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- "We can get fries." (laughs) That's me. That is so me. - ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So today, we will be reading some funny text messages. - From who? - Ooh, okay. These should give me a good laugh. - (FBE) This time, we'll be having you read through ten funny friend zone text convos. - Oh no. It's gonna be brutal. - I haven't seen friend zone texts. It's gonna be interesting. - Oh, I've done that. Maybe I might see one of mine in here. - Awesome, I'm the queen of friend zoning. (laughs) So, I might need to steal a couple of these. - Cole says, "What are you doing?" Another person says, "Laying in bed." - "Just laying in bed? Nothing else?" Uh, what do you want me to do, creep. That's why you're friend zoned. "I'm eating cereal." - "Haha nice. What would you do if I was in bed next to you?" I hate when guys go the whole, "But what would you do If I was there?" I'm not trying to set up some fantasy thing for you right now. - "Eat my cereal." "Lol, I mean if the cereal wasn't there." "Then I would get out of bed and go get cereal." (laughs) They tried so hard. - Can't mess with a person's food. I'm telling you, food comes before anything, so you kinda just walked into that one. - That's exactly how you should respond to those kinds of things, 'cause it's like, you think I'm gonna change my mind? I'm already eating cereal. If you were here, that wouldn't make any difference. - "So how do I tell this girl that I love her?" "You just have to suck it up and do it." - "Okay, love you." "Aww, love you too. Now go tell her." (laughs) - "I just did." "How did it go? Did she say it back?" Dang. - That sucks, 'cause he's like really, really trying and then the other person's just so oblivious to it that it's not even a possibility that it's gonna work. - That kinda sucks because there's a lot of guys who are just kinda in love secretly from the sidelines and then when they do admit their love, it can go that wrong way. - She's not getting the hint that that was his way of getting in there and being "Hey, love you." Ugh, I feel like that's the thing. I don't think you say "I love you" until you've actually established some sort of relationship, 'cause if you're a friend and you just go out and you want to make it a relationship, you don't start it off like that. - "Hey what are you up to?" "Oh sorry, I just saw this text from February." - "I'm hanging out with some friends." "That was six months ago." "Ya, I've been busy." - Wow, six months is a long time not to respond to a text. - Obviously, if she replied, you can have a little sliver of a chance, or at least don't even comment on how long it was. Just keep going. - That's bad. If you're gonna friend zone someone, at least do it in a nice way. Don't be like that douchebag that does it really bad. - I take a few days to respond sometimes, just because I will look at it, but I have my reads off, because I look at it and then I'm busy, so I'll be like, I'll get back to it later and I never do. - "But how would you entertain me if we hung out?" Ew, really? Guys are gross. - "Probably board games or something." "Hmm is that all?" Winky face. "Maybe a card game like Uno." - "What about after that?" "Pizza." "Then what?" "Mario Kart." I like this person, you know? That's great. - Person's got their priorities straight. That sounds like a solid hangout slash date, whatever they want it. Board games, Uno, pizza, Mario Kart. I wouldn't even be mad. - That was kind of a nicer way, because they didn't directly ask and you didn't directly say no. You were just kinda nudging him in the right direction of no. - Why are guys like that? It's always the "And then what?" What am I supposed to say? Yeah, I'm gonna jump on you and make out with you. Guys always want that to be the answer and it's like, no! Screw off! - Danny boy. "I'm so far into the friend zone, her parents let us have sleepovers." - "I'm so far in the friend zone, she takes me swim suit shopping." I feel like that's not too bad. I feel like there are some friends that do that. - "I'm so far in the friend zone, she walks in, just in her towel to grab her clothes while I'm sitting right there." - "So far into the friend zone that she sends me nudes and asks me if her boyfriend would like them." Oh my God. What is that? That's some next level stuff. - Ooh, that sucks though. Honestly, 'cause it's like she sends the nudes but it's like, "Hey, do you think my boyfriend will like this?" Oh my God, that's awful. - I like that they're comparing how far in the friend zone they are with other girls, 'cause so much things could be happening beyond that screen. What if they're both getting friend zoned by the same girl? This seems like a good story, a good movie. - Friendz-- they have the name as Friendzone? Oh my God. - It's so bad that the name in the contact is Friendzone. - "Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" "No." "Why not?" "My boyfriend caught me." (claps) - Whoops. She's taken. Give up on that one. - That's not a friend zone. That's a curve. That's a bad curve, too. - That's pretty good, actually, 'cause that's such a classic line. Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? Be creative. - "Wanna hang out tonight?" - "What time?" "Any time. I'm free whenever." - "Sure! Stacy and I were going to the mall if you wanna come along?" I've done that. It's weird being by yourself with a guy that you know likes you, but you don't like him back. - Even if someone has a significant other, sometimes you don't wanna hang out with the significant other, so regardless if they're trying to get at them or not, that kind sucks. - She may have said that 'cause it would have been awkward if it was just those two. I understand that, but maybe it's the first time they hung out, so it's an ice breaker. - A lot of times, this does happen and it's not intentionally a friend zone, so even if it was, it doesn't have that little punch factor. - I know all of these are supposed to be like, "Aw, friend zone sucks." But you get Uno and pizza. You get to go to the mall with Stacy. This sounds like a great, solid time. - Jessie. "You should totally come pick me up and let's go get shakes." What is this, 1950? You're gonna go to the malt shop? - "Haha, if I'm coming all the way over to pick you up at three a.m., I want to do more than just get milkshakes." - "We can get fries." (laughs) That's me. That is so me. - No one really says that. "Let's go get shakes." at three in the morning. Come on, what kind of place is open at three in the morning, anyway? - It's so annoying. Guys are like, "Okay, well if I'm gonna drive you, we're gonna do this. I want more." No, just enjoy my presence. - That's such a [bleep] boy thing to say. Be like, "If I'm gonna do you this favor, we better be doing more than just getting milkshakes." That's so shitty to say to a person. Just go get your milkshakes! - "Who's your crush?" "I'm chatting with her right now." - "OMG, I like you" Ooh, it's a guy friend zoning the girl. - "OMG, I like you, too." Heart, heart, heart, heart. "No, I meant I'm chatting with her on Facebook." And then he just adds insult to injury by texting "Awkward." - I really thought that one was gonna have a chance there for a second and then those last two text messages were like, oh, no. - You can't really go on and assume that the person likes you. You have to get very, very hard hints that she does or he does, 'cause if you can't, then it's like, chance are the person doesn't like you back. - "Awkward." (laughs) No. No, that is awkward. I felt that for a second. - Emily. "Hahaha that's funny. Laughing face. I wasn't even wearing makeup today." - "Well hey, they have good taste at least." Winky face. "Haha, I know, right?" - "Yep, so how's your day going, beautiful?" "It's all good." Ooh, I know where this is going. "It's good." - "Do you need me to walk you back?" "Walk me back?" "Back to that friend zone you just tried to escape from." (laughs) That's so mean. That's savagery right there. - "Back to the friend zone you just tried to escape from." Oh, God. That's kinda bad. - Why do you have to be so rude about it? Just be friendly. Just be like, "Nah dude. Know your place, bro. Just chill." That doesn't go right for anyone. Why would you even do that? - They were pretty funny and now I know what never to text a girl. - I feel so bad for the guy or girl that gets thrown into the friend zone. It's never a good place and then it's like sometimes the way that people do it is just way too extreme. - Some of them are a little mean and they don't really deserve that, but some of them are just like, so many guys will always try to get out of the friend zone, 'cause having a friend is not the worst thing in the world. Not every girl you talk to wants to get in your pants. PSA, not everyone wants to get into your pants. - Thank you for watching this episode on the React Channel. - What else should we react to? Let us know in the comments. - Bye everyone. - Hey guys, I'm Katie, a React Channel producer. Thank you so much for watching this episode. We have new shows literally every day now, so Subscribe. Bye guys.
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 9,373,956
Rating: 4.9078145 out of 5
Keywords: friend zone texts, friend zoned, funny texts, TEENS READ 10 FUNNY FRIEND ZONE TEXTS (REACT), react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, staff reacts, kids versus food, do they know it, lyric breakdown, gaming, the 10s, the 10, friendzone, texts, funny, teens, friend, zone, react gaming
Id: wa9ZyarpM2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2017
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