The nicest things someone has ever done for these people!

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what's the nicest thing someone has ever done for you i talked to this dude whom i barely knew after class one day during my first year in college i told him that i live alone and have been eating cereals for the last two days in a joking manner because i didn't have time to go grocery shopping due to the exams he brought me two plates of delicious butter chicken with rice the next morning he said his parents run an indian restaurant so he brought some for me he told me i can ask for more whenever that was the first time anyone outside of my family has gone out of their way to do a nice thing for me it really touched my heart unfortunately he dropped out a few weeks later but i will remember him forever i lost my mom to lung cancer june 2006 one month after graduating from high school i'm an only child that august i moved an hour from home to attend university without fail in every class we were asked what memorable thing we did over the summer i spent my time telling people i had planned my mother's funeral one girl i happened to share several classes with ended up being my cross the whole neighbor that following january she showed up at wider with a cupcake and a candle on my mom's birthday not a single person i was close to remembered but she did she held me while i cried and we stuffed our faces with cake she stood up at my wedding as a bridesmaid several years later when i was about five my mom was single and in nursing school she had very little money and we lived in this tiny one-bedroom apartment this elderly greek man who lived in our apartment complex dressed up as santa on christmas eve and brought me presents i can still remember him saying ho ho ho merry christmas in that wonderful greek accent that was one of the sweetest memories of my childhood mother's boyfriend at the time gave me a referral to the company he works for i get a thanks but we don't have any blah blah blah letter from the company oh well no big my resume was hilariously lacking in things they want in an employee he then pulls some strings and gets them to give the resume a second look another no thank you letter he talks to them again and convinces them to give me an interview he's confident that if they interview me and give me the aptitude test they give everyone in the tech side of the company they'll hire me so they interview me give me the test call me in for a second interview hired less than a week later i've been there for just over 12 years if it wasn't for all the crap that guided to just get my foot in the door i'd probably still be managing retail and not happy about it and not at an awesome company doing something i generally enjoy when i was a senior in high school my band was going on a trip out of state to go skiing i had moved a lot as a kid aside from going to that high school at two disjunct periods of time it held the longest amount of my education i hadn't been able to go on any of the band trips though i had to work to pay my own way i had problems with my mom and her stepdad and hadn't yet fully forgiven my dad i had my own bills that i was responsible for i could never afford to go on one of the band trips all of a sudden about a week and a half away from the trip my band director pulls me aside he asks me if i want to go on the ski trip i responded something to the effect of not being able to afford it he cut me off saying that's not what he asked obviously i told him i wanted to go turns out some benefactor saw some of what was going on raula rao legitimate ali behind the curtains in my life they were and still are to this day anonymous to me but they footed the bill for my charter ticket food money and ski gear money i cried i just started crying right there in the band director's office it was great for me my best friend ended up getting altitude sickness consoled me in a report bathroom when i was crying my eyes out at having to leave my husband behind in another country for who knew how long she was a cleaner who just saw that i was crying and without a word grabbed a giant wad of paper towels and handed them to me she then guided me to a little seating nook and just sat with me until i got myself under control she talked about the latest movies and how she hated all the new pop songs and just kept talking until i stopped crying she saved me that day i just started driving maybe had my license for a week went to go fill up gas for the first time realized i never learned how to fill up a car a guy saw me struggling for about 10 minutes and he walked over pulled out his credit and showed me what to do ended up paying for my gas and teaching me a lesson never got his name or anything it must have been my junior year of high school and i was on a huge class trip something like 60 students to attend a conference four hours away from home it was the week after thanksgiving and this trip coincidentally landed on my birthday i remember being really bummed out because i was barely starting to make friends outside of my classmates and i wasn't going to be able to celebrate it with them i'll admit it i was really mopey in the way teenagers get about done crap towards the end of the night i was just sitting on my bed and my good friend from class came up to me and just said happy birthday like it was nothing first and only person to wish me a happy birthday i thought to myself we chatted for a bit and he said hey let's go get you some food at the dennis next door i agreed and we left on the way there he did a pocket check and realized he didn't have his wallet and panicked we went back to the room and found nothing he was freaking the freak out so we went to the lobby and asked the concierge if they had a lost and found we called our teachers and had them ask everyone if they had seen it he was tripping at this point a few minutes later we get a call from the program director saying someone found it and turned it into him relieved we head up to the teacher's room and as he opens the door my friend just says come on get inside my mind was not on his wallet my mind was back home i follow him inside and it's completely dark except for this huge birthday cake with a bunch of candles and 60 plus people yelling surprise i was so shocked i just started bawling hard everyone came up and group hugged me it was a feeling unlike any other up until that point i'd never had a surprise party before in my life i guess while we were running around looking for my friend's wallet everyone was making their way to my teacher's room that's one of my favorite memories from high school i was hit by a car and a stranger sat with me until the emts arrived i never got his name he left before the police got there i looked for his facing crowds but never saw him again he kept me calm i didn't feel alone my best friend's mother saw that my home life with my dad was getting steadily worse and more abusive she went to children's aid to see about taking my brother and i in and becoming our guardian she already had four kids of her own but still found room in her heart to take in another two teenagers she fed and clothed me paid for braces and expensive proper fitting bras she treated me as an equal to her other children if she hadn't stepped in i have no idea where i would be today she saved me it would have been her birthday today actually but she passed away two years ago someone paid for the first three months of my rent at my first house my dad had died a month before that and the funeral director wanted to help me out about 10 years ago i stopped at subway to grab dinner after a very long 14 hour shift when the employees wiped my debit card it declined i was already tired and i know i had at least dollar sign to k in the bank lived with a roomie for cheap and had a decent telecom job i felt the tears immediately start to fall down my face as i timidly asked to try it again declined i just slumped over and eeked out thank you for trying and started to walk away shaking because i didn't know what happened to my money i was very tired and all i wanted was a crappy italian sub their lady behind me says wait i'll get it for you i thanked her and asked for her info so i could pay her back she said not to worry about it and as cliche as it sounds to pass it on got home checked my account and was relieved to see all my money was there called the bank and they told me my old card was expired and they had sent a new one out several weeks ago my bank still had my parents address so i was able to get it since then i have made it a point to help when i see someone's card declined i've picked up the tab for about a dozen people since then from a cup of coffee for an elderly man at a gas station to a couple cans of baby formula for a very frazzled looking mom at the grocery store we're all just out here trying to make it i had a friend in high school buy me lunch whenever i didn't have enough money he did it without even expecting anything in return the nicest guy i've ever known when i was in high school i got into my dream university through hard work luck and an ounce of talent i lost out on that opportunity when the financials came back and my family realized there was no way we could swing it what i'd been working at for the past three years was over just like that i had gotten into a couple of other schools but knowing the school accepted me and i had to say no just killed me i was 17 at the time and it felt like my world collapsed i got depressed badly i did nothing for the next two weeks of that hot summer but sit on my front porch and feel sorry for myself some of my friends would come over hang out try to cheer me up but i was just gross and difficult to deal with my friends would eventually get tired of my boring crap and leave not joe joe hung out with me on that porch all day every day after it became apparent i wasn't just snapping out of it he would sit with me for hours on hours just sitting in silence we'd watch the cars go by and smoke cigarettes when night came he'd get up to leave and every day he'd say see you tomorrow and he'd show up again and we'd sit in the same silence me stewing and feeling sorry for myself after about 10 days of this joe came over and walked up onto the porch me in the same spot he said get up we are going somewhere i told him i didn't want to go anywhere joe was a big dude a lot bigger than me and he just walked over picked me up and threw me over his shoulder and carried me to his car he threw me in the back of his two-door got him and drove i protested the whole time he turned the music up we stopped by a friend's house picked up three more people who all crammed into his tiny car he took us to the county fair carried me in on his shoulder and paid for my admission he kept picking me up and carrying me from ride to ride carnival game to game and made me ride the tilt-a-whirl throw balls pick ducks etc everyone had a great time while i was seething at the end of the night everyone was laughing and singing in the car as joe dropped each of our friends off me last he let me out in my driveway and said see you tomorrow i woke up feeling much better the next day joe thank you actually joe i'm gonna call you right now a while back back in high school my freshman year i had gotten into a fight with my ex of two years and we had broken up since she was my first love i actually started tearing up during lunch after we broke it off so i'm standing there tearing up outside next to a pole headphones in and this random guy comes up to me and taps my shoulder looks at me dead in the eye and asked me are you okay i said yeah man i'm all right i just remember the way i said it voice quivering and he didn't buy it for a second just gave me a look and just said to me you need a hug the dude legit just looked at me and gave me a big hug at the moment i didn't really care how i looked or how we look just hugging it out right there but it really helped me throughout the day this guy never spoken to him never seen him in my life just was such a nice guy and such a bro that he didn't even care himself that he just gave me a big bear hug i never saw that dude again i like to think he's out there giving the world a giant hug to this very day hug bro if you're out there thanks man my parents adopted me i asked a colleague to be a referee for me for a new job she wrote me a letter of recommendation that 11 years later remains one of the nicest things anyone has ever said about me all of the little efforts that i'd been putting in and getting no real attention for she noticed and mentioned in a way that made me feel so seen bless you nat i don't think anyone has made me feel so good about myself ever after a really hard year my two closest friends and my mum said they were taking me to london for my birthday bizarrely they wanted to fly and since i only lived in liverpool that seemed odd it wasn't until the airport when i heard a security guard read the ticket as liverpool to barcelona that i clicked they took me to the opera the magic fountains and lars ramblas there's like a million pictures of me constantly crying in happiness from that trip it was just so kind to go to so much trouble just to cheer me up in high school my english teacher hugged me she hated hugs and told me she believed in me and a malicious side of me disappeared that day i still recall it vividly but it's oddly wonderful how a little belief and positive word can impact someone i think she inspired my passion for reading honestly moved in middle of seventh grade new city new junior high school lunch comes up and i sit on the first bench i get to everyone else in a different part of the yard dave b walks over you're new right come sit with us he and i never really became friends but i still remember that invitation decades later when my grandmother died my friend would facetime me when i couldn't sleep and tell me bedtime stories our safe word was pineapple if she said that and i didn't answer she knew i was sleeping and she could hang up it might have been a little thing for her but it made a huge difference for me my wife is helping me survive cancer and it isn't any fun i can assure you when i was hospitalized with guillain-barre syndrome the first two days i was in the iq on a ventilator i was heavily drugged but somehow i was still awake a lot of the time there were two really kind nurses the first one came in and said hi i'm lil rachel they call me that because i'm short your grandparents are coming tonight so let's get your hair done so you look pretty for them she used rinse free shampoo to clean my hair i hadn't been able to shower for like three days before getting to the hospital due to balance slash mobility issues then brushed it and braided it and put it up in a bun no one else cared about that they were focused on keeping me alive so that was really kind of her the second nurse i don't even know what she looked like i had like a four five hour head to toe mri while still on the ventilator i was crying and scared and didn't know wtf was going on drugged to the gills so every time i came out of the tube i started panicking this lady was there to hold my hand literally and rub the back of it and tell me that i was okay i was doing a great job and we were almost done every time i came back out i immediately reached a handout and she was right there to grab my hand and comfort me when i was scared and confused really every nurse doctor physical therapist and psychologist i saw when i was in the hospital was so incredibly kind to me i'm crying just thinking back on how amazing every staff member was in the darkest and hardest part of my life my [ __ ] who is now 79 handed me a birthday card i gave from when i was three she didn't have grandchildren and told me i was perfect enough for her i went home and cried literally no one has ever done anything or even cared about me that for that long not even my own parents so i could have died right there happy my dog was sick he was crying all night for the past three days i don't know if he had a broken bone or something i created a post here and read it asking for help of what can i do or what he could have i couldn't afford a vet because of the hard situation of venezuela lack of food health security etc but a college student like me sent me 15 to go to a vet and that's what i did and now the dog is fine equals my stepmom continues to do nice things for me i grew up with a very neglectful mother emotionally physically and financially my parents divorced when i was 12 and i was forced into a motherly position to my two younger sisters my dad and stepmom married three months after the divorce was finalized and because of my mom's anger and dislike of her i never took the time to get to know her or be nice to her to put it bluntly i was a freaking crap head to her i'm sure she thought about leaving my dad a billion times during those years my father is eventually restationed and moves away for work and my anger stops me from keeping a relationship with them after years of not talking i message them out of the blue i'm fed up with being homeless mom threw me out at 18 depressed lonely and uneducated three years of no communication and after only three weeks texting back and forth when i ask her if i could relocate to the west coast to better my life she not only purchases my plane ticket but a plane ticket for my dog as well i've been living with them for two years now i'm 22 and i have my associates and i'm working towards a bachelor's in biochemistry my parents especially my stepmom have shown me what true unconditional love looks like and how parents are supposed to take care of their children crees you'll never understand just how much my life changed because you decided to love me despite my crap-headedness i'm a better person because of your support i'm not one to make a fuss over my birthday i didn't want to make a big deal and i don't like putting people out we were walking back to mine and i said let's just go to the movies i wasn't aware that my best friend had organized for 15 of my other friends to hide in my bedroom and jump out at me when we got home a high school teacher told me you're one of the good ones woman sixla cass don't waste your potential and keep working hard it was said to me at a point in my life where i just got rejected from my dream university i was lonely and didn't have any friends and i was feeling suicidal having just immigrated and being slapped with a heavy-handed culture shock machine i cannot count how many times i've went back to that moment of affirmation in my college years trying to get admission to my dream school those long days waiting for an acceptance letter only to get rejected yet again those nights i've been studying for a midterm or final i knew i was gonna fail those moments finding out i did fail and ending up in academic probation i've held on to that moment in between those chief gritting smiles during a rough shift at my fast food job those moments i've been rejected job interview after job interview more than a decade or so later i'm a professional now working a very fulfilling job where i'm happy i got a small push through an offhanded comment from a teacher that doesn't remember saying it but it changed my life to all the teachers out there i know it can get tough i know you rarely see where your seeds land and how they grow i know there's a lot of faith and energy that goes in your students that is often under appreciated but know that you are making a difference i have this one friend who is so amazing he is constantly supportive we could laugh for hours just with inside jokes his whole family loves me and the only downside is that he lives far away from me since i moved basically just his friendship is the nicest thing anyone could have given me i had a rough childhood the usual emotionally slash verbally abusive mother and stepfather anyway the summer i graduated high school and turned 18 was a turning point for me i began speaking up for myself and began taking less of my family's bull crap one weekend my parents had a party at their house my step-dad was a severe alcoholic and was not supposed to be drinking due to health issues but was anyway i confronted him and that turned into a huge fight between me him and his adult daughter i had enough and ran to the neighbor's house where i stayed the night i called my new boyfriend now husband and asked very embarrassed that he come get me very early in the morning you barely knew me and didn't hesitate to help we set it up so i would meet him at the top of my road the next morning i got up before dawn and snuck into my house and packed a bag i tiptoed barefoot out the door barely able to breathe and the second my feet hit the driveway i took off running as fast as i could down the road we lived in a very rural area and there he was waiting for me at the end of the road up until that point in my life i didn't feel like anyone cared for me my life changed that day for the better and that began the long road to building confidence and self-worth all with him by my side my husband always compliments my cooking no matter how much i mess up he's always willing to try it when i was a kid i met one of my grandmother's best friends at first i was super scared to approach him because he had a wheelchair but after i got to know him we instantly bonded he was exactly 50 years older than me same birthday and also loved harry potter during that summer he would take me to see the movies nemo spiderman spikids and treat me to ice cream at back afterwards i'd always get lemon and blue bubblegum growing up we were pretty poor so those trips meant a lot to me looking back we had a pretty special friendship he was my best friend my mentor and my role model for most of my life he had a huge impact on my life and i never think i was able to thank him enough for it when i was super pregnant working at dq actually paid amazingly well i was only 18 so i got a lot of anxiety about rude customers one lady at one point had told her daughter i was a [ __ ] and not to end up like me she was the only really rude person but it had totally put a damper on my spirits and made me feel permanently more on edge about being the stereotypical teen mom this guy comes in average early 40s mid to late 30s looking as he's waiting for his food i'm making he makes small talk with me asking things like a boy or girl what will her name be are you excited we made really great small talk until it was done as i handed him his food he grabbed my hand and slapped thirty dollars in it he told me get yourself something nice for your baby girl i didn't computers was happening and stared at him barely yelling out thank you as he walked out the door because i was so shocked i went in the back everybody thought he offended me because my cheeks were red and i was slack jawed until i explained he was the first stranger to make me happy cry i wish i could remember exactly what he looked like i'd try and find him so i could let him know how much it meant to me and that i did not mean to stand there like a dumbass with my mouth open we were on our honeymoon and didn't have a lot of money but we managed to afford to stay at our favorite in our favorite coastal town someone found out we were newlyweds and anonymously paid for our stay i plan on paying it forward at that same place one day my husband was being open to me in public once our mutual friend who was more his friend said hey i don't like how you are talking to your wife there was a back and forth my husband's friend was super respectful and reserved under the circumstances it was so kind of him to risk the friendship to say it i thanked him my husband cuts off all ties with him thank you alex i hate my husband my daughter painted me a picture for my birthday me and the pups both present and that crossed the rainbow bridge enjoying nature just a simple thoughtful gift and more meaningful because she is at that rebellious stage where i'm no longer her favorite person i was like 16 at the time and had been wearing the same glasses for about four years that had just been through hell so much of them being stepped on because of basketball i had crazy glued them in like seven different places and they were all faded and scratched as well my family didn't really have much money and i didn't want to bother them by asking for a new pair since i didn't have any health insurance of any kind there was this very loving jehovah's witness family whose kids i had come to befriend and care for daily one day the dad came up to me in a serious tone but very loving and said okay come on this thursday we will get you glasses i denied but he insisted because of the friendships i had with his kids he and his wife bought me prescription glasses and i examined that total 500 till this day i'm eternally grateful to them and their kindness and it hurts that i can't express how much that meant to me now over seven years since i left the organization four years ago last year for my 24th birthday four of my best friends and i rented a cabin up in the mountains to celebrate for the whole weekend just having them set aside time and money for my birthday trip meant so much to me but they went beyond that two of them managed to get me out of the cabin for a few hours while the other two stayed behind just to cook our dinner i thought i came back to a fully decorated cabin with balloons and confetti everywhere my favorite cake champagne and bruno mars 24k magic playing as i walked in i felt so so loved fresh out of a relationship left me with almost nothing my college roommate offered me a place to stay when i showed up without any furniture he immediately went and found a bed sheets etc and set me up basically with a makeshift bedroom i swallowed my young man pride and hugged him i remember telling him i'd never ask for help again he simply said anything for a brother he probably doesn't remember that night but i'll never forget it i've helped four people with places to stay to get back on their feet over the years and it honestly humbles me anytime i help a friend in need because of him my dad very unexpectedly died two or three days after the death our doorbell rang it was our neighbor delivering a surprise kfc dinner for us i found it extremely thoughtful and at that time knowing somebody cared about us brought my spirits up a bit three weeks ago it was revealed that the girlfriend had planned not one but two surprise birthday events an escape room and a meal out she'd gathered all my friends from dnd and university along with our couple friends and paid for everything she'd been planning this for three months i love her to pieces [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Reddify2
Views: 35,304
Rating: 4.9579315 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddify, toadfilms
Id: JD8YPq0zqrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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