree oh this be ah come on you only got 30 seconds left come on somebody lift up your voice come on you only got a few moments left in me mad [Music] you only got ten seconds left we and we declare that everything that has been spoken said and uttered that it shall come to pass and the blest believers we declare it in Jesus name loose those hands and begin to thank God for answered prayer come on you can do better than that for answered prayer would you hook somebody tell them I've been praying for you tell them I've been praying for you you may be seated in the cross be mad my glory to my rapture t share [Music] yes be come on but you celebrate God even right now come on you can do better than that I feel the power garden here I just need somebody to open up your mouth and give him some glory right there right there that's his holy name you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to pause to publicly express my heartfelt affection and and the eternal love and admiration for our visionary far gathering tonight we're thankful for dr. Carter for who he is and for the incredible mantle that rest on his life come on let's get down to Hank laughter praise for you [Music] he's a a noble brother beloved who walk circumspectly with authority and with integrity Bishop elder one of the dangers of this present generation is that we have placed a greater priority on charisma over character so if in fact somebody can perform we don't care how it is that they live but the reality is in this hour your actions I don't have to speak louder than your words and I'm thankful on the dog for a man of God with character and I want you to help me celebrate him for who he is in the kingdom of God a quality gentleman come on give God a hand clap of praise for this for this man about this man I want to thank God for the Christian hospitality for rolling out the plush red carpet of carpet hospitality for us we thank God for one of God's generals for this hour and even for this region help me thank God for Bishop Bailey for who years ago [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was a blank spot on my resume on my bio for my Vita God has graciously allowed me to preach in every major pulpit in this nation from the potter's house the West End to lesson everywhere in between but there was a blank spot because I have not yet preached for Bishop baleia amen and I was Amen I was giving ready to start feeling a certain kind of way about it amen because everybody been here but me but I'm a man I'm thankful I let God use a pastor Carter to give me here Amen default and I'm thankful for let me ask all of the preachers in the building to please stay and all the preachers bishops apostles overseers elders would you please stand by I'm gonna take one moment I want to take one moment to really give a word of affirmation for all of those who have the blessing in the burden to carry the gospel we're living in strange times we're living in times we're back there is no longer a reference a regard or respect for those who preach the gospel of Jesus Christ our early this afternoon best Accord I was walking downtown my home a bear and I and gentleman came and spoke to me say you you preach black man I said yes sir and he had a cigarette in his eyen I can't alcohol in the other one when my grandfather was coming through as a pastor if you had a cigarette in the preacher was coming you were trying to hide the sake of redhead he meant put the liquor under the table tilray of left a minute I'm saying that because I just over the last three days and all of us have been privy to have a front-row seat to what is taking place electronically and it is not mine to argue guilt or innocence but I want you to understand that it is not the enemy's intent to say and beg one he wants to lower the standard of all of those who are in ministry and about I came tonight I came tonight just because I feel compared to the Holy Spirit to release a hedge fence of protection around every person administrates because I want you to know something everybody here may you may not want to hear this everybody in ministry has a weakness and what it is that we are arguing in but we're gonna have to deliberate through what is greater what is greater JJ the sin or the exposure of it see what we have learned in this hour we have mastered discretion and minored in deliverance so we're no longer looking to be delivered we just want to be discreet but we're living in our where God is pulling the sheets off and saying what you do in the dark is gonna come out in the light and I know that this is a little bit off kilter but I want to engage we've already prayed but I just need to help circumnavigate whatever were the plans to uproot the authority of these men and women of God who was standing I need you to help me get on the front line a spiritual warfare and I need a war cry in this room and I need you to hear me clearly we are not screaming for cars clothes money or raise or promotion we are crying out under God give me that God will cover our leaders what would you do me a favor would you lift up your voice and cry out under God for the covering and for the protection of our leaders come on for whoever your bishop is whoever your pastor is whoever your apostle is I can't hear nobody come on Connecticut lift up your voice and cry out for your leader come on you can do better than that the gates of Hell shall not prevail come on I dare you to cry out your leader is not gonna be in a scandal your leaders name is now gonna be dragged in the mud you're neither will not be assassinated I'm gonna cry out for your leader hallelujah but you tap the person in front of you tap the person in front of you and tell them don't talk about my leader in front of my face turn to the prison behind you tell them don't talk about my leader behind my back God gave them to me now give God one last shout for whoever your leader is whoever come on whoever your leader is the Lord you may be seated getting the presence of the Lord this is the hour ladies and gentlemen that God is requiring us to mature amen we ought be the last ones involved in engage in gossip I can't hear nobody in here we ought to be the last ones that this is the time that we ought to be lifting up our leaders in prayer I am thankful under God I need you all to celebrate with me on tonight I am pastor card Carter's supposed to be in Harlem New York tonight for the African American literary awards I was just 15 minutes ago I was awarded in absentia Cornel West and Sonia Sanchez as the black author of the year for 2010 [Applause] I'm so thankful and so grateful for that honor and for that privilege that the book in which they are recognizing me for last year a Steve Harvey won the war the year before that Bill Cosby won the award I'm the first preacher to win the award for a nonfiction book of the year amen and I'm so thankful the book is entitled world war me world war me how to win the war I lost and I went through about three years ago now a very public divorce and went through a very public scandal a lot of you who are talking about it alone tonight we're talking about me two years ago amen it's all right I ain't got nothing but love for you amen amen the enemy meant it for evil but I'm a witness God will turn it out for your good amen and I went through a season of depression preachers where I was getting ready to give up ministry and get ready to walk away from my church I have been offered a position to become president at Texas Southern University and god I had to grab me and shake me because I was lost almost 17 pounds couldn't even sleep at night I had developed acute insomnia couldn't even function had cereal migraine headaches and I woke up in the morning trying to find somebody to blame and God told me to look in the mirror and look at myself I see so many times we want to blame other people for where it is that we are but we never take responsibility for our own bad decisions and poor choices and church people are quick to have amnesia and and forget what it is that they did but anybody know you did some stuff that should have wiped you out but but God gave you another chance amen I want you to get a copy of this book a world with me it is a blueprint for making better decisions for your life of making better choices every married person needs this book every single person needs this book every person who's frustratedly married needs this book amen I want you to please get this book is going absolutely I bless you I'm gonna be for those of you who grew up in the church I'll be in the vestibule amen for those of you who ain't been to church in a while be in the lobby amen so as that you were please please meet me there thankful for all of you who are here on tonight allow me a point of personal privilege one of the gentlemen who served as one of my mentors and helped raise me yes the other night I affectionately call him my Uncle Ben and I'm glad to have him and I want you please stand they have you announced on and I give God Anka like a praise for you John chapter 10 John chapter 10 and I want to illuminate for your understanding just one verse John 10 as he is our custom in Baltimore would you kindly stand for the reading of God's Word 910 thank God for this incredible music ministry that let us in worship tonight all of the minstrels who own the appropriate organs John chapter 10 verse 10 John 10 verse 10 the thief comes only to steal and to kill and to destroy I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly you may be seated the thief comes to steal to kill and to destroy but I've come that you might have life and have it more abundantly I want to preach for a little while tonight using as a subject mission incomplete mission incomplete would you look at the person beside you and tell them the mission is incomplete just a few years weeks ago in Baltimore so as it was here in Connecticut a new school year commenced students begin to stroll through the hallways of colleges and universities Catholic schools charter schools in public institutions and all of them invariably went through a process of orientation invariably whether the course of study was philosophy or biology in the front of the classroom whether it was a teacher a professor or Proctor they all in the early days of the semester begin to pass out a syllabus of required readings chord course outlines project expectations essays and dissertation due dates in that opening session it was made explicitly clear what was required of them in order for them to get a in order for them to get an A in the class they had to come to class had to participate in the discussions do the necessary readings never be a disruption to those who really want to learn they have to turn their assignments in on time they have to be prepared for a quiz that will not be announced they have to their time making sure that they are prepared for the final exam conversely in early of modulars of education not only will they tell you what is required for you to pay us there tell you what's needed for you to fail skip class don't participate be disruptive don't read the required readings fail to turn in your assignments and be unprepared for the test ladies and gentlemen has a lifelong student you're listening tonight to a preacher who failed the 11th grade went back and got a GED they the grace of God went to Morehouse College graduated from Duke University holding a doctoral degree from Oxford University and in all of the mine matriculation from kindergarten open to this hour never once do I remember a teacher or professor or Proctor after telling me what to do to pass the class or to fail the class not one instruction ever told me what was required to get a in complete somebody who was a slow learner and a slow bloomer I would have appreciated that information because had I've been given the tools that were necessary to get a hint complete maybe I wouldn't have had to spend all those summers in some Skol maybe I wouldn't have been the star pupil in detention an incomplete ladies and gentlemen simply suggests that there is a body of work that is unfinished and incomplete says that the teacher recognizes that you are lacking something the incomplete suggests forthrightly you are not ready to be graded because you haven't done all that is required and ladies and gentlemen I came really to file a petition for mal negligence against the church because the church has taught us what it takes to be successful as a Christian to pray without ceasing bless the Lord at all times love those who would despitefully use you bring your tithes into the storehouse they've also told us what to do to fail the class in Christendom don't live up to the standard of what it is that God has called us to do be blasphemous in your faith be a hero of the word but not a doer also not be disciplined of what it is that you have been called to do but ladies and gentlemen I have come tonight because there are so many of you under the sound of my voice who are not passing as a Christian and you really aren't failing but if grades were to be given out tonight heaven would have to mark you incomplete and the reason why it is you'd have to be marked in complaint is because they are some people in this room God has given a clarion call in charge to you know your assignment you know your purpose you know the area you're supposed to be working in but you haven't done it and there's so many people who are filled with frustrated faith because you still can't do what it takes to get ahead and every time you try to pull yourself up it feels like there's something that's pushing you back I know you got on your church clothes today and you're sanctified faced but there are a lot of people in this room if they're honest they'll have to be transparent tonight and declare preacher I feel in complaint and I don't know what it is because people who really don't understand my dream and don't understand my call they're jealous of me and they don't understand it this is an even way I want to be I feel incomplete because people are telling me I do too much and I ought to slow down but they don't understand I was celebrating because I remember where it is that I came from I feel incomplete because the things that impress you don't mean nothing to me I feel incomplete because I don't come to the place with material things no longer satiate my appetite and now want more out of my life than a bag and a pair of shoes and a car every three to four years and now I want to be able to go to sleep at night knowing that I'm a little bit closer to where it is that God has called me to be I'm I'm feeling incompleted as a consequence now for me I can't play around in church I need more than won't he do it Amy all right and he died one Friday I got up one Sunday morning there's a hunger in me that keeps pulling for something but natural from God I feel incomplete I can't just go along if you get along and now I become irritable because I no longer have patience force people who are petty and small and dealing with trifling stuff I feel incomplete cuz I'm sitting at a table with folks that I got nothing in common with and I been their friend for a year but all they can talk about is the past and my mind is on the future my feeling of incomplete I'm trying to figure out who's responsible for making me feel this way is it psychologically am I feeling incomplete because of what's going on in my mind because I should be happy but I am quietly closeted ly depressed is is it something in my thinking because when I look at all of the stuff that I have acquired and ascertained most people would be satisfied but but now that kind of stuff that I've been working for it don't even mean nothing to me yet and the enemy don't even understand he can take it even if he steals it I'll still be alright because the God that I serve was with me when I didn't have all the dear said and so I'm thankful under God he is it is it in my mind he do do I feel incomplete because I was brought up in the wrong side of the tracks that then I crew up in a dysfunctional family that I didn't have I filed the present I had a mother who had to work too much I had siblings who never treated me the same as them is it because where I grew up in God said don't blame it on your dysfunctional family because if it was up to your family you would have been crazy nine years ago but but you ought to be able to thank God looking over my family life God must have put me in the family as an undercover agent cuz I don't even act like their mouth even think like them there's something about me that's different than everybody else in my family what what is it that is making me insufficient what is it that's making me in feel inadequate or incomplete is it is it because I'm just having a bad time in my life a preacher I don't know how it is that some folk just get comfortable being broke used to struggling I'm I'm talking to those of y'all if we can keep it on a hundred tonight but that when you going through you ain't just gonna be walking around asking people and and telling people what you going through you you from the hood so you learn how to suck it up and hold it down and say I'm gonna handle mine and make sure my kids alright and folk don't even know I'm scared every month get the lights don't be cut off my house is gonna be foreclosed Manor I'm thankful under God that I still serve Jehovah Jireh and he shall supply I'm feeling somewhat are incomplete because I look around and so many the people around me they got more degrees and got more experience and and they got more exposure and they say off-the-cuff remarks trying to make me feel bad but but finally I was able to shake it off and I'm trying to figure out why people hear me who got more than me are jealous of me y'all ain't done nothing to you I'm bothering you I'm trying to figure out why you trying to burn me up when I'm just trying to mind my business I ain't come to church to make no friends I gotta go eat with y'all I've gotta be in your low clique I don't wanna be on your low committee let me just give my word my my business and go back to my house somebody say preach black man I'm trying to do the best I can what what what is it that makes you feel incomplete or makes you feel inadequate or makes you feel insufficient and and for you tonight there are so many layers and layers of inadequacy and so many layers of low self-esteem and there's so many layers a poor self-image there's so many layers of wounds of stuff that happened in the past that you never heal from there's so many layers of things that you got to work through in your mind that folks don't understand I deserve a blue ribbon just for showing up at church dude do you know what kind of hell I've been through in my life y'all want me to be smilin and Kiki and all the time I gotta keep it together cuz I tried to trust Negros before and the last time I trusted her they stabbed me in the back so I gotta keep I got layers of insufficiency and an inadequacy that the enemy has placed on me but I came all the way from Baltimore tonight how to make a Clarion apostolic announcement in this house and what God would have me download into your hard drive yes for you to realize you are not inadequate god help me in here this is the slow class I'm bringing in the yellow bus let me make the announcement again I said you are not in adequate God help me in here I need some of y'all to holla at your boy can I just get 500 of y'all just shout in this room we see the police we see that ladies and gentlemen you have everything you need to succeed you got all of the tools that it takes in order for you to get to the next level I don't know where you are but somebody needs this message the rest of y'all can daydream if you want to but if they're 300 a Yahoo feel like you give them a get your swagger back would you just declare out loud I am NOT inadequate I be seated please that the enemy is hoping ladies and gentleman that you never wake up to the consciousness of the reality of who you are how the enemy wants to keep you in timeout I'm he wants to make you feel like you don't have what it takes because the enemy knows if you ever wake up and realize greater is He that is in me then he that is in the world can I tell you I want to prove to you the favor of God that's on your life you wanna know how much favor you got with all the stuff you've been through in your life the rest of the people sitting on your Pew if they had to go to it they with a wig crazy but you are able to say I woke up this morning with my mind we see that please there is a difference between an enemy and an adversary there's a difference between an enemy and an adversary our enemy watch this is a personal an enemy is a personal they they don't like you for personal reasons hear me when you have an adversary it is not a personal reason it is a principled reason let me see if I can illuminate the idea for you we are in Iraq our troops are there our sons and daughters are fighting in Iraq but probably most of troops who were there do not know the names of the people they are fighting so they are not they are fighting against a personality here me they are fighting against a principle let me see if I can help you here the reason why the enemy is so vehemently against you is because it is personal and it is principled what do you mean creature the Satan what is Satan he is in fact thrown out of heaven loses his right to be around the throne rushes for messing up once and when he messed up once he lost the ability to praise God forever now he is Satan is looking at us without rifle himself y'all ain't talking back to men you still sleeping with folk still drinking steel getting high steel cussing when you get angry but God still lets you come to church anyway you the glory not because I'm so good because you're being good to me if you do not want to be on the enemies hit list please don't praise Him god help me you don't understand that when you praise God you ain't doing nothing more than picking a fight huh because you throwing up in his face what he didn't have access to which is Grace look at your neighbor tell him I am NOT shouting cuz I'm perfect I'm shouting because I'm forgiving because if I told you all the stuff I did you'd be scared to sit next to me in church the devil comes to steal I'm in John chapter 10 verse 10 Clause a the devil comes to steal now you would know this this lady Bailey that we only put alarms watch this on two things the enemy is a faith and it comes to steal all right metaphorically we only put alarms on two things we put alarms on cars god help me in here and we put alarms on houses because they stand for us as a symbol for what it is the enemy is trying to steal do you see your car hear me is a sign a symbol or a metaphor of movement it is a sign for mobility what the enemy wants to do is steal here it is your drive huh so so he wants to make you watch this feels stuck where you are and he tries to make the walls come in on you the oxygen gets a little bit thin so you begin to convince yourself you always gonna be where you are I bet I feel like busting loose because I feel like here it is that somebody in this room is getting ready to step into another dimension you don't know what it is but you've been feeling you've been feeling I hope I can say this word you've been feeling transition so that's why your sircle been getting smaller because God is getting ready to drive you into something else look at your neighbor tell them by December 31st I'm gonna be in a different tax bracket I don't have a different position December 31st I will be at a different level be seated please holiday yeah he's he's trying to keep you in Park hallelujah because he understand that the gospel is a verb and a verb watch this is in fact an action word those of us who have anointing on our lives we cannot stand still but watch this because the call of every anointed person is to go would you just elbow your neighbor don't even look at him and tell them you give a make some moves god help me I hope you ready cuz there's a house that got your name all there you get ready to make some moves there's a business in you you getting ready to stop you getting ready to make some moves God getting ready to open up a door and let your gift be on full display be seated please I don't really know y'all like that and so I'm trying to slow drag before Electric Slide here it is I need you to do me a favor please would you look at your neighbor and tell them I got a prophecy for you look at him and tell them I got a prophecy over your life I got a prophecy over your family all I can tell you is get ready to move look at that neighbor and tell them do me a favor I know there's this ain't in the Bible but Ludacris said when I move god help me in here you move somebody but you just shout on your own are y'all I'm moving Connecticut you get ready to go since I'm trying to steal your drive be seated please be seated you scare me like you want me to preach I'm trying it is to steal your Drive oh my god I need you to do me a favor please I need you to just elbow people on either side of you I need you to just push them please how could you look at him and tell him that was not me that was your destiny pushing you God him and there's our call on your life that refuses to let you be comfortable that refuses to let you be satisfied you better kick it in the over try the enemy comes to steal not just your car which is your Drive but you also have an alarm here is on your house all right and the house ladies and gentlemen symbolizes your rest and the enemy I don't know who you are in the room I'm only talking about 400 of you in the room the enemy has been robbing you of sleep you don't even matter you don't matter how tired you are you just sitting there watching reruns and see us on Miami lawn order I can't cheaters I can't hear no real people in here and you saying God all I need is rest I know some of y'all can handle it but I came to speak to 435 of you that God would I need for you to give me is not a card not a check not even a promotion I need a season of living drama-free anybody in here just want to go through a season where you got no stress no arguments no fight no reason to back yourself up God give me a season of peace the enemy wants to rob you of your wrists he wants to rob you of your peace hear me ladies and gentlemen but he's coming to get the house unless you tie up bind up the strongman god help me the reason why the enemy is coming after you is cuz he really wants your kids oh my god he really wants your marriage but the problem is you stand too strong and I know that this is gonna be a little bit crazy I know y'all ain't ready for this tonight just gonna be a little bit unorthodox but do me a favor please if y'all crazy enough to do it would you just speak out loud your address please just speak out loud thank you just be seated please be seated please be seated cuz some of y'all giving the wrong shout please be seated and I need y'all to please have be seated for just one moment there's get ready to be a worship in here how but I'm getting ready to teleport you I want you to get ready for it because when you start worshiping in this season you are not in this sanctuary watch me when you begin worshiping in the next 15 seconds you gonna be worshiping watch this wow you are consecrating your whole house god help me in here when you begin worshiping you covering your children's bedroom you chill covering the door you covering the my I can't hear nobody you covering the kitchen is always gonna be food in here I need somebody to open up your mouth and worship God like you Catherine is that all y'all got Connecticut I said cover your house you better turn it up cover your children cover your spouse cover the people that live under your roof god you only got 10 seconds left if you got a walk that I'll go ahead if you if you got a lay prostrate go here but I need you to cover your house tonight so is not coming in my house addiction is not coming with the ten seconds you got left I need y'all to scream like there's a gun to your head I need you to hollow like the enemy is not gonna be able to invade our house we see that place in the Old Testament ladies and gentlemen in the Old Testament the house symbolized the family now household you have the house of Carter the house of Bailey the house of Bryant was not necessarily an address wherever there was a member of my family they are under this house cuz I hope y'all know what's getting ready to happen tonight God says tonight based off of your worship I am canceling generational curses god help me that would ever been going on in your family it ends tonight god help me not another member your family going to jail not another member your family is gonna be in a crazy match your family confused I need a shout in here I need you to just encourage somebody I can't get to you but would you just tap somebody on the shoulder tell them your family is gonna be alright hallelujah your children are gonna be alright your God children are gonna be all right your nieces and nephews are gonna be all right your mother in the hospital is gonna be all right your father finally don't get himself together family's the enemy comes to steal the enemy not only comes to steal but he comes to kill he wants to kill watch this you not necessarily naturally he wants to kill hear me I'm talking to somebody in the room your dream because every time you begin to dream you are bombarded by facts and the facts always tell you why it won't work he wants to kill your dream because your dream is so outlandish because what God has impregnated in you to do you don't even have a blueprint in order to get it done I'm talking to regular people I'm talking to dreamers sure you're dreaming watch this is so clear for you cuz you already know the name of the business god help me in here that the dream is so vivid cuz you already see yourself functioning and flowing and operating at the next level and you can't even stay focus on that job cuz you know this ain't even your last stop god just keeping you here just so you can get some income til you get your life together your dream is trying to get killed and I don't know where you are but God told me to tell you tonight that this is the season God is getting ready to bring back to your remembrance he made the dreams that you forgot about shucks he's giving me to bring a refreshing of the dreams that you had in 98 he's getting ready to bring you back into a place of the things you used to persevere then and go after in 2002 and you thought the circumstances of your life disqualified you from the fulfillment of the manifestation of the dream but God told me to tell you delay is not denial the enemy meant it for evil but God is getting ready to work it out for your good I'm talking to everybody those of you who are satisfied and you ain't been dreaming about nothing please don't celebrate with us but those of you who know this is the hour that God is getting ready to do what has have not seen he's getting ready to do what ears have not heard do me a favor please I know you ain't got again but would you shout for the stuff God promised you he wants to kill your dream but but not only does he want to kill your dream but he wants to kill your joy I'm talking the superficial science I'm talking to real folk he wants to kill your joy so much so that you don't even remember the last time you were legitimately happy he wants to kill your joy so that when something good happens to you you tell yourself is too good to be true he wants to kill your joy to the place where you don't even recognize the sound of your own authentic laughter he wants to kill your joy to such an extent that you'll be in the car in some days you want to drive passion he wants to so kill your joy did you become angry and if somebody asks you was wrong you tell them nothing because you don't even know which thing you upset about at that moment he tried to so kill your joy they're just the smallest little finger will get on your nerves and get you on ten out of the blue everything can be going well and somebody will say something side eye to you and it'll mess up your whole spirit and your soul day but I wonder if there's anybody in here that understands after everything that I've been through I still got my joy and this joy that I had the world didn't give it in the Lord I want to kill your joy but not only don't want to kill your joy I I want to kill yourself esteem gonna kill yourself esteem and I I didn't come tonight to make friends or play politics has to make you kill yourself a stain because you still haven't figured out how the person who did you and you still trying to pick up the pieces trying to kill yourself for staying mad at a real level because for the life of you you can't understand how it is that you live I try to kill yourself a steam because every time you offer up an idea because they don't like you they'll sit on the idea Oh God and then and they don't even understand you don't even want to credit you you just want to see the office the ministry to auxilary move forward and they so busy hating on you they don't even understand I only want the job y'all yeah y'all can have it I'm I'm just trying to staying in the lane God has me in getting this season but he's messing with my self-esteem cuz I never thought at this point in my life I thought I'd be so much further I'm prayin praising God and I feel I'm watching other folk going in and I remember when I used to feel like that but but now it's just going through the exercise and I'm trying to figure out God have you forgotten about me it's missing with my self-esteem picked up some weight I can't dress the way I used to I can't do for my kids what I would like and I just can't adjust to struggling some folk like this just ain't me I'm recognizing that at this point in my life I'll never ever say this out loud but I have lowered my standards simply because I don't like being alone I'm at a place if I can be honest Ralph I come the church takes everything in you you keep telling yourself I am NOT don't break down in front of them I am NOT don't give them the satisfaction so when I see church folk I begin going into autopilot I'm blessed and highly favored and this is my season and he's anointed me and God is good all the time you really think his whole scope and intention is for you to lose the house he don't care nothing about no house he's trying to do enough to have so much pressure on your plate in so much stress in your spirit where you feel like you can't make it and suicide depression isolation and loneliness are the answer but I came to declare there's somebody in this room the devil is there you got what it takes he wants to steal he wants to kill would you be seated out oh my god three more times to tell you dad becomes a steel he comes to kill am bishop he came to a little problem because he exposed his resume too early the enemy comes to steal and he comes to kill and they found the 33 year old man they were trying to figure out what could they do to steal his self-esteem I said so they begin the gamble for his clothes and they said what can we do to break his morale and his spirit and and they begin to spit in his face they said what can we do to make him second-guess his call and his purpose say they begin to call him King of the Jews when it is that they nailed his hands and and nailed his feet they would have won if they would have just left him on the ground but they made a critical mistake when they lifted the cross up because he said if God help me I feel like a Baptist preacher please please be seated and so we and when you got saved Thank You Holy Ghost I'm coming around the mountain when you got saved but you had your name change thank you that you were no longer yourself but you adopted the name of Christian yes and Christian just symbolizes that I'm christ-like yes and because I am christ-like that means that I am a joint heir that whatever it is that that Jesus did that that's what I'm able to do ladies and gentlemen I know that this has been a rough year and I please excuse me and embed my indulgence tonight I apologize to all the preachers are here in the house because I'm breaking every exegetical in every homiletic along because after all at this time I only got one point thank you and the only point that I gotta leave with you tonight is that the enemy can do yes at the enemy can kill but I came to tell the enemy this report card not yes and I came to give the enemy his report the report I got to give the enemy is incomplete because you killed me stand as a living witness look at your neighbor and say neighbor thought he had me but I got away look at your neighbor the reason why I should have been suicide look at your neighbor I don't have the I don't have all the money I don't have a whole lot of because I wasn't destroyed [Music] be seated and this is the last time tonight this is the last time tonight I may ask you to be seated and Bishop Bailey after this I'm no longer responsible you don't even understand you are in the perfect position you're in the perfect position and this is only for folk who this year you almost lost it this is the year watch this when the attack on you has been non-stop I'm coming to get you in a minute this is for those of you every time you pay off one bill another bill show up in the mail as soon as you handle one circumstance something else start popping off now you get ready to miss it you get ready to miss it because there is a caveat to what the enemy does the enemy watch this comes to steal he comes to kill and he comes to destroy now watch this in the logical chronological sequential order you gotta go through steal kill destroy watch this for you to get to the conjunction all right the conjunction says but God help me I'm getting ready to come get you but I came that you might have life but it ain't gonna be regular washer get ready for the overflow yeah please don't shout here but I wanna shout for everybody in the room who feels like in the next 72 hours you get ready to step into abundance you believe is getting ready to burn for you huh all right I'm almost finished you've been trying to work all night come on would you take your neighbor by the hand I'm a close the same way I started would you take your neighbor by the hand please take your neighbor by the hand please please take your neighbor by the hand and would you look at your neighbor and tell them it's over god help me your season four [Music] I said it's gonna be one last shout in the room give me and my homies we gonna raise up here it is we only got one last shout and this is just for those of you who can take it here it is abundance means God help me in here God is gonna bless you so much Rush's that you gonna have to give stuff away abundance means no shall yet abundance means God don't give you so much stuff you gonna feel guilty about having it abundance means watch this that God is getting ready to bring new haters into your life where you getting ready to go those of you watches who are getting ready to walk in a season where you will never ever bounce another check in your life where to shalt put in abundance [Music] [Music] mix up that ham lift up that hand I'm gonna pray over every lifted hand I pray over every lifted hand tonight that the attack against you and your family god help me in here I said the attack against you and your family is over at midnight god I can't hear nobody in here I pray over every lifted hand that God while I'm speaking is taking 20 pounds of stress off of your back that this is the season in me where God is gonna give you six weeks to live stress fresh those of you that believed it would you worship Him like God is going to help you to live stress I pay all their mean if that hand tonight that the enemy is assignment the enemy's assignment has just been canceled whatare but he thought he was gonna do to you I came to tell you it's over god help me and here I need somebody to shop yes over your sofa as your hand is lifted I want to welcome you to your greatest season of abundance y'all didn't hear what I just said I said get ready for your greatest season of abundance I can't hear nobody in the room I say get ready for your greatest season of abundance get ready for strangers to bless you get ready for property to be released get ready for checks to come in the mail get ready for a raise and a promotion for season I want your faith to connect with my faith that everything that was said tonight everything that was utter tonight here is is on its way to your address if you believe it would you just worship God tonight like you know that it's there it's on its way to your house come on lift up your board see even right now come on where am i worshipers come on where are my worshipers come on lift up your hand and worship Him come on we gotta get out of here but lift up your hand and worship Him oh my come on cry out on the guard like you know that the sort of hallelujah did is I said that the struggle is now over come on would you just lift up your voice only need 500 Levites to cry out under God like something shifting on your back come on would you just cry out Lord come on somebody cry out glory I can't hear nobody in Connecticut somebody cry out the lorry come on lift up your bars cry out glory come on well the worshipers cry come on I need a cry in here come on Messiah [Music] would you just hug somebody before you go to your seats and tell them you some new season somebody it's a new come on hook three or four people three or four people just hug them and tell them welcome to your season of abundance
Channel: The First Cathedral
Views: 74,078
Rating: 4.7509727 out of 5
Keywords: The First Cathedral (Structure), Jamal Harrison Bryant (Person), Archbishop LeRoy Bailey Jr., Empowement Temple, Dr. Jamal Bryant
Id: y4hvLoLUJ50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 21sec (4881 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 15 2014
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