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- (FBE) Okay, back by popular demand, today you'll be reading some interesting text messages. - Okay. - (FBE) This time, we'll be having you read through ten different wrong number text convos. - Oh, awesome. Okay. - I'm excited. - Oh, wrong number. These are pretty funny. - Oh my god. Those are so funny. - These are always interesting because I know sometimes when I get wrong number texts, I always like to mess with them a little bit and just be like, "Oh, yeah, this is Sally, who you're trying to contact right now." - "Hey, baby, I'm just chillin' if you wanna come over." Winky face. See, why would you even send that? He doesn't even look good in that. - "She gave you the wrong number, brotha." (laughing) That's so funny. - Oh my god! What the heck? - Oh, that sucks. That means this dude then was totally blown off by some girl if she gave him the wrong number. - Yep, that's a perfect response. I would probably do the same thing, just send a photo of myself. - I'm not really that surprised that she gave him the wrong number if that was his opening, but the guy's response back was very good. - "Hey, this is Anthony from Bread Co. Are you coming to work today?" "Bread Co." - "Yes." "When?" "You know, whenever. I'll get there." - "Scheduled at 4:00. Kinda need you now." (laughing) I love this. - Oh my god, I've freaking seen that picture before. That picture's freaking hilarious. - I don't know if this is the actual first place it started from, but that picture has been circulating everywhere, and it's my favorite thing. - Obviously, they're just memeing with him at this point. And you know what? That's also a good idea, just kind of mess with them for a little bit. - "Hey, Dr. Park, this is Matt from the blank vascular lab." - "I have an outpatient here with an external iliac occlusion with cold foot pain and numbness that started three days ago. What should I do with her?" - Oh no! (laughing) This is terrifying. I wouldn't be texting your doctor friend if someone's foot is numb and in pain. - "Hi, this is Hannah. I think you have the wrong number, but I googled it and I'm pretty sure you need to put a stent in her left radial artery. Best of luck Matt!" - Don't you love Google? (laughing) Helping people out. This is awesome. - "Sorry, wrong number, Hannah. She ended up actually getting a stent. Took about three hours longer for trained medical professionals to figure out what took you three minutes. Great job." - That's freaking great. - I wonder how all the medical professionals are feeling with how this girl figured it out in a couple minutes. It's just like, "Wow, maybe we're garbage." - "Yo, y'all hiring?" Hannah just found her calling. - That's a good thing right there, dude. If I got a text like that, I'd kind of be interested. That's something I would do. - "Who this?" A Chihuahua? "Who is this?" (laughing) Another Chihuahua? - "Stop sending me pictures of a cat." (laughing) Honey, that's not a cat. - People are stupid sometimes. - (laughing) What? Isn't that a dog? - When I read that, I actually second-guessed myself thinking I said it was a dog, but I actually thought it was a cat for a sec. - I don't know how I would've responded. I would've been like, "Uh, who is this too?" But sending pictures of your dog, I think, is a lot more clever. - "Jesica." Oh, you already spelled "Jessica" wrong. You messed up. - That trips me up. Have you ever seen a Jessica with one S? - Question mark. "Jessica?" - (laughing) "Do I look like a Jessica?" What the [bleep]? - I'm telling you, these pictures, these are the best part of these text threads. - I really wish I could just see what all these people's reactions were once they realize it's the wrong number. - (laughing) That man was terrifying, but it got the point across. I wouldn't respond. - That's a stop sign, all right. - "Stop." "Collaborate and listen." - "Ice is back with a brand new edition." "Ha ha ha, nice." - "Sorry, I totally have the wrong number." - Oh my god, this is start of a beautiful friendship. - I love wrong text messages just because the person getting the text, they are responding back funny. They're actually giving these people the time of day. - "Should I get a Natural Light or a Bud Light?" - "I'm sorry, you've reached a cell phone that doesn't accept messages from people who buy shitty beer." - "Please improve your beer selections and try again." (laughing) - That's freaking hilarious. - I know people at my university who get roasted for whatever they drink. - Ooh! Told by a stranger. I mean, honestly though, if you're getting that kind of a critique, you might as well listen. - "Hey, it's Tracy from math." - "Who are you?" - "What? LOL, you gave me your number so we could do math homework together." - "I am 45 years old!" You know, for a 45-year-old to be responding in only caps, that's impressive. - Dude's not in any math classes. Who gave Tracy the wrong phone number? She's just trying to get some homework help. - I would hate to go back to that class and be like, "So, you gave me a number of a 45-year-old man. What was that about?" But I'm glad that guy shut it down real quickly. - "Hey, Keven, it's Ashlee. I've been trying to get a hold of you. Your bro gave me your new number. I really wanted to apologize for shitting in your car." - "I'll buy new upholstery or pay to have it shampooed if needed. I am so embarrassed." - That sucks you sent that to the wrong number. - She just embarrassed herself twice. Ashlee has the worst luck in the world. Oh, I hope Kevin's car's okay, though. - "LOL, wrong number." - "OMG! No!" I want to know the backstory because that's not something you just normally, on occasion, will happen. - That's a story for the ages. Like, the person receiving that text, they're gonna forever know that someone texted them that someone else took a dump in someone else's car. - I imagine whoever was receiving that message being like, "Guys, look what the [bleep] I got today." That would be a good memory, though. You'd probably never forget that. - "Aye, Tina. Who you with?" Why would you send that photo? There's no way that guy doesn't have a better photo. - "Hey man, just me and my cat." - "What the [bleep], man? You ain't Tina. Ha ha ha. What the [bleep]? You know a Tina?" - "No, she gave you the wrong number, dude." - "What the [bleep], bro? She gave me your number and told me to hit her up." - "I'm just kidding. It's Tina." Oh, this guy's just gonna keep on going with it. I love this. - "I didn't think you'd eff with me like that. Want something to keep you satisfied for the night?" - "Still me, man. Sorry." Oh! "What the [bleep], man?" - "How many cats you got, bro? Shit." This kid's a legend. - I love this one. This is my favorite. Whenever someone asks me about wrong text threads, this is the one I always think of. - Creative with the cat, but also did pull a really hard one on that guy. I would not have done that to someone. - I really like these. I think funny little coincidence are the best thing in the world. - I love it when people get the wrong number or give out the wrong number. I want to be the wrong number one time in my life. - Thanks for watching this episode on the React channel. - Make sure to subscribe. We have new shows almost every day. - See you guys. - Hey guys, I'm Katie, a React channel producer. Let me know down in the comments if you have any funny wrong number texts. Thanks guys, bye!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 3,324,585
Rating: 4.9026208 out of 5
Keywords: Texting fail, weird texts, wrong number texts, TEENS READ 10 WRONG NUMBER TEXTS (, wrong number fail, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, FBE, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, staff reacts, kids versus food, do they know it, lyric breakdown, gaming, text fail, texts, funny, wrong, number, react gaming
Id: H0bVlfJsR4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 38sec (398 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2017
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