Parents, When Did You Realize You Raised A Monster?

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parents suffered it at what point did you realize you raised a monster ex-teacher here my own kids are far from monsters but I've met some when I taught preschool kindergarten there was a kid who was banned from Inca camps for his behavior and they had never banned someone before he brought her plastic thankfully knife to school and threatened to cut all of us teachers told other kids he would burn their homes down after first setting fire to all their toys he heard me calming another student who was afraid of bees and mentioning I'm allergic but have never been stung because I don't scare bees he came up to me told me he was going to put a wasp nest in my car locked me in it and watched me die he was one of only two students expelled from that school in the 15 plus years I was associated with it his mother still didn't realize her son was a monster she said she ate LED paint when pregnant with him Hika but claimed he was just fine often parents just cannot or refused to see their children for what they are I was in court as a plaintiff waiting for my case they did all the criminal stuff first one of the cases was this high school senior who had beat the crap out of his 100 pounds 5 feet 0 inches mom she was crying as she was refusing to have him home on bail she was scared shitless of this kid this was an upper middle class family and the kid looked like he was on his way to a good college she kept saying he did it every time he didn't get what he wanted judge sent him to monmouth county jail not a nice place for an 18 year old skinny nebbish daughter wrote Frick you and mama dies with her figure scratched out on a piece paper the other day when we wouldn't let her make lemonade she's eight she's gone on wages and destroyed her room before including throwing furniture around not looking forward to her as a teenager when he sold my car for drugs not my son but there was the kid in the playground that my kid was playing with he was about 5 or 6 if he didn't get his own way he started screaming and hitting other kids at the playground I advised my son not to play with him talk to him since he was being a little crap didn't say that to me kid the kid's mum was in the playground but ignoring her and loudly playing Pokemon go that kid is likely going to turn into a monster seemingly since he is ignored people think taking your kid to the park is an excuse to stop parenting don't get me wrong kids are little shoots so if your kid hits mine on the playground I'll give you a chance to intervene and discipline your child appropriately but if you allow it to continue you better be prepared for me to defend my kids well-being I'll toss your little brat into the next County not a parent but a sibling my sister has become a vain selfish and loving sociopath she treats my mom as a slave and my mom loves her too much to notice my mom was talking to her she got bored and said quote you can leave now my mom replied with something like you can't talk to me like that you need to respect me to which my sister replies I have no respect for the bee that cleans my knickers leave I'm in shock if I said that to my mom I'd be slapped but she turns a blind eye you know what you're right in order to learn your respect you can clean your own crap from now on if only the swig fire spectacularly my sister abandoned her kids a few times just drop them off with babysitters and skip town my mom got drunk one night and said sometimes I think the world would have been better off if I drowned her in the tub so yeah not my kid but niece went to the fridge took a glass of OJ and dumped a massive amount of ketchup in it before proceeding to drink it I couldn't sleep that night I couldn't sleep that night of course not you had a body to hide I'm not done raising her so I still hold on to hope that we can turn things around my middle child is ten she becomes completely uncontrollable when things are not going her way she tells me she hopes I die she has told me that she is going to go to school and tell them I beat her so she can go to foster care her older sister struggles with depression and cuts herself she often tells her she hopes she kills herself she hopes she cuts too far one time she will go outside and scream at the top of her lungs she has hit me spit in my face breaks things destroys the house my ex-husband was extremely abusive towards me they saw him beat and violate me it was very very bad once we were divorced he was court-ordered visitation it wasn't so bad at first he mostly just dumped them off on his family members but as they got older his drug abuse and untreated mental issues got worse he turned his abuse towards them he never hurt them physically but the mental abuse was there they haven't seen him in over two years I told the judge I would go to jail before I'd allow them near him again they both had a pretty rough childhood I am a recovering alcoholic so my own issues played into it I was never abusive but I was definitely not there for them like I should have been I was more of a friend than a parent I'm sober now we are all in therapy I really hope that by doing these things that we can make things right I haven't given up I still have hope but it's really really hard sometimes don't give up the important thing is that you're sober and you're together and you're getting help and that's the most anyone can do my sister is raising two monsters my niece and nephew the whole family knows even their parents know but neither one of them wants to be a parent and discipline or give consequences for their monsters actions my nephew and seven yelled at my sister a subway when she asked him to pick out his chips he screamed shut up you bee I want a fricking choke you then proceeded to kick the customer nearest him in the back of the leg my sister just laughed it off with a defeated embarrassed look on her face at my daughter's third birthday party my niece 8 at the time realized she was wearing the jeans she doesn't like screamed over the birthday song at her parents told them to fix it immediately well they couldn't they had no change of clothes she flipped out grabbed the birth the cake and threw it on the ground then ripped her pants off threw a present on the ground and stomped all over it no apology no consequences my sister offered to pay to replace the gift I told her I'd rather she paid to send her kids to therapy she called me a C and said I didn't love my niece and nephew they're in their teens now and still throw fits if you don't do what they want or let them win etc when my brother had his son monster nephew started beating him up around three monster was nine monster gave the little boy a black eye only time he got his butt kicked and after that it stopped and the only people my monster niece and nephew are genuinely scared of and behave around are my african-american sister-in-law and my Mexican brother-in-law they've never done anything to them they are just not white anyway we have secret family get-togethers without inviting them because they always ruin them we honestly don't like living like this but we also don't like spending X amount of hours listening to them wine B scream and demand things while breaking and destroying our property and you can't say anything to them and their parents won't say anything it's upsetting I dread their future when my son's Tamagotchi died and I was sad because I realized I was the one taking care of it while he was at school and in bed my son steals my wife's eyeglasses while she is reading on her phone she can see up close fine but anything past about three feet is a complete blur he knows this and knows he can get away with taking things off all counters and drawing on things if she can't see him he's three he's a smart little monster my little brother is autistic love him to death but growing up he had no idea about morals we had a portable DVD player as kids with a load of DVDs in the couple of nintendo's he loved them and would always giggle watching them but one day when he was four he thought it would be hilarious to throw them all out of the window and smash them another time when we had moved houses a stray cat was always wandering around we fed him and sprayed him and our grandmother adored him I think my brother would have been six or seven but we walk into the garden to see him swinging the cat by its tail in circles giggling in fits now that he's older he'll still kick up and have fits but at least he knows what things are bold my son asked me how long he was obligated to interact with me that could be telling about you just as much as it does your kid when my youngest moved out I had always had difficulty with her but once she was gone I realized how much of a bully she is recently she got angry when my partner told her to not guilt-trip me and flipped out called him the scum of the earth telling me I am a bad mom for being with him when he is so awful to her saying really horrible things about his children the thing is that my sweetie is incredible and everyone loves him except her because he called her on her bulls and stood up for me I can't even tell you how many times I have cried because of things she has said or done my eldest daughter is a sweetheart and they are polar opposites I am concerned there are some mental health issues right now because she has increased her behaviors unfortunately she is off on her own so I can't do anything but ask her to talk to someone when she looked me dead in the eyes and poured out her cup of orange juice on the ground it's age appropriate boundary exploration but still monstrous back to the sippy cup for babies stop this quickly with my three boys when thing I was arguing with younger thing being said yeah well I'll hit you and said mom did it Wendy got turned down for art school the horror when she learnt this lovely phrase mommy I love you but how about you don't say eyes little eye is basically grown-up dirt she was just barely over three she was grown up because she fed the dog a treat she has developmental issues mimics adult words rather than use typical kid ones so her unusual candor has only gotten wacky a blinks twice I had to buy security cameras because he was stealing throwing parties doing drugs in my home etc he looked right in the camera and flipped me off while I was at work my heart fell the tentacles were a big giveaway I'll ask my 18 month-old if she pulled PUD and she'll smile and say yet and when I put her on the changing table and take off a diaper No she is on a road to manipulation and psychopathy there is no more hope brace yourself for the future big sister here my brothers were fake thing yesterday in the room beside mine I'm hearing everything for 20 minutes straight I'm having a cold and therefore wanted to see if they could resolve it first the elder brother is constantly using his strength he is strong fat and tall to taunt the younger one but the elder one is wimp who will sit down if you demand respect but the younger is even more of a pee I don't really condone using this word but seriously that is what is this younger is the middle child they still don't break it up after 20 minutes I get there throw the elder out of the room he gets out not before he hits him again I had surgery on my leg a while ago and still in recovery so really in no shape to step in between unless I want my other leg to break the elder gets out of the room then suddenly the middle one gets the courage to beat his butt up when he's out of the room I do not touch him but block his exit with both hands to the side of the door this little psychopath uses all his strength to push on my hands and I almost fall to the floor he knows all the pain I beam and from my surgery I get mad and tell to him to stop acting like this and if he really had the courage and wanted to beat the elder one up he should have done in at the 20 minutes and maybe more he starts taking his anger out on me and I've had enough my headache is so bad at this moment I close the door and lock with a key by force he gets out of the window and gets in the house via the balcony now this is where his horrible and outright scary personality comes to show keep in mind he's only 13 I tell him what is he doing what does he want he talks to me condescendingly and tells me just to go back to my room I'm always in my room he lay and just tells to me to shut up but he starts threatening and speaking to me as if he has any power over me but the scary thing is how calm and poisonous his tone is he isn't affected by any other words I'm saying and have zero respect to as a big sister I'm not demanding any respect but he doesn't have that love and care we other siblings have for each other I've always started to notice he says whatever the heck he wants and then makes into a joke with a cheeky smile when my dad was going to visit grandma he told the rest of the family he's just waiting on the grandparents to die and then he'll be back I mean who the Frick says that this was a bit much but the road that my brother has headed is not a good one and I'm truly scared for his future that kid actually needs to get beat into shape I've snapped like that before and it's literally not fun for either side and I think he can't really control it by the that or he can try therapy out that usually works not my kid but my partner's adults sister is a real handful a panoply of vaguely deimos mental illnesses including dibbler and psychosis she's on income assistance which helps but she goes from morbidly depressed in the winter to wildly high in the summer we let her move in to get herself out of debt which she did but now she's back in another hole she picks bad boyfriend's the last of which we had to get a restraining order against after he threatened our children when we extricated her from his abusive grasp and the worst part is that the cycle is never ending it's been this rollercoaster for 20 years and we're really really tired she's 14 for life and not a good kind of 14 years old in public he always pretends like he doesn't know me and at home I only see him if he is hungry I recommend to not get a cat because minors in butthole probably around the time the villagers arrived with torches and pitchforks kamar it's so nice of the Amish neighbors to help out with a nighttime barn raising I have this story where a bunch of my way younger cousins and we were watching Bambi one of them started to cry when Bambi's mother died and another one told him don't worry cousin she sure ended in good pate ouch I tried to be a good mother really I did but looking back the deck was pretty stacked against us from the start me and my son grew up poor and I mean really really poor in the back end of nowhere and I had to work all the time I was basically a slave I certainly got treated like one for child care ha like I could afford that I used to leave my boy with the owner of the local store a fat Jewish guy I got to know and he did his best looking after him in exchange for the little guy helping out I suppose it was child labor but what can you do one day I got lucky when some rich out-of-towners suffered a breakdown on the edge of town and came into the store looking for help they were really impressed with my son's resourcefulness and know-how and they were obviously upset at his potential being squandered so they offered to fund his education the only catch was it would have to be at boarding school because there was no schools nearby worth a dang I knew I would miss him like heck but this was his big chance and I jumped at it but when he came back God he had changed the next time I saw him I'd been kidnapped by sand people and my sweet boy wouldn't hurt a fly when he was young killed every single one with this light sabatham idiot had given him men women and children and he slaughtered them like animals smdh I'm so mad that I read this whole thing when they started asking for tree fiddy all the dang time I love that reference when my daughter was three she had a preoccupation with playing with my ears one day she said daddy cut off your ears because I want to eat them Hannibal Lecter right there ladies and gents when after taking care of her chrysalis in defended it from the Terrans and protists she took over the Zerg Swarm and became a genocide old tyrant murdering billions I suppose calling herself the queen bee of the universe was also a bit of a giveaway when he started to run crawl around the house and hiss at me the Dan cat when he started growing extra limbs and demanding sustenance just give Garfield his lasagna John anyone else feel like a good boy girl after reading this thread when I read his internet history when they didn't use a serious tag they put the milk in before the tea what you come in through the door screaming and holding a bag of candy and I said Daniel stop eating that crap you gonna rot your teeth and he picked one right at my face I look at him out my other eye and he has this look like oh crap and ran for it and I said I am gonna whoop you Daniel you [ __ ] and he gets in his car and drove home so I call him leave a message crap Daniel I am of the emergency room for my eye but it was a trick when we got to the hospital I was still at home eating chips what Africa died just read when he said he wanted to be on a dead bird when nobody wanted to see Marshall no more they want Shady I'm chopped liver not a parent and I won't ever have kids for obvious reasons but I was a monster I'm not proud of what I've done but I can't change the past I lived with an abusive father who often beat my mother my sister and me he was abusive physically beating us and mentally my mother said it started when I was four months old my mother always tried to protect us but wasn't always there I lived in a home filled with hate and violence and never really learned what love or happiness was I was a pretty violent child with a lot of anger issues my mother told me I would often hit my grandmother or her and when my sister was born it was even worse I hated her and wanted her dead because since she was there I couldn't have nice things anymore I was three I was the kind of child to throw a tantrum because I was not given the present I wanted for Christmas when I had a room full of toys and I would throw myself on the floor and scream or even hit people and break items then act as if everything was normal it took a turn when my best friend passed away I was six and started being fascinated by death I pushed my sister in the stairs and tried to kill her a few times now I could have been helped if my mom had accepted I had a problem but she refused to think something might not be wrong with the death of my friend I was forced by school to see a psychiatrist who realized something was wrong and asked to see me again I never returned as my mother just didn't want to face the truth growing up I had a lot of anger issues and sent a few of my classmates to the hospital but when questioned I didn't remember what happened it was around 16 my mother realized something was really wrong I had an argument with her and hit her then came back a few minutes later and wondered why she was mad a few days later my father had cornered me while I was doing the washing-up I grabbed a knife and if my sister didn't see it and reacted I know I would have stabbed him even if I don't remember it I remember my father screaming at me but not the knife part when I realized something was wrong I asked to see a psychiatrist who told me I had a illness now I've changed a lot and seems like a normal person I'm 23 really close to my sister and I don't have any more anger issues I don't see my father anymore and things seem to be good except I don't really have feelings I never did but I still know what I did was bad to all the parents here if your child acts in a way that is not normal bring them to a psychiatrist it's not something to be ashamed of but someone that is a won't change by himself when he jumped into the lake and said they wouldn't come out unless I gave them $3.50 blares off academy training wasted my kid puts ketchup on oatmeal and bananas ketchup is a flavor mascar just means they don't like the flavor of oatmeal and bananas when he grew blufor and raided the cookies in the pantry four weeks ago I asked my son to take his mother to the doctor he never showed and turned off his phone didn't hear from him for two weeks when I called him and asked him to come by he didn't again and again turned off his phone four days ago his daughter was born he called his grandparents his friends and posted it all over social media we found out this morning when someone told us they saw the pictures on Facebook he doesn't want anything to do with you that doesn't mean he's a monster it means he is ready to cease having a relationship with you that's all a lot of parents find that the birth of their child motivates them to remove crappy people from their lives it's entirely possible you're part of the this is the goodest flyboy he will bring you ten years of happiness in exchange for a like on this video like and subscribe you magnificent person [Music]
Channel: Updoot
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Keywords: parents, parents stories, parenting, parenting tips, parenting fails, parenting 101, parenting is hard, #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, raised a monster
Id: dilQzmbCV6c
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Length: 21min 38sec (1298 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2020
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