Step By Step Guide For Flawless Balayage

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hi beautiful today we're doing some balayage i love balayage because it's just the most simple way to elevate a style even if the hair is brown adding a little bit of dimension with some balayage is beautiful and then also making something really really blonde with balayage is beautiful and everything in between is also beautiful so today i'm going to show you the easiest least bullish way of doing balayage this is a beginner's way of doing balayage i'm not going to do any real complicated patterns or techniques you don't need to be super exact and precise with every little piece of painting you put on a head to make it look really nice and be super impactful so if you want to learn how to do easy balayage then follow me let's do it so what you'll need today is just a few simple things obviously a bowl some developer i'm going to be using this 30 volume i pretty much always use 30 volume i like to cut down on my time rather than lower a developer or raise it so if you're using 20 and i'm gonna leave it on the head for an hour i'd rather use 30 and leave it on the head for say 30 minutes or so because i'm so fast with my painting and pretty much everything i do with hair i like to use 30 volume most of the time you can also put some olaplex or any kind of bond building treatment inside of your mixture you're also going to need powder developer this is how i like to store mine um it's kind of ugly but it's okay this is just a guy tang my identity bag of powdered bleach and obviously we're going to need a brush i'm going to use this frame art brush this is great though it has really flexible bristles and has very fine bristles on the top i love that for painting if it's too hard and rigid it gets a little difficult you can't really get in there and make nice swipes we're gonna use some gloves and i have four clips here and these are great because they hold up a lot of hair at once lastly you're gonna definitely need a tailcomb i love my wire spark combs you guys are looking for really nice combs that are a little bit pricey but really work well so we're going to use this to section the hair i switched bowls i was feeling a clear moment today i'm going to mix this into a thick creamy formula the more thick it is the less it glides in the hair but you also don't want it to be runny and thin because that will create bleeding and it'll be a mess for you you know some people use scales for this some people eyeball it i'm one of those people that eyeball it a good mixing ratio would be two parts powder to one part developer and that should give you a great consistency so this is exactly how i like my lightener all right now that we got that mixed up let me grab my client she just came into the salon so i'm gonna grab her and i'm gonna roll up my sleeves get an apron on and get ready to balayage hi miss manny quinn what are you looking to do with your hair today okay that's ugly we're not doing that um so she's gonna be getting this sort of look very cute i picked it up for her however you know you want to make sure your client knows it may take more than one session to get their desired result um depending on what they're looking for we are going for this beautiful blended look with some impactful pieces towards the bottom and around her face now she's gonna part in the middle she told me and then we are just doing four quadrants guys and there we have it guys the most simple and most basic parting you can do so we're gonna be doing diagonal backs here you see that right there that's what you want this is going to make it so that the highlights are very blended when you do diagonals you're getting blending when all this hair is straight down over this hair you're just going to get pops of highlights within every section so say if you take this and you kind of section it out the highlights are going to be all over the place instead of like a harsh line going across now we're gonna be working on more horizontal as we get to the front but first we're gonna do some diagonals because i like blending in the back and a little more harshness around the face because that is how the sunlight usually hits you very harsh right here and a little bit lighter down through the back okay and i feel like balayage right now is about being like a little natural looking however we still want that impactful brightness and that kind of almost streaky look that people are going for now so one of the most important things when doing balayage is that your tension is good so you want to make sure there's no tangles in the hair because you would hate to highlight a tangle into the hair so we're gonna take this section and we're gonna take it right out from the head at 90 degrees if the section was horizontal it'd be this way if it's diagonal it's going the same diagonal way the part is and i like to start kind of at the middle and work my way up okay we're not pushing down on the hair that will give you weird blotchiness going on we don't want that and i like to bring up a couple of bright highlights going on and then i like to really blend the center if you need to wipe some excess of the bleach onto the back of your hand you can totally do that as well now you can blend up and i like to go up and down and not just go downwards but try and focus on the downwards motion as much as possible sometimes you can create a little bit of like frizz at the scalp if you start going up and down like very vigorously but yeah that is what it should look like and you know what guys something i've learned while doing a lot of balayage you don't need to make it that perfect okay it's not worth it most of the time you end up putting some kind of darker toner on the hair so you can also take your brush horizontally and blend it upwards like that now this is looking pretty good to me just wanna make a couple adjustments before i move on at the ends i'm going to be doing full saturation because we want really bright impactful highlighting at the end faded into more of a soft highlight at the top so i'm literally just taking it in my hand and adding a ton of lightener to it literally squeezing the hair to make sure it's all in there and you can see on the bottom that is how it should look you can also flip it upside down and blend it a little bit more i like to look underneath and kind of just like do a little blend your last stroke you want to make sure there's a nice amount of lightener on those ends before you let it go so that's our first section down it was super simple if it's kind of leaning like this off to one side you did it right your tension was good so congrats and if you didn't try harder next time okay then we're gonna move to the other side we'll do the same exact thing on the other side as you can see these are very large sections and that is going to be fine because it is the underneath of her hair we want it to be a little bit darker back here than it is up in the front of her hair if your client or whoever you're doing this on likes to pull their hair up into a ponytail a lot i would recommend going underneath here and putting a lot of highlights underneath um you can lift this up and fully paint underneath as well but my girl doesn't wear her hair in a ponytail she doesn't care she likes the underneath kind of dark and so do i second section is all finished so that is what it's looking like you know it's looking a little crazy but i promise it won't when i'm done now you can use saran wrap to cover your sections but you don't need to um sometimes i just like to lay the hair on top it's a little risky since this is not balayage clay lightener you know you can buy lightener that does have a protective surrounding on it when it dries however you know when i do this i just like to lay the hair very gently on top sometimes and do that moment and not worry about it bleeding because it really shouldn't if you've done it correctly and obviously just make sure the person doesn't like sit back on it or do anything crazy but i just don't even use plastic anymore it's not worth it we're gonna leave a little bit of hair down in between each section that is how much i'm leaving down i do want this to be you know a good amount of highlights on her so we're gonna take the next section and this is going to be a bit thinner than the last just because i want this one to be a little bit lighter so again with the tension just making sure you're pulling out from the head and keeping that tension there the entire time now for this one you see i just kind of went on the sides and i'm trying to make it very bright and a little more blended in the center and i'm going all the way up to her root and then really adding a lot on those ends literally like frosting you guys you want so much lightener so that it really lightens well you can also use foils that way if the person's hair is really dark to start and you want a very light result you can get it all in one day um using foils will make the lightener develop faster it'll make it develop lighter so that's two sections down on this side as you can see they're laying on top of each other this hair is to the side and it's all fine you know nothing's touching i'm not using clay lightener and it'll all be beautiful okay let's do the same thing on this side so we're moving up the back we're just doing the same thing over and over again until we reach the top and as i do this i just want to share with you guys a little secret so at first when i did balayage i thought it was one of the most torturous things i could ever think about doing it took so long for me to do it and a lot of this is because i was trained at a very technical salon they have us do very intricate techniques and we'll make sure our work is absolutely perfect when we're finished what i realized when i got on the floor there and started doing clients of my own and my own ways is that i am much more of a artistic person where i like to look at the head and decide how i want to do my balayage so i don't usually like to go with certain patterns for everybody i typically look at the head and figure out where the calyx are how the person's hair is growing and kind of like how they wear it on a day to day and what their goals are and go based off that once you kind of learn the basics you can really switch it up and do all sorts of really cool things so that each person has a perfectly tailored balayage look based on their needs and their hair so typically here i will just go like this with the hair and push it back up to the scalp and see where the hair naturally parts now usually people have some interesting calyx going back here and sometimes they'll be parted like that naturally so i'll put a highlight going this way and then one going this way that way when their hair naturally parts into that cowlic formation it's gonna have highlights on both sides um now miss many quinn's hair lays just down flat so i'm gonna be doing just some horizontal sections going like that that way she gets really impactful highlights right on the top of her hair and it looks really bright beautiful i'm gonna skip one section before i start just because we just did a section below that make sure it's not laying on the other hair and then i'm going to just cut across and do these two sections so that's looking really good i'm just gonna add a full saturation at the bottom and this piece will be good to go and for this next section i am not gonna be skipping any hair i'm just gonna be doing the next section right over the previous so that is the back all done it was so easy it was like 15 minutes of work now i'm gonna move on to the front section i'm gonna do one off camera and then show you guys how i did it on the other side all right so i just completed this next side and i know some of you guys are gonna be like that looks really messy red um it's not it's gonna be super cute and also looks like i've skipped no hair in between but i'll show you guys what i did right now what we're gonna do is just section out this top part of her hair at her recession and we're just going to section out a bit of hair around her hairline now this part is the part where you're going to paint last this would be kind of their baby hairs and we don't want that to break off and then we're sectioning out the rest down here we're gonna paint this last all in two sections and we're gonna really make it super impactful and you'll see that i like to just braid this section out of the way just because clips tend to be a little bit too small they tend to not hold up the hair very well so just a few braids and that's it it's gone out of the way now our first section is a diagonal back make sure you are directing the hair the way it is parted and really gripping it nicely add a few more stronger pieces on the sides [Music] so now we are nearing the top of my girl's head here and we're gonna just take out this triangle to make it go horizontal now because horizontal highlights gives you more definition on the top we want super impactful bright highlights this is where every client looks an important thing to note is if you like put a clump of color on the hair like that in one spot you don't want that you want a really smooth out finish uh with the bleach on the hair that way you don't get any light spots and dark spots so if there's less lightener like up here you're going to get lighter spots which is going to be nice because we're going from a darker color to a lighter color we want that gradient up here but if you lay a lot of lightener in one spot on the ends it will be lighter and it will look gross so don't do that okay we are on the final piece on the top of our head and we have to do the front front pieces but this one since we have this sectioned out at the front and i'm gonna go really high in the front i don't want to add a highlight here because that'll be one big chunk of highlight i'm going to add a really bright highlight down the center like that and then i'm going to blend the rest of it into that center highlight [Music] and our last two pieces are the most important of all this is where everybody looks first okay and this is what you're going to see when you pull your hair back so you better get it right honey so we're going to undo that braid and section out this underneath we're going to lift this out 90 degrees from her head and we are going to paint this entire section right up to the root all right we don't have to do a ton of blending just getting it right up there it's also good to do this last because this is so fragile this hair up here and it usually develops the fastest and moving on to the last and final and most important piece of all make sure you adjust your client's head as you go don't break your back okay we're gonna go right up here and do a very right highlight that way she gets those beautiful money pieces honey and i'm just gonna paint the back of that piece and then bring everything else basically down to the scalp we're done we're done with damp all right so we just finished this size this is what it looks like it looks fabulous it's developing really nicely the back is nearly ready to be rinsed out so what i like to do is rinse by section so the back we did first we're going to rinse that first and then this side and then this side so you can time it however you want 35 to 45 minutes is enough time for your balayage to process it's all based on the hair type hair texture everything going on with that person's hair so just check it and make your best judgment on when it is done being processed and then do the same amount of time on each side and rinse them out per section i'm gonna go do that rinse everything out put a little toner on here and show you guys the finished result all right you guys so this is the finished look oh my god she looks incredible i wish this was my hair honestly like what when you pull the hair back she gets this beautiful lightness going on i mean it's just beautiful it's just so natural looking i am obsessed balayage just like does something to me when it's done nicely i just love this look so i toned with a very easy simple formula which was 8gn i used shades eq as you can see her hair looks completely different [Music] i hope you guys can take some of those techniques and use them on yourself or on your clients to get beautiful gorgeous fabulous balayage if you guys aren't already subscribed make sure you do write down below and also while you're there why don't you just click the bell icon to be notified every time i post a new video and like button make sure you guys text me at this number right here yes it is really my number yes it really does go to my phone and yes i really do see all of your messages so text me now you'll also be notified every time i post a new video if you text number make sure you guys follow me everywhere else here on my social media handles all around me so fun so cute so fresh if you guys want to check out my hair care line and my color line you can sew now at it is linked below you can get awesome fabulous amazing hair color you can also check out our instagrams at x model color and x mondo hair to see what we have going on at all times if you guys want to shop in merch you can do so here's my merch how fabulous is it it's live your extra life merch if you want it you can shop the link down below also at today's instagram shout out goes to jennifer she says for a while now i've been trying to figure out something different to do with my hair it's been dark brown and boring my whole life i understand you have a very busy life and you'll probably never see this but i love your guidance oh girl i'm seeing it if you're trying to do something different honestly i would just do some polyester like literally exactly what we did today on your hair would look so freaking pretty just lighter pieces going throughout that beautiful natural color you have would look amazing if you end up doing it i would love to see a photo that's all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to leave your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Laughter] foreign
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,151,506
Rating: 4.9435749 out of 5
Keywords: Step By Step Guide For Flawless Balayage, bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, hair painting, balayage, sectioning, Step By Step Guide To Flawless Balayage, balayage technique, hair, balayage tutorial, hair color, balayage hair, ombre, hair tutorial, guy tang, how to balayage, how to balayage hair, diy balayage, olaplex, hair salon, balayage highlights, blonde hair, foiliage, hair stylist, hair color tutorial, hair color technique, hairstylist, highlights, Guy tang balayage
Id: CYM5hvzeEyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 4sec (1024 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 21 2021
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