My Minecraft Addiction Needs to be STOPPED

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can we fly through can we play ow it was your fault you did this oh she just disappeared what the he didn't see anything he didn't see anything cover up the evidence cover up the evidence oh god what do i do decoy oh what a cat's still there huh i'm just gonna be right back the bunkie i'm gonna be our bag i tried oh there's another cat i hear another cat hey kitty kitty kitty kitty hey kitty kitty kitty kitty i hear him hey i have a kitty i have kitty snacky where are you where is this little snake is kitty in the walls oh there you are hey hey [Music] oh god there's no floor [Music] hey kitty kitty [Music] make it eat [Music] oh my god oh hey little one why are they so annoying love me you will love me you will love me you will love me oh my god jesus christ the acrobatics on this thing come back here i have other stuff planned for this episode i don't have time for this oh i got him how much fish do you need did i get him i fed him eight fishes love me there you go all right [Music] i'm actually not wearing the baby now i gotta be careful with the light right hold up bonkey still doesn't suspects the thing don't worry bunky uh bad for water we're changing the bath water today it's our bath water change fest festival all right so now we just gotta fly up [Music] why aren't you flying why aren't you flying at least go in the water then oh my god they're so annoying i hate cats i hate cats all right i'll figure this out in a minute let me show you some really sick stuff i've done with my build i improved the furnace and it's now what i like to call it giga furnace giga furnace gigafernet gigaferno it's an infinite automatic smart auto sorting auto disposing automatic smelter no i heard another what are you doing here this is dangerous down there got me you want to see how it's done okay finally someone is interested i don't know why anytime i show any one of my friends my automatic self-sorting self-disposing infinite automatic smelter people just don't care and i'm just like but it's really cool trust me you'll you'll be amazed alright let's say an hypothetical right [Music] oh you're following me you're following me okay let's say in hypothetical situation you have a box you collected some sand and you want to melt the sand obviously because you want it to be glass and then you have a bunch of other stuff that's like oh i gotta sort out this inventory not with the giga about this i'm sorting it automatic selfie for the infinite system and even redstone repeaters goes in the system all you got to do is hit it on one of these hoppers hit the lever boom they get distributed it's not cool isn't that cool you think it's cool thanks no one ever thinks it's cool i don't get it either really all right so just to for the sake of showing you guys how it works i think it's pretty cool um have i shown down here by the way i dug at the whole mountain oh this is all mountain i dug it all out and put net i don't know if i shown it but it's pretty sick so all the items comes through the central hub right but the items that i want to smelt you guys already know this uh that are sand will go through here and i also want to smell the ancient debris gold iron um sponge so it automatically detects it here before it actually goes into the system it's really cool guys before it goes and you hit them it goes here no big deal all right sure we've seen that before but the cool part about it is that it goes into this chest that then gets collected by these hoppers that then distributes it to these furnaces underneath which is still okay whatever we've seen that before but i made this cool system here where i noticed they don't collect enough uh they would just bounce back and forth kind of like this one does and it wouldn't collect enough material so i built this yeah i know it's cool right it's cool yeah uh so i built this little thing that sends a signal with the activator rail there it goes signal goes click click click and then it sends it off so it actually stays underneath the the chest for a long enough time for it to really fill up it's a small thing but it really changes it a lot and it makes it way better way better and it works out really well let's see how much they collect actually hey we got more sand coming in well i suppose i can check the chest itself right all right it's got a bunch of sand in it chess comes in boom gets them all i saw one guy it's so cool seeing what the minecraft the community or whatever he's doing i saw one guy build it with a comparator so he would know if they were actually full and unless it was completely full then it would go which is it's really cool but i don't need that because the mine is not that big i am limited by the time of these so there's no reason for me to go overboard with it it's also infinite fuel you i used to have it so cold comes in i'm way too excited about talking about this is ridiculous but i think it's cool i spent a lot of time on it what happened to me what happened to me i in these these are all drains to a different bamboo farm which i've set up here and why is are they not working you should yeah you see them coming in here and they are used on each side yeah we got more coming in here they're always working they're very efficient but bamboo is not a great source of fuel but as we know if you build enough for them it doesn't matter so all of these are oh jesus are constantly being distributed into all the furnaces uh you see the hopper is full there we go so it's always melting then once the glass is melted through this uh i have another dropper here it spits it out it goes back into this bad boy which is one of my main pumps follow me kitty we're going through the elevator it's a bit loud but hey uh goes through the main pump which then goes from here back there into the system shoots it back through and then it goes back here baby as you can see it's filling up like crazy fast i think it already yeah we got one winner wow wow that's so cool felix i know i know it's whatever another one okay i don't think i had enough materials i think that it's running low it's whatever that's whatever it's really good it's it's really good look it's empty all right i've already done the job and that's it that's the the giga giga furnish gig up burn it oh oh oh i somehow have not lit this up properly and i don't know why giga furnace oh oh it's pretty cool i like it it's fun to see how hard i can push this automatic system that i built it's kind of ridiculous but this is a nice addition to the model module thank you i have all my jesus christ they're loud i have all my farms here so here are my bamboo there's actually one underneath as well dude it looks so sick with the smoke uh here is my chicken farm which we will actually use today uh it collects eggs here's my paper farm here is my sheep farm there up there is my netherite farm up there is my melon and my pumpkin farm and up here are my regular farms and then i made it nice and cool i finally did it uh for all the uh villagers as well isn't that cool isn't that cool kitty you're my new companion you follow me now i actually prefer you here you're not bath water evil we're still missing all the villagers i don't really need them anymore i mean i got all this right but yeah let's go back up so one thing that i wanted to do is like the base looks really sick right we have all these uh beacons and i thought it could be really cool to have like a blood moon or something how something like right above it isn't that would that be cool right kitty like something evil like hovering above it maybe something in lava maybe something in like i'm stuck in the water are you kidding me guess i turn into bathwater kitty now huh i've been playing all week in case you're wondering it's ridiculous this game has consumed me i i need another hobby i need to get back to working on music or some productive this is ridiculous uh but yeah here's the i want to do a giga beacon i only got three so far i think you can do six and i have uh enough for one more uh oh i've been collecting these as well i don't know what to do with them i thought you could use them for farms but that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna get some more of this through my egg farm we're gonna kill the wither with eggs that's right no one's ever done this not really but hey we're we're gonna try all right off to the nether bruh look at all the buffs i'm gonna have all six of them it's gonna be sick follow me kitty don't follow me alright so we're off kitty no kitty go home go home kitty go home this is dangerous kitty go home go home stop following me you could die a death oh all right here listen what was that kitty please if anything happened to you i don't know what i do it all right so we're going to the end because apparently this no i forgot i forgot i forgot we got to go back always forget the soul sand somehow i don't know how someone told me you can put carpet on these i've been doing it but not everywhere so just to stop the spawns kitties go home bro what's wrong with cats in this game i never use the cat as a pet shoosh oh now i have to kill it no you can be a guardian yeah you stay see how long the chicken will last in the nether you know all right now we go to the end kitty no don't follow me to the end to the end to the end to the end okay good we lost we lost him we gucci my game what's brewing my game got that enchanted all right so here's what i've been doing this is apparently how people do the wither without any sort of problem it really feels like cheating and i i set up this thing even too we're gonna dispose all the eggs and try and get as many of these eggs out as quick as we can yeah shoot me ah i shoot back do it do it oh yeah oh yeah so the way the weather works is that any animal that the wither kills it will then turn into a wither oh so this is basically how you farm withers with the roses by then poisoning them because it doesn't kill them it just puts them at the lowest uh health i'm sorry chickens i'm sorry that you are so weak that you have to die ow ow ow okay i'm sorry then what you do is you put the wither here all right here we go let me out let me out let me out let me out let me out sorry chickens sorry dude look at the damage [Music] it's ridiculous all right look at the damage i do on this bye ah not many of you died i should have used more poison and that's how it's done baby sorry you were all supposed to die so i'm just gonna i'm just kidding i don't have to do that yeah boy so there you go easy nether star that's apparently how people do it the easy way get them get out of my get in my get how are you lying oh my god you get to limb if you survive this shot ah that's too bad he was close apparently you can build an uh enderman form as well which seems pretty cool but it seems dangerous and i'm too scared but uh yeah you can hear them underneath that's ridiculous you have no home bed oh my god why is he stuck dude waddles your design sucks i haven't changed it and they still get stuck hey bro you need to push why aren't you going down i'm wearing the eli track jesus christ what a difference all right there we go burning helm god damn boy all right oh can i make it out of line oh yeah perfect oh another one bites the dust it's so satisfying watching them burn is that what does that say about me [Music] thank you thank you back in the system oh it's night time that's perfect i actually have another thing to show you guys it's really cool uh it's very simple but it's really fun here i have creeper disc farm let me definitely change armor so we just have to find a creeper and not die in the process there we go here's one hey creeper hey creeper cryptographer hey little creeper come on follow me trust me it's going to be awesome this way this way oh you're going to get me oh no he got trapped oh he feels so stupid oh no he's going to die no jigsaw scared me bro just die bro oh no he did and uh yeah for those of you probably know this but if a skeleton archer kills a creeper they always drop music disc which is really cool we got chirp i don't have that another one to the collection it's small stuff like this that's really fun i don't know oh don't blow it gosh dave's gonna die sorry creeper i didn't mean to kill you oh he lives excellent follow me oh no you're gonna get me oh they're they're faces of disappointment every time it's too good oh another one a purple one maul okay i'll take them all one shot follow me little creeper he's so excited he's like finally oh what the hell is this another disc 13 i have that dang it one more one more come on you got it creeper come to papi oh no oh poor creeper this is my revenge or the pain they cost me all right what do we get no uh which cd ward all right let's let's go and check them out dude once once the blood moon has arrived the fire nation will be more powerful than you can ever believe it's going to be epic once the blood moon is going to find 55 we didn't find anything wait i forgot to put the beacon oh my god i'm getting so ahead of myself first let's put on some music while we shall we how about sure that sounds good right [Music] okay all right hey hey hey let's go this thing slaps let me just put my stuff uh with so much pro uh it's so annoying having to sort out all my inventory which i don't have to do well thank you guys for another epic video i love minecraft oh oh it took a different turn and i hope to keep delivering these videos to you even though i beat the game and it's getting ridiculous once all the beacons are complete then will i truly be in the game another one oh it changes i like it all right on this one we will add string this is pewdiepie minecraft veteran veteran signing off see you next one [Music]
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 4,699,396
Rating: 4.9512467 out of 5
Keywords: SATIRE
Id: CSSQvuXZ594
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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