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- If you have one letter wrong in that word, you're getting auto-corrected. - Maybe Jane is just out here typing [bleep] rocket a lot. - No. Just no. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So, the fans have requested that we show you some funny autocorrect fails. - Okay. Autocorrect is always getting me. Always. - Oh, I love these. So relatable. - I feel like this could definitely be me, 'cause my autocorrect's always on and I type so fast. I just send it without even thinking. - At this point, I type gibberish and pretty much everyone just has to learn how to understand what I say, 'cause I turn off autocorrect, 'cause I was like, I can't handle this anymore. - "Did you know there is a brown window spider?" - "Window. Damnit window. Ugh window. Window." - " [unintelligible] window. Are you kidding me? There is a brown spider that gets its name because it eats its husband." - It's cute because you can see where they were going with it and it's so relatable like, for some reason, you texted the first time and you try to retext it and it literally autocorrects to the exact same thing. - Sometimes there are those words that they won't let you-- you have to wait 'til it suggests autocorrect then press the X. - I probably wouldn't even correct myself, because I think that people would just know what I was trying to say. I would just be like-- I'd probably try once asterisked, and if it didn't win then I'd just say [bleep] and just leave it at that. - Why would you keep trying? After the second or third time, I would just be like, all right, forget it. - "Want me to come over?" "No, my parents are homeless. Home." - "Stupid auto crustacean. I mean auburn [bleep] rocket. [Bleep] my lifesaver, I'm just calling you." "A simple 'maybe later' would have sufficed." - That would have been so funny if it said, "A simple 'maybe later' would have suffocated." - That was a rough response. I hope Jane's okay. - How could you have autocorrect correct to crustacean? That just doesn't make sense at all unless you spelled-- you were typing really fast and you just were way off. - [Bleep] rocket, I didn't even realize that was a word that it could change to, 'cause doesn't autocorrect take from your-- what you type a lot and it just does like, "Oh, she's probably trying to say this because this is a very frequently used word." So maybe Jane is just out here typing [bleep] rocket a lot. - "So how was the date last night, bro? Did you score?" - "Not quite. First date we went to dinner and then walked her home." Okay, hi gentleman. - "Then I killed her in the woods outside her house and left." - "Killing her seems a bit harsh. Did she order the lobster and filet mignon at dinner or something?" Asterisk "Kissed, what the [bleep]?" - That would have been a plot twist. He's like, "Okay, so I kinda murdered her. I don't know what to do with the body, now you're an accomplice." - Obviously this friend was being sarcastic or not, and he's just a super dark friend who thinks that killing his friend's date was caused by her ordering the lobster. - That's also happened to me before where something's autocorrected and I haven't realized it and I've sent it and it's not until the other person responds and it's like, "Uh, did you mean something else?" - "Matthew, I won't be home until late." - "Don't forget to lock your grandmother in the shed overnight. Call cell if you need me. Love you." I love how she didn't notice. - I like how she didn't even try and fix that. It's just lock grandmother in the shed, I'm out. Goodbye. She's awkward. - How did grandmother show up? Maybe there's some weird stuff going on in the family. - Put your grandmother in bed overnight? If it's so crazy, you gotta wonder what actually they were trying to say. - I'm really curious what she was trying to say. I don't know, maybe she just actually wants the grandmother to be locked in the shed or something. - "Hey, what are you up to?" "Just finished masturbating. It makes me feel so relaxed so I can sleep easier." "Awkward." - "[Bleep], I meant menstruating." Which is also just as bad. - "OMFG, I meant meditating. What is wrong with this phone?" - Talk about it just goes up another level. Zero to a hundred. Actually no, a hundred to zero in this case. - I would feel like I would have noticed if it was something like that. I feel like I would have noticed and text right away, not wait. - See, at that point I'd just keep going. Keep the train rolling. Seems like they were kinda into it. - I feel like the person in the white maybe just doesn't realize that it's an autocorrect, so they're like, "Uh, okay. Why are you telling me that." I know if someone said that to me, I'd just be like, I gotta go. - "Are you done painting Jason's living room yet?" "Yeah, just finished." - "What color is it again?" "It's called period red." Reading this stuff to me, I'm like cool, awesome. Where'd you get the paint? - "Dude, no. You're sick." "Holy, it's Persian red. I got autocorrected. Epic fail." Period red, ew. - I don't know why he would say "Dude, you're sick." It's not Jake's fault that it's named period red. I'd just be like, that's such a weird name for a color not "You're sick." - Some of the things that they autocorrect to are so far from each other it makes no sense. Period and Persian I feel like are very far apart in the alphabet. There's so many things it could have autocorrected to. - I feel like a phone would definitely wanna autocorrect to period just like it's a normal word to have in a sentence. Persian, if you have one letter wrong in that word, you're getting autocorrected. - "Thanks for the cookies. They were so good." "You are welcome." "Mine do not taste that good ever." "My secret is I add 4 table spoons of vaginal extract. It makes all the difference in the world." I like this one the best. - No. Just no. - That's really gross. I would be like, girl, are you serious? - You know, the vaginal extract is just tons of flavor. I use it in almost 100% of my recipes. - Ah, that's so-- again, doesn't realize that she said "vaginal" instead of I'm assuming "vanilla" and just goes on to say the next one. - The thing is, this one you're left on a cliffhanger. What did she mean? Christina, you good? Are you sure it's an autocorrect because she didn't correct herself. - "How's your day going?" "Awful, I have a bad case of the man boobs." - "OMG, the Mondays. Not man boobs, Jesus." "Ha, that is hilarious." - Man boobs. I don't think that's something you can just have for one day, though. - This person is typing man boobs a lot for it to come up as an autocorrect, 'cause that's not a real word. - Imagine being like that, being like, "My man boobs brought me so down today, bro. I'm just having this bad one." - That is so funny. I wanna start saying that and make it my catchphrase. Ah, I have a bad case of the man boobs, dude. - "Everything okay? Haven't heard from you in a few days." Why don't you text your mom in a few days? The heck? - "Yep, sorry mom. I just came out of the closet." Oh no. - "Oh Matthew, that is great. I always had a hunch." - "I love you no matter what. So does your father." That's nice, because even though it might have been wrong, she was so supportive. - "Holy shite, I'm not gay ma. I meant coming out of the clinic now. Autocorrect." "Oh, I see." "The real issue is, you think I'm gay?" It could have been worse. The mom could have been like "What's wrong with you?" - That is so funny. I love how the mom is just like, "Aw, I love you, sweetie. I always knew." That's so funny. "Me and your father love you." And he's like, "Whoa, I was just trying to say something else. You think I'm gay now? What's up, ma?" - "Be warned, I'm dumping you when I get home tonight." "Fine with me, I was just thinking we could use some time apart." - "WTF Jenna? I got autocorrected." This is terrible. - "What the [bleep], Jenna? I got autocorrected. I mean to write jumping you not dumping you." Those are two separate things. - "And now you're telling me you want to break up?" "Well, this is awkward." Gonna need some long conversations. That sucks. - Oh, that's awful. I mean, Jenna seems like she's fine with it, but Jason, my man. Oh, that's so rough. - Probably would have happened eventually. Good that they got it out of the way. Oh my God, that must be so horrible to be Jason. - I thought these were funny, 'cause they're all so real. - Very relatable. We've all been victims to autocorrect. - These are pretty good. They were some of the funnier ones I've seen. I've definitely experienced this before, probably on a daily basis, but nothing as embarrassing as these ones, but still does not feel the best. Not at all. - Thanks for watching us read autocorrect fails on the React Channel. - Don't miss out, Subscribe. - Hit that Like button if you liked this episode. - Bye guys.
Channel: REPLAY
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Keywords: Autocorrect, texting fails, text fails, 10 AUTOCORRECT FAILS with TEENS (REACT), eact, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, staff reacts, kids versus food, do they know it, lyric breakdown, gaming, the 10s, the 10, funny, autocorrect fails, auto correct, parents react, adults react, elders react, TEENS READ 10 AUTOCORRECT TEXT FAILS (REACT)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 44sec (524 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 02 2018
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