ER Doctor REACTS to the BEST Healing Mechanics in Video Games | Experts React

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when they're gnarly destroyed tissue unfortunately most of the time you can't put that back together oh nice if you take a gunshot wound to the arm wrapping it up could help the bleeding but if you destroy the bone it's going to be weak obviously snow is ice right if you put ice on it it's just gonna make it feel better it's not gonna stop what already occurred deliciously infectious nice good play on [Music] words hey i'm dr jordan wagner i'm a board-certified emergency medicine physician today on gameology we're going to check out some main characters of some cool video games and see what types of abilities they have to heal in these games be it potions medications or even food let's check it out it's a massive explosion you can have barrow trauma to your ears to see if one of the guys fall over or bend over because of pain to his ears you can rupture your eardrums in that type of setting and then obviously any shrapnel devices that you get hit in your skin so much for the easy route patch yourself up all right you get a health kit to repair any injuries depends on what type of injuries you have but do it where you're not getting that injured again right it looks like he bandaged up his right arm if he's bleeding he'll stop the bleeding pretty much all that that bandages end up going to be doing oh nice pretty bad shot right through the chest that's just a shootout bandaging up the arm and saying okay if you take a gunshot wound to the arm one depending on the caliber of the bullet always depends on how much damage that you're going to have you can hit the tissue and bounce off and go up the arm it can be embedded it can go through and through most of the time it's tissue injury sometimes it hits the blood vessels and then sometimes it just destroys the bone so wrapping it up could help the bleeding but if you destroy the bone it's going to be weak obviously so a human body exposure to cold all depends on one on what you're wearing so you can last three hours in harsh environment exposed before it potentially can kill you if you don't get shelter or a fire all these other attributes hypothermia injuries are extremely complicated right so our bodies are 37 degrees celsius you can drop all the way down to where you start shivering around 34 to 32 but then you start getting confused everything below that you're not going to be able to walk you're going to be confused you will not be able to open up a box to be able to heal yourself and then once you become altered you're just going to be a sitting vegetable basically out in that environment and you'll die pretty quick typically you'll die of cardiac rest on the opposite spectrum of things for hyperthermia basically your temperatures that you can get up to depending on dry versus humid heat our bodies can tolerate up to 50s 60s depending on how long you're being exposed to so once you get into fires which burns at x number of you know degrees fahrenheit you're gonna start burning your skin obviously okay you're breaking through that right leg that's pretty grotesque and you're squirting out blood arterial bleeding right venus blood doesn't do that yeah it's pretty intense and grotesque now the guy's actually watching big amputations like that are super clean can potentially be put back together but when they're gnarly destroyed tissue unfortunately most of the time you can't put that back together you have to be able to put back blood vessels attaching bone attaching nerves attaching we see it in tv all the time where people reattach different limbs fingers all the stuff it occurs but not as frequent as we see it on tv fingers is the most common thing that are amputated so you basically want to put it on ice but not directly on ice you want to wrap anything in like a wet gauze and then like a water bath you don't want anything directly because then you're going to cause freezing of the tissue and you then you're going to kill the tissue so timing is typically about an hour those sorts of things faster the better obviously and then the surgeon will be able to tell you is it viable or not to be able to put it back together oh man okay running away from the beast oh oh right in the arm okay arrows he's getting impaled so first off to be able to rip that out that easily it's not because it's going to get stuck on your tissue now can you do this you can if you try to pull out an object you might be ripping through tissue and causing more damage outside of the situation where you're in the wilderness and you have nothing else that you can do you should shorten the impaled object so you're not hanging out with this massively long spear out of your body if you're out in the field then it's a survival moment if you've got to pull it out you can pull it out but then you have to worry about the wound that you have so you got to make sure it doesn't get infected and you have to control bleeding bandages compressions cauterizing there's a lot of different opportunities to be able to try to stop your bleeding but it also is going to hurt like hell no matter what you do you got a droid basically ai or any type of machine trying to be a doctor healthcare provider we're kind of moving in that direction right we have these different surgical machines basically robots where it is still operated by a human using micro movements of their own hands and then the machine can actually go even smaller and it's all video camera and basically we kind of move in that direction now is it totally going to replace a human not for a very very long time because there's critical thinking that needs to occur using the humanistic component versus fix the problem machine kind of thinking nice looks like uh vending machines deliciously infectious nice good play on words is there such things that you can drink to make yourself better sure we have liquid medications right we have pill forms we have liquid forms antibiotics medicines for your stomach those are on the level of healing but kind of like a magic healer probably not but say we also take caffeine drinks right that is the type of medication that will get your energy out of those sorts of things now to heal muscle tissue so typically time is your best medication to heal there's not much in the sense of what you can drink to heal it fast people take all different types of supplements in an attempt to try to make yourself better heal better recover faster that might be anecdotally true but there aren't that many studies that show that it significantly reduces your time to healing based on what our normal medications would normally do we got injectables that are used in the field all the time you got morphine or adrenaline basically to get you treat your pain get you moving that could be antibiotics as well there's intramuscular injections or im injections of antibiotics that you can take but typically in the battlefield it's going to be either pain medications or it's going to be antibiotics nice this guy injected something probably pain medication or adrenaline so you have morphine but then you also have epinephrine right adrenaline adrenaline we use mostly for allergic reactions or when somebody has cardiac arrest in this situation it was either pain medication or adrenaline if he's using adrenal in this situation basically he's just trying to give himself more energy [Music] so this individual is eating a ton of canned foods our bodies in healing we need food we need nutrition to be able to heal now in video games we take a can of something and we heal immediately obviously that's not what happens in real life but in real life we need the necessary nutrients to be able to repair our tissues and cells and get our bodies working optimal all of our bodies are different everybody's body reacts differently to different foods so you kind of do what you need to do to stay healthy and eating the most nutritious balanced diet the question ends up being how do i heal muscles how do i heal joints and bones basically you got to decrease any inflammation that's occurring in your body so what causes inflammation for us is basically poor diets diets filled with sugar and then also obesity and lack of exercise eating a well-balanced meal basically allows our bodies to get back to homeostasis we're made to heal and so surgeon a doctor a healthcare provider we give medications to help augment your body to get back to its baseline where you are at your optimum versus us giving you something that magically makes you feel better all right so another game where there's eating and healing or trading so a lot of video games i see there's always a component of food as healing in real life that is the case it just happens a lot faster than a video game so it's not totally wrong or obscure it just in the time frame that you're playing a video game you need to heal quickly so food is what we use to heal ourselves for thousands and thousands of years we even have medications out there that are plant derived your anesthesia medications the lidocaine that you get injected with right that medication is actually derived from the cocaine plant the coca plant and there's even a cardiac medication called digitalis or trigoxin which is made from the fox glove flower there's a lot of medications and treatments that we have from foods and plants in society that we use so from a video game standpoint it just happens on a lot faster level but it's pretty real oh all right now you kind of burn your hand with a knife with steel put your hand in the snow it's okay now perfect please so snow is ice right the burn has already occurred in this instance it was burned by piece of metal remove the metal the burns now stop the burn has already occurred the injury has already occurred if you spill hot oil or hot water you got to get that hot substance off because until you get it off it's still burning but then once it's off the burning is done so if you put ice on it it's just going to make it feel better it's not going to stop what already occurred that now your body has to just heal itself and then depending on how deep the burn is depends on the treatment first degree burn will heal on its own doesn't break the skin a second degree burn there's multiple levels of that but that's when you get the blister and it hurts a lot third degree burn doesn't hurt anymore you've burned away the blood vessels you've burned away the cutaneous nerves so now it's like white black and leathery uncomfortable and that actually will never heal until you have a skin graft i wouldn't want to be battling that guy looks like he stepped on a stone or hit the ground and caused himself to restore his powers obviously crushing a stone in real life we don't have that sort of things but are there different minerals that occur in rocks and stones absolutely and could they rebalance our bodies sure again just not as fast as they would in a video game but they do have probably some properties that are helpful and healing to our bodies yes it's fantastic [Music] so there's something out there obviously called the placebo effect basically giving you a medication that you believe will help you or treatment that you believe will help you there's huge research and studies out there that show the positive effects that if you believe that you will get better majority of the time you're going to get better if you believe something is working it will work from a doctor's standpoint i cannot give somebody say it's one thing when it's something else i'm doing a disservice to my patient and pretty much illegal but if somebody believes that their medications or their supplements or their food is going to heal them and it heals them perfect pain pills they work there's a ton of different types of pain medications out there we got tylenol ibuprofen and then there's the next level of like tylenol number three with codeine they all work differently on our bodies and they're different means to make us feel better max payne took some pain medications at the gym that he got so 600 milligrams that's probably ibuprofen most likely so you pick up ibuprofen at the grocery store or the pharmacy they come in 200 milligram tablets over the counter so you can take three of them no problem if you're an adult other pain medications don't typically come in that form i mean you can have a tylenol suppository that's 600 milligrams but a suppository doesn't go in this way it goes the other way wolverine's cool character can heal himself that's how actually ended up how he got his medal in his body right he was went through some sort of surgical procedure and they were able to give him rare metals when it comes to wolverine's ability to heal he heals so fast that he doesn't even get infections one day maybe we'll be able to develop and have a genetic code that changes that allows that to do that but i think that's many many many years away all right that was totally awesome all these video games have medications potions and food to be able to heal we have the exact same stuff in real life so it's awesome to see in a video game check out gameology on youtube and facebook to see more reactive videos like this one and every other one yeah because there's even like cancer therapies like where people are getting rectal enemas of coffee how much does it work but if they really truly believe that it works your body responds in that way yeah we're very cool unknown beings
Channel: Gamology
Views: 1,123,877
Rating: 4.9622583 out of 5
Keywords: doctor reacts to video game injuries, last of us injury, tomb raider injuries, resident evil 7 reaction, far cry primal gameplay, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, GTA V healing, Battlefield V treating injuries, red dead redemption 2 all injuries, Minecraft, God of War, Max Payne 1 & 3, Wolverine, how main characters heal in video games, doctor reacts to video game, er doctor reacts, healing in video games, treating injuries in video games, gamology, experts react, GAMEXRS3E055
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 40sec (820 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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