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you ready for this towel reveal yes what's up my beautiful babe so oh this is gonna be a fun video I don't know why I haven't thought of this video ideas sooner I mean Ambra bad hombres have been a problem for the last few years and I have seen a lot of DIY hombres walking the streets and groan they are that like why I can't even look at them sometimes it just hurts me it really deep down inside it really hurts it is like a pet peeve of mine to watch people that don't know how to do an ombre and do an ombre cuz they're actually they're pretty difficult and it takes a lot of artistic talent to make a very nice ombre it's one of the more difficult things to do within the hair coloring realm so people think it's super easy like you just look at their hair and like oh you just paint pieces like no there is a lot to it I swear so a girl I am ready let's watch these girls do some ratchet at home on brace let's get it ok so our first girl is named Chelsea ho blur Hulbert i think that's how you say it what's up Chum she's about to do a DIY ombre hair sale and I am beyond ready for it hey ciao [Music] [Music] but it's like yes okay it's a great start that is all you need as long as you looked at Pinterest watch a few tutorials by other people on YouTube who are not real hairstylist that's all you need read some box die instructions you are ready to go well what is you should wait she's literally just doing her hair you know it might not be that bad because she put the point in so that way when the hair comes down this hair from here is gonna be a different level from the hair up here that makes any sense so it's gonna give her kind of like an ombre feel even though it won't be that good it'll still be the kind of hombre we'll see what happens okay so I've saturated the tips oh it's actually really making me nervous how dark this looks like did they screw up and give me the wrong thing because this oh I just realized what's happening right now this is not bleach does she got hair color hair color does not lift hair color you can't put a lighter box hair color over an already existing color on your head if you have color in your hair color does not lift color so this is gonna do probably nothing to her hair let's keep watching it's it still looks really dark and I'm really really really nervous about it but I'm gonna go rinse the hair out because they're not gonna leave this crap in my hair for like three hours waiting for it to get lighter nothing this do anything 45 minutes is kind of like where it stops working but your hair is not gonna process any more if you leave it on for longer than an hour nothing's gonna happen this is some grade-a bolt you ready for this yes here we go here we freaking go and here's my hair well looks freaking dark hold on it actually looks kind of good why does it say fat why is she mad what it could have came out so much more cement this is what I'm working with I like it I am thoroughly thoroughly confused what I mean it doesn't look that great but like it's not bad for an at-home hombre it's been about three hours Chelsea if you're watching you're gonna use bleach next time all right we got this next one bye Priya clip Oh Priya clips oh wait okay so this brand like I don't know if you'll see what it is but you basically clip it in your hair and you can like cut your own hair at home and apparently you can use it to do an ombre we're gonna have to see how this comes out yes Queen she was about to go in wow she's really gorgeous hair she's what if you want less color then slide the cria clip further down and she's not wearing any this looks just like too much work honestly now get a friend to hold it for you while you color your hair ok Queen get the saturation what is that what is that what is that um miss crea clip why is there a highlight just right here just one just right there not even in the front of her head it's like an inch back she just has one bright highlight and the hombre literally nothing happened oh please do please do Oh even worse miss crea clip oh let's just not do that anymore what do you say let's just let's go to a salon next time all right we got Jasmine rule up next let's see how she does Nordic long thing it's gonna be cool metallic white matte silver blond which doesn't really like what I want but that's what we hear great cuz that's not how it's gonna come out I promise and it's kind of like I mean it's obviously washed out but now I have like no I chocolate brown down here and then further up it's just sort of like a Mel C Brown so I just I would like to go blonde 15 it's quite a bit of maintenance so big chance of it going wrong so yeah I gotta like like TZ here and then paint it on on the people they like tidy strained and then they paint it on and then do it sort of watch her like was a lot of hand she's got a little hair knowledge I like her sectioning a diagonal back section love it said training the bottom part so I guess I'll probably try a couple of different ways just experiment on your own head why not again another person I don't think she I don't think she's using bleach it's not gonna light it not much she's not using leach but I like her technique really but this is not a bad technique for a person who's never ever done this before and she's doing on her own head it's not easy and I like her paint strokes they're not bad mildly impressed she's still gonna get a lot of spotting because her saturation isn't correct but I'm impressed she's putting in the work Wow well hairstyles on the rise here huh Kandra it got a little ratchet office and it's not lightning at all because again we're using color not bleach what is going on here what is going sucks no girl comb your hair out before you put color on it oh no you can't just color knots in your hair it's gonna make it all spotty and weird girl not gonna get any lighter there seems to be a reoccurring theme in all these videos of their hair not getting light enough you gotta use bleach girls her hair looks good though I think it's lightened a little bit again it's not bad for how bad this could have gone again it's not that bad so so one thing we can all take from those videos is that don't do an ombre or Polly eyes at home I mean you know what you can do other things to your own hair at home but like Bali Azam right those are super complicated and it's just gonna turn out wrong just really really wrong don't try it okay just don't any I mean if you're gonna try it at least use bleach okay that's all I ask just at least use bleach like something happens to your hair and today's Instagram shout-out goes to Anna this is her Instagram name and this is what she looks like she says hi Brad first of all I've been obsessed with your videos for a while now I just love them so much thank you babe so as you can see I have a pixie cut at the moment and I've always wanted long hair but because it's so fine and thin it just looks like poop do you feel me um yeah girl I don't you know so I've been thinking about growing it to a bob or a long bob maybe I would also like to diet pink or blue so I feel like it would look way better if it was a bit longer should I keep the pixie or should I let it grow a bit longer and diet or maybe something completely different okay Anna you need to keep your pixie it looks so fierce on you it just gives you like that edgy cool girl vibe you know what I mean I think a Qinling bob would also look amazing on you I love the pixie I think you should go even shorter to be honest love it you rock it and also pink for short you need to dye your hair pink it's gonna look bomb you better do it okay you her alright thank you guys so much for watching today don't forget to live your extra life and I will see you all next time peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 19,015,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: HAIRDRESSER REACTS TO DIY BOX DYE OMBRE FAILS!, ombre, bradmondonyc, hairdresser reacts, beauty, hair fail, hairdresser, brad mondo, hairstylist, hair dresser, react, bleach, fail, brad, breakage, fried, gay, awful, reacting, mondo, blonde, elena, how to, diy, facebook, omg, girl, fails, dye, instagram, bradmondo, tutorial, tragic, extensions, hilarious, gross, bad, horrible, color, at home, reaction, twitter, www, diy hair, shook, insane, funny, fall off, hair stylist, repair, cute, toner, boy, 40 vol, trans, cute boy, hair
Id: --_dQkSwOaI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 11 2018
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