Can YOU Guess That Reactor's Baby Photo? | FBE Staff React

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- Why is this stressing me out so much? I feel like I'm sweating. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) So, there are over 46 million posts on Instagram under the hashtag Throwback Thursday. In this episode of Staff Reacts is gonna put your nose for nostalgia to the test. Can you recognize the very cast that you work with by their baby photos? - Oh my God. - I used to be a reactor, but now I work behind the camera, so this is gonna be really embarrassing if I suck. - (FBE) There's a twist to this one though. We're gonna be playing production vs post production. - Ooh. - Oh, so I have to represent. It's fun to add a little twist to add some stakes. If I get my butt kicked and I have to go back to everyone in post and be like, I failed you. - I'm feeling pretty confident. I feel like the post side of the company is the one that's been here for a very, very long time. Just, we know everyone on the show. - (FBE) This is how it's gonna work. I'm gonna show you a baby picture of one of our cast members and the first person to hit the button and guess correctly gets a point. The person with the most points wins. You're allowed to get one clue. You only get one guess per picture. Are you ready to play? - I guess. - I can't let my team down. I have to step it up. - Post will win. - Today, I think is the day we're gonna win. Production's gonna take it. - (FBE) Here's your first picture. - Oh no. - Oh, shoot. - Is it Elizabeth? - (FBE) Incorrect. - Is it Faith? - (FBE) It is Faith. - Oh, I totally see it now. - Okay, so I'm gonna guess that this is probably an elder, 'cause it's a black and white photo. - Okay. - Right? - I don't know. Are we on a team here? - No, no, no, no. - Faith? - (FBE) Correct. - Damn it. - Is it Faith? - Is it Faith? - (FBE) Correct. - That's who I was thinking of. - Is it Elizabeth? - (FBE) Not correct. - Very cute baby, though. - I'm gonna go with Robert, Mr. Worldwide. (buzzer) - I'll take a clue. - (FBE) This is an adult. - Barbara. (buzzer) - I literally was looking at her footage right now. Is it Faith? - Yay. - (FBE) This is Faith, one of our adult reactors. She's been on React since 2016 and has been in 78 episodes to date. - Oh my gosh. - She's been in 78-- I remember when she started. - (FBE) Here is our next. This is a video. Can you recognize this person? ♪ (goofy music) ♪ - He's got moves. - He is going in. I'm gonna guess-- Can I guess Labib? - (FBE) This is Labib. - Is it, yeah. - Oh my God, he's such a cute dancer. - Is it Labib? - (FBE) It is Labib. - Oh, that's Labib? - January 3, 2000-something. - Okay. - So he was that old in 2000-something. - I mean, Labib, right? - (FBE) Yeah. - Okay. - If you could just go in my brain and see the face I'm seeing, I know who that is. I don't know his name. - I think he's an adult. - Is he an adult? - Labib? - Oh my God. - I'm pretty sure I know who this is. I wanna say it's Labib. - Is it Labib? - Yes. - Oh my-- - Oh, Labib. Labib is the most confident person I know, as you can tell from this video. That's what makes him great. - (FBE) This is Labib. He's one of our college kids and he knows MMA, martal arts, and of course, the art of dance. - I actually knew that. I follow him on Instagram and he teaches me how to defend myself. - I mean, maybe it's best that he stays MMA. - (FBE) All right, who's this? - Ooh, ooh. I just worked on this episode. Is it Phil? - (FBE) It is Phil. - Yes. - Is it Phil? - (FBE) It is Phil. - Yes, yes. - I'm going for it. Is it Don? - (FBE) Incorrect. - Damn. - That's a good guess though. Oh my goodness, why is this stressing me out so much? I feel like I'm sweating. Is it Phil? - (FBE) It is Phil. - Shut up. - Oh, I know exact-- sorry. We just did an episode with this. I wanna say it's Loyd. - (FBE) It's not Loyd. Incorrect. - I'ma say it's Rock. I don't think it's Rock though. - (FBE) Incorrect. - Dang it. - I know, context clues-- - Is it Ted? - (FBE) It is not Ted. - This was a black and white photo that was colorized, which makes me think it was an elder. Ed? (buzzer) - Do we have an Ed? I don't think we have an Ed. - I'll take a hint. - Okay. - Let's take a hint. - Yeah. - (FBE) Elder, male, and known around the office as a real rabble rouser. - Is it Rock? - (FBE) No. - Damn it. - Is it Don? - (FBE) No. This is Phil. - Oh, wow. - Definitely is the first one that I'm like, he does not look like-- - Yeah. I can kinda see it, but not really. - (FBE) This is Phil. He is one of our beloved elders who's at the age of 78 and still playing basketball two times a week. - Are you for real? Wow, get it, Phil. - (FBE) Phil is also an amateur rapper. - Yep. - Yes. - I can see that. - He's been in a lot of music videos, so I can see him maybe making up some lyrics, some rap lines from them. - I gotta get one or I'm just gonna go home and feel so bad. I'm gonna go to my office and study. - (FBE) Who is this? - Ooh, I do not know. - Start guessing just any name. - Debra. - (FBE) No. - Christine? Okay. - I feel like I know the face, but I could not place it. - Cheryl? (buzzer) - Is it Ary? - (FBE) Incorrect. - No. - Is this Vanessa? (buzzer) Oh, shoot. - Chad? - (FBE) Incorrect. - I wanna clue for this at least so we can narrow it down. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - (FBE) This adult is a funny person. - A funny person. She is a funny person. Tori? - (FBE) Incorrect. - Dang it. - Is it Cheryl? - (FBE) Incorrect. - Dang it. - We both didn't get that one. - Maybe we'll need the hint. - (FBE) She is a very funny person. - We have a lot of funny people here. Sharon? - (FBE) Correct. - Ah. - There's two that I have in mind. - Is it Sharon? This is Sharon. - (FBE) This is Sharon. - Oh. - No way. - Shoot. - (FBE) This is our adult reactor and a comedian in her own life. - Yeah, she's hilarious. - I had the pleasure of talking to Sharon at one of our staff reactor picnics. Fantastic. She's such a wonderful, sweet human. - (FBE) Who is this? - Is that a tiny Tom? - (FBE) It is a tiny Tom. - He's so cute. - Is it Tom? - (FBE) It is Tom. - Hell yeah. - Is that Tom? - Oh shut up, for real? - Look at him. - Ah [bleep], yeah. - That's Tom. He has not changed. - Oh my God. I think that's Tom. - Tom. - Tom, I knew that one! I knew that! I'm gonna flip this [bleep] table. - I'm sorry. - (FBE) This is Tom. He's one of our adult reactors and did you know he has been in over 362 episodes? - God, Tom, chill. - That's an episode of Tom every day for a whole year. - Yeah. - That's a lot of Tom. - Tom is never gonna let you live this down. Tom, just know I love you more than your boss does. - (FBE) So I'm sorry, but that does put an extra point on the post board. - Couldn't just let me have one, Karen? - You almost had it. - He works in this office and I saw him at lunch today. - (FBE) Who is this? - I don't know. - I wanna say Malcolm. - (FBE) Incorrect. - Dang it. - Oh, I know who this is. I see the face. It's so cute. I think it's-- is it Will? - (FBE) It is. - Oh my God, I totally see Will. - Darius. - (FBE) Incorrect. - Oof. - Oh, is it Will? - (FBE) That is correct. - Yeah, boy. - Darius? (buzzer) - I would love a clue. - Oh, I should have waited for the clue. - (FBE) This is a teen who is multi-talented. - As opposed to all our-- - Oh, Will. Will can do everything. - I guess is that Will? - (FBE) It is Will. - It's the eyes. - Yeah. - That's Will. That's straight up Will. - Oh, that's Will. - Will. - (FBE) It is Will. - Oh my God. - (FBE) This is our Will. He's one of our teen reactors and he's multi-talented as a dancer, choreographer, and actor. - He is so crazy talented. - He does it all. He's always working. I'm always impressed. I'm like, I kinda wanna be like you when I grow up. - Right? - (FBE) Who's this? - Is it Nora? - (FBE) No. - Catherine? - (FBE) It is. - Yay. - No, how could I have missed that? - Oh, I-- We probably both worked on this episode. - Yeah. - I'll let you take it. - Pretty sure it's Holgy. - (FBE) It is incorrect. - Oh, it's Catherine. - Yeah, it's Catherine. - Yeah. - I just saw this. This is Catherine. - The eyes. - The eyes are so familiar but I can't place them. - Those are Catherine's eyes. - Oh, those are Catherine's eyes. - Hoagie. - (FBE) No. Also, it's Holgy, not a sandwich. - Alex? (buzzer) - (FBE) Go ahead. - Rita, my grandmother's name. - Holgy? - (FBE) No. This is... - Ah, Catherine. - Oh, that's-- I kinda see it. - (FBE) This is Catherine. She's one of our elder reactors and has been reacting with us since 2012. - That's crazy. - She's awesome. She's met a lot of musicians too, throughout her years. She has some crazy stories. - She's the rock and roll elder. That's how I know her, 'cause that's her Twitter handle, but also she loves classic rock. - I want Catherine to be my grandma. - Everyone does. - I know. She's so cool. - (FBE) Who is this? - Mikaela. - It totally is. It totally is. - Is that Mikaela? - (FBE) It is. - Yes. - Is that Mikaela? - (FBE) Yeah. - Yes! - Is it Mikaela? - (FBE) It is Mikaela. - Hell yes. - Doesn't she still have those boots? - Hell yeah. What? Honestly, I would not be surprised if she still had those boots. - Is that Mikaela? - (FBE) It is Mikaela. - It's the boots. - Super glad she joined the C Team so we get to see her now in the office more. - Yes, all the time. - She's a joy to have just around. - She's fantastic. - Just gonna go for it. Is that Mikaela? - (FBE) It is. - Ah! - (FBE) This is Mikaela. She's one of our teen reactors and a member of your very team, Maddie. If you didn't guess this, I don't know what we would have done. - Guess that answers who I love the most. - Every child's nightmare. Mom definitely loves one of us better. - (FBE) It's a tie score, you two. - Yeah. - I did it. I caught up. Production post should always be one. We are all on the same team. - It is an honor. I do still think I'm gonna get a lot of [bleep] from everybody coming in being like, "Why didn't you get my baby picture?" - (FBE) Congratulations. - I didn't let my team down. I can walk down to my office without any shame. - Do I win anything? - (FBE) No, you get to go back to your department with you head held high. - Wow. - Yes. - She wins bragging rights. - Wow. - But you know what? Post has to do the episode, so keep that in mind. - (FBE) Why do you think, guys, that we're obsessed with ourselves as babies? - 'Cause it was a simpler time. We didn't have student loans. - People forget that time goes by very quickly and I moved halfway across the country, so I'm away from my family, so I don't have any of those baby photos or anything, so I miss it for the nostalgia feeling. - We change so much and it's kind of nice to go back and see what you started looking like. - Now with the elders, we're colorizing old black and white photos, but when we're that age-- - We'll have so much. - We're gonna have to make them in VR or something like-- that's gonna be making old digital pictures into VR. - Thanks for watching us guess that baby photo. - On the React Channel. - Subscribe. - New shows every day. - If you like this episode, - Then hit that Like button. Goochie goochie goo. - Bye, guys. - Bye, guys. - Hey guys, Sabrina here, your React Channel producer. Subscribe, hit that bell and check mark to be notified of new episodes and while you're at it, come hang out with me. I'm in the comments for the first 30 minutes. See you there.
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 4,816,374
Rating: 4.9362788 out of 5
Keywords: Throwback Thursday, #tbt, Reactors, baby photos, snapchat, TITLE OF SHOW (Guess that blank or whatever it might be), staff react, staff reacts, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, People Vs food, do they know it, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, guess that, sr1918, Can YOU Guess That Reactor's Baby Photo?, tbt, fail army
Id: N6F2NyKwsFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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