I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

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so I've officially survived 1 000 days in my hardcore world and shockingly I'm going to put it all into one video because no one's done that before so that you can see how my world progresses and all the crazy stuff I get up to oh and also enjoy watching my editing and videos in general just get 10 times better so grab your snacks sit back and enjoy the movie okay here we are it is hardcore series season two what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna just start chopping a tree down as usual nothing unusual here and here I'm assuming is one of the new Ravines oh man there's a seed though I don't know how that happened how did how did that happen damn I mean let's do this dude let's do this before we go exploring though I do need to get some kind of food oh hello pigs I do apologize for this oh my God there's a bait I cannot do that that's just it's too much for me man if you know me you know I just travel until I find the right place to just uh settle down and you know build a base and all that so for the new k we're gonna go down that cave in just a second here oh my God this is another let's start making our stuff here yep may as well just chop some more trees down while I'm waiting for that melons as well emergency food dude this is crazy I'm like in a massive sinkhole man and where are all the mobs well we've got a uh we've got a pickaxe now get rid of that and then we need some armor as well boom we're fully suited up in iron armor and we're good to go and what else I should do is a bucket I should probably get a bucket of water oh boy Axolotl this is unreal lots of clay where's our first diamond come on we're at minus 40 right now dude I'm just taking it all in man there's a glow squid with another cave over there this is crazy we need to be careful with our damage levels and all that because we can get taken out pretty quickly thank you [Music] have an ax actually don't pick that up oh okay we're getting full on the uh on the lapis already but let's get a bit more come on please give me something don't tell me this is just a dead end it is just a dead end still no sign of a single Diamond I don't know where I'm supposed to be for diamonds at this stage wait that's that's not diamonds I mean there's diamonds I thought it was more liking oh yeah first set of diamonds in this world lucky I chose to go up that waterfall or else whoa dude jumped on top of my head all right let's get out of here now we've got some diamonds we are gonna get some more of course but first we need to find somewhere to settle down set up home base put our stuff away so we have some more space damn lyrical genius dude I'm really tempted to go in there I just want to go in every cave that I see right now man and this whole river is a is a massive cave okay man we've got a lot of exploring to do it's fine so we need to find all those diamonds so we are gonna do do lots of exploring and yep okay there's a mountain range over there oh Spruce Spruce Forest yes and that's the Giant Tiger as well actually what is it called I forget what it's a quick snow it's the quickest like quicksand like quick snow I'm not dude come on man you look like a creep oh that oh oh I feel like the caves nowadays are just a lot more [Music] okay oh this is this is ruining it man this is literally at surface level this is absolutely crazy I think we might be onto something here so we're in like a giant Spruce slash dark oak forest definitely not my favorite blend of biomes but this cave is is something else I can just see so many different things being built here and there's this like drop off here as well which has like an under glow of globe Yep this is it where's the starter going where's the starter base this this little corner right here I think I'm gonna I think this is good let me start by placing a chest down with all the stuff that I don't really need at this exact moment and time quite a lot of this oh no I'm gonna be I'm gonna need Spruce and stuff this is going to be a very questionable thing that I do here but actually what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna make an ax as my first diamond a hot dude I feel so horrible I feel like people are gonna come after me I shouldn't have done that that's so confusing what kind of tree is this I mean I know it's dark like but like what [Music] oh some bones here from the Wolves I'm assuming so hold on hey now he's do you want one oh damn it let me know whether I should uh what I should name this fella here in the comments below hey let's go man let's go come on get him there it is all right now cave bases are not really my specialty but uh let's see what we can do here oh man that does that's that's not no that's not I've come up with a much better idea than this so I'm gonna go ahead and do that so what I'm going to do is I'm gonna do like a like a bridge going alongside and I'm gonna do a house over there in that area [Music] [Music] kind of like this ish we've got some kind of little staircase there lucky there is some regular oak trees out here that we can mine up real quick foreign that's what it looks like and that's pretty good in here I think is where my base is going to be boom one torch in the middle it's going to light up the whole thing and not let anything spawn that's a very big bonus of this update I need to put my bed down my chest down and then we're gonna get some diamonds doing some slabs up and stuff like that [Music] foreign that's looking more like it maybe add some bookshelves and stuff it's all right whatever I still cannot believe I found this this is so stupid [Music] I'm just kind of working on like several different things at once I'm doing like the chest storage room and then I'm all of a sudden working on the floor and the walls and I just I I done we've got the little starter bunker going everything is semi organized I guess well now we move on to the next piece of the puzzle before we go mining I need to find some food [Music] I can do it I can do it confidence wow I see a geode right there as well dude we've got a crazy big Cave System right under our main cave what is this the zombie oh Golden Apple oh boy yo you all need a real life zombie villager there but picked up my piece of wood wait hold on I can actually get them to stay alive boom all right now let's try this again shall we what is over this way skeletons diamonds hey one yep it's gonna be one isn't it it is actually going to be just one oh man did I come here earlier yo no get away from me rename two name tags and a saddle wow okay yep that what come on please give me more than one are you kidding me oh there's some cave noises I haven't heard in a bit oh more diamonds okay what are you gonna give me one again oh more diamonds whoa anyway let's see if we can get some obsidian [Music] favorite part of every Minecraft playthrough is getting obsidian for the first time it's just it's so good hopefully nothing creeps up on me you know what creeped up on you though this video I'm in your life now so you may as well subscribe so you can watch the rest of this series on with the show I've been doing this for four hours oh my God have I just found a whole new cave wow wow wow wow wow wow okay we need to be careful here oh my God from like every Direction ever [Music] okay oh diamonds I can see them and there's a mine shaft yes we have done it what I'm gonna go check out that mine shaft in a second after I line up these diamonds that I just found of course bro I was actually about to not go in this water but that would have obviously been a terrible mistake so I can put that there so I can breathe and then mine up these diamonds easy oh yes oh yeah it never ends this is this is like half of my objective is in one vein dude it just doesn't stop okay there you go we're done you know what this thing is actually pretty hit I just saw more I just saw more the single one though right I'm assuming goes into a spot that has more diamonds [Music] oh that's a bad idea actually I did not know where that water led to that's I'm not kidding when I tell you I would have started crying that was amazing that spree of diamonds I guess that kind of just shows you that in this oh my I don't what do I do this is crazy oh my goodness come on game give me something good here is this a it's a geode anything downhill any diamonds that's all I care about right now is diamonds pretty good I'll take wheat why not and three music discs in one chest they'll take them yeah okay come on the mission for diamonds cannot stop now we are so close [Music] on my back here I don't know where I am I'm going in circles man okay so we're missing one more wait I have one in the chest Cobblestone right there there the Cobblestone is the mark of a of a of a human well it's either that or lava and water but it's the mark of a person we are here man oh man are you happy for me guy are you happy for me cover me with diamonds yes please oh yeah diamond armor on the first episode wait a second oh the two oh the tools oh oh my okay guys come on man two out of five [Music] I mean I do have enough of the tools but I just I want that enchantment table man oh here we go all right now let's make these tools we've got the sword and finally finally the shovel oh in this video we're gonna make multiple Farms conquer another Fortress and attempt to fall through a tiny hole from the sky and survive do we [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay so welcome to episode two oh no I'm gonna start drowning uh okay now we did find some resources just before we have some can you no just stop we also did get a potato from a zombie which is very very good because I'm already sick of eating these carrots I think I'm gonna go try mining in the mountains Hello friends man I need to get Enchanting like for the pickaxe and Fortune and stuff because mining is gonna start feeling like a chore very quickly this is so different from the usual like I'm on top of a mountain anyway we've pretty much got a stack of iron stack of coal I just I saw that was another portal thing over here oh my God there's two of them thank you very much let's just grab this obsidian then we're gonna go home as I mentioned last episode this is this is my favorite part of the early game this is so much fun what oh go put some of this stuff to cook really quickly copper we got 38 copper that's not bad we've got some gold I may as well let's go grow these potatoes bring out the bone meal baby wow dude it's amazing how quickly you can multiply stuff like this I think that should be enough for now now if I'm not mistaken I haven't slept in a few days so if I go outside I should have some Phantoms spawning on me right okay boom I'm not prepared to go in there just yet so I don't even know why I did that oh yeah because I was killing time for it to be daytime so now I can go mine trees so I can finish up this damn bridge over here I feel like I could have mined up a much more accessible tree but I feel like the cave is so dark it needs like a nice contrast which is just some Oak instead of like dark oak or spruce foreign I've got three stacks and I think we're good to go back home hey chicken come on spawn damn two stacks we're gonna need at least four Stacks I think going down there this is gonna be so annoying I don't even I'm gonna need way more are you kidding me I've already used the stack [Music] ah that scared the hell out of me dude I'm in a cave okay we've got one Phantom member that's all we need and there we go we've got our little staircase slash Bridge hybrid kind of thing going across the wall to not only the top area of the cave but our base as well and now I feel like I've been doing air Indy kind of building stuff so I think it's time to go in there now we have a grass block from the Enderman so that well as long as that wasn't my guy which we are gonna name at the end of the episode I'm as good the sword is good we have plenty of arrows here we go come on man good spawn please oh my God I thought I I thought that was it for a second and let's go find ourselves a fortress uh you know what I'm not gonna lie so far I'm not a fan of this oh I need a stop dude come on give me a fortress close by yeah my whole life is in the hands of my pinky right now it would be really really stupid if I just died right and there's another Fortune straight there awesome that's actually fairly close to um to the portal okay awesome we've got the advancement and I've already however I've been in here for like a couple of minutes what are you talking about oh I just I suck you get myself a little shelter or something here right wow good thing I set up this little shelter or else honestly I think I I would be dying right now possibly okay dude a couple of diamonds three diamonds nice there you go we've got the old Netherwood oh okay I could have happened at a much worse time so lucky it happened now actually [Music] yep who's gonna win who's gonna win this guy's gonna die yep oh my God [Music] I've just pulled up the coordinates and I'm just kind of guessing to see if I end up at the portal if I go this way okay go boat go epic stuff we're home safe we're good we survived the dangerous never six Diamonds oh my God we've always got enough for another set of armor or we can make a brewing stand now here we go ready ready local when do you get the enchantment oh maybe when you actually Brew something for the first time I put that there all right so now we're really getting down to it one of the first things I need to do is make an automatic sugarcane farm and there's some quartz right here wow [Music] all right I've been AFK for a bit over an hour and we have managed to get 64 and 4 so just over a stack and then on this side should be a bit less yeah about 50. there we go I think next in line is the Villager burrito we need to start trading for Emerald so we can get books we can get food we can build farms all that kind of stuff we are just going to use lots and lots of cobblestone because we are fairly poor and we will also need plenty of potatoes all right wait what the what are you doing here I guess we'll have to find the car real quick [Applause] I've built this little chamber in here where uh they can just kind of be next to each other so I can use the same potion for both of them let's do it man let's go boom all right I'm not gonna heal you guys just yet because I need to go get myself a bucket of milk to get rid of this effect quickly now before the skeleton completely kills me dude are you kidding me idiot [Music] okay well I wasn't recording just then but you guys would have seen in the time lapse that we now have a cow Crusher yes I did just run all the way up here to show you that and we have done quite a bit of the burrito we've healed the villagers and they're farming now what was that what was that what are you kidding me oh because they would have yeah okay dude okay pal there we go okay come on man come in here yep that's it I then craft it oh my God I'm a [Music] all right well while that's happening let's see if we can go find some sheep to Shield because we are gonna need about four beds oh there's more and more yes nice there's four of them this is great we've lost one and I just got pushed off you know what I don't even care okay we just lost another one awesome we're done we're good [Music] okay no zombies are gonna infiltrate you this time around guys don't worry one bed there one bed there one bed there to a couple of powered rails just like that so now even if we never ever find a village we're still good okay so now I'm thinking I need to make this look somewhat bearable right so it's not it doesn't look like this because this is an eyesore and they're actually breeding hold on oh yep right there and then when it grows up it gets swept up into the water and over there and then ready to be transported to work somewhere for the rest of it life not like that's any different [Music] and there we go we've got a nice textured wall I could put some stairs up there but at that point it'll just probably start looking a bit weird and now to do the other side that doesn't look too bad you know you can have your own opinion if you want but dude I'm I'm gonna say that this is better than this like come on that looks even more Grand than my own damn base dude whoa baby Axolotl what the two chickens are surprisingly still chilling in this cave and we have now got four artists I don't know why I did that breed these cows real quick cause why not [Music] all right I've come back after a couple of hours of AFK and I cannot even hear myself think right now I have some beds ready and a boat I need some more supplies we are going to be making a couple of things number one is going to be an iron farm we need this for pretty much everything including some hoppers for a potato farm which we are also making straight after I I just I can never do that how does he do that this is what we need some lovely Crimson wood not sure how much we need but we're going to collect half a stack or something I don't know okay never mind I've got an autopilot and I've just collected almost a stack it's just great I will need a new diamond pickaxe I'm gonna go ahead and just make one now because I have a surplus of diamonds [Music] foreign [Music] foreign you're probably sick of seeing me build these if you've been on the channel before but man there's just so good like shout out to the Creator [Music] it's all right it's gonna take us a little bit but that's that's why that's why we have time lapses right see you later guys I need to sort this guy out real quick because well here in my way pal all right give me some lava lava I don't want Redstone there we go [Music] oh that was stupid okay I thought that was a drip leaf and it was gonna kill me okay pop some lava into the middle right there and boom there it is I think that's it get rid of this pop the sign on and then we should be good now now is everything working as it should be three villagers there zombie there we're good I I hope can you please can you please maybe the night time or something's messing it up so I've AFK for about two hours expecting there to be heaps of iron and there's none the Golems are not spawning maybe the zombies just glitched for whatever reason I guess the first step would be to get a new one and see if that works hey come on let's go man trust me dude the villagers Are Gonna Love You There we go oh boy would I love to know why this thing isn't working let me through okay what if I sleep is there any caves like underneath there or something uh how am I supposed to check like huh oh my God are you kidding me guy we need to get some of these in here so that man's cannot spawn oh my goodness uh great and then we cover that up like that yep perfect okay we're good I think we're good here so maybe now is when the AFK session starts oh I need to build this damn potato farm and then we're gonna go ahead and fall from the top of the world to the bottom man that's gonna be a crazy challenge oh one piece of leather so far well that's nice I think I'm gonna give up on the whole homemade book thing and just Rob the stronghold of its bookshelves when I find it oh also most of the chickens are gone there's like one left I think they just they just decided to LEAP okay what's this I think they just decided to leave I'm procrastinating this damn farm all right come on so if I'm gonna use Cobblestone again for the farm but uh this time I'm saying no I'm gonna try and Traverse this ocean and see if I can find a desert because I really want to get some glass so after about half an hour of adventuring I once again found no desert so I took some loot mined up a bit of sand I found and went home there's an ocean Monument here and that honestly seems like not too bad of a monument uh you know train later on oh my God I really don't want to do that again all right so from one of the comments from you lovely people we are going to name the dog Draco and this comment comes from Doritos straight boot Draco bang how you doing my friend we gotta make sure nothing happens to this fella here all right you don't even do anything all right it's not that hard to stay alive I don't know why I'm being aggressive towards him I'm sorry what about the hoe where's the diamond why nobody cares [Music] I don't really have an excuse I literally just forgot about it because like who I don't know you don't really make one of those until you can really kind of flex it right we've got a diamond hoe now are you happy I hope so [Music] oh hello my friend how are you whoa dude all right it is almost time for our crazy skydiving well we've got heaps of steak and stuff cooking up now so I think we'll actually be fine on the food front so let's just get ready for this damn thing the block I have the most of is probably another ax so I may as well just use that now the reason I'm traveling somewhere is to find the cave or a sinkhole that's like pretty far into the ground kind of thing because that will well well well here you go because that will make the process a lot easier this is going to be pretty damn annoying to mine through I wish I had an enchantment right now oh my God we found some diamonds I mean why not you know why not our first strip mining trip has been pretty successful so far okay so I figured out you need to land on minus 60 and we're on minus 61 so we are more than fine I actually almost forgot to put the bucket down here we are out all right so I've turned on my cords up there on the top right just so we don't have this ugly screen the whole time get rid of all these blocks just in case and then where am I supposed to yep I got it all right we're right there let's build up people let's build up all the way to 320. why is there a crazy amount of fungi everywhere dude there we go I actually forget which way I'm supposed to be falling um I I really don't I cannot afford to mess this up right so hold on you know I don't mind our area I like this little Cobblestone Coastline I like the jungle Edge there mountains every you know this isn't too bad but uh I think it's time for the real deal to happen here here goes nothing oh man I really hope I don't die oh God this is so scary oh my God look at this crazy towel man I think I'm just gonna leave that there that is a pillar of uh I don't know something that was really close though because I was pressing back to like really stick myself back against the wall and then I almost kept it held down after I entered the cave which obviously would have been the end next episode this is a timer and in this video we're going to collect ender eyes to find the stronghold to defeat the Ender Dragon and then find an elytra after that I need to build an Enderman XP farm and enchant all my tools and armor oh did I also mentioned we're gonna see how many diamonds we can get with our new Enchanted pickaxe I'm in the nether to try and find a warped Forest because that's where a lot of Endermen spawn what's up dude I wonder if I can actually beat this challenge in that amount of time I suppose you'll have to stick around till the end of the video to find out uh okay how you doing oh unlucky dude thanks for the help guy I not are you did it actually that is a really inconvenient location for you to be at you know that right I'm on fire I just am I hate this place sometimes I really do [Music] okay okay okay come on ah no dude wow wow wow get [Music] get out of here dude ah so we got 14 I got some more at home couldn't have stayed much longer anyway we're almost out of food there's a ghost hey man let's get this achievement while we're at it come on let's knock it out [Music] thank you going right back to the are you kidding me I'll see you later anyway we've got our ender pearls and blaze powder it is night time at the moment so I'm going to craft the Ender eyes uh why do I have this get this out of my face [Music] it's been 30 minutes and I've collected some ender eyes it's great yup it's good stuff we're good to go man we're good to go let's do this did it just break are you and we found an oak forest that's actually good oh dude I've been looking for a plane's biome forever and there's a village we found that that's a very nice looking Village let me just take a screenshot of that um which way oh it's back this way yeah why not oh it's back this way okay we're close we're right here somewhere you know what instead of digging let's just go into this cave and see if we can somehow find it I did hear a bat though which means there is more cave action to be found oh there we go we found it we've got oh diamond iron chest plate already all right man let's get to work here oh we found a library that's good whoa what I will come back and collect you how did you miss that how do I Mark that I've explored this like that yep there you go boom what's up lava did I just find it is that it is that it in here [Music] what is this I'm genuinely wondering what would have happened if I didn't see this lava here I would have been looking for this thing for I personally think hours let's check out the rest of it before we uh before we go in though oh that's nice I'm what is where what I'm assuming I have already been there okay damn that's a good book what do I even drop for this flint and steel see you later oh my foreign oh boy and now let me just make one of these don't need an apple right now I don't need these right now let's drink one of those just to be safe and let's jump in this is it oh my God that gave me a heart attack I didn't even check if I had enough arrows thankfully I do I just look at them I did don't do that why are you doing that water I should have brought the pumpkin don't shoot again dragon please ah oh that's not good I need to get back in the water oh my goodness don't oh oh don't run into my vision please [Music] oh thank you very much that's exactly what I needed that was all me I planned that actually that's the last Arrow I guess we're waiting for the purge oh it's happening right now that's good great there we go yes man yes yes yes dragon fight only took us what like 10 minutes let's put our render distance all the way up and that's exactly why because there's an end City over there hopefully a ship oh there's two end cities I hate this so much that looks like a monstrosity of an end City and I still don't see a ship I might just tackle this little one over here real quick then [Music] come on dude oh boy I need to put this here oh you go where's this oh my God stop stop it [Music] are you kidding me right now there is a boat confirmed that might be too far even okay there is a lot oh my you know what you know what you know what okay that why I I came okay oh man that has mending of deathstraw that's actually really good fortune two that's good because of Vanishing Aha and protection four that's a very good helmet put that on [Music] come on dude yep there it is [Music] a binding no I don't know why I waited so long to make a shulker box but here we are I guess efficiency for Fortune three you know what let me take that why not okay finally oh wow I'm flying with an elytra this feels so amazing it's been a while should I do this is the question as in like do I pull onto the bridge I think for the content I do it [Music] okay now the reason I need multiple is if I somehow if that happens I don't even want to eat another coarse fruit man I just I cannot wait to get to the Overworld where not every single thing is a threat come on come on that could have been bad okay oh I can see my pillar over there we're back home safe dude oh man give me that give me these potatoes I need to go cook these man finally some normal food now I do need some emeralds from these guys so let's see if I can trade foreign you guys don't want to mess with me trust me I have a Smite five sword [Music] fire aspect thank you smite no thank you yeah okay dude I'll see you guys in a bit [Music] and there we go that actually didn't take that long that was a couple of minutes I think okay we have emeralds we have a book now and poem mending done okay we've locked the guy in he has mending trades now oh yeah I need arrows let's go check out that Village that we found as well earlier you know what man I apologize for this but just the way it has to be sometimes [Music] all right I didn't mean to do that just give me yeah give me one more there we go oh my God there's an outpost that is so good because I need that for a raid Farm anyway let's pick up all of this this is why we came here I could build another portal and all that but I think the easiest way to just do this I've got a task for you I've got a mission let's go make sure not to go under any Daylights or anything don't turn into drowned don't turn into drones come on there we go all right now I'm good now I need to make sure not to kill the the Villager all right I'll be back when you uh have a little bit cheaper rate and the next thing we need is also a Fletcher so that we can have more of an income of emeralds okay perfect you have sticks and arrows for a trade that I could wish for nothing more honestly that's great okay now whilst all that is happening we need to gather some materials for an Enderman Farm because we need XP [Music] Minecraft that's I'm just doing it man I don't care now that looks absolutely horrible but good thing that's not the important thing right yep we want to go almost down to the bottom I hate this I absolutely hate it you know what this is enough [Music] now we need to just kill some Enderman for some ender eyes so we can try and spawn the Ender might try and say Endor in one sentence more than that oh come on game nothing finally now okay now you won't now you won't get in there we go [Music] and that that takes care of it right there it does look kind of weird but okay I don't know why I just did that though yeah we're gonna name the diamond pickaxe exactly what we did last time subscribe I'm gonna call this guy Axel because yep I did I didn't even put a mending book on it now I've used this before but I really like Ace of Spades just because it's so corny and so dumb but it's so good wait a second no I was supposed to enchant them first I just wasted so many mending books I'm fried guys I don't have an excuse I've been doing this for ages I'm just gone right now I'm breaking three protection four we've got on the chess play there let's do it come on yes dude that's great efficiency four that's good yes [Music] so we've got enough to pop on the Unbreaking three book onto here and for the name for this one I'm gonna let you guys choose all right type in the comments and I will pick one next episode [Music] we finally have most of our tools sorted we got some really good pickaxes here the Ace of Spades is still in progress the armor is incredible the only thing I need is maybe some feather falling on the boots but I think it is finally time for us to test out the pickaxes and see how many diamonds we can get in the new 1.18 caves doing some strip mining let's see how this goes I don't know why I find it fitting that it's raining right now you know it's like it's a storm something's brewing things are starting to get epic okay it's not raining anymore so everything I just said uh disregard it oh we have an insta mine shovel now dude all right let's go down oh my God this is so much faster wow what's up guy get wrecked but we're at minus 59 let's eat and let's go all right now yes we are going to use this strategy here come on there we go the one block Strat [Music] oh one Diamond okay two two two well that's kind of annoying did what okay pickaxe no no I see how it is no no it's fine it's fine [Music] two two [Music] oh we got 19 diamonds so far it's not looking horrible let's keep going let's keep it moving [Music] we have 41 diamonds head back this way okay never mind head this way you're really doing this to me right now oh my God oh that's one of the worst feelings huh okay well I've deleted my own water and we did run into one more Diamond here oh what that's a half tree what the this is the biggest cave I've ever found in Minecraft and I'm going to attempt to transform it into a custom Village City megabase now first things first as you can see I only have eight fireworks if I don't have fireworks that means I cannot you know come down here and then why did I just do that so phase one I clearly need a creeper farm for this I need to collect heaps of sand smelt it into glass and dye it then I need a ton of trapdoors to stop other mobs from spawning foreign [Music] I need cats and I haven't even found a village in this world so Rail and my car goes on top of here magma block goes on top of here then creeper and platform right here Bang so as you can see it's not big but it's fine because we're gonna go several levels up I don't know how I'm gonna get the cats for this matter of fact should be doing that right now whoa whoa freaking weirdo yeah boy oh hey Kitty don't do this okay okay sweet you just chill here yo if I just wasted three fireworks to get here oh man foreign you better not okay we have cats and I'm assuming you've seen a creeper Farm get built before so now to just spend an hour collecting materials make a little marker and done looks pretty good to me oh man it feels so good to be able to do this now let's move on to phase two collecting thousands of materials for the cave okay so just finished up at the end of farm and we now have a much better ax with silk touch and efficiency 5 which we will of course need for all the trees we will be chopping [Music] foreign we will not stop until our inventory is full [Music] and voila look at that oh my okay so we've got our project box we need to put the wood in here however this box needs to be able to differentiate itself from regular shock boxes right so uh boom oh yeah got a green shulker box yes I absolutely did just go and get tons of cactus just for this I did that so we got plenty of wood I'm not even sure if that'll be enough next I need scaffolding because how else are we going to build this right where we we cannot just hover I'm going to replace some of the sugar cane with some bamboo um so that should hopefully do its thing for a little bit just keep making bamboo in the background yeah sound effects all right I came back with this much bamboo there so let's see how much we can make okay Project Box right there Bang Bang the next thing we need is glowstone so we're gonna get about I think two stacks of this maybe three we'll see how it goes [Music] foreign [Music] okay so I've come back home with almost three stacks one of the things we need next is some grass [Music] and we also need a little bit more spruce uh that should be good for now if we need any more I will get it it's not like I have any shortage of spruce trees and now one of the final things we need is coal we need quite a bit of coal [Music] and I'm going to mine up the oars first and then when we get home I'm going to just demolish all of them with the fortune pick [Music] okay here we go that's what we have right there from two stacks and now if you're wondering why I needed all that coal it's because I want to light up the rest of this cave so that this stuff does not keep happening yo like come on man see how annoying this is get out of here foreign [Music] now that we don't have to deal with Mobs and we've collected a lot of the materials we need it's time to move on to phase three which is the biggest one of them all transforming the cave oh boy Let's uh let's begin first things first we need to terraform the ground because this is seriously inconvenient so wow this is actually surprisingly kind of annoying to do I'm almost out of grass oh man okay so I've gotten rid of most of the water but now we just need to turn this into something that looks I I need a beacon [Music] oh we're Beyond full right now boom now all I need to do is Place lots of grass and now as I'm sure you'll be able to see by the chest they are all pretty much just like full so what do we need a storage a storage room so where am I gonna make this well as you can see by my amazing sketch right here it's going to be in this area we will transform this into an automatic storage system kind of thing later on but for now oh man boom oh no no no no no okay so I've made it narrower and now it looks alright except uh yeah we need to spice it up obviously and now yeah now there's like a little bit of a cozy vibe in here I like this it just feels a bit plain I guess a bit um wow the fakest sneeze you have experienced in your life but look at this place now oh foreign [Music] [Applause] okay so the storage room is complete and it looks pretty awesome so I need to move all the items down there which are now right here and I guess quite an easy way to transport them down would be to pretty much just uh Let Them All Fall Down we need to hurry up or else all that stuff is going to despawn okay [Music] okay next round go go go go go go this is so scary I don't want all my diamonds to disappear [Applause] so if you did a quick Google search you'd find out that items despawn after five minutes of sitting on the ground and I was stupid enough to think I could organize everything in this time no no I'm not doing it I'm not doing it I'm backing out I'm backing out dude I'm backing out oh man [Music] so dumb this is one of the dumbest things I've ever done all right okay okay we literally have about 20 seconds until that stuff would have despawned all right luckily I came to my senses because this took almost half an hour to sort out so all my items would have just been gone now that the storage room is complete and functional let's work out the paths and bridges of this massive cave looking at the drawing again you can see I have the area split up into different sectors so I need to build up my paths accordingly [Music] okay so I finished some of the path and I I like to think it looks pretty cool and these bricks if you can't already tell are markers for where things are going to go villager houses enchanting setups super smelters you get the picture but you also don't because I've blurred it however before we move on to replacing these brick pillars we need to complete our navigation system which means a bridge going along from that area up to there similar to that these bridges are my least favorite thing [Music] dude why do they keep doing this look at [Music] you know whilst we're here let me fix up this entrance to this sugarcane farm which itself is horrendous but uh for now just the entrance um boom not laughing now are we it's it looks pretty damn cool I mean no it doesn't this is hilarious better than what it was beforehand though right right the problem now is how do we get from here to here without having to go all the way around well let me tell you we build a natural looking pillar that is actually disguised as a water elevator however as good as it looks it appears a little bit strange because there isn't another one on this side so uh so now instead of doing more of the same let's have some fun we are going to start replacing these brick pillars with actual houses and buildings so we're doing Oak log frame fill it in with some Spruce planks maybe some Spruce logs and also a little bit of cobblestone and then we just do that all the way around pop a door right here so it gives it some dirt we're gonna need some stairs on top of here add a little roof window to the side like so Place heaps of trap doors everywhere on the outside because why not some now some right there right here there we go and now the inside is done as well we have some bookshelves crafting table furnace paintings if you cannot already guess this is the librarian's house let me put a flower right in front because you know it looks cool wait I just oh no we want colored carpets for every house and we don't have wool so that is a dilemma how do we solve that looks like we might need to build a wolf Farm which is like a two hour detour so after getting all the materials and flying absolutely everywhere to collect eyes for this Farm we got to work foreign [Music] it's just a wolf Farm let's relax but it is complete though and I have already AFK for a little while which means we do have some wool not heaps but you know some and uh we obviously need yellow for this particular house I feel like an idiot man I spent so much time on this damn farm for for that anyway now that the farm is actually running over there constantly let's do the other villager houses slash buildings [Music] [Music] [Music] so there we go we've got the village all sorted out we've got one two three four and five houses they all have different colored beds and carpet gray orange green brown red plenty more something cooking up I don't know what it is exactly I mean I guess that's up to you guys to decide and I suppose now it's time to actually get the villagers out from the breeder over there all right in here who's this guy okay he's gonna I mean I hope he walks onto the cartography table anyway next person are you in you're an imbecile you're actually why that one what where what there is no way you have locked on to my grindstone this guy's a clown certified the main part of the village is now finished and has come to life oh there's some fish spawning in the pond as well this is sick although before I move on to more villager work with a trading Hall let's build the stuff we actually need I've been cooking here so far so let's build a super smelter [Music] thank you with doing a time lapse here to save you from watching me build what is essentially a giant Square furnace [Music] let's say I wanted to cook a stack of sand bang pop the coal in bang I press this lever that controls the cards and yeah you guessed it bang it Cooks in all these different furnaces and then gets taken through into this water stream which then puts it into this chest so I was gonna do an enchanting Tower but then I thought that's more of an outside thing and where are we not outside even though I've built actual house anyway I'm deciding to take a different approach [Music] so I've built a path to it as well and here is our enchanting setup we've got chess stories we've got a full level 30 enchanting setup we've got anvils grindstones we've got this kind of Cloudy glass thing going on as well and uh yeah sick enchanting structure whole thing let's move on to the brewery I'm building this one out of nether blocks lots of stations and storage water access and even a little netherwort farm I'm now making a nice River and also finally doing the exterior of the potato farm so everything's starting to come together we've got the village we've got the enchanting station the brewery the super smelter we've got the potato farm that is now disguised to look exactly like like uh it's the home stretch people now I need some lights for this place so this is what happens right you place one of those you put these around it like this and then you go and you put a stone brick wall you put one of these and two of these put one of these on top like that and then connect that one and then under that you go like that and that's a Street Lamp see you later torch well lit up I like it I guess you could say this cave is lit okay what are the final pieces to the puzzle is our villager trading Hall which is gonna be right over here so uh [Music] foreign [Music] there's heaps of these come on oh you've got to be joking me get in there go go no just get in dude dude what what are you doing [Music] all right so long story short I had this mending villager here which I forgot to put in the hall so this is me healing the Villager and attempting to get him in there oh boy um let me think let me think let me think why did this stupid villager have to be so complicated that's what I want to know [Music] foreign [Music] there is absolutely no way that you were going to kill me I'm not dying to you right now no hey hey come on just give me some give me some damn time to sort this out man okay okay we've split them apart get in the cart bozo oh my and I actually managed not to punch him while I was down there as well perfect this has all been incredibly stupid and shenanigany enough so I'm gonna voila here we are now it doesn't look absolutely spectacular obviously but it'll do the job and what it's mainly what what it's mainly job for point of it is to be functional and it is and now this guy for example doesn't have the right trades doesn't even have a single book what are you doing but what we do right is we pull out a slab we put it up here and then we can just reset the lectern over and over again and wait until this guy gets a trade that we actually want anyway final touches right here we pull out a book A book pull out a page from the Mojang book and suspend our bridges with chains we go mining for minerals and sprinkle them all over our cave wait what did we actually do pre-perform mob proofing terraforming with the skeletons Beacon chest room sheep farm custom Village smeltery Brewery enchantery trading Hall if you are not clicking on the next video you will receive the opposite of a high five yep don't worry guys I won't subject you to the opposite of a high five whatever that is because you're watching a movie you don't need to click on the next video okay here's the next video I'm going to attempt to become invincible in Minecraft hardcore by getting the best gear possible and then doing a series of tests to see how much I can actually survive so first things first look at this armor the days of diamond being the top armor they're over so I feel like the next steps are pretty obvious we're going to try and use like two or three different strategies to try and get the most now the right we can to upgrade all of our tools and well armor let's try and get some wool for some beds see how many we can make here we have one thing that's missing oh we don't have any magma cream for the potions okay hang on so I need fire resistance potions because when you try and sleep in the nether everything gets set on fire and well now the ride is no use to me if I'm dead so I got the magma cream and then brewed the potions pretty intense stuff oh yeah I forgot to mention one of the uh things that we're going to be doing one of the tests is going to be a crazy mob Mosh Pit to see how long we survive in there it's gonna be pretty crazy that's probably the one I'm most excited for after cooking up some food crafting the TNT and repairing my pickaxes we got to mining how many do I actually need hang on so I have one two three four five the ten pieces of equipment that I need to netherite out what's that 40 pieces of ancient debris oh no that's 40 pieces of so first strategy I'm using is to just pretty I mean I'll take it absolutely why not hidden in the depths that's how we roll where are we at 16 okay well I did say I'd switch over to the bed method I don't know if you guys remember this method from back in the day this is what everyone did there you go see it works still foreign we are steady on our way to getting a full set another ride and it is pretty exciting and now the final and most exciting strategy TNT mining the way this works is we dig three tunnels right next to each other and then fill them all in with connecting TNT blocks and uh now we run we run we run it's actually not that dangerous okay I can just stand here if I want to come on there we go we got one piece ah there we go we've got some more we've got some more we've got some more this is working look little I'm dude oh people are gonna think I planted it man and I didn't I'm just naturally talented at this game that worked a lot better than I thought it would [Music] so after collecting that up another round of explosions and some more chunk border mining oh get wrecked we had found our final pieces of ancient debris and we are back all right let's get to uh cooking this ancient debris and my 40 netherrite scraps have come back along with three potatoes thank you very much nether right ingots oh yeah so in the first episode I claim to have made a full diamond set of tools and a lot of people got upset that I forgot the hoe so I promised it would be the first tool that I upgrade to netherite so this is me keeping my promise this is stupid oh man I got this achievement before I got the cover me and debris achievements that's ridiculous [Music] oh look at that I look so cool done all right we are all decked out another ride completely everything why are you on this go back to your village what are you doing so as a summary I then made sure everything in my inventory was fully Enchanted and it was time to move on to phase two which is getting our first totem of undying and bang Okay so we've got the Woodland Explorer map however one thing I do want is a better source of food let me sleep in my bed original we need an orange bed stupid Behavior let's go though we're on our way where are we supposed to go south so Sun's Rising there so I'm gonna go this way and a little bit West I guess as usual I'm not going to make you watch 10 minutes of flying because why would I do that I think the game's lagging yep what the heck whoa hang on I'm finding this more interesting than the in the Mansion itself thank you thank you and thank you there is a lava pool literally directly in front oh no that's gonna sit the Mansion on fire uh okay let's go let's go quickly let's go quickly put these in there put that there I'll put that there oh no okay let's do upstairs first just ruins the experience man what you got how much damage do you do come on okay only one heart we need to go kill the evoker here [Music] we've got our first totem boat we don't even have time to relish it oh goodness grab these books I guess I don't know can I get a Notch Apple please yes but a Notch Apple come on another Notch Apple go go go yes I actually moved in my chair okay this fire is really doing its thing I guess I have to fly home on a rainy day but hey we came up with some more books two totems which you know realistically isn't that much and two enchanted golden apples dude wow and now I have thought of using my player model as a totem right it looks cool but how about we don't all rip off sand diction if you do have any ideas for the totems though please do let me know oh yeah the thing is though we've got a couple of totems right we've got one there and we've got one that we're holding so what do we do now let me show you I mean business totem box we need to fill in this whole thing so what is the best way to do that well welcome to phase three where we build an amazing raid farm that gives us hundreds of emeralds totems and a lot more and then it's on to the survival test so I need 27 stacks of glass we need lots of sand so uh [Music] foreign it looks like a bill even made a dent in there dude wow I can't even imagine what it would actually take to get rid of this whole desert here why did I just give myself that idea that's you better not be expecting that video let's put this into some glass whilst that happens let's gather the rest of the materials oh wait no I don't need 27 stacks of glass I need 14. okay we now have all the glass and all the materials we are ready to go and find ourselves an area a place a spot where's the closest ocean it's right here I've I'm just in the middle of nowhere right now it's kind of scary should I drain that thing one time okay let's begin so I put the composter down [Music] Okay so before you move on with the farm he's got to bring the Villager over let's go do that I guess this is gonna be really annoying [Music] we ended up at our home portal [Music] that's us off of there right we got him okay okay we're good you're trapped in there forever sorry to break it too no way dude no way I hate the nether I hate it so much all right enough Shenanigans let's build the farm [Music] [Music] and there we go we are 160 blocks up there's a terrible idea there's a terrible idea this is a terrible idea [Music] I just need to break it from the bottom you'll see how this all works in a second don't worry [Music] the farm should be complete I think I want to make just a few buckets here with milk [Music] there we go and then we need to find that Outpost anyone home there we go we've got one all right I don't need to kill the rest of you just give me this thank you I don't even want to think about going close to home right now here comes the moment of truth if I drop down there a rage should start and now we go back up oh there we go this is crazy yes we got bad Omen again wow look at this emeralds look at the amount of emeralds this is phenomenal we're just gonna go again and again [Music] we already have so much loot several stacks of emeralds and now I already have filled up the totem box full of totems we are good to go but let's make sure to drink some milk before we go and now it's time for our final task which is to see how Invincible we truly are with all of the stuff we just got we don't want to lose all of this stuff especially last episode the thought of that is really disturbing okay that actually wasn't that bad that's a piece of cake how far can I fall while surviving this fire oh my goodness that is so scary next let's actually do our invincibility test you know what let's let's just take a look at the the whole surrounding area oh no it looks like I'm looks like we're on a planet because we are put this on just so we cannot save ourselves let's not pretend we all didn't know what was going to happen don't worry we do have a a real proper one coming in a second jumping into a lava lake you know why because we're invincible look at this that is insane let me eat hang on could I just stay in here forever look at that what is going on now what's the difference between having the chest plate on and off oh man that is hurting I don't even feel bad about using these totems because I pretty much have an infinite amount the next test is right here right now we just need as many of these guys as we can get here we go there's a lot this they're spawning like crazy now oh boy I don't want to be on fire though okay here we go yep I'm just gonna stay here in the middle and I'm gonna totem it up oh boy okay okay okay okay okay okay we need to be careful that we need to be careful yeah guys here here have some gold I have some good have some no no I'm going to attempt to rebuild every Minecraft biome including the new 1.19 Mangrove swamp and deep dark which I'm visiting for the first time oh no thank you to sandiction for the inspiration on this one this is going to take a while because well I need to build a 33 different biomes and I'm pretty sure where we have a lot of space to just dig into a wall is right over there page two and let's go [Music] what is that all right so we've got 33 rooms between two floors and now we need gloss blocks for every single one of them [Music] let's be on our way to smelt this okay I don't have any coal I don't want to go look for coal because that's just an uh I guess I'm just gonna have to build a whole bamboo Farm [Music] [Music] but at least we've now got fuel coming in to the Minecraft Minecraft with hopper it's time to get started on the rooms quick disclaimer I'm not doing every single biome that exists example I'm not building both jungle and jungle Edge they are going to be instead one room the first materials we actually need are for the backgrounds of all our Overworld biomes where we are going to try and replicate the sky on the walls so for concrete I need lots of sand which we already have and I need a lot of gravel this Gravel Hill alone took me like 30 minutes to find so like please subscribe oh man I'm gonna need a lot more concrete than what I have right now that doesn't look too bad I'd like to think and our first biome is going to be not a planes biome because that is just actual Little Oak Forest I like it looks pretty nice now what do we do about the lighting situation one of the things I can think of is maybe doing a glowstone pattern like this so uh there we are with some glowstone that's nicely just lighting the whole thing up which means yet another block that I'm going to need to collect for all of these biomes uh I'm making this so much more difficult for myself up next I want to do a desert and I don't have any cactus let me pick up some dead bushes while I'm at it as well I'll grab a little bit of red sand as well to see if we can make it look a bit more interesting now it's time to move on to some more fun stuff we're gonna be doing a crimson forest biome right here to get some of these Crimson Roots some Crimson fungus and what is this warped fungus get some warped fungus as well there's a fair few blocks we need to get I'm not gonna mention them all back now we'll put a tree right there we'll have some weeping Vines hanging down more of these up here we might make this a little more mountainy though hang on kind of like that oh I forgot to add the shroom lights um there one at the back here I might put one just there cover this up and with that the Crimson forest biome is complete as well we now have three and now for even more variety here we are going to do the main end Island ah this project is gonna take days so there's that base there and it might look a little weird now but just hang on give me a second we need black concrete for the edges back at it again with the concrete mining [Music] it's obsidian for a pillar if I make an End Crystal oh that could be cool boom and I'm also gonna take this dragon head of the dragon egg there maybe and add the dragon head here and then an end Crystal there we go let me just make sure not to hit the end Crystal [Music] if these glass borders will be gone soon you're probably actually seeing the nice versions in the replay clips and we are already out of light blue concrete okay and now I'm missing a piece of Glowstone it just never ends it no it never ends well the butch biome is now also complete uh what we've got on this side is just a regular Minecraft cave oh my God that would be funny if I just did this I don't know why did that it's not that funny now see this one's kind of plain and it does really blend in with this whole thing but once we decorated this hole it'll be fine and there's a little Easter egg here I went for the classic Minecraft dead end cave where you go expecting to find something but you find nothing so uh the dreaded dead end let's move on to the next two one of them being the end Islands which well I need to do the wall again all right so we've got a little bit of an island there add another one here this room is going to be really simple and then you know what to add a little bit of realism to it let's add a dirt block or two that's what we all do right we Bridge across these small Islands when we get there for the first time there we go we're getting quite a bit done we've got almost two lots done we need one more for eight which is the Soul Sand Valley if you take a look when you're actually in the area itself the surrounding fog turns kind of like this weird cyan blue kind of thing I'm very glad I have some terracotta right now foreign valleys do tend to be pretty hilly don't they and then we'll add some Soul Sand into the middle of that [Music] and done okay Soul Sand Valley complete as well we've got some bones some torches cool this place is starting to look really nice now that I think about it all right I think I want this top floor like just finished so let me just speed through this dude let's go the first one being a giant tiger so this does look a little bit better if you understand what I'm going for here these trees are so big that they actually just go through the roof so yeah I'm kind of going for that the next biome will be the Badlands biome [Music] I like that that's cool next biome is the Warped Forest [Music] then we've got the nether wastes we've got some lava a little bit of Glowstone hopefully that doesn't reach the wood I forget how fire mechanics work but which reminds me I also need to do it to this biome here so that is another way spine complete as well we now need to do the jungle biome I'm calling this one spiky cave because why not we've also got Basalt Delta and this one here has actually just reminded me that I can add a little something like that in here in the Soul Sand Valley yeah that that makes it look a little bit more full look at us go also here we're gonna add an ancient debris piece somewhere uh matter of fact let me just go do that right now this could end up taking me like 30 minutes but I guess it's worth the risk I think okay I've entered the headspace of putting a piece of Soul Sand down and pretending like it's ancient debris I think we want to put it like on display right like right here Bang [Music] and last but not least the end City biome now this one requires a little bit of adventuring from us so I guess we're gonna go collect some blocks some shulkers things like that foreign brick the gloss as well actually [Music] so we've got all these biomes complete let's just quickly decorate all of this wait this looks kind of bland there we go that looks a little bit better and now it's time for the punch line of the the tunnel the video the it's time for the punch line okay basically walking no I'm putting these rooms on display by sticking a rail track in the Middle where we can ride along and look at one side down to the very end and then come back looking at the other side foreign [Music] this really cool looking painting wall kind of thing I need to get all these biomes done before we move on to the big final one the deep dark the first one is dark oak and lucky we can just take inspiration from uh I'm pretty sure you find pumpkins in these biomes fairly often so I might include some of these as well the next biome we need to work on is the Lush cave what if I just put some drip Leaf down here right and I just yeah there we go gets rid of like almost all the work I need to do blueberries here and there a nice score Blossom right there and there's a last couple details so we finished our first two biomes and as you can see there is quite a long way to go we've got a lot of room so let's just get through some of these quickly first one being over here this is the nether fortress biome now I know I already did the nether waste but I thought I'd give the another Fortress one of its own dedicated ones because it's cool what I also thought would be cool is to get a wither skeleton head and put it on display this was not cool actually it was quite the opposite oh why did I five of them surely I get one skull out of these guys come on all that for me to literally just go ahead and do this after that I'm going for the polar opposite and making an ocean room of the warm variety foreign we've even got some remnants of a shipwreck in the back as well as lots of tropical fish yo what are you doing I know why would you do that what happened next up we've actually got a pigland Bastion now I know this isn't a biome but I just felt like including It Anyway similar to The Nether Fortress I just think it'll be a cool addition the next biome is a mine shaft of sorts again it's not a biome but just come on foreign [Music] and here we are I wasn't actually sure about this one at first but I'm glad I went with the Deep slate I love how this turned out we've got the little spider spawner Vibe back there we've got the chest Minecart thing this is cool oh my goodness dude next up we've got a snowy Spruce and an amethyst biome both of which for I need to collect materials for uh maybe we'll make a little ice River as well I'm not sure if these will melt and of course we've got some snow now for the amethyst I will collect amethyst this one's gonna look pretty good okay dude [Music] and now for the snowy Spruce put some snow down obviously um now will this campfire melt the ice we are halfway with the bottom floor you heard that right we've only got a few more to go before we go adventuring for the difficult ones so let's do it we've got a mountain biome where I'm trying to replicate some sort of clouds on the floor a fun beach biome this is meant to be a beach ball uh uh an acacia one which unfortunately isn't yellow enough astonishure one which I actually think turned out pretty cool we've also got ice spikes and a tall Birch biome I thought it'd be hilarious to have this single tree going so high that you can't even see the leaves foreign so we've got almost every biome complete apart from the last three we've got the mangrove swamp deep dark and mushroom Fields finding these blocks could actually take me hours why am I doing this I should just use terracotta I'm thinking going out into the ocean like this would probably be the smartest thing to do because that's when you usually find mushroom biomes right however despite my greatest efforts what I first found was whoa whoa wait wait wait a second is that a I mean I'd be happier if I found a mushroom biome but this is okay I guess oh no I'm so sorry [Music] take heaps of these leaves as well oh that sound is not nice is this theme this is the Woodland I've just found the Woodland Mansion this counts as a mushroom biome right all of these [Music] bump one tree I was actually kind of hoping it would take longer so that I could you know be like oh it took me two hours to find this but okay now give me this mycelium take some of this as well some mushrooms some of the other one yep that's it that's all we came for goodbye I'm not kidding and it has just hit me how much more difficult finding the deep dark is going to be dude wow give me some more land am I flying further out from base yes I am yes I am okay here's a cave here's a cave oh oh out cave after cave after cave also somehow circling back to the mushroom islands I don't know how I did that my light was almost broken I don't really want to risk just mid-out not working I'm not my brain's not working eventually we run into some skulk I don't like that color dude that's freaky I'm just here to get blocks I'm just here to get blocks I want to collect some more of this skulk vein that's all around the place no that's not what you want it that's not that's not what I want so can I just break this is that a thing is there another one there's another one somewhere this is not good that's it right I've just warned him okay yeah you know what you do you I need more skulk itself a couple more catalysts maybe okay bud do you wanna you're gonna you're borrowing back in all right great oh wow okay the hoe breaks uh this much much quicker I don't know I don't know what I've been doing this whole time this bat is a threat to my existence dude okay oh this dude is really angry at I think probably the bat yep can like I'm just trying to build some biomes man okay I've made it to the chest without making any noise it the comments are gonna love this one he's joking right is that what all the other chests are like as well uh you know what see you later diamonds because I need some of these here I am over 10 000 blocks away nice [Music] so all that is left to do now is build the mushroom biome [Music] that looks pretty good unfortunately there's not much more you can really do with that that's what the islands look like should have brought a cow or something we've got the mangrove swamp biome foreign I've decided to leave this one very like kind of raw and muddy and dark and gloomy make it look a little bit more natural we've got some trees going into the wall as well and stuff like that it's pretty cool and last but definitely not least the deep dark biome this one actually took about 30 minutes believe it or not and of course finished the entrance and I've actually also just at I've done all these different blocks to like kind of signal that you're going into a museum of all different biomes and stuff and it's really cool [Music] so because I love building unnecessary things like last episode's biomehall and this whole transformed cave I'm going to need some help getting materials for example there's go farm that took me like four hours to build is going to give me all the gold I need for anything I decide to create I'm going to build a lot of these starting from the small and easy ones working our way up to some really complicated ones first of all we've got the gold Farm now I'm going to build a carrot Farm I'm gonna do it here under my potato farm and it's gonna be exactly the same I've built these so many times that I just kind of know them off by heart that's that's about that's not a good thing I can't believe you've done this and now I have both of the Farms I need to craft as many of these as I want how about that oh some of them are for some of them up okay let me just ah pick these up where are they here they are next let's build an automatic chicken farm if I could find any that would be Splendid okay here we've got two chickens about 10 years away from base and night time's coming as well so that's yeah that's great foreign I don't even need this Farm you know yep let's go up this nice little catwalk more like a chicken walk stupid there was originally a chicken in this cave so please tell me it's still here yes there's a chicken there's a chicken okay come on there we go finally the chicken farm is complete I don't really need anything from there but yep and next with uh mostly just these materials here we are going to build a classic marble grinder build up a little platform in the sky that is hopefully far enough away from that I think it would be and let's begin and again and again and again now I forget how many blocks of water travels I think it's eight let me see if I've done this correctly you should stop right there yes perfect I love invisible blocks they're my favorite now on the inside I have to place heaps of trap doors because mobs think that these are blocks and done oh my and there we go we've got the mob farm sorted as well now we do need a leather fine but I'm going to have a way better design than what we have going on right now so see you later I'm gonna use a different building block for once I'm gonna make some terracotta stone brick has kind of been my go-to so we'll keep that going as well and my last bucket of lava will go to this as well but that's okay because we're making a lava Farm later on and I just need a little bit of warped fungus I think I need like four I I got five that cannot run and I needed five warped funk [Music] and there we are I know the primary thing will be pork chops here but I mainly want leather for things like item frames and whatnot I'm gonna AFK for about maybe 10 minutes but I don't know if you noticed in this Farm we used some lava which reminds me I don't want to have to come into the nether to get lava every single time I need lava how many times have I said lava already so I'm going to build a lava farm and I am really quickly running out of redstone good thing that's on the list add a piston that's going to push the cauldrons we put an observer down that we will then power which then uh you this detects that and then that pushes that and then it just keeps going we just do that all the way around [Music] now we just need to add a ring around the outside where the lava is going to sit and done cauldron has already started filling up oh multiple cauldrons now we just need to do a little bit of redstone [Music] uh so how do I stop this after about 20 minutes we have this much here which isn't actually too bad okay so what's next on the it's a watermelon Farm now I don't want watermelons or mud or Cactus or honey I don't even want some of the difficult ones like a guardian Farm but I'm still gonna attempt to make it because that's what I titled this video so I think I'm gonna get through these ones pretty quick wow we don't have any redstone whoa and just like that now we have plenty of redstone so we're going to be doing both pumpkin and melon in this one so we can just tick both of those items off okay where do I want this in here maybe dig a quick hole make it two blocks deep and now all these powered rails nope that's okay no ah okay I'm doing this wrong I don't know what foreign there we go stuff is already coming in once all these crops are fully grown then it'll actually be quite a lot faster this next one I'm brushing over at the speed of light because it's a mud generator if we ever need mod bricks for whatever reason this will come in handy now for the cactus farm I've never built one of these however this one I'm gonna freestyle because how hard can it be if these are the only materials I need surely it'll be super I'm an idiot all right now I'm assuming the rice here are going to be horrible but let me just AFK and after about 30 minutes oh [Music] there we go there's the other one done as well a rate should now hopefully be better we'll come and check this towards the end of the episode so the next one is actually a b honey farm and after collecting some materials including lots of glass bottles that took me ages to get I am now in a forest looking for beehives okay so it's coming to night time that means they all kind of go back into their little beehives and you just grab it all right we got ten let's begin this build put all the B Nest away for a sec all the bee nests I've been calling them be I'm gonna look like such an idiot we've got a chest popper on top flowering Azalea goes here two three four five ten bang do some little comparator Contraption thing do that all the way down [Music] oh God I can see you float don't float away please this isn't a chicken walk anymore it's a bee walk all right I'm fairly certain that looks like night time to me so boom and with that the bee farm is complete now it's time to move on to the bigger Farms firstly I'm going to be making one of the new 1.19 slime Farms they require barely anything else other than lots of blocks and lots of brown mushrooms which I'm going to run around and collect because who wants to build a mushroom farm ah Axel my friend why don't I just go all the way to our trusty Mushroom Island that I found last episode [Music] look at all this what I'm gonna be absolutely rich in brown mushrooms now that I think about it I should just make another portal [Music] oh I don't have any pumpkins good thing I have a farm for that oh boy this is gonna fill up a little too quickly I think so I'm gonna go to my local swamp biome place a hopper on top quick Redstone clock pretend like I know what I'm doing totally not following a uh tutorial or anything [Music] foreign [Music] over a beautiful swamp and let's destroy this scaffolding right here I've done that a few times in the video now and I'm not really sure if I'm ever gonna realize that it's probably not funny let's then do a quick AFK test that is amazing I'll be able to build just about anything I want to with the Farms I'm accumulating here okay so I have a little bit of a problem this Honey Farm is soon going to rapidly start running out of bottles and what better way is there to fix this problem than to build a witch farm so I've got all the materials I need for the farm right here and last episode when I was looking for blocks for certain biomes if I fly right through this crazy looking Ice Mountain there should be a swamp here somewhere here is this it with a witch hut there it is all right this one actually isn't very interesting to build at all so uh never mind I was actually missing lots of minecartes and sticky pistons why are you all the way up here are you following me okay I need to get I need to stop getting distracted so that took a lot longer than expected I had to spawn proof this whole Mountain because the position of this witch hut is fairly terrible this is a little bit over an hour of afking and we have see if we can get lucky and get a Wither skull okay let me sort out this absolute mess now I need to collect materials for the guardian Farm never mind I need like two stacks of obsidian which we all know is like one of the funnest blocks to collect in this game and we're gonna build it at this Monument here it should be somewhere right there hopefully it doesn't interfere with any of these farms mainly this one here foreign this should be the chunk water right here Place another one two three now we build a little scaffolding platform in the corner here okay Phantoms that's the wrong way okay okay so we got a platform here I'm pretty sure the Guardians spawn underneath this and they get pushed up into this and like there's some portals here and stuff all right I'm gonna Bridge across so quickly ready [Music] foreign [Music] for this top area here now we actually just need to go and activate every one of these oh my goodness my frames are dropping I mean I can see why I think I'm playing a slideshow all right let's test it out so if we ignore the Guardians for a second we can see that this actually gives us a really good amount of drops I mean I've been here for just over a few minutes and this is this is pretty crazy yep okay uh now we have as many sea lanterns as we want which I will actually need for an upcoming project in the next episode so the next Farm is actually a blaze farm which of course I need lots and lots of glass for again I'm fairly confident this Farm is so easy to build that I can just explain every step and we will be done very shortly we try our best to light it up right there and then we dig I think seven blocks and we go six blocks out in each Direction two three four five six yo no not it just go away just stop spawning for like a little bit and then we can talk alright so this is the little square where they're gonna get farmed they're going to get taken in here by multiple lava buckets dude oh my goodness a box with these with these hey you're all good they somehow old despawned I'm not yeah I don't know pop a bucket of lava in every corner boom we pop some of these there these here break this I think nope let me let me break the damn guys let's AFK for the usual like 15 minutes and after that we have and now we can just put this in here this will get loaded up and we have a really really good fuel source right now speaking of fuel sources we need another one which is coal so we are building a wither skeleton Farm all right I've got mostly everything sorted apart from the fact that I need more of these and I also need some turtle eggs so let's go hunt some turtles how to find turtles in Minecraft I'm going insane you know I've been at this for days if only there was some way to energize myself oh what's that g fuel code easy well let me tell you not quick while they're not looking now the thing about this Farm is you need to find another Fortress that is either in a Soul Sand Valley or since there isn't one in our case we find one in a warped Forest because almost no mob spawn here apart from the odd Enderman oh I [Music] [Music] and this is kind of how it works they go through that portal all the way down there they go into the Overworld and there's so many of them that they push each other through this portal they come here and then this is where we just go bang and after the classic 10 minute AFK session now trademarked we have all of this wow oh okay guys come on don't block my do you have you have a fire aspect sword what is that about oh my goodness oh that could have gotten bad okay it is the home stretch I have a farm for just about every single item I want but there's a few more to go luckily for me now I have a wither skeleton Farm which I do need I also need pumpkins but hey look at that I have a whole set of pumpkins look at that blazing speed now what we're making is a witheros farm number one because I don't want a squid farm for black dye and number two um and voila now I just need to generate snowmen they get turned into wither roses and snow I recycle the blocks end up doing that just a few times I have three stacks of black dye this is just too good I get a free Beacon out of it as well like come on now this next farm right here I actually wasn't planning to build but when I was looking for string earlier in the episode if I fly just about five seconds over here into this cave we have not one not two but three spider spawners so triple spider farm let's get to work I should just go get a beacon [Music] so right here where this wood is is our AFK spot this is where all three of them are perfectly active now we just need to make rooms for all three of them one two three four one two three four Connect up all the sides there we go one room done this is the second room I don't even know where I am anymore that's not the way we've got two done now and last one over here all right so one spawner on this side and two on this one so I think this is the way the spiders are gonna flow there's obviously no tutorial for this I'm just gonna try and freestyle it so wish me luck [Music] water there so now we get rid of these blocks up okay never mind because this sucks I'm gonna flow down into here and now what oh no I've messed it up ah so then if I place a bucket here and here so let's say I'm a spider I'm getting pushed here I get up on the fences and then that's when this water starts taking me that way okay perfect we're good now how do I get out of here this is claustrophobic you know what I think I want to do a quick tester so I'm just going to block that off now we just wait a little bit and see if they come down nice okay we've got two we've got three we've got four okay it seems to be working so far I've done one now I feel like I can conquer the world I know what I'm doing here foreign [Music] wow this is crazy I'm gonna pick up my stuff and this Farm is done if I ever need string I have I think more than enough that was crazy now what is one farm that you always need for pretty much every project you're ever working on the answer is a wood farm and the reason I've waited this long to build it is because well I need honey blocks I need slime blocks I need lots of redstone lots of bone meal you get the picture so [Music] okay [Music] wow oh you thought I was joking at the start of the video no I actually built this with gold from the gold Farm AF King for a day so I'm gonna try and transform the air no one else has done that before right actually I'm going to build a massive ocean on top of this island with a new custom water dragon builds and decorations and I'm gonna get rid of this end of farm here and build one inside the actual ocean man I am in for one big project so out of many first comes step number one the shape of the island is a bit hard to work with at the moment so I need to get to some terraforming foreign [Music] up that corner this corner here there was a huge chunk right here that I got rid of as well but for this crazy area here like what is this I'm gonna gather hopefully all the materials I need and build a TNT flying machine which I'm not going to try and explain because I don't know what I'm doing let's see if it works okay so it's destroying a nice little layer there but let's see if this works yes it does it just sends it straight back now I'm just like every other hardcore YouTuber I've built a flying TNT machine activate one and activate the other [Music] well that's fascinating [Music] now this obviously looks pretty terrible but I'm gonna need to fix that up later because first I need to build a massive glass border around the whole island so that I know what this edge here is going to look like then I can actually fix it and this glass border by the way is going to be 64 blocks tall so the amount of sand I need uh okay before we actually build the ocean I'm gonna need a way to swim around in the water faster so I'm gonna try and get a trident wow foreign ly wow and what what do I call this thing [Music] okay totally did not take an hour and 50 levels to achieve the flying Fork but here we are we can now wait you can fly around with one of these things in the rain right is there any way to like force it to rain in Minecraft so I've got all these boxes just for sand now to upgrade my other shovel and recruit these delays that I found last episode and finally let's collect some sand [Music] like shocker boxes to cook this should take a good little while in the meantime I need to make a flower dye generator so that I can make orange dye so that I can color all my glass orange because I'm orange all right we've got six full shulker boxes of orange glass let's see how a whole stack goes so every single one of these blocks that we're looking at right now is gonna have to have a stack of Glass on top of it uh this is one way to get motion sick real quick and develop shoulder pain actually wouldn't be an easy video if I didn't just fall to the ground like an idiot over and over again this is not the best sign it's only been a few hours into the build that I'm already going insane okay this is gonna take way too long so how about I just uh give you guys one of these never mind I've used all the shulker boxes thinking I was going to get to maybe halfway but this is not halfway through dude okay now we're at about halfway however it's back to filling these up again I was in another world just then and I almost broke my number one shovel Oh my days [Music] and this is it I've circled all the way back there was one more pillar to do yes this does look incredible and I'm still kind of in shock however I've also been working on it for like three days so let's just uh swiftly move on to the next step after I build this Dome here so the portal doesn't get messed with [Music] this whole thing with water first I need to grab all the spare blocks I have which this is probably not going to be enough then make a layer on here one block down all the way across this build is going to be the end of me [Applause] and done wow now to just make a line of blocks all the way across and then put water on all of them and because they are infinite water sources they should spread to pretty much everywhere on here there's a few Corners that need to be fixed up like so and now to break all the dirt blocks [Music] all right so this is full of water and it looks frankly pretty amazing however not all the water blocks in here are Source blocks it's just the top layer up there and so all I have to do now is grab absolute stacks of kelp and then place that kelp in that same diagonal line all right here you know what here's a whole bunch of Soul Sand I'm gonna lay it all down next to all this kelp here like so and then after this transition we should have a full wall of bubbles because I've already done all the kelp so I think yeah the transitions already happened [Music] okay dude oh my okay away from me dude get away oh my goodness will you relax oh I'm gonna take that as a sign that I need to be doing maybe something more fun rather than just keep placing and breaking blocks so I think I'm gonna start building stuff in the water but first we actually need some conduits so that we can breathe in there with no problems I think right now we'll put one here in the middle how far does this thing reach all the way over here am I good I'm good still what the anyway building I want to make these obsidian pillars a bit more eye-catching and for that I need quite a bit of gold okay at least my farm has plenty I need this to trade with piglens for obsidian all right follow okay dude yeah okay now I'm on fire yep great I need to recruit you come here real quick and with those trades we have a stack and a half and a stack of obsidian uh it could be it could be worse it could be worse and now the part where we bring it to life using glass and lava we make these cool looking lava things and we do that for all of them and what do you know I'm out of crying obsidian already [Music] and boom we've spiced up the obsidian pillars and they look pretty cool and we're not done with them I'll be adding some stuff to the bottom but first I need to figure out how much space I have on the floor which means we need to move on to other builds something like a Moz based type of thing a tiny ocean Monument something ginormous later anyway for the Mars base I'm gonna try using white concrete a little bit of gray concrete and I'll figure the rest out later on foreign [Applause] [Music] oh no oh no not sure why I drained in the first place I guess maybe it's not all infinite water sources in this ocean maybe I'm a fraud this is looking pretty cool though I cannot wait to just build everything else in this ocean [Music] all right and that's what we have so far so this is like supposed to be like a decompression chamber I know how space Works we've got a couple of Domes and like a little square room as well and I don't know maybe that's where people sleep I don't know enjoy that while you can end them in because you will be gone soon it's like an infestation gross [Music] okay so everything should be decorated now this is obviously the living quarters I guess you could say with the space suits that is actually just iron armor we've got a few too many Storage Solutions down here including shulker boxes yes I'm giving up shulker boxes for this build that we're probably not even gonna see we've got a little farming situation around here if I travel through to this one right here this is like a little computer room with some made-up language of sorts now these people that are supposed to live here actually don't anymore so uh all right from a distance here we are we've got the pillars so far and the ruined space okay well I can't see it anymore as you can see there's several like little wreckages with debris hanging out water going everywhere all the Endermen are gone so this is where someone used to live I still don't know who but that's the kind of story I came up with next piece of the puzzle we're gonna go over here and we're gonna build an ocean Monument myth yeah because it's small it's going to be smaller then um okay now for that we're obviously going to need some prismarine and some prismarine bricks and I'm kind of out of prismarine stuff good thing I have a farm for that [Music] so this is how we're gonna do it we're gonna go one two three there's a gap here of one two three and then one two three and then those are the two sides going back that way and I think we're gonna have to extend this forward a little bit that's too short and all right now we bring in these stairs which I'm gonna do this really okay well we're just gonna have to roll with it oh would you look at that I forgot to craft some dark prismarine for the middle of the thing I don't I don't know how I function in day-to-day Society [Music] from the outside you can see into here and you can see that this is just a big fraudulent Monument so let's just patch that up real quick and now you cannot see into it [Music] now let's move on to the end of farm and also the entrance and exit to this place in general so how are we gonna do it well that's well the that's where this platform comes into play and instead of telling you I'll just show you the tunnel somewhat dug out and we're gonna put slabs along the top here so that these idiots cannot spawn I didn't even look at you what I think what I'm actually gonna do is dig one tunnel on each side of this dirt block one going up and one going down now we build up some water pillars here now obviously it's going to be gloss so when we're in there we can look out whoa whoa that's not my fault dude oh my God all right so this is where our little bubble is gonna be right here all right we've got our room in our home base so when we spawn in the end we come through the tunnel we come up here this is where the Enderman fall we can find them and then we'll have like a little enchanting setup over here pretty cool right I think maybe so I'm at y level 76 and I need to add on around 40 to that not too tall because then it would go above water level and I also need enough space for the old Ender mites to fit in there wait they can't spawn on gloves foreign wow so I guess for the replacement block on the bottom that they can actually spawn on we shall go for some do I go from black or dark gray I think I go for black wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no dude I'm losing my mind I made the roof out of wool [Music] this is what happens when you play too much Minecraft guys I really I really don't quite know how I've let this happen ah we've got our first Enderman spawning that's a good sign however I still need to do the rest of the thing now I've finished the room and we've got plenty of Enderman in here need to make a bridge all the way to my old farm so I can transport this guy oh whoops I did not mean to make that many uh oh at least I know I'll have enough I guess and this whole bridge should be spawn proof so we won't run into any Enderman let's see how this goes out stop it stop it immediately I would love to put on my chest plate for damage reduction but okay well that's not gonna work then is it [Music] see you later Enderman Where Are You Gonna spawn now okay so everything is spawn proofed now let's take a look what that is phenomenal now it's time to clean up these dirt pillars epic transition right epic it was it was anyway we've got more stuff to do first thing being we need to transfer this setup into the new farm and get rid of all of this [Music] the space feels really empty I feel like I'm just staring into nothingness which I am next up I'm going to try and replicate some statues that I made in Creative so this should be interesting [Music] and this is what it looks like to oxidize copper for my second build looks like my cave has some kind of disease or something [Music] so we've got the two massive Titans battling it out as I'm sure you can tell it's the Enderman because this is the end realm and it's been transformed into the ocean which is kind of that guy's faults I guess you could say I don't know the build I want to do next dude that looks so cool from a distance even there's just these two massive stats anyway the build I'm doing next is along this line here I'm gonna do a line of those underwater ocean ruins some cold some warm and then we're actually gonna get some drowned guys in here and we're gonna trap them in there and they're gonna be stuck forever wow dude I thought I had heaps of moss blocks what happened just building some random looking ones they don't have to be vanilla replicas or anything [Music] now how do I get this guy in here is the question I think I'm just gonna build the other ones first [Music] [Music] there's a third one done they're actually they look like they're progressively getting bigger so I need to make a smaller one of the sand ones over here all right so we've got four of them done all ready to trap a drowned guy before I bring them in though let me just Place some tall grass and kelp now see that makes the place look a lot better doesn't it that's why I'm gonna do it for the whole thing anyway now to trap the drowned so I have one name tag and I'm gonna need four fourteen a pop what is wrong we're gonna call all of these guys uh Transformers because they're transforming from zombies to ground anyway now I need to find a zombie and bring it through here and oh no that didn't work dude this and see you jump okay now are you gonna follow me through here there we go and drowned mode okay perfect now can you follow me up here please come on you've almost got it you've almost got it there it is oh my goodness get in there boom and boom get this guy in his station as well and kablawy you're trapped yep just follow me to your lifelong imprisonment number three and number four this is one of those things I think will look a lot better once we've got most of the build filled out anyway I've been procrastinating finishing these pillars off uh the I need to put stuff at the bottom which I'm gonna do and it's gonna look like this foreign there's three of them done four five six seven of them eight nine and last but not least ten so there we go obsidian pillars looking much better now and now to bone meal the whole ocean floor which I think is looking pretty cool all right here we are now this time it looks a little funky but it does make the whole place look a lot more alive oh I forgot the Kelvin I'm not gonna stack it or anything like that it's just going to grow on its own whilst we put the Coral in which is next on the agenda we're going to add some fish of course butterfly fish red Chi chili kitchen oh no that doesn't look what cichlid oh my anyway I think I'm gonna let these guys out first before I start doing everything out the fish are out and this place already feels 10 times better now for some Coral there we go not looking too bad I must admit I do feel a lot like less lonely with these fish swimming around here I like this oh I'm going insane [Music] I'll be honest I'm just kind of placing blocks randomly and I think it's kind of working time for some Coral fans and whatever else the other stuff is called and the pickles of course randomized you know one here two here three four five uh can you do five no put some on top of the coral as well why not oh you need a water log of that and there is all the coral done now this place is looking even better I mean this is this project is sick dude look at what I've built you know what this actually doesn't look right I'm gonna change the bottom glass and voila that looks a lot nicer while I'm at it I'm just going to transform this and this looks a lot nicer too so now what oh the Dragon [Music] oh my I forgot to fix the oh [Music]
Channel: ezY
Views: 13,660,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ezyyhd, ezy, minecraft hardcore, hardcore minecraft, ezy minecraft, minecraft ezy, ezyy, ezzy, ezyy minecraft, I Survived 1000 Days in Hardcore Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]
Id: IiYigxtbb-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 14sec (8054 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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