Hairdresser Reacts To Chaotic Bleach Fails

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hi beautiful you're looking good thank you for being here today we're watching some people bleach their hair um i saw a couple of thumbnails and i feel like maybe we're gonna get some fails today hopefully one of these people can do something right i'm gonna be here to give you my professional opinion on everything they do and hopefully today i can shed some light on how to lighten your hair more effectively and not burn your hair off i also want to thank centrum for sponsoring today's video the centrum rest and rejuvenate do you have a racing mind like me baby you need that extra melatonin this is a part of a new line of targeted products from centrum centrum is committed to helping you feel your best they've crafted an array of vitamins and dietary supplements that work in harmony with your body and support your body's unique needs because feeling good starts inside so inside these deliciously flavored berry gummies is five milligrams of melatonin which promotes sleep and supports relaxation this also replenishes collagen a key skin nutrient while you sleep so rest and refresh your day ahead with this gorgeousness right here try new centrum benefit rest and rejuvenate at or click the link in my description box below today to learn more and thanks again to centrum for sponsoring this video now let's get in to the rest of the video [Music] up first we have a video by hehe it's mckenna and this is called bleaching my own hair from brunette to platinum in one application and one application oh not five like everybody else does maybe i was wrong when i did the intro this video and expecting there to be problems honestly because this sounds kind of interesting and kind of like it's gonna go right mckenna is going to ignore again that she hasn't posted in months and she's going to bleach her entire head to platinum blonde okay well this is a lot for me her hair is like a level four that sounds like a daunting task to do at home yourself but i'm here for it i was mainly convinced to do this because of the filters on instagram and tick tock and make me look cute as hell with lilac and pink hair yes i absolutely agree you should definitely try this i have prepared for this by taking notes on a brad mondo video where he just explains how to go from brunette to platinum i don't fully remember telling you how to go from brunette to platinum but i do remember giving some pointers on if you're gonna lighten your hair i'm glad you took notes you look like you were studying up i really appreciate that let us say goodbye to this brunette hair your hair is beautiful and that is a lot of hair and it is very dark and very warm good luck getting a platinum i don't even know if i'm gonna do pink and purple if the blonde looks cool i might keep that for a little bit and do this later i don't know yet here are all the notes that i took i literally even had to buy a brush oh yeah my hair is dirty right now it's greasy and oily and that's apparently what's supposed to be the case when you bleach your hair i love that that is so good you need those oils to protect your scalp otherwise if you shampoo your hair it is going to be pretty painful lightening it um sometimes so i wouldn't recommend stripping those natural oils off your scalp before doing the lightening process which is great that she didn't do that front section is way thinner than the back section it looks like i'm sectioned into the four parts i'm gonna leave these down since i'll be starting with them i think don't start with the front start with the back that way if you need to rinse it out you can always like lay back and rinse it without getting the front one scoop with two ounces of volume how do i measure we're off to a rocky start um we can't even mix the liner four scoops of bleach damn i don't feel like this is gonna fit i'm gonna do three scoops of bleach less than half of the bottle can we just take a second to appreciate the multiple camera angles we're working with right now mckenna this is incredible we're doing the big section like the apex or whatever you call it that is not the apex mckenna apex is up here it's the highest point of your head that's like the lowest also why are your sections so big i think the number one thing i said was like make sure you do small sections and make sure you put enough lightner like i remember saying that i do oh my god it's already lifting so much i can just see it you literally took notes on my video why are we starting in the front of your head next time you do it please start in the back and please do smaller sections and do horizontal sections do slices throughout the head get in there and get a lot of lightner on there please otherwise you're gonna have spotting all over you're failing me right now and i hate it okay i'll do this entire bottom section and then i will do the roots of the entire bottom section and i'll do the same with the top sections oh my bad she is working on the back of the head i take part of that back i couldn't see i couldn't tell i'm sorry okay this is not what i like to see big chunk of hair i already am seeing blonde it's like when he says don't start with the roots i think so when do i do the roots you do the roots when the ends are almost orange like a bright yellow color that way with the help of the heat from your scalp your roots will process and be done right when your ends are finished as well typically we like to put foils on the ends if you're lightening your hair from virgin to platinum blonde i would definitely always use foils that way you get the heat on the ends and on the root again this stuff is really complicated so i try to over complicate things when i teach things online in the salon as a professional i would have a bit of a different take than the things i say online sometimes but you know we're not going for perfection how do you just get every little hair that exists there's millions look how light that is there are massive chunks with no bleach i'm gonna have hot roots this is not going well again with the sectioning it's really not great at all actually there's quite a lack of sectioning going on which is unfortunate cause that's like the most important part all you gotta do is take horizontal slices and go up the head you don't need to take triangles and rectangles and octagons and hexagons all over the head that way you would know if you got all the roots or not because you're just going up in the same pattern as you did before with the maids and ends so next time please be better the roots are the worst part i should have just left them brown oh my god can you see this this is gonna need like a drastically longer amount of time why do i still have blind faith that'll look okay that's what you call delusion mckenna mckenna my count of my camera i cannot hold on hold on breathe for a second stop my gonna what happened to doing the ends before the roots like i know you did the mids and ends before doing the roots but like you need to let them process before doing the roots you know let's think about this before we move ahead i know you're a smart girl this is blonde yes kenna if you have some blotchies and you'll just go back in and do some touch-ups it's not the end of the world we're actually starting with the roots why why did we just throw away everything we learned previously and now we're doing just whatever we want what's going on what's up with that oh my god you stupid roots this has changed so fast i have to start rinsing this like it's getting ridiculous you're also like removing the lightener with your hands every time you touch it stop touching it so much okay toner i hope you helped this what are we doing oh i just got breathed in my eye wait wait wait wait did you just put your head forward to rinse the back how is that going to work because the the water is going to go forward you're going to put your head backwards to rinse the back instead of four does that make sense this is a real struggle today i am absolutely a hot fiery blonde what happened the right side might be a little darker i got hot scalp even though i freaking did it last whatever it's called hot roots you hardly did the roots last we both know it from what i can see online everybody tones their roots first they like section off and do the roots and then tone the rest of their hair no no no you didn't follow any of my directions and now you're about to tone your hair and try to make a platinum while it's still bright orange also let's not start with the roots let's start with the part of your hair that is the most orange and needs the most toning that way it can all be even you know what i mean let's think about this half of this wella t18 i guess i guess i'm just gonna start at the roots work my way back get it all over do i just put way too much product on my hair or is my hair that thick that i really need this much super purple man thank god you're gonna need a lot of purple and a lot of blue in there to cancel out that orange is this normal why does it look purple brown like burgundy honestly i hope some of that purple stays in her hair because it looks a lot better than that orange-ness going on this obviously is not the tone that i would have hoped for after toner i'm just gonna go straight to the lilac dye i had to dry it i haven't even washed it or conditioned it yet obviously that wasn't gonna work your hair was bright orange and you're trying to use t-18 and it's just not gonna happen but i'm glad she's going and doing a purple moment except i feel like it's gonna turn out a little muddy because she has a lot of orange in her hair still oh everything is wrong so this is only semi-permanent hair dye i didn't even show what it is it's this ion bright i should just mix this with the pink and hope it's a cool color and it's somehow green so i'm probably gonna have to go get better hair dye tomorrow i don't know i have to wait like 10 or 15 more minutes with this and then i'm gonna wash it see what it looks like dry and we reassess the situation um that dye literally did nothing but i did condition my hair and it actually feels great like it doesn't feel honestly it doesn't feel any different than it did before your hair is not lilac at all and that is because you use lilac over orange even though the opposite of orange is blue you're still gonna get a lot of toning qualities from a very intense purple color which is what happened here and you got none of the actual purple okay are you ready for the big reveal tada i don't know how it turned out good the dye literally did nothing it's just super freaking blonde and i blow-dried it and straightened it in sections i didn't see any blotchies yo this is one of those wild videos i've ever seen so somehow she ended up with decent looking color that isn't that orange and actually looks pretty natural on her my mind is like this is what happens you have a positive attitude and a positive outlook on life like she does because she somehow i have no idea how ended up doing something that helped her hair um actually become a nicer shade of blonde by using lilac i literally have never seen anything like this before i'm gonna just use arctic fox lilac color girls night and i'm gonna make this lilac it's super light it's still not over we're going lilac again it's most definitely not lilac i'm ending it there that's it that's all you guys get today because that was too much for my mental health she tried to go lilac again it's not gonna work your hair is not light enough you have to lighten it more i'm done mckenna we're done please if you do that again just don't do it that was all kinds of crazy okay let's move on to the next video up next we have a video by die hard barbie and this is called bleached hair three times in two hours pink to blonde fail let's check it out we are taking the purple out of my hair and we are going to bleach pass it i have done a bleach bath three times like in my whole entire life and i have to say it's worked fabulous i'm gonna be honest i love a good bleach path it's a great way to get rid of semi-permanent color on your hair and honestly if you don't leave it on too long if you use enough shampoo and a little bit of water inside of there it can be pretty gentle and be pretty effective at the same time then i have the 20 developer that i'm putting in i honestly don't know how she's gonna get all this purple out though i hope she gets lucky and it all comes out but it's pretty dark and then you're gonna want to add water okay and i had someone tell me that you're not supposed to add water every video that i have watched they say that you're supposed to have damp hair or add the water into your bleach so if you don't know what a bleach bath is it's lightener developer shampoo and sometimes you can add water or you can just dampen your hair before you start applying a lightener that way you get that lathering effect so now it's like more liquidy hell no oh my god it's getting everywhere oh she went and fully just pour that on her head oh my god don't do this at home this was a big mistake i thought i've seen it all until today's videos girl don't pour it in your eyeball put your head back in the sink and pour it or like something other than just dropping it on your head you know what i mean you could literally go blind like this is not safe but still get it on fast it's really important to get bleach baths on fast because it's gonna start processing very quickly and you want everything to be even just ignore that beginning part guys because that was not supposed to happen i am actually not so concerned about her sectioning as much as like i was in the other video because it's actually okay to put it all on there and get it in it is supposed to lather and it is very runny and liquidy it will easily get on all the hair if you just put enough on and kind of run your hands through and lather a little bit um so it's okay that she's not doing it perfectly what can i do like maybe like an ombre effect with the purple i don't know an ombre i've never heard of an ombre i don't think i'm gonna have enough bleach oh my gosh mix it in oh my god get all that purple the good thing is that it's lightening quickly it's definitely effective i just hope she doesn't fry her hair off by leaving on too long we're making some progress it's getting lighter come on give us that blonde it's looking like peach at the top oh it's pretty looking peachy at the top lavender on the bottom i'm into it so i haven't seen my hair at all so this is like all first impression excuse myself tanner because it clearly melted myself tanner off it's like oh my god oh my god look at all our self tanner coming off her arms i've never seen anything like this please be good please be good it's like baby pink it's a lot lighter it is not blonde though and i honestly hope she doesn't keep doing i mean says she did it three times so honestly we're screwed and it's not gonna be great because her hair is already very compromised yeah we're gonna have to go get um probably one more packet of bleach so we're on to round two and we're doing more so got that just gonna take it like this okay a don't do this b this is going to burn her head so bad because she just basically shampooed her hair with lightener before this so she has literally no natural oils on her scalp her scalp is probably so raw and so sensitive ouch this looks painful just watching this third of all her hair is so compromised it's going to probably break off like i'm just i'm done okay i'm back i'll keep watching it for you guys oh i know that's burning her eyes so bad i know it when you mix shampoo with lightener it puts so much fumes into the air and literally goes right into your eyeballs and makes you cry i'm massaging this in stop rubbing your scalp because it's shampoo and thick and what do you do with a thick paste you lather it oh my god her scalp is going to literally fall off oh like it did nothing it looks lighter but you need to give it a break oh no she's really gonna do it again third time to charm right i'm gonna go dry this come back and then we're gonna have to bleach it again my hair is like basically dry this is after two bleach baths to get that purple out so my plan is to do another bleach but not the shampoo method shut up we are not even doing a bleach bath this time we're literally just doing straight bleach oh my god her hair is all gonna break off it already looks compromised and now we're not even using shampoo either we're totally going with lightener let's hurry up this process i would not recommend this i would recommend leaving it alone what you can do instead of trying to keep getting the the pink out you can also use a toner typically the toner will release some of those pink molecules and add in a nice um overall blonde tone without you having to lighten it again and it did nothing to my hair i'm not bleaching it anymore because that's three freaking bleaches in one day oh my god thank god she didn't do it again i gave my hair a nice quick blow dry i had no hair come out i'm not even kidding you a little bit of like little split ends coming out but like other than that my hair feels way healthier than when i started what i'm so surprised you didn't lose any hair first of all and second of all how does it feel healthier girl you got lucky okay so now we're on to part two oh my god my hair guys i don't want to show you i'm so embarrassed i had to cut my hair guys i had to don't even come for me because i look like a freaking snatched up mama i am just loving it it's like cute for the summer okay that's where her hair ended up um i like to cut a lot you know the roots are a little yellow the ends are definitely platinum i'm glad you ended up getting where you wanted to get to and i'm glad you're happy with it definitely a big difference from the start with that very deep purple semi-permanent color so congrats on making it blonde next time maybe just not so many lightening processes maybe you don't scrub your scalp and maybe just use a toner instead um of lightening it so many times consecutively but you know her hair didn't fall off so i guess that's cool well those videos crush my soul i don't even know what else to say you guys heard everything already i'm not gonna go back through it i need to heal from those videos oh boy and thanks again to centrum for sponsoring this video you guys can follow me and my brand everywhere else here all my handles you can also shop ex-mono hair color and hair care right down below or at that is all for today guys thank you so much for watching don't forget to live your extra life and i'll see you next time bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Brad Mondo
Views: 1,398,429
Rating: 4.9638505 out of 5
Keywords: bradmondo, bradmondonyc, hairdresserreacts, Hairdresser Reacts To Chaotic Bleach Fails, bleach fail, fall off, hair fail, diy hair, 30 vol, at home, hair stylist, 40 vol, gone wrong, box dye, funny fails, video react, bleaching hair at home, how to, natural hair, how to bleach hair at home, how to color hair at home, fall out, bleaching my hair, bleach bath, bleach in eye, brown to blonde, funny, hilarious, xmondo, highlights, balayage, haircut, hair products, hair tutorial
Id: 4q6aJwtB0XM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 16sec (1096 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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